official god

Chapter 123 Tongtianshan Road

No matter how he went downstairs with Cao Shumu, Cao Shu was so ugly that he held her hand happily: "Sister Lian, I was going to find you, and you came. That's great. Let's go swimming together in the afternoon. Is it good?"

The rosy face of Lian Ruohan has retreated, but her ears are still red and have not disappeared. She looked at Xiaxiang with a little guilty heart and said, "If it's just the two of us, it's okay. If there are more people, I won't go

Mi Dong didn't let Xia want to down. He saw the dodge in Lian Ruohan's eyes and quietly asked Xia, "To be honest, what's wrong with her? Why is she a little guilty? It seems that she is still a little afraid of you. Are you rude?

Xia wanted to jump his eyelids and hurriedly argued, "Don't ruin my innocence at any time. Why do you always like to arrange others? Don't you see that they all have opinions on you? I just want to swim with girl Hui, and I don't want to talk to you.

Mi Dong gave Lian Ruohan a white look: "Go, I don't want to pay attention to her. She always looks like clouds in the sky. If she is really a colorful cloud in the sky, don't go down to the earth. What kind of big-headed doll come to the world? No, I see her look at you in the wrong way. There is definitely a problem between the two of you. Let me see

She pushed Xiaxiang away, saw the big circle and the small circle on the ground, and shouted in a fuss: "The secret, it's definitely a secret code! Xia Think, are you and Lian Ruohan?"

"Mi Ying". Cao Shuhui stamped her feet and came to the two of them. She pushed Mi Dong away and pulled Xia to think, "The three of us go swimming together. Don't you still have something to do? Go ahead, don't worry about us.

. In fact, what Cao Shuhui means is that we don't have to worry about Mi Dong. It is equivalent to directly excluding Mi Ying from the three people.

Mi Ying shook her head with a bitter face: "Why am I always injured? I don't know the hearts of good people, girl. Wait, there will always be times when you regret it. When the time comes, don't come to me!"

In the end, Xia wanted to manage from the middle, and finally Cao Shuhui reluctantly agreed to let Mi Dong go with him. Mi Dong had to pretend to be the boss's reluctance, but in fact, he also followed closely, lest they would fall behind. Even Ruohan turned a blind eye to her sarcasm and didn't look at her when she didn't exist. It made Mi Ying extremely depressed, and no one told her. I have to rush to Xia and keep talking.

After a while, Xia Shang began to regret his original decision. Originally, he wanted to pull up Mi Ying. By the way, I talked to her about accompanying the bid, but I didn't expect to be ignored by Cao Shuhui and Lian Ruohan. Think of Xia as the only person to talk to. He thinks he is the only alliance she can attract. Therefore, she refused to let Xiaxiang go and poured all her dissatisfaction with Cao Shuhui and disdain for Lian Ruohan into Xiaxiang's ears.

Xia thought that she was in pain and finally understood that the most terrible thing about women was not to mess around, but to whisper in your ear.

Cao Shuji said that she was going to go swimming, but even Ruohan didn't want to go. She almost ** her body in front of a stranger. She had concerns in her heart and couldn't let go, not to mention that there was a strange man, Xiaxiang. Cao Shudai was not reluctant. She got into Lian Ruohan's car and asked her to take them around casually. Lian Ruohan's color against Mi Ying is not fake. He is not cold or hot to Xia, but he is particularly friendly to Cao Shuhui. She didn't refute her words and nodded. Express consent.

Cao Shudai proudly glanced at Xiaxiang. Lian Ruohan drove. She sat on the co-pilot and threw Xiaxiang and Mi Ying in the back seat. Xia wanted to have a headache. She glanced at Mi Ying and saw that she was going to open her mouth again. He said quickly, "I'm a little carsick. Take a break first and call me when you get there." Then he ignored Mi Yi's white eyes and despised him, closed his eyes and left.

Xia wanted to avoid Mi Ying's harassment. She wanted to pretend to close her eyes and rest for a while, but she didn't expect to fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took. He felt that his nose and ears were itchy at the same time. He scratched with one hand, but touched a soft little hand. He immediately reached out and grabbed it: "Do you still want to run? If you dare to do bad things, you must have the courage to be caught at any time!"

