official god

Chapter 146 The fragrant event of throwing a hug

When the little one was sleeping soundly, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. Xia wanted to sleep before he woke up. Yuan Gan only wore one underwear and went to open the door? As soon as the net opened the door, a hot body rushed into his arms. At the same time, there was an exclamation in my ear: "Help me, Xiaxiang, help me quickly.

For a young man who has not been drunk, his lower body is often straight when he wakes up in the middle of the night. This is a normal physiological reaction. Xiaxiang is a normal man, and of course it is inevitable. Moreover, he was on the upper body**, wearing only a pair of underwear on his lower body, and was suddenly covered with warm and soft jade. There was a timid voice asking for help in his ear, which can be said to be full of emotion **. At this moment, he only felt his blood boiling. In the future, he held him tightly in his arms. The two of them clung to each other, their chest was close to the chest and lower abdomen, and only separated by a layer of clothing. It's even stronger on her silk pajamas

Even Ruohan almost cried out: "It's all your fault. Don't come back early! It's all your fault, let the cockroach climb to **! It's all your fault that made me have a nightmare," she whispered like a lonely and helpless child who threw herself into the arms of her parents, with helplessness and sadness in her voice, and a trace of pity for life

She may have a catty. In her unfortunate childhood, an idea suddenly flashed in Xia's mind. On the surface, she is arrogant and cold, but in fact, it is also to hide the helplessness and sadness in her heart. In this mystery, Lian Ruohan tore off all the disguises and reduced it to the weakness and pity that a powerful little girl should have! With the light that was not bright, Xia thought that her eyes were wide open, and there was inexplicable panic in her eyes. Her face was panicked, and there were tears flashing in her eyes, which looked so pitiful and lonely!

She was wearing a flesh-colored silk pajamas, and the strap on her left shoulder slid to one side, revealing more than half of her shoulder, which was so white that it was reverie. The two balls on the chest are squeezed. Close to his chest. It is both elastic and soft. Her hair is scattered, her lips are slightly open, and the expression on her face is eager for love, protection, and warm arms

Xia wanted to pat her gently on the back and comfort her, "Don't be afraid. You can beat three bad people per person, and you are also afraid of a small cockroach. Besides, cockroaches are rich in nutrition and delicious to eat. It bullies you again. I ate it for you."

"Hate, eat cockroaches, it's disgusting." Lian Ruohan endured for a while, but he still didn't laugh, but the expression on his face had eased a lot. "You don't know, when I was a child, I went out by myself and ran to an abandoned room. I couldn't get in and out. It was full of cockroaches, crawling around, and some climbed I cried for two hours before I was rescued by my father. Later, I fell seriously ill, and then later. I'm scared to death when I see cockroaches. I'm not afraid of mice and snakes, but cockroaches"

The psychological trauma of childhood is the most difficult to heal. What even Ruohan is afraid of is not cockroaches. In fact, it is a kind of psychological panic. What she is afraid of is the psychological shadow of her childhood.

The two of them hugged each other tightly, as if no one realized how ambiguous and excessive this posture was!

Xia wanted to hear Lian Ruohan say her psychological problems and also remembered his childhood: "Do you know what I'm most afraid of? I was not afraid to see wolves when I was a child. The tall wolf dog doesn't bite me, and I dare to tease it. I dare to catch a snake a few meters long, but I'm afraid of four-legged snakes. Do you know the four-legged snake? It is similar to a gecko, running around in the field. It runs very fast, doesn't bite, and is not poisonous. But I trembled when I saw the four-legged snake. Do you know why?

Lian Ruohan was obviously attracted by Xia's story and slowly calmed down. She opened a pair of big curious eyes: "I've seen a four-legged snake, and it's not scary at all

"It's not scary, and I'm not afraid of it at all before I was old. In the old year, I once played in the field. Suddenly, a four-legged snake got into my trouser leg. I climbed up along my trousers and climbed to the root of my thigh in a few times. I caught it through my clothes, but I didn't dare to let go. I was so scared that I cried. The little friend next to me also laughed at me, saying that if I let go, the four-legged snake would bite me." Xia suddenly realized that it was wrong. He wanted to divert Lian Ruohan's attention. He talked about his annoy and didn't pay attention to the end. I just remembered that the latter part is not suitable for children. I had to laugh twice and didn't say


Lian Ruohan was puzzled: "What do you bite off? Say it quickly

"This. It's hard to say that Xia wants to scratch her head. I thought that I had said the root of my thigh, what else can I bite? You really don't know, do you?

"Say it quickly. Don't say half of the words, big man, hesitant, it's really boring.

"Okay. I said, don't blame me for telling the truth? Xia thought that who was afraid of whom? I'm not afraid of your embarrassment. Anyway, my drinking power has not dissipated. My friend laughed at me and said that he would bite my dick. "Ah, Lian Ruohan suddenly woke up. Xia thought that what she said in her mouth, she was definitely not bitten off, because now it It's hot. It seems to announce its existence and the intention of further occupation to her body.

