official god

Chapter 120 Lian Ruohan's Attempt and Cao Shuyuan's Cleverity

※ After Zheng Qian's explanation, Xia figured out what was going on with the original Sanglian's letter. Yao came forward to the public security bureau and proposed compensation for the price of the car damaged by her. Of course, Wang Guanqing did not dare to ask for it, and he could not ask for it. The car driven by Wang Ming is a smuggled car, and the procedures are incomplete. He is the director of the Public Security Bureau. If he really wants to investigate, he still has to bear the responsibility of covering up. Not to mention asking for money, he can't wait to find someone to destroy the car. However, Lian Ruohan was stubborn and had to pay for it. When Wang Guanqing saw that the great god said that he could not be provoked, he had to take the 100,000 yuan she had thrown away with a sad face.

In fact, the smuggled bluebird only cost more than 50,000 yuan to get it. Lian Ruohan gave 100,000 yuan, and he still earned more than 50,000 yuan? Wang Guanqing was not at ease, and he always felt as if the other party was going to set a trap for him and frame him.

After Lian Ruohan gave the money, he did not leave. He proposed to meet the fourth catty villain on the spot at that time. Her words were very clear. At that time, there were four people in Wang Ming's group. Three of them were knocked down by him, and the other one did not do anything. He had been watching. She wanted to As for her purpose. She didn't say anything, and no one dared to ask.

The fourth person is Zheng Tao, and Wang Guanqing is very clear in his heart. I hurriedly told Zheng Qian. Zheng Qian was anxious as soon as he heard it. They are going to settle accounts after autumn. All three of them have been hospitalized, and the remaining one catty can't be let go. If you don't get hospitalized, at least you have to lie on the ground. He rushed to the doctor. He remembered that Xia wanted to say that he had evidence to prove Zheng Tao's innocence, so he hurriedly asked Xia for help.

Zheng Qian is in trouble. Xia can't recommend it. How can you miss such a good opportunity? He agreed. After hanging up the phone, he said to Cao Shuhui, "Ji girl, I have something to go to the public security bureau. Why don't you go around by yourself?"

Cao Shuhui didn't want to: "I've heard it. You're going to meet the beautiful car sister, right? I'm going too. I also want to meet her

"Car sister? Her name is Lian Ruohan!" Xia wants to laugh and think that there is no harm for Cao Shuji to go. In case that Ruohan is not easy to deal with, she can come forward. When a beautiful woman sees a beautiful woman, she always has to have a few feelings to cherish each other; "Don't call her sister, she may not be older than you, just pretend to be cool.

Lian Ruohan sat in Wang Guanqing's office, with a clear face. There was neither the arrogance at the top nor the indifference to reject people thousands of miles away, which gave people a very indifferent feeling. The light makes people feel that she can't think about it, and it's difficult to get close to her. It's not the crown sitting. I didn't stand. I brought water to her in person, and I had nothing to say, but she blocked her with a sentence: "When will the people I wait for come?"

Wang Guanqing scolded Zheng Qian's soft egg in his heart, and he would shrink back when he encountered something. He has been on the phone for half an hour, and no one has seen him. Is this the deputy secretary of the county party committee like this? What a shame! Somehow, an idea suddenly came to his mind. If Li Dingshan encountered this, he would definitely not back down. Will take the initiative to take responsibility!

Wang Guanqing was shocked. He didn't know why he suddenly thought of this. Just as he was panicked by his sudden thought, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door and hurriedly opened the door. Xia wanted to appear at the door with a faint smile on his face.

Wang Guanqing was stunned, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind. How can the smile on Xia Xiang's face be so similar to Lian Ruohan's smile? It's simply carved out of a mold, faint, as if everything is in control. It's a strange thing, really *** strange! Xia also said that he didn't know Lian Ruohan. Maybe he and she secretly did it!

Thinking so, Wang Guanqing hated and feared Xia, and hurriedly welcomed him into the room. Cao Shuhui, who followed Xiaxiang, didn't wait for Wang Guanqing to speak. He nodded generously at him and smiled, "Hi, Director Wang, I'm Xiaxiang's friend

Wang Guanqing also nodded with a smile. He said hello, but he scolded in his heart. Where did Xia want to find such a beautiful girlfriend? I seldom see beautiful women in this poor place in Ba County. What's the matter today? There are groups of beautiful women!

