official god

Chapter 105 Chain Reaction of the Series

He also felt strange and vaguely heard about it. It's Chen Feng's posture." Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo have no contact with each other, and they should not know each other. How could they suddenly ask him to be the deputy, and they are also the executive deputy mayor. The direct line of Chen Feng's walking secretary, if Chen Feng intends to let Cao Yongguo set up a stage with him, and the Secretary Lu, who has always valued Chen Feng, strongly supports Cao Yongguo, it makes sense. Li Dingshan pressed his forehead and looked thoughtful, "Chen Feng unexpectedly valued Cao Yongguo. There must be a middleman in the middle, and he doesn't know who this key person is?"

Xiaxiang also bowed his head and meditated. He did not know that in fact, the change of this was all because he asked Cao Shuhui to participate in the design of the LCD large screen project, which triggered a series of chain reactions, which led to Chen Feng's love and Wu. I'm just interested in Cao Yongguo University. Therefore, he is the key figure in the middle.

He also remembered that Gao Jianyuan's figure unexpectedly appeared in the LCD large screen project. Xia Xiang had another speculation in his heart and said to Li Dingshan, "Secretary Li, when designing the renderings, Shu Hui vaguely heard that Gao Jianyuan, as the representative of the management, occupied a certain number of shares in the company

Li Dingshan's surprise was undisguised and wrote on his face: "Gao Jianyuan? Gao Chengsong's son? Is it true or not?

Xia wanted to nod heavily: "I'm also surprised, but Shuhui didn't know that Gao Jianyuan was Gao Chengsong's son, but she accidentally heard someone say something and just wrote it down. I think it can't be wrong."

Li Dingshan stood up, bypassed his desk, and sat opposite Xia Xiang: "The matter is getting more and more complicated. Gao Jianyuan actually intervened in the company's affairs. Even if Gao Chengsong forgot me as the county party secretary, because Gao Jianyuan intervened in the operation of the company, he mentioned me from Wen Yang sooner or later. Li Dingshan's name is difficult." He smiled and said disapprovingly, "You can't hide for a lifetime. If you don't believe that Gao Chengsong is so narrow-minded that he won't let me go, a small county party secretary?"

The situation in Yanshi can really be described as a surge of wind and clouds. The change is so fast that Xia is overwhelmed, and it is too late to find useful clues from it. He knew that his biggest shortcoming was that he got too little information from the upper class, and he didn't know whether Li Dingshan had inquired some information about Qian Jinsong from the Song Dynasty. What did it mean by the airborne Qian Jinsong from the capital?

He raised the question to Li Dingshan, and Li Dingshan shook his head: "Chaodu didn't say anything. He just said that it's not clear yet. Let's wait until he has news. However, it is said that Secretary-General Qian is very low-key. He never expresses his position on major issues. He is basically a centrist.

The low profile is either that he has not yet touched his background, or he is accumulating strength. As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Qian Jinsong is bound to slowly cultivate his own power to gain a foothold in Yan Province. The current low profile may be just testing the contradictions of all parties. However, Xia Xiang always felt that Song Chaodu should know some inside stories, but he did not disclose it to Li Dingshan.

At noon, Li Dingshan put down the shelf of the county party secretary. Let Xia want to invite Cao Shuhui to dinner together. Somehow, Mi Ying did not participate, only Li Dingshan and Xiaoxia wanted to be with Cao Shuji. Cao Shuhui's grandfather used to be the district chief, and now her father is also the director, and there are many officials at the department level. Seeing that Li Dingshan does not have the official tone of an ordinary bureaucrat and an elegant temperament, he did not call him Secretary Li, but called him Uncle Li.

Li Dingshan looked at Xia Xiang with a smile, and then looked at Cao Shuhui, and then patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: Xiao Xia, very good, a very good female classmate, don't bully others." He also said to Cao Shuhui, "Shuhui, Xia wants to bully you. Tell Uncle Li to let Uncle Li criticize him?"

Li Dingshan's smile is rich in meaning, and Xia Xiang didn't say much: "Secretary Li, you are a little biased. As soon as you meet, you prefer Shu Dai. I have a problem." Cao Shuhui can call Li Dingshan his uncle. Xia Xiang must abide by his duty and can't call him randomly.

