official god

Chapter 108 The Test of the County Magistrate of Shi

What makes it difficult for him to make up his mind is that he doesn't know whether Li Dingshan's backstage building is forbidden, and he doesn't know whether Li Dingshan will go through the formalities or show off when he comes to Ba County. Of course, what worries him more is that in case Shen Fuming is angered by Liu Shixuan But there are many ways to move him away. His backstage is not hard enough, which is the key factor that he has been inability to rise.

Stone Fortress would rather Li Dingshan show his intention of doing a big job. When he had a major conflict with Liu Shixuan, he secretly observed the reactions of all parties. If Liu Shixuan won, he would continue to be his nominal county magistrate. If Li Dingshan occupies the wind, he will fall into the well and take the opportunity to kill Liu Shixuan, and then cooperate well with Li Dingshan's work.

Another thing that makes the stone fortress not completely optimistic about Li Dingshan is that the geographical environment of Ba County is so special that it is almost a catty. It is a closed world. Even if you have the support of the city and the province, it is impossible to change the environment. Yugong's migration to the mountain is just a myth. The area of Ba County is not small, almost the size of four or five counties in the plain area, but she is surrounded by mountains. In terms of straight-line distance, it is closer to the capital than to the city. However, Ba County is a county in Yan Province. The capital will certainly not care about the poverty and backwardness of Ba County, and the charter city has almost forgotten the existence of Ba County, not to mention the province. The province's eyes are on several rich counties along the coast and the large grain-producing counties in the central plains. Generally, we don't pay attention to the north. Even if you occasionally turn your eyes to the north, you usually end up in the capital. If you look at the provincial capital of Ba County. It's just north of the capital.

Ba County is basically like a catty of abandoned children. Fathers don't love their mothers, and they don't even like grandparents. There is no industry, and agriculture is underdeveloped. How can we rely on to develop the economy? What can we rely on to change the status quo?

So since Li Dingshan became the secretary of the county party committee, the stone fortress has been worried about gains and losses. If you want to bet on Li Dingshan and get close to the overhead Liu Shixuan, you can also use your hands and feet. Even if there is no dazzling political achievements, it can at least change the current situation of immortality in Ba County. He is not without political ambitions. I also want people to leave a name, but I am restrained everywhere, and many ambitions have been ruthlessly worn out by reality.

Liu Shixuan is the biggest obstacle. How good would it be if Li Dingshan could solve the trouble for him and then put down his body and take the initiative to cooperate with him? The stone fortress also knows that it is a whimsical performance to wait for the world to drop the pie, but he does not have a strong backstage and no extraordinary skill. It is normal to have some unrealistic fantasies if he wants to use the strength of others.

When Beihe Trading officially submitted an application for contracting the barren mountain to the county government, he saw the problem at a glance: Rolling Dragon Valley! Liu Shixuan's son Liu He used the villagers in Jiazhai Township to dig mushrooms and vegetables for him for free to make money. It is a well-known secret in Ba County, but because of Liu Shixuan, he knows that it is one thing, and no one clearly says it is another. After all, the stone fortress has been in Ba County for more than two years. The relationship between who is also clear. The legal person of Beihe Trading is Yang Bei. Can't he see that there must be some ways in it? Otherwise, don't do the things that make a fortune, and you have to put it on the surface, unless Liu He is out of his mind.

Of course, Liu He's brain is not bad. There must be something wrong somewhere. Is it so forced that he has to do this? Is it Li Dingshan? Having been waiting for the conflict between Li Dingshan and Liu Shixuan, he suddenly felt a bright eye and thought that a good opportunity appeared in front of him!

However, what disappointed Shi Fortress was that when he got the application information of Beihe Trade and reported it to Li Dingshan, Li Dingshan did not say anything and put forward a gesture that the government's affairs were in charge of the government. It was not easy for him to interfere too much.

The stone fortress is slandered in his heart. When he encounters a provocative secretary, he does not interfere in the affairs of the government on the surface, but he does not report major matters to the secretary in advance, which is a sign of not putting a hand in his eyes. But if you report all the big and small things, you will meet an unreasonable secretary. You will complain that you don't have any responsibility. As the leader of the government, you don't have the charm and vision to grasp the overall situation. Is it not enough?