He thought it must be Cao Shuhui playing a trick on him. He grabbed his little hand and tried to scare her. Unexpectedly, he tried his best to surf the Internet, but he was freed by the other party's backhand. The speed and strength surprised him a lot.

When he opened his eyes, Lian Ruohan stood outside the car with a frosty face and said coldly, "R hooligan!"

How can people be treated as hooligans everywhere? Xia said aggrievedly, "You should know that you were teasing me just now, and it's just self-defense for me to reach out and resist. Why are you a hooligan? You call it a back bite."

Lian Ruohan threw away the dog's tail grass in his hand and clapped the dirt on his hands: "Daughter Hui asked me to wake you up. I'm too lazy to call you, and I don't want to touch you, so I have to wake you up with a piece of grass. Who made you sleep so ugly, crooked, so ugly!"

Xia wanted to say wonder, "Who doesn't sleep from east to west? Do you sleep standing up? Let me tell you, horses can sleep standing, but people can't

He got out of the car and looked around and found that the car was parked next to the mountain road. On one side of the mountain road was a mountain, on the other side was a cliff, and there was an open space the size of a football field at his feet. It should have just rained. The air in the mountains is particularly fresh, and there is still a little water on the ground. Take a deep breath of fresh air. Suddenly, I felt relaxed and happy.

The mountain road is not wide, and two cars can be used in parallel at most. There are trees on both sides of the road, with walnut trees. There are flower cabinet trees, as well as some jujube and apricot trees. Cao Shuji and Mi Ying are on the other side of the mountain road. You hold me, and I pull you to reach the walnuts on the tree.

At this time, the walnuts are not fully ripe, round like an egg, and the outer layer is covered with a thick layer of cyan pulp. Only after the green pulp outside is rotten will the walnuts inside be exposed. That is, the appearance of walnuts seen on the market. Xia wants to see the two of them in high spirits. He shook his head and said, "The walnuts in the mountain are not delicious. Besides, it's not easy to remove the skin, and it's useless to take it off. So is Mi Dong. It's quite a big person, and it's not enough to play

"That's right, the mountains and the water are not beautiful. What's the fun? It's a fuss. After all, it's a child. Her heart is immature, and everything she sees is strange. It's really boring. It's rare that even Ruohan wants to talk to Xia. She put her hand on her forehead, as if she was not used to the sun after the rain. She frowned slightly and her nose was very good. It is very upturned and looks particularly charming from the side.

It can be said that her whole face is very classically beautiful, a standard melon seed face, almost perfect face shape and exquisite facial features, even from the side. It is also an impeccable beauty, especially her long hair keeps blinking, which is dazzling.

Compared with Xiao Jia's color, he is not charming, compared with Cao Shu's innocence and beauty, Lian Ruohan's beauty. Just like an exquisite jade that emits dazzling light; beauty is beautiful, but life does not have a sense of closeness, just like watching the high-level fairy beauty from afar, it is cold and cold, and there is a faint sense of alienation from everyone!

Xia wanted to take back her wild thoughts. It was rare that she had a common language with Lian Ruohan, so she asked, "Do I call you Ruohan, or do I call you Lian's sister?"

"What you want." Lian Ruohan turned his head, and his picturesque face was as cold as the moonlight. The voice was also ethereal as if it came from the sky, "What do you call your freedom? It's my right not to answer

Xia figured it out. What she means is that if she wants to talk to you, she will talk to you. If she doesn't want to talk to you, it's useless for you to break your throat. Forget it, there is no need to provoke her if you have nothing to do. I'm so idle! He turned around and walked to the edge of the cliff. The soil under my feet was a little soft. After a few steps, my shoes were covered with mud. Looking up at the clouds that kept churning in the valley, I saw the sun penetrating the clouds and forming clear and dark clouds on the vast land. I suddenly felt comfortable and couldn't help chanting a poem by Du Fu: "The chest is full of clouds, and I will definitely return to the bird

Lian Ruohan's eyes were blurred. He looked up at the sky and heard that Xia missed this poem. Suddenly, tears gushed out: "It will be the top of the mountain, and the mountains are small at a glance. It is said that it is easy to do but difficult. If you really want to climb to the top, although you can see After seeing enough, I'm still alone, and the height is too cold!"