"If you have true opinions, just keep it. Who let Shuhui be a girl? Can't you be more generous?" Li Dingshan was in a very good mood. When he looked at Cao Shuji, he looked at him with a little more kindness.

Cao Shuhui opened the chair and asked Li Dingshan to sit down: "Xia wants to be careful. Uncle Li favors me. Do you also have a problem? Humph, I'll talk to Uncle Li alone later, but ignore you. What should I do with you?

Li Dingshan sat down calmly, and Xia wanted to be on the left. Cao Shuji was on the right and sat down separately. He ordered a few dishes at will: "I'm here. You young people must not be thinking about eating. Just eat a little casually. Shuhui, don't be picky. What do you want to eat? Let Xia want to spend time with you when you have time. Uncle met you today to bring a good job for your father. Although I am not familiar with Director Cao, with the relationship between you and Xiaxiang, Director Cao is knowledgeable and a scholarly leader I admire, so I still have the opportunity to ask him for advice in person.

Li Dingshan can see Cao Shuji's dependence on Xia Xiang. The two of them have a look and a catty, and their movements are very tacit, as experienced people. Of course, he knew Cao Shuhui's affection for Xia, otherwise she would not have come thousands of miles to visit Xia, and he would no longer care too much. Since Cao Shudai did not call him Secretary Li, but directly called him Uncle Li, it can be seen that she is also a very smart little girl. She was born in a high-ranking official's family. She knows the rules, knows when to call him and what to call him uncle, which shows an attitude. He also had only enough Cao Shumu to say that he The idea of Sichuan

Department-level cadres want to meet department-level cadres, which is a high climb, not a loss, Li Dingshan said very calmly. Cao Shuhui handed the menu to the waiter and asked her to arrange the dishes. She helped Li Dingshan set the tableware by herself, and then said to Xia, "You can set it yourself, I don't care about it."

Xia wants to know that his role as a bridge has been completed, and now he can be the audience, so he giggles.

"In fact, my father usually likes to dance and make ink, but his level is limited. He often complains that he has no literary cells. This time when he goes back, he can just sell to him and introduce him to a big reporter. He will definitely praise me well, and maybe there will be rewards!" Cao Shuhui cleverly poured water for Li Dingshan, and pretended to be reluctant to help Xia think of a cup. Finally, I filled myself up, and then sat down. "Uncle Li, we have agreed that if we have time to go back to Yanshi, we must let Xia want to take you to our house. I think you and my father will definitely talk."

Li Dingshan drank tea. The more he looked at Cao Shuji, the more he liked it. He also saw the daughter of many high-ranking officials, some of whom were as arrogant as princesses. Some are so arrogant that it is difficult to touch, and there are few people like Cao Shuhui who love and don't deliberately pinch their identity. Their words and manners are very natural, and a few words make him full of joy.

Not only gave him face, but also praised him for his talent. He also said that she quietly carried him as if she asked him to meet Director Cao. Is she really a smart girl?

Li Dingshan cast a thumbs-up look at Xia. Thinking that Xia is really his lucky general. He not only gave him advice, but also secretly found a director's daughter to be his girlfriend. No, maybe he will soon be the mayor's daughter. This young man may not have any surprises hidden for him, and he is also a rare talent.

Li Dingshan was greatly comforted.

Xiaxiang just smiled implicitly. The dialogue between Li Dingshan and Cao Shuhui also made him very gratified. He had already learned Cao Shuhui's wit. Today, he saw it again and secretly praised her cleverness. He also knows it. After this, he will pay more weight in Li Dingshan's mind.

Li Dingshan was happy, so he gave Xia Xiang a vacation and asked him to accompany Cao Shuhui as a job to complete it seriously. Li Dingshan is right. Cao Shuhui is a girl. Xia wanted to accompany her as if she didn't do the right thing. In fact, as a leading secretary, accompanying the director's daughter is also a political task. What's more, in case Cao Yongguo really wants to become the executive vice mayor of Yan City, he has much more power than the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. With the title of Standing Committee, he has actually risen a step. Cao Shuhui, as the daughter of the mayor, is also an important bridge for Li Dingshan to make friends with Cao Yongguo.

