official god

Chapter 44 The Hate of Poor People

(Brothers, who will help me break ten thousand recommended tickets? In addition, after breaking ten thousand, can it reach more than ten thousand today? I believe in the fighting power of my brothers.)

In addition to the 10,000 yuan taken by Cao Shujun, the other 30,000 yuan was temporarily placed in Cao Shuyu's hands and kept by her. Cao Shuqi was naturally willing to think that this was a sign of Xia's absolute trust in her. After Cao Yongguo came back from work, Xia wanted to explain this matter to him. As soon as Cao Yongguo thought about it, he nodded and agreed, but repeatedly told Xia that he wanted to pay more attention to some details.

Xia wants to know that Cao Yongguo is still upright as an official and doesn't want to leave a bad image of power for personal gain. Xia thought clearly did not say that it was the care of Gao Hai, the secretary-general of the municipal government.

The next day happened to be Saturday, and Cao Yongguo sent a car to send Xiaxiang and Cao Shuqi to Chufeng Building to hand over the map. Chu Zigao was very satisfied with the rendering and gave the remaining 10,000 yuan to Xiaxiang on the spot. Xia Shang was not polite. After collecting it, he said a few more words, then picked up Cao Shujun with Cao Shuqi and rushed to the company.

Wen Yang saw that Xia wanted to bring a beautiful woman with bright eyes and teeth. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his mind moved. After signing the long-drafted contract, Wen Yang sent Xiaxiang and his party outside and saw an Audi parked at the door, and Audi's license plate was in hundreds of digits. Wen Yang, who had been an officer, naturally knew that the owner of the Audi car was at least a bureau-level cadre. Thinking of the intimacy between Xia Xin and Cao Shuyan, and Gao Hai, who was very fond of Xia, he had to suppress the dirty thoughts in his heart and scolded Xia Xin in his heart fiercely. He was really a boy Did all the good things hit him? It's fucking unfair!

Thinking like this, the great joy of finding a huge investment has also diminished a lot. When Xia wanted to leave, he walked back and forth in the room for a long time. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The more angry he became, the hotter he became. Finally, he couldn't help calling Xiao Jia.

Xia wanted to send Cao Shuyan's sister and brother home. When she arrived downstairs, she didn't want to go up again. She thought about it and went upstairs again. First, she told the two of them some precautions, and then drew some key data on the drawings to prevent mistakes. Finally, she said, "Shu, I'm leaving Yan City The drawings must not be sloppy, and every detail should be done carefully. Also, call me if you don't know anything - by the way, I'll change a local number when I go there, and I'll let you know then.

Cao Shuyan and Xia Xiang stood face to face, almost as tall as him. Their small noses and charming lips were close to Xia Xiang, and their bodies exuded seductive body fragrance. They stood gracefully, showing beautiful sadness all over their bodies.

"What else?" She wrinkled her nose slightly and was obviously not satisfied with what Xia wanted to explain.

Xia wanted to touch the back of her head and didn't understand what she meant: "What else? There is nothing behind!"

Cao Shujun covered his eyes and pushed the door out: "I can't stand it, it's too numb..."

This time, Xia wanted to stay for dinner. He was really embarrassed to eat and drink for nothing, and it was easy to make people sad to talk about some parting topics. After saying goodbye to Cao Yongguo solemnly, he left the Cao family.

Cao Shuqi didn't send it out. Xia wanted to go to the door of the community and suddenly heard someone calling his name upstairs. Looking back, Cao Shuqi pushed open the window and leaned out and waved to him: "Xiaxiang, remember, I'll go to see you in Ba County after a while."

Xia wanted to wave his hand to her and said goodbye silently, so she didn't look back and didn't pay special attention to what Cao Shuqi said. Go to see him in Ba County? The little girl is a strange elf. Maybe she can think about something. Although she is on holiday now, it is impossible for her to go to Ba County when she has nothing to do.

When I was eating alone in the evening, I suddenly received a phone call from Xiao Jia. On the phone, Xiao Jia cried: "Xia thought, you, where are you? Come and help me..."