Stone Fortress doesn't think Li Dingshan is an unreasonable secretary, but he can't understand the deep meaning of Li Dingshan's non-statement. Isn't Liu Shixuan's move aimed at Li Dingshan? Wasn't Beihe Trading deliberately established because of the conflict between Li Dingshan and Liu Shixuan?

I couldn't get a satisfactory answer here in Li Dingshan. The stone fortress returned to the office and meditated for a long time. I still decided to call the city to inquire about Li Dingshan's relationship in the province. He knew that Li Dingshan could become the county party secretary, and Mayor Hu Zengzhou contributed a lot.

If Mayor Hu can spare no effort to insert Li Dingshan down, there must be someone in the province. Although the secretary of the county party committee is a department-level cadre, he is also an official of the party in charge, which affects all aspects of the relationship.

Picking up the phone, Shi Fortress said to his secretary Xie Zhongzhi: Xiao Xie, I'll make a call. If someone comes to look for it, let him wait

Xie Zhongzhi agreed, gently closed the door and sat down in his seat. Somehow, he suddenly remembered Xia.

Also as a secretary, there is a big gap between the secretary of the county magistrate and the secretary of the county party committee. Although there are also many heads of the county bureau who greet him with a smile, the difference is huge compared with Xia Xiang's treatment of attending the Standing Committee as a recorder. The Standing Committee is discussing major issues, and all major matters and policies in the county must be introduced through the Standing Committee. Although Xiaxiang has no right to speak or no right to vote, he can know the news first and observe the attitude of each member of the Standing Committee in this town. For the political path after a thousand, it is the heart. A big fortune.

It can be said. It's much taller than his catty, the county magistrate's secretary.

It's a pity. The county magistrate Shi failed to become the secretary of the county party committee as he wished, otherwise he would follow the rise of the boat and become the secretary of the secretary. Seeing that Xia, who was younger than him, was proud, Xie Zhongzhi was a little jealous. He felt that Xia wanted to rob the one that should have belonged to him. Therefore, the attitude towards Xiaxiang has always been lukewarm. Since Li Dingshan had a conversation at the last reception banquet, he also met several times in the county party committee compound. He just nodded and didn't even say much.

Moreover, for Xia Xiang, who often has something to go out and does not wait for the leader's summons around Li Dingshan at any time, Xie Zhongzhi thinks that as a catty and secretary, he is not very conscientious, so he can't help but look down on Xia. Just as he was about to be distracted, he suddenly heard the sound of the stone fortress on the phone and suddenly increased a lot: "Xiaxiang? Yes, yes, that's right. He is Secretary Li's secretary and transferred to the Municipal Party Committee? Minister Wang, what's going on? If you want to mobilize Xia, you have to tell Secretary Li that he is not my secretary."

Xie Zhongzhi opened his mouth in surprise and wanted to think of the municipal party committee. Am I right? He has only been in the county party committee for a month; the leader of the municipal party committee wanted to transfer him to the city. Such a secretary with no sense of service, how could the leader of the municipal party committee think so highly of him? And it's not a joke. Li Dingshan, the county party secretary, has not yet taken a firm position and made political achievements. The secretary has been favored by the leaders of the municipal party committee. What's the matter?

The stone fortress in the room put down the phone. After a long time, I didn't figure out what was going on? Obviously, he called Wang Xiaomin, the head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and wanted to take a detour to inquire about Li Dingshan's background. He didn't want to say a word, but Wang Xiaomin asked Xia Xiang. He also said that the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee happened to open a youth cadre training class, focusing on

While the stone fortress was shocked, he couldn't help but be puzzled. How could Minister Wang know a little secretary of the county party secretary and speak in a very eager tone? Who knows that Minister Wang always has a cold face; although he is not the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and his face is pale, many people call him the cold-faced king behind his back, just because he is powerful and difficult to speak. Many county party secretaries see him and deliberately accompany him with a smiling face, and he rarely smiles.