Xia wanted to propose to go to the grassland in the afternoon. Naturally, Cao Shuhui had no objection. Mi Ying also appeared in time and wanted to go with them. Xia Xiang guessed that Mi Yi actually deliberately avoided Li Dingshan and was unwilling to contact Li Dingshan as Wang Quan's daughter to avoid unnecessary trouble. Xia wanted to understand Mi Dong's mentality, so he pretended not to know.

Xia wanted to propose a trip to Huahaiyuan, and Cao Shuhui and Mi Ying unanimously agreed. Mi Dong acted in a good way. As soon as he said he was going to drive, he left. When he arrived in Jiazhai Township, Xia wanted to find Huang Hai. After Huang Hai led the horse out, he realized that he was facing an embarrassing problem. Horse riding.

When Mi Dong saw Cao Shuhui's embarrassed face, he smiled happily. She got into the car and came out after a while, she changed into jeans. It turned out that she had been prepared.

Cao Shuhui frowned slightly: "If I don't go, even if Sister Ying lends me a pair of trousers, I won't ride a horse."

"My horses are very obedient. It's not fierce at all. Don't be afraid, little girl. I can help you lead the horse. It's definitely okay. Huang Hai was afraid that the business would be over, so he hurriedly said flatteringly.

Cao Shuhui timidly looked at the horse that was not much shorter than her. He looked at Xia and shook his head.

"Hui girl, I have a way." Mi Dong smiled badly and grabbed the reins and turned over his horse very sharply. "You don't have to change your trousers, and I don't bring any extra. Just sit on the horse, sit in front of Xiaxiang, and let him guard you. It's romantic and safe. How about it? Is it a good idea? Hurry up and thank me."

Although Cao Shuhui was shy, she couldn't help thinking about fun. Finally, she sat in front of Xiaxiang with a red face, with her left shoulder tightly against his chest, and her buttocks next to his right leg. She felt a sense of elasticity and heat, which made her feel panicked and didn't dare to look at Xia. Xia wanted to be afraid that she would fall down. She held the reins with her left hand, held her little waist with her right hand, and blew in her ear: "Don't be ashamed, just think I'm your brother. It's natural for the elder brother to protect his sister, isn't it?

Cao Shuhui's body shook back and forth with the horse's walking, and she was so scared that she clutched Xiaxiang's arm tightly: "Don't break it, don't throw me down, okay?" Well, the witty and changeable little girl disappeared, completely in the image of a sheep that was slaughtered by others.

Xia thought it was funny: "What did girl Hui say? How could I throw you down? Am I that bad?"

"If you have it, you have it." Cao Shuqi deliberately spoke loudly, as if the louder her voice, the more it could alleviate her fear. "Besides, I'm so white and you're so dark. Who wants you to be my brother? I'm afraid you'll take me black."

Huang Hai rode in front of the road, followed by Mi Ying. Xia wanted to ride with Cao Shuhui because of her timidity. I didn't dare to go fast, so I trusted the horse and moved forward slowly. I was already far behind the two people in front of me. Anyone who can ride a horse knows that the horse actually runs smoothly when it walks slowly. Shaking so much, Cao Shuhui's body hit Xiaxiang's chest again and again, making him fully understand what a heart is like a deer.

Cao Shuhui is not short. He wanted to sit with Xia, which almost reached his eyes, just so that he could see the thin fluff on her neck, her almost transparent ears illuminated by the sun, and the extremely sexy collarbone. Many women have beautiful necks, but their collarbones are often timid, which will ruin the scenery, but Cao Shuhui is not. The shoulders are thin and the collarbone is deep, which is very attractive.

Xiaxiang's arm was scratched by Cao Shuhui. Knowing that she was really afraid of riding, he tried to divert her attention: "Horse is a meek animal and a good friend of human beings. It won't hurt people. Don't be afraid. Besides, you don't have to be so nervous. The last time you hugged me upstairs in Jiajia Supermarket, you didn't see that you were a little nervous, let alone blush. Why is it so negative today

"Who hugged you? Nonsense." Cao Shu was so hopeful that he turned his face and pretended to be fierce and said, "Obviously you hugged me, and I sacrificed my life to save you. You are good. You don't remember my good. Instead, you slandered good people. It's really an ungrateful puppy

"No, I remember that you took the initiative to throw yourself into your arms at that time. Why did I hug you again? Besides, even if I took the initiative to hug you, I was hugged tightly by you later, and I almost didn't get angry. I didn't expect you to be strong. I guess I can't beat you even if I fight. Xia wants to continue to mess around.

