official god

Chapter 141 The Great Utilization Value of Lian Ruohan

Ruohan can naturally hear the hints of Gaohai dialect. It's still a faint spotted tank: Chu Fenglou can be opened in Yan City, mainly because this street is a dining street. There were a lot of people, and one hundred people came to eat. That's enough to make money. If you want to open a branch elsewhere and want to be so popular, it is unlikely that Chufenglou mainly focuses on Hunan cuisine. In Yanshi, there is not much market for Hunan cuisine!"

Is Lian Ruohan the child of a catering family? Xia wanted to think of the treatment she received in Quanjude in the capital, and she couldn't help but have some imagination.

Of course, it is also related to Lian Ruohan's analysis of Yanshi's catering industry, because what she recommended is indeed true.

From now on, it has lasted for more than ten years. The catering industry in Yan City is a blowout development trend. There are many large and small restaurants, and all kinds of restaurants are opened in the big and small streets of Yan City like hundreds of flowers. After more than ten years of development and elimination, it is finally established in Yan City and prosperous. Sichuan cuisine. Other cuisines are testing the water in Yan City, and all of them ended in a fiasco. There is a local taste and style in one place. Yanshi people like to focus on tastes and don't like sweet and light dishes, so Shanghai cuisine has opened three large restaurants in Yanshi, but they are quickly closed.

Judging from the fact that Lian Ruohan can say that there is not much market for Hunan cuisine in Yanshi, she has definitely done relevant research on the catering market. Xia thought that he had gained a lot of knowledge, but Lian Ruohan made a conclusion after doing an in-depth analysis of the market.

Chu Zigao seemed to have been slapped in the face. He always thought that Xiangcai could stand firm in Yan City and attack the city. In two or three years, he became the leader in the industry. Unexpectedly, he was rudely denied by a powerful little girl, which shocked him as if he had directly asked for his old life. He was cold, and then shook his head in disbelief and said repeatedly, "It's impossible. It's impossible. It's really impossible. The citizens of Yan City say that the food in my Chufeng Building is delicious, and there are many repeat customers. How can they not like Hunan cuisine? Miss Lian joked. You are from the capital and don't know much about the market of Yan City.

Lian Ruohan didn't have a smile on his face and said indifferently, "I'm just expressing my opinion. Believe it or not, making money and losing money is your business, which has nothing to do with me. Besides, you want me to express my opinion. If it hadn't been for Xia Xiang's face, I wouldn't

Gao Hai, as the secretary-general of the municipal government, of course, paid attention to the future development of Yan City. When he heard Lian Ruohan's affirmation, he asked Xia, "What are Xiaoxia's different views on the catering industry?"

Chu Zigao said hurriedly as if he had grabbed the life-saving straw: "Yes. Yes, Secretary Xia, let's talk about it quickly. I think it's better for you to be old-fashioned, accurate, and long-term.

Xia wanted to know that Chu Fenglou in later generations was also popular for a while, but later it was still suppressed by many Beijing-style restaurants and became a second-class restaurant. It is far from the position of the leader in the industry. Once upon a time, hot pot was the most popular in Yan City, which was divided into two types. One was hot pot in Inner Mongolia and Sichuan hot pot. When it was most prosperous, it was almost all over the streets and alleys, no less than hundreds of restaurants, big and small. Later, after being eliminated, there are still a number of forces left, which can be regarded as a successful localization. In addition to hot pot, the most popular restaurants in Yan City are the natural house in the capital, the family in Yan Province, the old capital, etc. Although there are some other local cuisines, they are not in the climate. There are only one or two.

There is an old Shanghai restaurant that has been open in Yan City for more than ten years. Although it has been able to maintain it, it has always been half dead. There are very few people going to eat, and it is even far less than the noodle restaurant waiting for color in the charter market.

In fact, Lian Ruohan is right. If Chu Fenglou continues to follow Chu Zigao's ideas, it will be submerged in the first wave of catering industry in Yan City in less than two years. He took a look at Lian Ruohan and cast a approving look at her. I just said, "I still agree with Ruohan's opinion. Yanshi people have a heavy taste, don't like light taste, don't like seafood, and prefer soy sauce and vinegar, so there should be a big market for restaurants with Beijing flavor in the future

As soon as he said this, Gao Hai and Chu Zigao didn't react much. Lian Ruohan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia with a suspicious face. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "Are you talking nonsense, or guessing, or have you studied it?"