Xia wanted to enter the door, and Zheng Qian's back foot arrived, but he did not bring Zheng Tao with him, but let Zheng Tao wait in the office next to him. If he could not come forward, he would not come forward. Let's see what happens. As soon as Zheng Qian entered the door, he saw that Xia was also there. He felt much more at ease, so he took the initiative to greet Xia with a smile: "Secretary Xia is here. Thank you for your hard work

Wang Guanqing's eyes widened in surprise. Zheng Qian took the initiative to say hello to Xia with a smiling face. Did Zheng Qian and Li Dingshan form an alliance? No way, he just negotiated the terms with Liu Shixuan. How can he change in a blink of an eye? You can't be like this, can you?

Zheng Qian ignored Wang Guanqing. He just glanced at him casually, and then came to Lian Ruohan with a slight respect and said with a smile, "Miss Lian, in the last fight, there was a man who had been watching. He was scared a lot. Besides, he didn't do anything. You see, don't you want to hold Did you do it?"

Although Zheng Qian didn't know what Lian Ruohan came from, he could make Shen Fuming call the phone in a hurry. He, a small deputy secretary of the county party committee, absolutely couldn't afford to provoke him and had to ask for help in a low voice.

Lian Ruohan didn't wear her hot cowboy dress today. After changing into casual clothes, the ponytail toad was not tied up and casually scattered behind her, which added a lot of lady's taste to her. In addition, her faint expression and quiet eyes were like an empty valley orchid.

Xia wants to break her heart from her dressing and faint look that she didn't come here today to find a matter of trouble. I guess there are other plans.

Even Ruohan looked up at Zheng Qian: "Secretary Zheng, since you have brought all four knives and one Tao. Just let him come and meet me. It's nothing. How many?"

Zheng Qian almost sweated profusely. Not only did he inquire about him clearly, but he even guessed that he had brought Zheng Tao. It was really awesome. Up to now, he had nothing to say, so he had to nod in embarrassment and was about to turn around and go out to lead Wei Tao. Xia wanted to take the lead: "I'll find Zheng Tao, and Secretary Zheng will talk to Xiao Xiaolian."

Xiao Lian? Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing looked at each other in consterance. What does Xiaxiang mean? To talk so casually to Lian Ruohan, I don't know that she is not a small head. Or are you familiar with her?

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, Zheng Qian noticed Cao Shuhui and guessed that she might be Xia's girlfriend, so he said a few words enthusiastically. Cao Shuqi responded freely. She met many senior officials at the department level or even the deputy level. A deputy secretary of the county party committee was not a figure in her eyes. After a few words to Zheng Qian, she took the opportunity to come to Lian Ruohan, sat opposite her, with her hands on her cheeks, and stared at Lian Ruohan like a curious little girl.

Lian Ruohan can disdain the guide who is greedy for her beauty, and can disapprove of other people's envious eyes, but can't be indifferent to Cao Shuji's simple and clear eyes, who is also a beautiful woman. After the film, she said angrily, "What are you looking at? It's been a long time, haven't you seen enough?"

"My sister is so beautiful, how can I see enough?" Cao Shuhui directly ignored Lian Ruohan's angry eyes and still smiled innocently, revealing two beautiful front teeth. "In the past, some people always said that I was beautiful, but now I know that compared with my sister, I always feel that I am a little worse. Tell me, why do I always think you are beautiful? Is there an indesicable feeling that makes people addicted?

If a man praises her to his face. Lian Ruohan will not only ignore him, but also think that he has other intentions. Maybe he will do it again, but now she is a beautiful girl who looks beautiful but is naive and harmless. She does not hide the envy in her eyes. She speaks out her beauty and temperament in an almost sloof-mouthed tone. Ren Ren Ruohan is proud "She couldn't help but be moved. She was stunned and smiled at Cao Shuji: Little sister, in fact, you are also very beautiful. Really, your beauty is like glass, pure and crystal, like a snowflake falling from the sky, with the purity of a fairy."

