official god

Chapter 56 Summer Afternoon, Green Skirt Girl

Jia Yihe was overjoyed when he saw it and said, "It's better to be an official, Xiaoxia. Look, even the place where you live is so luxurious. How spectacular is Secretary Li's room decorated? It's a waste for you to live in such a big house alone. Anyway, I'll join in the fun with two bedrooms. How about that?

While talking, you have to open the bedroom door and go in.

"Wait, Jia He..." Xia wanted to calm down and stepped forward to close the door of the bedroom. "Let's go to the house you rented outside. We can't live in this house. Everything is fine when it's good. In case something happens, if I live here as Secretary Li's secretary, it will make people slander Secretary Li for using his power for personal gain.

Jia Hei was stunned. He lowered his head and thought about it. He rubbed his hands and smiled: "I didn't think so much, but I still thought about it. Now Secretary Li is the county party secretary, which is different from before, and there are many places to pay attention to. Xia thought, in the future, remember to remind me where to pay attention to when to be careful, and don't let Secretary Li be attacked because of our reasons.

Xiaxiang and Jia He left the room, and the things and arrangements in the room remained unmoved. Originally, he wanted to return the key to Wu Yingjie, but when he thought about it, he put it with him. Maybe it would be useful in the future.

Jia He's work is safe, and the rented house is the family home of the Water Conservancy Bureau. The Water Conservancy Bureau is also a good unit in the county, so the house is well built, which is not comparable to Yan City. At least compared with other houses in the county, which are above the middle level, the house is also two bedrooms and one living room, but it is only more than 60 square meters, and the rent is 80 yuan per month.

The overall environment of the community is relatively quiet, and the only drawback is that there is less greening and it looks empty. Because it is located in a cold area, the windows of the room are double-glazed, and the exterior walls are much thicker than the houses in Yan City. Xiaxiang is very satisfied with the house. There are not many things in it. It is simple but practical. The most important thing is that it is only five minutes' walk from the county party committee.

The two went to the mobile business hall outside to apply for two mobile phone cards. Xia wanted to apply for himself. Jia He did not have a mobile phone. He applied for the number for Li Dingshan, but his name was registered. Xia wants to know that Li Dingshan's number is an absolute private number, and few people will know it. Those who know it are the people he absolutely trusts.

The county seat of Ba County is not small, but the land is vast and sparsely populated. At a glance, there are not many pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, one or two cars pass by, most of which are vans, better are Volkswagen cars such as Santana and Jetta, and some Japanese cars, most of which are smuggled right Most of these cars have the license plates of the capital, for fear that others will not know that they are the same as the license plate.

Because of the small number of people, standing on the street, there is an unusual sense of silence. The sky is surprisingly blue. It is a blue that can't be seen in the metropolis. In the distance, you can faintly see the distant mountains like Dai, the grassland is like blue, and the sun is shining, but there is no sense of dryness and heat on the body. On the contrary, it is particularly refreshing, which makes people feel relaxed and relaxed.

It is rare to have such a pleasant moment. Xia wanted to squint her eyes and was about to enjoy the fresh sunshine when she suddenly heard a crisp car bell behind her.

In such a relaxed and slightly intoxicated summer afternoon, Xia wanted to be awakened by the bell of the car. She inadvertently looked back and saw a graceful girl coming from far and near. She was wearing a light green dress, a goose egg face, and a red rope hanging around her neck. The lower end of the red rope stretched into What kind of ornament is it? There is a palm-wide belt around the waist, which closes the small waist tightly, so it seems that the upper body is straight and the buttocks are high. She rode a pink women's bicycle and kept ringing the bell, laughing like a string of silver bells.

What a beautiful girl, Xia wants to praise herself. There are beautiful women in Ba County. It's true that the girl in front of her is a pink car green skirt, coupled with a beautiful appearance, is like an undecorative mountain flower, with fresh and natural beauty. It's just that there are few pedestrians on the street, and no one is blocking her way. Why does she keep fiddling the bell?