Xia thought to herself, but she couldn't see that she was young and thoughtful, and she was still a person with a story. There may be something unbearable to look back on. I wanted to ask, but I thought of her indifferent look. He shook his head and didn't want to be bored, but he still didn't say anything.

Lian Ruohan took the initiative to come to his side and stood side by side with him, looking at the sea of clouds in the distant mountains. After the silent film, he suddenly asked, "Xia wants to? Your name is quite strange. What does it mean?

"No." Xia Xiang laughed at himself, "The original name was Xia Xiang. When he registered his household registration shortly after birth, the registered police had a lot of imagination and wrote it as Xia Xiang. It happened to be summer at that time, and she was also a very young policewoman. Maybe she was missing someone. Xia missed the summer. As a result, because of her wild thoughts, I changed from flying to missing. It's a pity to think about it

"I'm really good at making up. It must be a little hairy child who will believe it if he cheats people?" Lian Ruohan said he didn't believe it. However, there was still a slight smile at the corners of his mouth. If, I just say that if you are telling the truth, what about the policewoman now?

The woman's thinking is really strange. From his name to the policewoman, the way of looking at the problem is really very different from that of a man. Xia wanted to scratch his head: "I was just born at that time, okay? How can I know what will happen to her in the future? However, according to my guess, she should have a daughter now. She is about the same age as you, and I guess she is also living happily

"I'm older than you!" Lian Ruohan reacted quickly and immediately realized that it was Xia who wanted to imply that she was younger than him. If you call me sister, maybe I will agree

The climate in the mountains was poisonous, and a gust of wind blew, and the net was still in the sky. Suddenly, a cloud came from nowhere and covered the sky. A ray of sunlight happened to shine on Lian Ruohan through the clouds. So Xia wanted to see a spectacle that he had never seen in his life. He and Lian Ruohan were close at hand. Lian Ruohan is like a shining fairy, shrouded in the bright sunshine, and he is in the dark shadow, forming a sharp contrast with her, like day and night, strange and beautiful.

Xia Xiang took a breath and sighed, "The so-called proud son of heaven is nothing more than that. You and I are only one meter away from each other, but every day. A natural noble person like you will never realize how difficult the life of ordinary people is! That's why you drive rampant, scare other people's horses, and casually hit other people's cars, thinking that money can solve everything. If money can really solve everything, you won't have any distress. Don't you have any distress now? I don't think so

Lian Ruohan was stunned, and his face returned to a cold color: "Don't try to trick me. I won't tell you who I am!" And I'm willing to drive and rampage, that is, I'm willing to crash other people's cars. What can you do? What can you do with me? She turned around and walked out of the sun and leaned towards Cao Shu without looking back.

Xia wants to laugh, saying that she is a generation spoiled by indulgence. She also has her own principles. Although she can't forgive others, she won't be unreasonable. It's hard to figure out when she is measured and sometimes wayward.

After a while, Cao Shuhui and the three of them came back with a smile, and even Ruohan had something to say to Cao Shuhui. Her attitude towards Mi Dong is not even as good as thinking about Xia. She got into the car by herself and turned off

The more Mi Dong saw that Lian Ruohan didn't like it, he was angry, and no one listened to her complaints, so he stared at Xia with a dissatisfied face: "Just now, you were so close to her and talked so much. Have you made progress? Xia thought, don't say I didn't remind you that you can't find such a good female core in the world except for Dai. Although Lian Ruohan is not bad-looking, his character is much worse, hum. Don't be fooled by her.

Cao Shu didn't refute Mi Ying this time. He tilted his head and looked at Xiaxiang with a smile, bit his lips tightly, blinked his eyes, and waited for him to speak. Xia wanted to know Cao Shuhui's cleverness and careful thinking, so he laughed at Mi Dong: "Women in the world are the most curious and most suspicious. Focus it all on you alone. It's also a miracle. I don't understand why Miss Hui is your sister. How can she be as smart as an elf, but you have so many things as an old woman?