Put down the phone and the stone fortress can't help but feel depressed. Xia Xiang is the secretary of the county party secretary. Even if he is trained by the party school of the listed committee, it is also recommended by the county party committee. He is the head of the government. If he wants to open his mouth to propose, does it seem too obvious to show his In the eyes of others, what's his face? Besides, it's not up to him to dictate about the county party committee. Isn't it difficult for him to make it difficult for him?

Changed someone else. The stone fortress will definitely have to scold the dagger, saying that he was uneasy and kind-hearted and deliberately set up a problem for him. But for Wang Xiaomin, he couldn't say anything wrong, because Wang Xiaomin was his biggest support in the municipal party committee, and it was precisely because Wang Xiaomin spoke for him in the city that he became the county magistrate of Ba County. It can be said that it was with the support of Wang Xiaomin that he is today, so no matter what Wang Xiaomin's attitude is, he will not refuse any unreasonable demands on him.

After thinking about it, the stone fortress decided to go to Li Dingshan's office in person to see if he could ask something. Although Minister Wang doesn't seem to know Li Dingshan, he is not allowed to know Li Dingshan, but he can't cause Minister Wang to have a problem with him because of a small negligence.

Li Dingshan and Xia, who are discussing things, want to make an unexpected visit to the stone fortress, and they are very surprised. The two were guessing his attitude on the matter of Beihe Business, and they were thinking about how to attract him. They didn't expect that he had just reported his work in the morning and came over so quickly. What happened to Ken'an?

Li Dingshan and Xia wanted to take a look at it, and both of them had a big question in their hearts.

Xia wanted to open the door inside and greet him outside. Li Dingshan stood in front of his desk and did not sit still. It's a face for the stone fortress. Xia wanted to lead the stone fortress in. As soon as the stone fortress saw Li Dingshan welcoming him at the door, he hurriedly took a step forward and held Li Dingshan's outstretched hand in both hands: "Secretary Li, Li, you're welcome."

Li Dingshan smiled and said, "The head of Shi County, please sit down and pour a glass of water for the head of Shi County."

The stone fortress hurriedly shied away. Xia wanted to take the water quickly, and then he wanted to walk out knowingly. The stone fortress has the intention to stop Xia Xiang. After all, the matter involves Xia Xiang himself, but he is indifferent to see Li Dingshan. He couldn't help him, so he had to watch Xia want to walk to the door. Finally, he couldn't help shouting, "Secretary Xia, wait a minute, I happen to have something to call you"

Xia wants to stop. I didn't understand what Stone Fortress was looking for him. He smiled and waited for him to speak. The stone fortress was a little difficult to speak directly, so he looked at Li Dingshan and said, "Secretary Li, I'll make my own decision once and let Secretary Xia stay. I want to hear his opinion."

Li Dingshan didn't have a problem and didn't say anything. He smiled and wanted to nod. Xiaxiang stood respectfully, with a respectful smile on his face. Shi Fortress said in his heart that compared with Xie Zhongzhi, the secretary who was happy and unhappy on his face, Xiaxiang's performance was simply impeccable.

He hesitated how to open his mouth so that it would not be too sudden. After thinking about it, he decided to talk about Beihe Business First: "Secretary Li, I have a catty about the contract of Beihe Business to the barren mountains. I have an immature idea. I want to inform you

Xia Xiang was moved. The head of Shi County just said this in the morning and brought it up again in the afternoon. Has it been decided so quickly on the issue of choosing Li Dingshan and Liu Shixuan?

Xia Xiang didn't guess right, and the stone fortress did not make up his mind to get closer to Li Dingshan. Even if the municipal party committee really transferred Xia Xiang, it was impossible for him to easily tie his future to Li Dingshan. Because the opposition to Liu Shixuan means offending all the local forces in Ba County. Unless there is a certainty of victory, he does not have the courage to gamble.

Before figuring out Li Dingshan's backstage, Stone Fortress decided to take one step at a time, which was safe. Everything should be based on the principle of maximizing one's own interests. In this year, he has completely worked step by step from the grassroots to the county magistrate. Without a top-down overall vision, only step by step is the best choice. At least at this stage, he will not show obvious bias to either side of Li Dingxiao and Liu Shixuan.

Of course. Wang Xiaomin's phone call made him more or less inclined to Liu Shixuan's balance, and tilted slightly to Li Dingshan, basically in the middle of the two.