Xia wanted to be slightly stunned, and his eyes were facing the curious gaze of the girl in green skirt. He nodded and smiled politely. He was about to let him go, but he heard Jia He say behind him, "What are you laughing at her? Do you know her or do you want to take the opportunity to meet her when you see her beautiful?

Xia wanted to say secretly that Jia He usually doesn't have the habit of talking too much. Why did he suddenly say one more thing today? Don't make people unhappy. As soon as I thought of this, I saw the girl's face suddenly changed, and her eyes were full of disdain. She said coldly, "What are you looking at, stinky hooligan, big pervert!"

Xia didn't want to laugh or cry. He wanted to refute a few words, but he felt that there was really no need to argue with her. Even if she thought she was a beautiful woman, in fact, she really wanted to compare it. She was neither as charming as Xiao Jia nor as Cao Shuyu's fragrance. However, because of her other simple beauty, she let him look at her a few more times. Unexpectedly, she was not only a few white eyes, but also a scolding.

Jia He, the originator, gloated and laughed happily.

Xia wanted to pull his arm: "Don't laugh. It's getting late. Go back to the county party committee."

The two of them turned around to leave. Unexpectedly, the girl in green skirt jumped off the bicycle lightly and crossed the car in front of Xiaxiang: "Want to go, it's not that easy? Just apologize to me."

Xia thought it was funny and looked at her with great interest: "What are you sorry for? What's wrong with you?"

"Look at me, my eyes are very impure, and dirty thoughts are tantamount to insulting me, so you must apologize to me." The small face of the green skirt was slightly raised, and there were faint beads of sweat on the tip of the nose. In the sunlight, thin fluff could be seen. The small lips squeezed tightly, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances. However, the arrogance and temptuous look in her eyes made people feel very uncomfortable.

It's really late for Xia to see it. He is worried that Li Dingshan and others have a good rest and need someone around him. How can he be in the mood to be entangled with her? Put aside the intention to flirt with her and say, "Although you look good, you are not a beautiful woman who can make people have ideas at a glance, so you don't have to be too narcissistic. I know if I have any dirty thoughts. I just look at you because your car bell keeps ringing. Besides, my eyes are very pure, and I don't see any of your feminine characteristics... Well, after the explanation, I have something else to do. Please give way. Don't get in the way.

"You stinky bastard, how dare you admit it?" The green skirt blushed with anger, with a fierce expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Which unit do you work in? I'll go to your leader and let him punish you well and let you know how good I am!"

"So you still have some background?" Xia wanted to hear her arrogant tone, but she was not interested.

"Of course, if I tell you my background, I have to scare you to death! It's not too late to apologize to me now. Otherwise, hum, even if you are not fired from public office, at least let you sit on the bench. The green skirt deliberately held her head high. In order to make her look superior to others, it unexpectedly fell into Xia Xiang's eyes, but it seemed that she was deliberately showing off her plump breasts.

Jia He couldn't stand it anymore. He was talking about her, but was blocked by Xia. Xia wanted to kick a small stone on the roadside, shook his head and said, "It's not our style to bully others. We are good people. If you have something to say, you have to say it well."

Jia He didn't say much, nodded and retreated. He also doesn't know when Xia wants to speak without hesitation. It seems that as long as Xia wants to decide something, he will not make mistakes. Maybe Xia Xiang always gives him a sense of trust, or maybe because he gradually accepted that Xia Xiang is the most valued person in Li Dingshan now.

Xia Xiang didn't think so much. He just wondered about such a girl. She looks good and looks very pure. How can there be a sense of anger? She is too narcissistic, too perverse, and arrogant. In the small Ba County, the director's daughter is only the daughter of a section-level cadre, compared with It's not a little bit worse.

"I didn't mean to you, and I didn't have any conflict with you. You insisted on blocking my way and not letting me go. I'm telling you solemnly now, please get out of the way, or I'm not welcome. Thinking of Cao Shuyu, Xia suddenly became less interested and felt that the green skirt was really tasteless.