Lian Ruohan's behavior made Xiaxiang more sure. Even if she is not from the catering family, at least some people in her family are engaged in the catering industry, so she is so careful

Xiaxiang didn't answer Lian Ruohan's suspicion: "As you think, I'm only responsible for saying my opinion, one of which is for reference only. He is only responsible for putting forward opinions and does not bear any joint responsibility." He smiled and didn't want the atmosphere to be too formal. "In addition to the popularity of Beijing-flavored restaurants, I think hot pot will also become popular in Yan City

"Open the river with your mouth". Lian Ruohan shook her head vigorously, and she shook her head quickly. He speaks quickly, and he is obviously in a very urgent mood. Finally, she showed her lovely side, "Northern people don't like spicy food. Hot pot is delicious when it's spicy, and Yanshi people's taste is heavy, and the hot pot soup is mostly light. You are contradictory. Obviously, you take it for granted

"If you take it for granted, take it for granted. As I said, I am only responsible for expressing opinions, not responsible for further explanations, and I am not responsible for what I said. Believe it or not, Xia wanted to directly reply to Lian Ruohan, and then turned to Gao Hai and said, "Uncle Gao is a real Yanshi native. Do you also like hot pot?"

Gao Hai was stunned at first. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then smiled: "Don't say it. I have eaten hot pot several times. After you said it, now in retrospect, it tastes really good. If you have time, you can eat it a few more times

Chu Zigao wiped his face and sweated: "Secretary Xia, don't worry about killing and burying it. Give me some advice, okay?"

Xia wants to use one finger to Lian Ruohan: "Listen to Ruohan, Chu Fenglou is open correctly, but it is not mainly based on Hunan cuisine. It appropriately increases the taste and caters to the market. And if you want to open a hot pot restaurant, I suggest you go to Inner Mongolia to learn the experience. The taste there is authentic. In addition, the noodles produced on the dam are also good. There are many ways to eat, and open a technical noodle restaurant. It can also attract many people north of the capital living in Yan City"

Lian Ruohan didn't say anything, holding his cheek in one hand, revealing a white and tender jade-like arm. With a thoughtful look on her face, she looked at Xia from time to time, and her eyes flashed with puzzles and doubts.

After that, even Ruohan didn't say a word again, and suddenly became quiet and listened to Xia want to talk and laugh without saying a word. Occasionally, his eyes flashed and he looked at Xia Xiang quickly, and his eyes were full of meaningful content.

After dinner, Chu Zigao wanted to stay in Xia for a long time. After listening to Xia's high opinion, he felt itchy and uncomfortable, so he wanted Xia to be stunned by the detailed plan. Xia wanted to have no time to discuss other important things for Chu Pong and discuss with Gao Hai. I had to turn back Chu Zigao. Chu Zigao said with a regretful face, "Secretary Xia, how many days will you stay in Yanshi? Where do you live? I'll visit you some other day."

Now Chu Zigao has 100% trust in Xia, but if he really wants to switch to other cuisines at once, he can't make up his mind, but he is afraid of missing a good opportunity, so he is entangled and uncomfortable. If Xia wants to give him a plan, he can make up his mind to do it.

Xia wanted to know Chu Zigao's thoughts. He didn't mean to pinch it. He really couldn't find time, so he said, "I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Is that okay?"

Farewell to Chu Zigao, Xia wanted to ask Lian Ruohan, "If you have something to do, you can go. I'll come to you when I'm not busy and let you be a full-time driver. I don't feel at ease."

Lian Ruohan smiled and said, "I'm fine. Why don't I be a driver for you and Secretary-General Gao? What's the matter? If you think I'm in the way, just say it?"

It's rare to see Lian Ruohan smile. Xiaxiang, who saw many beautiful women, was also stabbed by her bright smile. I feel like a sea of flowers in front of me. He was distracted and hurriedly said, "Then Miss Lao Lian will send me and Uncle Gao back to the municipal government."

In the car, Xia wanted to pretend to think of something and said, "Uncle Gao, I have a friend who is a manager in the second branch of the province. Would you like to get to know each other?

Xia thought's proposal was a little abrupt. Gao Hai didn't realize what he meant. He pondered slightly and understood that Xia thought must have something to do, so he said, "Okay, since it's your friend, everything is fine. It's up to you. It's up to you."

Xia thought that she didn't want Lian Ruohan to know too many things, but she had been following closely on the grounds that she was willing to be a driver, which made him helpless. He couldn't drive her away in person?

Back to the municipal government, taking advantage of Lian Ruohan's parking space, Xia wanted to quickly say to Gao Hai, "Uncle Gao, about Du Cun. I have a catty, which is not an immature idea. I want to report it to you.