"Beihe Trade proposed that contracting barren mountains is a good thing, and the county government will strongly support it. However, since some companies have offered to contract barren mountains, it can be seen that barren mountains that did not seem to us before can definitely make money. Companies are all business practices, and they will definitely not do things that are not profitable, so I think I can find two more companies and apply together, so that the county can choose the most powerful companies. Of course, competition can develop. If only one company applies. We can't estimate the real economic value of barren mountains, and the county will suffer losses."

He threw a stone and asked for directions. Xia wanted to nod secretly. The stone fortress finally showed a shrewd side. He did so on the surface to Li Dingshan to show his goodwill, because he also knew in his heart who Beihe Trading was. I guessed the sudden appearance of Beihe Trading. It's not just an intention to secretly test Li Dingshan's reaction. I'm afraid it's not only to see if Beihe Trading is aimed at Li Dingshan, but also to see if Li Dingshan has a background?

Sure enough. The stone fortress did not change its color, and continued to say, "Secretary Li came from the provincial capital. He has a lot of knowledge and knows a lot of people. Let's see if it is possible to find one or two companies from the provincial capital to invest in Ba County? To compete fairly with Beihe Business, maybe in the barren mountains that we have been ignoring, there are really treasures that can be excavated. Li Dingshan also understood the meaning of the stone fortress. First, he tried to see if the emergence of Beihe Business had anything to do with him. In the name of attracting investment from the provincial capital, let's see if he has a background? Generally speaking, the stone fortress is still a wait-and-see attitude. If you don't see the tip of the iceberg behind him, you will definitely not have any appearance.

Li Dingshan is faintly unhappy in his heart. In the officialdom, there are many people who want to be left and right, but in the end, there is usually no good end. However, on the other hand, Shi Fortress can take the initiative to say that he can find more companies to compete with Beihe Business today. On the surface, he wants to test his reaction. In fact, it is also a sign of goodwill. At least it shows that he will not favor Liu Shixuan's position. Li Dingshan smiled and pointed to Xia with his hand and Time found a business friend from the provincial capital. He has visited Rolling Dragon Ditch on the spot and is preparing to submit a contract application to the county. Xiao Xia will report the specific situation to the county magistrate.

The stone fortress was shocked. Li Dingshan really valued Xia Xiang, and such a big thing was directly pushed to him. I have spared no effort to support him. He thought that Li Dingshan deliberately put the credit on him in order to promote Xia Xiang, but he didn't know that it was really Xia Xiang who found the investment.

The stone fortress was also secretly glad that he was right this time. Sure enough, Li Dingshan wanted to move Liu Shixuan, but he actually came up with a way to start from the rolling dragon ditch first. This was a tiger's mouth plucking his teeth. Liu Shixuan did not react fiercely. I'm afraid there is still a backhand. Then he thought that Li Dingshan took action first. Did he have a plan for it?

Xia wanted to nod to Li Dingshan first, and then said to Shi Fortress, "Shi County Magistrate, there is a strong company in the provincial capital that wants to contract Rolling Longgou, and then build a large food processing factory in Ba County. The total investment amount is not small, and preliminary opinions have been reached. The specific details will be in charge of People will come to Ba County in person to report to the head of Shi County. And formally submit the application. Originally, Secretary Li wanted me to do the preliminary work first. When it was almost settled, he would explain the situation to the county magistrate Shi County in detail. It happened that the county magistrate Shi also intended to introduce investment, so I would report it in advance. However, in case the matter was not negotiated in the end, the county magistrate Shi

The stone fortress was full of smiles: "How come? I thank Secretary Xia for not having time to invest in Ba County, which is a great thing. If it is done, I will express my feelings to you on behalf of the county government

Since Shi Fortress served as the county magistrate, the investment promotion work in Ba County has almost come to a standstill. In more than two years, less than 100,000 yuan of investment has been invested in Ba County, and it has all relied on human relations. The funds have been transferred around in Ba County, and no economic benefits have been generated at all. If the investment mentioned by Xiaxiang can really be implemented, it will be the largest investment and the only one in Ba County in the past few years.

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