Mi Huang, who was hit hard, grinned and wanted to say something but didn't say it. He shook his head and went to the flower board tree on the roadside to pick the flower board with a sad expression. Cao Shuhui smiled. Very happy, he walked half a meter away from the county and stood with a strange glow on his little face: "What Sister Dong just said. Do you remember?,

The little girl is testing him. Xia thought that she and Mi Dong, one sang with a red face and the other with a white face. In fact, he sang and cooperated seamlessly to see his performance. He is a normal man. He also knows Cao Shuhui's thoughts. He doesn't touch it at all. It's fake, but he doesn't want to surrender so easily. He pretended to nod and said, "I understand. She is afraid that Lian Ruohan will think about me. Don't worry, she may not have any idea about me Law, it will be realized slowly in the future

Cao Shuji was not fooled. He leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Do you want me to lead the needle for you and Sister Lian and be a matchmaker? She has the best relationship with me now. If I believe it the most, if I say more kind words, her attitude towards you will definitely change a lot. Maybe she will really like you.

Xia wanted to look intoxicated: "Great, thank you, girl Hui. If you can do me such a big favor. I will definitely treat you to a big meal. How about it? Come on, what delicious food do you want to eat? I'm going to save money from now on, so that I won't be slaughtered by you. It's a shame if I don't have money to pay the bill.

"Okay, you big-headed ghost," Cao Shuhui gritted her teeth and said. He raised his foot and kicked Xia Xiang, "I want to kill you now, so that you know what it means to be greedy. You still want me to be a matchmaker for you. Do you really dare to think that I'm easy to bully?

Lian Ruohan poked his head out of the car window: "Young Hui, get in the car. It may rain." I took a look at Xiaxiang again. As if he didn't know him, he said in a color, "I warn you not to be delusional and be careful of big losses. It's too late to cry at that time

Xiaxiang nodded seriously: "Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for your praise. I am self-aquainted, and I also know that I must not be interested in fake high-ty women. He turned around and touched Cao Shuhui's head again. "It's still funny, smart and cute."

"Go away. I'm not your toy. Cao Shuhui left Xia and thought about it alone. He got into the co-pilot's seat and waved to Mi Dong in the distance, "Get in the car, if you don't get in the car, you will be poisoned to the ravine

When he went back, Xia thought that he was no longer sleepy. The more he looked at the scenery on both sides of the road, the more familiar he became. Although the mountain road in front of us can't even be called a road, not to mention the potholes, there are still piles of rocks everywhere. If it hadn't been for the high enough ground of the road tiger, it would not be impassable at all. Ordinary cars would definitely support the bottom. Looking at the mountain road that is no more than four or five meters wide winding between the mountains, there are few people between the mountain roads. His mind flashed, and he finally realized that the mountain road in front of him is the Tongtian Mountain Road from the capital to the Sanshan Resort after the development of the Sanshan Resort!

That is to say. They are now walking on this mountain road where the people of Ba County are happy! Xia wanted to hold back his inner surprise and hurriedly asked, "Ruohan, did you find this road? How do you know this mountain road?

Lian Ruoyi was concentrating on driving. He was asked by Xia, but he didn't look back. He replied, "I drove around when I had nothing to do. I accidentally found this path. What's wrong with the performance of the car? Do you have any opinion?"

Can't you show your personality if you don't speak a few words? Xia thought secretly slandered Ruohan, but said, "Land Rover's performance is good, but it's not good enough to cross the mountains. The mountain road is so dangerous. You'd better be careful when driving. After all, the life of a car is in your hands

If Xia is right, she hasn't arrived at Sanshan Resort yet, that is to say, it is still 30 or 40 kilometers away from Dam County. Unexpectedly, he took a nap. Unexpectedly, he was brought here by Lian Ruohan. It's also a good thing. Originally, he had always wanted to take a look at the mountain road in his memory. First, he didn't have time. Second, there is no suitable means of transportation, and it's good now. Inadvertently stained with Lian Ruohan's light.

Xia wants to find the location of the Sanshan Resort in memory while calculating according to the current situation of the mountain road. If the construction is widened, how long will it take for the construction of the Sanshan Resort to start at the same time, the mountain road will also be under construction at the same time. As long as the construction information is determined, the tourism plan !

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