"Do you still say that? Cao Shuhui's little face turned red, as if all the red flowers around her had flown to her face. "Don't say it anymore. Otherwise, I'll push you down, smash your ass, and cry! Stinky summer thought, dead bad guy, speak ill of people and have the thick skin!"

Xia wanted to laugh straight. Seeing that Cao Shujian slowly relaxed and was no longer so afraid of riding a horse, he stopped teasing her and led the topic to Cao Yongguo's recent movement.

Hearing the amazing news that Xia wanted to get, Cao Shuhui was also extremely surprised: "Dad didn't reveal at all that he was going to be a deputy mayor. Where did you hear about it? Don't tell the fake news spread by people with ulterior motives?

Xia wanted to shake his head and denied Cao Shuji's guess: "No, it's directly from the provincial party committee. The key is not whether the news is true or false, but I heard that Mayor Chen Feng offered to let your father be the deputy mayor of Yan City. There is no contact between Mayor Chen and your father, right?

"My father doesn't know Mayor Chen, and he has never heard him say what he has to do with Mayor Chen. Why did Mayor Chen take the initiative to ask my father to be his deputy? It's really strange." Cao Shudai looked forward thoughtfully, stunned, and suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that I met Mayor Chen in the railway station square

From Cao Shuhui's words. Xia thought that he guessed the general idea and suddenly became enlightened. He understood that the important reason for Chen Feng's light inspection from the leisure square to the railway station square was that he encountered great resistance in the transformation of the village in the city.

The contradiction between Chen Feng and Gao Chengsong is inevitable. Even if Chen Feng will give in a few steps, Xia wants to know that Nanyijian's appetite is too big to annex the whole Yan City and even the construction market of Yan Province. With Chen Feng's character, he will never hand over all the infrastructure projects after the transformation of Yan City's Because Nanfang Construction has no qualifications and no technical force, Chen Feng does not allow them to transfer the contract.

If Cao Yongguo can become a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor of Yan City, it is a crucial step in his political life. Yan City is a sub-provincial city, and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is also at the department level. The level has not been promoted, but it is also a huge leap.

Well, it is possible to enter the ranks of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels in the future, but from the perspective of Chen Feng's intention, after Cao Yongguo became the deputy mayor, he must be in charge of the city construction, and will inevitably meet Gao Chengsong head-on. Cao Yongguo is also a straightforward person, otherwise he would not have been squeezed into the Surveying and Mapping Bureau by Gao Chengsong in later generations. Now his fate has changed. As a deputy mayor, there is a conflict between Nanyijian and Gao Chengsong. I'm afraid that in the end, he is not optimistic like Chen Feng's fate.

However, as long as the province reaches the compromise appointment, it cannot be changed by manpower, and for Cao Yongguo, this is also a very rare opportunity and must not be missed. Xia thought without worry that he had been waiting for the moment when Gao Jianyuan surfaced, waiting for an opportunity to contact Gao Jianyuan, and wanted to realize his plan by secretly influencing Gao Chengsong through Gao Jianyuan. At present, it seems. If Cao Yongguo really wants to become the deputy mayor of Yan City, his fate will be tied to Chen Feng, that is to say. In case of a conflict between Cao Yongguo and Gao Chengsong, he certainly can't stand idly by.

Although the change of Cao Yongguo's fate was caused by Chen Feng, in the final analysis, it was because of his appearance, which indirectly led to Chen Feng's attention to Cao Yongguo. Xia wanted to look at Cao Shuhui, who was close at hand. Thinking of Cao Yongguo putting down the respect of the director and asking him about his stay in Yan His official career is still for Cao Shuhui's happiness. He will definitely try his best to deal with Gao Chengsong to the end.

It's just that his original sentence had to be slightly changed.