Lian Ruohan smiled, like a beautiful orchid blooming in the wind. It's like the rising sun, and the bright light is everywhere. Not only Cao Shuhui was stunned for a moment, but even Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing couldn't help holding their breath! Both of them were thinking that no wonder she had a deserted expression all the time without a smiling face. It turned out that she smiled so beautifully. If she really laughs all the time, that's not bad!

Cao Shuhui covered his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't look at it. I dare not look at it. I will be envious to death if I look at it again. Sister Lian, your skin is so good, what kind of cosmetics do you use? And. Do you know that the wind on the grassland is very hard and it is easy to hurt the skin. You should be careful.

Lian Ruohan shouted in surprise and subconsciously touched his face: "No wonder I always feel itchy on my face these days. It turned out to be blown by the wind. Sister Bu, if you hadn't reminded me, I don't know what it would be like? By the way, what's your name? Is there any way to protect the skin?

There is never a shortage of beauty topics between women. Lian Ruohan, who is indifferent and inaccessible, once talked about skin care and beauty with Cao Shuhui. Like ordinary beautiful women, she asked questions and asked questions. She was particularly careless. It was not good for Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing to walk aside, and it was not good to stay. They had to smile bitterly and be careful with them.

Zheng Qian said that he didn't have any idea about Cao Shuhui because he wanted to think about it. Wang Guanqing is different. Even Ruohan has a backstage, but he doesn't know who Cao Shuhui is. He thinks that she is just an ordinary girl and dares to sit in the office of the director of the Public Security Bureau. If no one is around, he is very uncomfortable. I just want to find an opportunity to beat Cao Shuhui.

Originally, Cao Shuhui and Lian Ruohan kept talking, but he didn't have a chance to interrupt. The main reason was that he did not dare to interrupt the conversation between the two, for fear of making Lian Ruohan unhappy. It happened that Cao Shuhui's mobile phone rang. She got up and went outside to answer the phone. After a while, when she returned to the office, she was blocked by Wang Guanqing at the door.

"Are you Secretary Xia's girlfriend?" Wang Guanqing seemed to stand at the door unintentionally. In fact, he just blocked the door tightly. Obviously, he didn't want Cao Shuhui to go in.

Cao Shuhui nodded his head and glanced at the office. Seeing that Lian Ruohan's face was impatient, he said, "Mr. Director Wang is a cadre from the grass-roots level. His political level is high, and he is no worse than the director of the Public Security Bureau in Yan City. When I go back, I will God, I don't like the way he plays the official accent the most. He hums like he's choked on food.

The sentence choked back the words behind Wang Guanqing. He subconsciously stepped back and opened the door. His heart kept pounding. He thought about the origin of the little girl. She spoke very well, and also hinted that her relationship with the director of Yanshi Public Security Bureau was extraordinary. What level is the director of Yanfu Public Security Bureau? He is the deputy department. Compared with others, he is much worse. Listening to her casual tone, she dared to say to her face the director of the Yanshi Public Security Bureau. No matter how stupid Wang Guanqing was, she could understand that Cao Shuqi was implying him that she was also an identifiable person.

Wang Guanqing was extremely annoyed. Originally, he thought that Cao Shuhui looked simple and easy to bully, but he didn't expect that before he could say his words, he was pushed back to the small, which was powerful enough, which was unattainable compared with Lian Ruohan's appearance. Cao Shu is also a proud person, but she is easy-going, as long as you don't mess with her. Once you mess with her, she will be very smart to return it and let you suffer a dumb loss.

Wang Guanqing returned to the office. Seeing that Cao Shuhui sat back opposite Lian Ruohan again, he and Zheng Qian looked at each other. He thought that one was the deputy secretary of the county party committee and the other was the director of the county public security bureau, but he was accompanying two little girls under the age of 20. Would it be very embarrassing to say

Cao Shuhui put his mobile phone back in his pocket, spread out his hands, and said helplessly, "My father is always worried about me. He calls me almost every day. I'm a big deal. I'm not a ten-year-old child. How can there be so much to worry about? Even sister, is your father like this?

A trace of loss flashed on Lian Ruohan's face: "My father is just the opposite. He never cares about me, and I can't see him all year round." Not to mention him, it's just right without him. Isn't it better for me to be free alone? I envy you for having a good father who cares about you. Her voice lowered and finally showed a weak side.