Gao Hai knew that Xia wanted to avoid Lian Ruohan, so he laughed, "Lian Ruohan is so personality, Xiaoxia, what do you think she comes from?"

Xia wanted to shake his head: "I can't guess. Anyway, my attitude is that it's neither cold nor hot, not far nor close, can't be a friend, and it's better not to be an enemy."

Gao Hai agreed: "Well, wait for my call in the evening, and we will communicate again

What makes Xia want to feel depressed is. He hinted several times that even Ruohan could go shopping, go shopping, and even go to Cao Shuhui. But Lian Ruohan was unmoved. He was either left and right, or pretended not to hear him. Anyway, he was inseparable from the fairy. Xia thought that he couldn't say that he hated her, and that he didn't like her, and he was not afraid of the forces behind her. He always felt that even Ruohan followed him, and he must have other intentions. She didn't say anything. He won't ask. But he believes that one day, Lian Ruohan will reveal her true intention.

But at least for now, even Ruohan has great use value for him. Whether it is to balance the contradictions of Dam County or the energy she can alarm Shen Fuming, people have to take a high look. Since she is willing to follow, she would rather kill the mistake than let it go. If she is willing, let her stay. Anyway, there is a beautiful woman around her. It's not a shame to have a full set of services with people and cars, and it's free. Why not?

Finally, taking advantage of the gap when Lian Ruohan went to the bathroom, he called Cao Shuhui. Cao Shuhui's voice was soft, with a lazy smell: "With beautiful company, I don't miss Shu. Now that I remember to call me, do you feel ashamed?

Accompanied by beauty? Xia wanted to almost faint after hearing this. She quickly said Lian Ruohan's evil deeds, and finally stressed, "Dai girl. Call her quickly and ask her to come to you. I'm afraid of her. I want to talk about something important. Isn't it too much for her?

Cao Shuhui's laughter came through the microphone, and people can still feel the meaning of teasing: "I didn't expect that you were so charming." Xia thought that she would make fun of him and Lian Ruohan. Unexpectedly, Cao Shuhui's topic changed, but he talked about her family. "It's my mother. She heard that you . I have to force you to call you immediately and let you come home for dinner. By the way, the bad boy in our family also talked about you several times, saying that since you came to Yanshi, you were not the first to see him, which made him feel very ashamed"

Xia wanted to know that Cao Shuhui deliberately left Cao Yongguo, but when he took the initiative to ask, of course he wanted to give her face, so he asked, "Uncle Cao didn't ask me?"

"You stinky, who are you in our family? Let our family talk about you. You have a lot of face." Cao Shudai's coquettish tone was addictive, and his voice had an indescribable feeling of jumping. "My father also asked you one word. Don't be proud. He said why didn't Xiaoxia come to the house?"

"Then what do you say?" Xia Huan, who was a little upset by Lian Ruohan, was stunned and relaxed as soon as he heard Cao Shuhui's voice. He was very willing to chat with her. "You said that your family talked about me, so what did you say about me?"

"I didn't say you, I'm too lazy to talk about you, I don't want to talk about you"

Before Cao Shuhui finished his words, Mi Dong's exaggerated voice came from one end of the phone: "Let Xia want to come home for dinner and let him come in the evening. If he doesn't come, let him never come."

"Don't make trouble, Sister Dong. I'm going to be angry." Xia thought that Cao Shuhui and Mi Dong fought for a while. I just heard Cao Shuhui's voice coming again. I don't care about her, she just likes to go crazy. But I still have a conscience. I'm still reliable at the critical moment. I said a lot of good things to you at home. I know you're busy. Remember to call me when you're done. Don't run around. Do you hear me?"

Hung up the phone, Xia wanted to smile bitterly. Cao Shuhui spoke to You as if he were an disobedient child, which made him funny and speechless.

Lian Ruohan appeared in front of Xiaxiang, which really shocked him, because he clearly remembered that she was still wearing a cowboy just now. One catty, why did you change into a white gauze skirt in the bathroom?

The white gauze skirt is as beautiful as a wedding dress. The inner layer is a little reflective flesh-colored cloth, and the outer layer is white gauze. The skirt is a medium skirt, just covering her knees, revealing her delicate calves that are not thick or thin. She also changed into a pair of yellow sandals on her feet. She didn't wear socks, and her ten fingers were pink and white. Just like a baby's small feet are as flawless.

Lian Ruohan's skin is white, and the chest of her coat is low, revealing a large amount of shocking white, charming and touching white. Her collarbone is no less sexy than Cao Shuhui's, and her neck is slender and slender. Even if she doesn't wear any jewelry, she looks arrogant and intoxicating.