official god

Chapter 94 Mayor Chen's Praise

(A new week, a new beginning, nothing else to ask for, I can only ask my brothers to continue to recommend votes for support, the public version of 250,000 yuan, I think it is still a little kind, so I called out loudly: ticket!)

Chen Feng's work was really vigorous. Gao Hai called at noon, and his party arrived at North Street at 3:00 p.m. Chen Feng was only accompanied by Gao Hai and his secretary. He was not even notified in the district. It was completely a casual look, and there was no news media. As the contractor of the leisure square, Chu Zigao was also accompanied by Chen Feng, so that Chu Zigao could not find the east, west, north and south. He also forgot the regret that Chen Feng did not have a news media interview. He followed with all his heart and waited for Mayor Chen's question at any time.

Chen Feng is 48 years old. He doesn't have the fat figure commonly seen in middle-aged men. His hair is not long, his face is long and his eyes are big. He is very capable, especially his eyes are very bright. When he looks at people, his eyes are particularly sharp, as if he can see through people's hearts. He walked around the leisure square with his hands behind his back. Then he stood in the center of the square and looked across the road. He happened to see a green space by the riverside of the people. There were several benches scattered in twos and threes, and there were also two small pavilions. The green and leisurely tourists just echoed with the leisure square. The beauty of harmony.

Chen Feng nodded and drew a circle in the air with his right hand: "Lao Chu, the leisure square is well built. Not only is the layout reasonable, but it is also ingenious in design. It is rare and rare. It should not be the handwriting of the planning institute, right? The design of the planning institute has always been too conservative and innovative, and your square is bold and innovative. Many places are unreasonable at first. You have to walk in person to realize the benefits. It's not simple, it's great!"

He was praised by Mayor Chen in public and directly called him "Lao Chu". Chu Zi lived in his forties. Today, he experienced the feeling of dizziness for the first time. He only felt that his head was heavy and his feet were soft, like falling into the clouds. He was so happy that he could not find the east, west, north and south In front of Chen Feng, he smiled like a sunflower that saw the sun: "Mayor Chen is really awesome. He is simply amazing. His vision is so accurate that he can see the extraordinaryness of the leisure square at a glance. To tell you the truth, I specially found someone to design the leisure square..."

"Where did the expert design it?" Chen Feng asked with great interest that the fun and practical design of the leisure square made him curious, because he also met many planning experts in the transformation of the village in the city, but what disappointed him was that the so-called experts were very conservative, kept their minds and could not make any valuable opinions in the urban transformation. Most people are not even as good as him as a layman, which makes him very dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, a small leisure square can also be designed with unique ingenuity. The flowers and plants complement each other, and the rest corridors and scenic spots are properly arranged. If you don't walk in person, you can't experience the beauty of design. At the same time, he can't help sighing. Who says that there are no design talents

Chu Zigao took advantage of Chen Feng's absence to pay attention and quietly stepped back and secretly looked at Gao Hai. However, he saw Gao Hai pretended not to look at him and looked at the green space opposite him. He knew Gao Hai's meaning in his heart. He funded the construction of the leisure square. It was his right to ask someone to design It doesn't matter.

The mayor praised him. Gao Hai did not take credit. Chu Zigao was very grateful to Gao Hai in his heart. In fact, he did not know that Gao Hai did not want Chen Feng to be more careful. He did not want to introduce Xia to design a leisure square for Chu Zigao, which made Chen Feng think that he

"I'm not an expert, but a college student who has just graduated for a year. It's called Xiaxiang..." Chu Zigao thought that Xiaxiang was good, mainly because he also thought that Xiaxiang must have a great future, so he spared no effort to praise Xiaxiang. Finally, he said, "The open space opposite has been littered Xia wants to suggest that I fill the earthwork, then plant turf and plant trees, and it will become a leisure green space... Anyway, whether it is the leisure square or the green space opposite, it is his idea.

"I'm only 23 years old. I'm really young and promising. The young man is not simple. He has a mind and ideas, and he is terrible!" Chen Feng turned back to the accompanying secretary and said, "I have the opportunity to let the experts of the planning institute also visit and see the design of a 23-year-old young man. Is it higher or lower than their level?"

Jiang Tian, Chen Feng's secretary, hurriedly took out a small notebook to record it.

To Chu Zigao's disappointment, after inspecting the leisure square, Chen Feng went straight into the car and left, making his wish to invite Mayor Chen to Chu Fenglou for dinner failed. He was excited to call Xiaxiang and told him the good news. Only then did he find that when he answered Gao Hai's phone at noon, his mobile phone was dropped due to excessive excitement, and it was broken. Xiaxiang's phone was stored in his mobile phone, which made him shout unlucky. He couldn't be the first to tell Xiaxiang the good news I missed the opportunity!

Gao Hai was also very surprised that Chen Feng suddenly came to inspect the leisure square today. However, after being surprised, Chen Feng was greatly praised by the leisure square that Xia wanted to design, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Xia Xiang is really not simple. Let Mayor Chen, who has always been picky, praise him a few words. You know, Chen Feng has always rarely praised people. Even if he praises a person, he has never praised him so much in public.

However, Gao Hai knew in his heart that Chen Feng tried his best to praise Xiaxiang, and even proposed to let planning experts visit the leisure square. It was not aimless, but because he had encountered unprecedented resistance in the recent transformation of the village in the city.

Not only is there pressure from the province, but also the city's planning experts do not let Chen Feng worry. Not only can't come up with a plan that satisfies him in the design, but also in the transformation of the village in the city and the planning of many Dingzi Road and Broken Road, the proposed plan is conservative and backward, which makes They are old and stubborn, and even said that there is no design expert in Yan City.

Because the transformation of the village in the city involves all aspects of interests, Gao Hai is also aware of the pressure Chen Feng is under. There are more than 30 urban villages in Yanshi, large and small, and about half of them have been demolished. Many people have advised Chen Feng to slow down. Nothing can be done overnight, leaving some room. Now that half of the urban villages have been renovated, it is an unprecedented situation in Yanshi. It can be postponed for two years. After all the demolished urban villages are newly built, it is not too late to renovate the remaining half of the urban villages. At least the newly built beautiful community can be used as an example, so that the villagers who are still guarding the urban They will get greater benefits and benefits.

Chen Feng stubbornly disagreed.