Cao Shuhui couldn't figure out what words to comfort her, so she had to change the topic: "Why didn't Xia think she came back?"

When Lian Ruohan remembered the real purpose of coming here, his face turned cold and turned to Wang Guanqing and said, "Mr. Wang, are you going to drag it until dark?"

Wang Guanqing scolded Zheng Qian in his heart, and scolded Xia for being unreliable. How could he find someone for so long? At the same time, I was also surprised that even Ruohan's face changed so quickly, which was surprisingly different from what happened just now. He just talked and laughed with Cao Shuhui, but now he suddenly changed like a person, as cold as frost, and there is also a forceful momentum, which makes him dare not even come out.

Even in the face of the county party secretary and the municipal party secretary, he has never been so nervous.

Zheng Qian also wondered why Xia didn't come back. He was going to have a look. Xia wanted to push the door in one after the other with Zheng Tao. As soon as Xia entered the door, he first nodded to Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing, and said hello. Then he led Zheng Tao to Lian Ruohan and said, "I persuaded him for a long time before he dared to see you." On the one hand, he has never seen such a beautiful woman, and on the other hand, he has never experienced such a big scene. You should be more responsible

If it's half small. Before the time. Even Ruohan ignored Xiaxiang's affirmation, but now he looks at Cao Shuhui's face and whisper, "Hum. It was a response, and then he glanced at Zheng Tao and asked, "Did you go to high school? Looking at your polite appearance, how can you hang out with those bad guys?

Zheng Tao looked back at Xiaxiang with a nervous look. Seeing that Xia wanted to nod to him, he was much more settled, and there was a smile on his face: "Even sister, I didn't mean it, and I didn't mean it. I was just pulled by Wang Ming to play. Usually I had nothing to That day, he insisted that I go to dinner with him, but he didn't expect to bump into you. Sister, you have a lot of adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as me. Is it good? Look, I'm so timid. If you get angry, I'll be scared to death! Otherwise, don't be angry, scold me, and kick me if you don't get angry, but don't push too hard. I'm afraid of pain

With a "puff", Lian Ruohan, who had been tightening his face, laughed out loud. She waved her hand and said, "Don't be nervous. I didn't say I would punish you. Seeing that you look thin and weak, you look like my brother, so I just want to teach you a few words. Don't fool around with those who don't learn anything every day. If there is no benefit, it will hurt yourself in the end. It's a good thing that you are timid. It's much better than a lawless person. All right. Don't tremble. Let's go if you want.

Zheng Tao was granted amnesty. He bowed his head and said, "Thank you, sister!" Unexpectedly, he bent too big and touched his head on the table with a bang. He covered his head and grinned with embarrassment. Even Ruohan was teased by his funny appearance. For a moment, the atmosphere was greatly eased.

Zheng Qian knew that his son couldn't say what he had just said. Now he understood why Xia wanted to go for so long. It turned out that he taught Zheng Tao how to relieve the siege. He couldn't help but feel grateful in his heart and threw a grateful glance at Xia.

Xia wanted to smile modestly. He waved his hand gently and didn't want to do credit. Zheng Qian's cautious and correct attitude made Zheng Qian feel more like him. Looking at Wang Guanqing standing beside him with an embarrassed face, he remembered what Lian Ruohan said just now and scolded Feng, and when he thought of the sinister intention that Wang Guan Qing insisted on pushing him out, the more he felt that Wang Guanqing's old face was really hateful

No one expected it. Even Ruohan insisted on seeing Zheng Tao for such a catty. For a simple reason, Wang Guanqing and Zheng Qian thought that she was here to find her balance, but they just wanted to say a few words to warn Zheng Tao. Both of them were puzzled. Only Xia thought that he was not very surprised. Although he didn't know much about Lian Ruohan, he also knew that as Lian Ruohan, he could not grasp such a small thing. When she came to Zheng Tao, she must have other ideas.

With her personality and identity, it is normal to do unreasonable things. Xiaxiang will not make a fuss.

Lian Ruohan got up and said goodbye. I ignored Xia's thoughts, just nod to Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing, and smiled at Cao Shuhui: "Remember to call me. We still have a lot to say

Cao Shuhui took Lian Ruohan's hand, but his eyes looked at Xia and thought, "Then when I talk to you, can you take him with me?"