What's going on? Xia wanted to be surprised and didn't have time to ask, "Where are you?" I'll be right there."

He took a taxi to the sports garden community where Xiao Jia was, and trotted all the way upstairs. As soon as he knocked on Xiao Jia's door, he was thrown into his arms by a hot body. Xiao Jia in his arms still kept crying, swallowing and almost out of breath.

Xiao Jia hugged Xiaxiang tightly with both hands, as if to rub him into her body. The force was so great that he couldn't even breathe. Xia wanted to gently hold Xiao Jia and feel the trembling and sadness of the Chinese people in Huai. The anger in his heart became more and more fierce. He almost swallowed up his reason and let him rush forward desperately, beating the bad guys who bullied Xiao Jia to death.

Xiao Jia's untidy clothes and sloppy appearance have explained everything.

I don't know how long it took. Xiao Jia slowly calmed down. Xia wanted to help her slowly sit on the sofa, carried a glass of water to her, and then asked word by word, "Is it Wen Yang?"

Xiao Jiamu nodded, took a sip of water, and slowly recovered: "He called me and said that he would return part of my money. I believed it and went to the company. As a result, he took the opportunity to rape me. Fortunately, I resisted fiercely and didn't let him succeed. This son of a bitch also threatened me, saying that he knew the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. If I dared to report the case, I would definitely end it. He also said that he had prepared all the materials. As long as I sue him, he would definitely let me go to prison. He put everything he wrote on me. If something really happens, he can push everything..."

Xia wanted to hear the problem: "What role did you play in Wen Yang's book?"

Xiao Jia lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Xia. The jeans on her body were stained with a lot of dirt, and the shirt on her upper body was broken a few places, revealing the fresh and tender skin inside. Xia wanted to sigh secretly. Poor people must be hateful. Xiao Jia was threatened by Wen Yang, and there was also a self-blame. However, since he met him, and because Wen Yang was too shameless, he could not sit idly by.

"At that time, Wen Yang agreed to divide me in half of the matter. The condition was that all the procedures handled were handled in my name. His excuse was that he was the vice president of the company, and it was inconvenient to come forward... I was eager to make money, so I agreed." Xiao Jia didn't dare to look directly into Xia Xiang's eyes. Unexpectedly, she, who had always had a hot temper, also had such a weak side.

It is useless to accuse her of being confused and greedy at this time. After all, when she was young, everyone made mistakes. Xiao Jia wants to make money. What's wrong is that she is too eager for quick success. What's wrong is that she is too beautiful. She is a normal man. With her handle in hand, he will have the idea of taking her for himself. No wonder she was familiar with the second book. It turned out that her intervention was much deeper than what she had revealed before.

It is estimated that Xiao Jia was also frightened by Wen Yang for a moment and lent Wen Yang a courage. He did not dare to really threaten Xiao Jia with the matter of publicly compiling books, because this matter can't stand scrutiny. If he really wants to investigate, Wen Yang, who is in charge of the official seal After just entering the society for a year, how can you get to know the people inside the Capital Bank? Wen Yang must know that once the matter is exposed, he can only be unlucky in the end. He actually threatened Xiao Jia with this matter. It can be seen that he was in a hurry and threw out a cover to scare Xiao Jia to make her submit.

It's just that Xiao Jia didn't know how to restrain after compiling the book for the first time, and he dared to engrave the official seal for the second time, which is bold! If Wen Yang knew about Xiao Jia's private engraving of the official seal, with his means, Xiao Jia would definitely not escape his magic hand. After all, only by carving the official seal, she can be directly convicted.

This is what Xiaxiang is most worried about.

"Does Wen Yang know about your second book compilation?" Xia wanted to tell Xiao Jia about his analysis and told him not to be afraid of Wen Yang's intimidation. He did not dare to make his book to the public. The key was to compile the book for the second time. At that time, as long as Wen Yang did not mention the matter of compiling the book and only mentioned the private engraving of the official seal,