She was shy and anxious. She suddenly pushed Xia Xiang away and retreated. Just against the door. Only then did she feel that the two places on her chest were hurt by her heart because of too much squeezing, and she was even more ashamed and angry. She hugged her chest for two years! "Xiaxiang, you are a moligan! I hate you!" Thinking that she had grown up so much that she had not been hugged by a man, let alone been pushed by a man with that thing, she couldn't wait to kill Xiaxiang. Tears gushed out.

Xia wanted to be scolded as a little hooligan by Zhang Xinying. Of course, she wronged him. Now he has been scolded as a big hooligan by Lian Ruohan, and he is also wronged. He stepped back and saw Lian Ruojiang holding his chest with his hands. Looking like a bullied lamb, he wanted to laugh but didn't laugh: "Lian Ruohan, I think it's necessary to explain the situation of talent clearly. First. It was you who knocked on the door and took the initiative to throw yourself into my arms. Second, I was hugged by you, so I had to hug you back. First, I was polite, and second, I wanted to comfort you. Third, the whole position of a man often changes automatically without listening to the greeting. Sometimes it is not controlled by the brain. Besides, it has always been like that before you come in. After you hug me, it is somewhat stimulated. It didn't go on all the time, and it didn't blame me. It didn't listen to me."

"You also said, put on your clothes and talk to me. I hate you so much." Driven by Xia's words, Lian Ruohan couldn't help but aim at all the positions, but found that Xia Xian was only wearing a pair of underwear, and a tent was bulged somewhere indecently. He blushed and hurriedly closed his eyes.

Xia thought that he had no choice but to find a sheet to put on. His clothes were thrown on the ground, and it was too troublesome to wear them. Lian Ruohan opened her eyes, and her face was still angry. She also took off the sheets from the other ** and put them on her body. She looked at Xiaxiang angrily and sat cross-legged **: "You are so shameless, what a hooligan, what a bad guy. Taking advantage of the danger of others, there are disgusting desires all over your body, you"

"Did you scold the ginseng?" Xia wanted to be unbearable and furious.

"No, no, just no." Even Ruohan had an attack, his unreasonable appearance was unruly and fierce, and there was a trace of aggressive ferocity in his cuteness, "I just want to scold you, scold you to death. What can you do? What dare you do?" Her eyes were wide open, with provocation and threat in her eyes, and a trace of anger out of control.

Xia wanted to be completely enraged. He stood up and said viciously, "I warn you not to be too unreasonable!" You picked it up, and you came to my room in the middle of the night. I comforted you with kindness, but I didn't. In exchange for a good scolding! Well, please leave my room now. I'm willing to sleep naked, and it's also my freedom!"

Even Ruohan was furious, "Wow. He stood up and didn't care if the sheets on his body fell off: "Xia think, you dare to be rude to me. Believe it or not, I can cut off your future with a phone call and leave you nothing."

The two beds were very close. The two stood face to face in the middle of the bed, close at hand. Even if Xia wanted to be more mature than her peers, she was flooded with blood by Lian Ruohan's rudeness and unreasonable anger. He suddenly had a fierce attack and suddenly rushed forward. He pressed Lian Ruohan under his body, pressed her hands with both hands, and stared at her eyes fiercely: "I believe, you believe that Lian Ruohan has great power and can play with a little person like me in the palm of your hand. But believe it or not. I can get you now. Even if you kill me, you can't get rid of the fact that you have been raped by me for the rest of your life."

After saying that, Xia wanted to kiss her red lips regardless.

Lian Ruohan's body is tight and does not dodge. He just closed his mouth tightly, and his eyes sprayed like fire. He couldn't wait to kill Xia with his eyes. Xia wanted to feel that her lips were soft, wet, a little warm and a little cold. He stretched out his tongue and licked it gently in revenge. He felt that the body under him slowly softened and was no longer stiff all over. He turned over and stood up again. He stood aside with his hands on his shoulders and said coldly, "Well, I've completely bullied you. How do you want to destroy me? It's up to you!, Little

Lian Ruohan's pajamas net covered the edge of the underwear, and a pair of white thighs ** in front of Xiaxiang. Coupled with her lying on her back, it is fatal for any man**.

However, Lian Ruohan obviously did not mean to let Xia want to continue to appreciate it. She turned over and sat up and looked at Xiaxiang with a blank face: "I will always remember today's events, and I will return it. Please remember it!,

"The row has stopped, is there anything else? If not. Please go back to your room. I'm going to bed."

"If you don't go back, I won't leave!" Even Ruohan didn't know what kind of stubbornness he had, so he sat back **. Put on the sheets again, "If you have the ability, you can press me again. See if I can forgive you?"

This is as if it is deliberately provocative. Xiaxiang was also angry and retorted, "Don't press it. You can't pose. It's too annoying and uncomfortable."

"You. Even Ruohan is going to get angry again. Seeing that Xia wanted to make a swore to give up, he was suddenly discouraged again, "Or is it not a man? The heart is smaller than that of a woman, not to mention everything, but also a rat belly and chicken intestines, little boy!"

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