official god

Chapter 97 Mayor Chen moved his love

The girl still giggled: "The renderings and the design are two concepts. This rendering is true that I drew, but the designer has someone else. If it's not me, I dare not do credit..." Suddenly, I woke up and stood up, "Leisure Square? Are you talking about the leisure square on North Street?

Chen Feng nodded and didn't understand why she was so excited.

"Uncle, you really have a vision. I admire you..." The girl lengthen her tone and pointed to the renderings above and said, "The designer's name is on the renderings. The person who ranks first is, that is, the person who designed the leisure square. They are the same person!"

Chen Feng was surprised. He suddenly stood up and stared at the two Song characters in the designer's column above, and was immediately surprised!

The very formal Song style characters write a name that is not strange to Chen Feng: Xiaxiang!

Unexpectedly, it was Xiaxiang again. Just now, he said that the LCD screen designer was more skilled than the designer of the leisure square. He was glad that the designer talents in Yan City were originally hiding in the folk. In one day, he found two people, but he didn't expect that the two of them were one person, both of whom were young people named

Chen Feng laughed hoarsely.

Gao Hai also saw the name of Xiaxiang above. He thought that Xiaxiang had entered Mayor Chen's ears. He was so impressed that it was hundreds of times better than many people who tried their best to please Chen Feng. I have to say that Xia is really lucky. No, it can't be said that he is lucky. Or he has real ability. Both designs have entered the mayor's eyes, leaving a good impression on the mayor. It's strange that Chen Feng, who has a headache and can't find a design talent, is not bright in front of his eyes.

Unfortunately, Xia Xiang insisted on going to the remote place in Ba County. If Xia wanted to stay with him and come up with a few more good ideas, Chen Feng was happy. It was not difficult to mention him as a deputy mayor next.

Gao Hai secretly regretted it.

Unlike Gao Hai's secret regret, Chen Feng really touched his love for talent this time. He also knew the coincidence just now. It was not his people who deliberately designed such a play for him to see. Going to the leisure square and coming to the railway station were all his painstaking efforts** without prior arrangement. Even if someone deliberately designs and makes him pay attention to two designs, if the design effect is not outstanding, it is impossible for him to notice who the designer is. It can be said that Xiaxiang's name was heard by him twice in a day, and surprised him twice, which really made him really want to meet him.

"Cao Shuqi, a nice name, then I'll call you Shuqi, okay?" There is another person's name behind Xiaxiang's name. Chen Feng will naturally guess that it is the little girl in front of him.

"You still know it!" Cao Shuyu spit out his tongue and stood up. He put his hands behind his back and picked up his toes. "Uncle, thank you for your water, but I have to work. If it's too late, I won't be with you. Goodbye!" Her little hand raised quickly, and as soon as she turned around, she climbed up the ladder with her hands and feet.

Chen Feng thought thoughtfully for a moment and waved his hand to Cao Shuqi on the ladder: "Shuqi, are you a classmate of Xia? Do you know where he is now?

Cao Shuyu raised his little face and pretended to think about it: "Although you kindly gave me a bottle of water, I still can't disclose my privacy. As for where Xia wants to be now - I'm sorry, no comment!"

"Ghost girl!" Chen Feng laughed and scolded, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. It seemed that he behaved too little like a mayor in front of Gao Hai, so he put away his smile again, "Well, I won't force others, little girl, goodbye..."

As soon as Chen Feng and his party left, a man flashed out from behind the big sign. He looked at his head for a long time and made sure that Chen Feng could not see anyone before he breathed at ease: "Sister, how can you talk to Mayor Chen like this? At least he is also the mayor of Yan City, the parents of millions of the people of Yan City, who are also at the department level, which is much more powerful than his father.

Cao Shuyu gave Cao Shujun a look disapprovingly: "It's your interest. I didn't show up just now, otherwise I want you to look good... Ah, is he Mayor Chen? I really didn't recognize it. As you know, I have never read the city's news.

"Don't pretend. You can deceive others and can't deceive me. I don't know you yet? Your jumping eyes have betrayed your disguised heart. You have known that he is Mayor Chen for a long time, just pretending not to know him, right? Although Cao Shujun didn't wear a suit and tie as Xia wanted to promise, he was also a T-shirt and trousers, which was no longer crooked and looked good.

"It's really not..." Cao Shuyu looked aggrieved and kicked the ladder randomly with his right foot, as if he had been bullied. "At first, I really didn't know that he was Mayor Chen, but later I suddenly recognized him in the middle of the words. I thought that anyway, I really don't know him in the front

"So that's it!" Cao Shujun suddenly realized, "You are so smart, sister, just pretend not to know who he is. What are you afraid of? If you really recognize him at the beginning and call him Mayor Chen, you won't talk so casually. How awkward it is. There is already a bureaucrat in our family. Who is willing to talk to another bureaucrat face to face, right?

After waiting for a while, he couldn't hear Cao Shuyu's answer. Cao Shujun looked up and saw that she was holding a brush and tracing Xia's name one by stroke. He couldn't help saying dejectedly, "Come on, it won't prevent your spring heart from sprouting. I'll find a place to cool down

I don't know whether Cao Shuyou heard Cao Shujun's complaint or not. A dazzling smile suddenly flashed on her absorbed face: "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" I don't know if she said Cao Shujun or something else.

After returning to the office, Chen Feng sat down and meditated for a long time, asking Jiang Tian to call Gao Hai. Gao Hai knew what Chen Feng was looking for him. As soon as he entered the office, he said with a smile on his face, "Mayor Chen, it has been found out that Cao Shuyou is Cao Yongguo's daughter. He is a freshman in the School of Architecture. Well, he will be a sophomore since the beginning of school."

"Cao Yongguo?" Chen Feng didn't remember who Cao Yongguo was for a moment. Gao Hai lost no time to remind him: "Director of the Provincial Urban Construction Bureau."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. Isn't the director of the Urban Construction Bureau a technical cadre? An idea flashed in his mind and he hurriedly said, "Gao Hai, go and help me find Cao Yongguo's resume."

Gao Hai didn't understand why Chen Feng suddenly became interested in Cao Yongguo, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. He hurriedly called the director of the Municipal Urban Construction Bureau and asked him for Cao Yongguo's information. In less than ten minutes, Cao Yongguo's resume was placed on Chen Feng's desk.

Sure enough, the technical leader from the grassroots level, technician, project manager, branch manager, then to the head office manager, and finally promoted to the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. Cao Yongguo is really a doer, which is exactly the type of cadre he admires most. Chen Feng turned over and over to read Cao Yongguo's information several times. The idea in his heart became stronger and stronger, so strong that he almost couldn't help picking up the phone and calling him immediately.

"Secretary Lu, I'm Chen Feng. Last time I talked about the selection after the resignation of Executive Vice Mayor Ren Wen's illness, I now have a candidate. I want to meet and discuss it with you... Well, I'll wait for your call."

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