official god

Chapter 170 What you want is the means of vigorous action

※The young man in the state is very eye-catching. Xia thought about it, so he nodded and said!" In an hour, have you written down all the work units of Yamaisheng? Remember it clearly. Go back to remind me that I will report to Secretary-General Gao, ask Secretary-General Gao to send a letter to the local government in the name of the municipal government, and then send an official letter to the three individual to negotiate, and ask the leaders of the local municipal government and their unit. The three of them came to Yan City thousands of miles away to obstruct the urban planning policy What the hell is it?

Although Zhong Yiping didn't know what Xia wanted to be, he looked at his appearance and his tone of voice, and Director Qu also saluted him three points. He knew that his size was a catty. The leader hurriedly took out paper and pen to record it: "Yes, leader, I wrote it down. With the name of their unit, a dozen clocks are good and have a future.

Wu Gang muttered in his heart, who is he? What kind of leader is he pretending to be? Who is the leader? However, he also knew that in the current situation, it was better to be consistent with the county, so he couldn't help talking about it. Let's settle the accounts later.

Wu Liang quit as soon as he heard it and shouted, "What do you mean? Girl, is it a threat to us? OK, I'll give you the phone number of our newspaper now. Do you dare to give it a try? I don't believe it. Can you reach out to our national newspaper? You are just a single subordinate at the municipal level, and you are still several levels short!"

"No, I know the phone number of your newspaper, and I also had a relationship with the editor-in-chief of Yan Haiyan Yan." Xia Xiang said casually, took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Dingshan's phone.

Yan Haiyan, vice president of China Progressive Daily. When Li Dingshan visited the grassland of Ba County last winter, he had been to Ba County in person, and Li Dingshan came forward to receive him. Xia wanted to accompany him. Yan Haiyan and Li Dingshan had a good relationship. They stayed in Ba County for three days before they left. Most of the time, Xia wanted to accompany them. It was said that one side of the fate was a modest statement. Yan Haiyan also had a good impression of Xia Xiang at that time, and the two talked very speculatively.

Xia wanted to call Yan Haiyan directly, but through Li Dingshan. First, he respected Li Dingshan, and second, he also knew that in front of Yan Haiyan, Li Dingshan spoke a lot more important.

Seeing that Xia, Wu Liang not only wanted to call out their Mr. Lei's name directly, but also took out the phone and said to call. There was no intention of discussion at all, and he was a little panicked. He hurriedly said, "Well, can you wait a moment, let's make things clear, and don't startle the leader easily?"

Wu Dao and Wu Xin also play drums in their hearts. If the Yanqi Municipal Government sends an official letter, you can know the attitude of their individual leaders without thinking about it, and they must be very dissatisfied with them. The leader is not in the mood to worry about things far away in Yanshi. Although the official letter of the Yanshi Municipal Government can be ignored, it is not good for the leader's image. In case the leader has a relative in Yan City, or the later development of Yan City, because their affairs have left a bad impression on the Yanshi Municipal Government, the leader does not blame them, who is to blame?

Wu Dao and Wu Xin looked at each other and thought in their hearts, who is this young man? He is so powerful and smart.

Before the two of them could speak to ease, Xiaxiang's phone call was over.

Li Dingshan's answer was very straightforward: "You wait. I'll call Yan Haiyan right away and get back to you in a minute

Xia wanted to put down his words and smile: "That's right. You can't disturb the leader in everything. Mayor Chen is so busy that you have to see him. Isn't it also difficult?" After laughing, his face sank again. "The three are usually far away from home. When their mother was sick in bed, no one was filial piety in front of the bed.

Now they are scrambling to come one by one, and they still want to threaten the municipal government with their mother's illness? Such a bad behavior dares to be eloquent. One threatens as a journalist, the other whispers to fight a lawsuit as a lawyer, and the other is a doctor of an angel in white who has seen countless high-ranking officials

That's good. You all have a successful career. The scenery is infinite, but have you ever thought that when you are beautiful, your mother is alone at home in bed, and where are you when you need the care and comfort of your sons most?

Xia wanted to stare at the blushing faces of the three people, and his tone became more severe: "It's good to learn and serve the country, but don't forget the parents who gave birth to you and raised you! Rather than making money in the name of serving the society to let yourself live a so-called superior life, your mother who raised you with painstaking efforts, needs you to come to her side. Even if it's just a comfort to her! It's good for you. When you need to be filial, you don't see each other. Now when you see that it is profitable and that your mother's house can be exchanged for better housing, you all jumped out and fought against the government with your mother's illness to threaten the society. You ask yourself, do you still know what filial piety is? Do you know what dedication is?

Xia didn't want to give the three people a chance to breathe and refute. He picked up the phone and said, "Do you still want to threaten the central media to expose it?" Do you think the central media will support a person who does not know how to respect his mother and publicizes that he will use his mother's illness to fight against local policies? I think the newspapers in our province. On the contrary, he was very excited about how the three successful sons threatened their mother's condition to bargain with the municipal government. He immediately dialed Du Tongguo's phone. Xiao Du, it's me. There is such a thing. I think it's a good news topic. It can be hyped up, which will definitely increase newspaper sales. I'm in Ducun. Let's talk about it when you come over!"

Wu Liang's momentum is fierce!" What on earth do you want? He didn't have time to say more. After answering, he suddenly turned pale and nodded repeatedly. Yes, yes, I understand Mr. Yan, I know the proportion

Wu Liang turned his head dejectedly and said to Wu Daohe Zhixin, "Mr. Yan is angry. His tone is very harsh that if I come to negotiate with the Yanshi Municipal Government in the name of a newspaper reporter, I will punish me." What should I do?"

Wu Dao and Wu Xin looked at Xia Xiang with some fear. The three of them gathered together to discuss Pian Xuan in a low voice. Finally, Wu Dao came forward and said, "The three of us have discussed it and will no longer force Mayor Chen to come forward, but the compensation for my mother is too low. We require at least three houses. If we don't agree to our terms, we won't agree to the demolition."

Xia wanted to resolute: "I can't do it! The compensation for demolition is uniformly formulated by the city. There is no need to change it, let alone make changes for the three of you. Moreover, the old man had signed the agreement at that time. If you want to fight a lawsuit, it is at your convenience. If we want to fight to the end, we will also accompany to the end!"

Wu Dao said angrily, "Don't force people too much!"

"It's you who force people too much, and it's you who are ruthless. Wait for the record of the Yan Provincial Evening News. You can take more photos, and then organize some records to see your three units interview your leaders. Dig deep into some three previous anecdotes, do a catty, in-depth reports, three respected and highly educated talents, how to openly confront the municipal government, how to ignore the life of the sick mother, and prevent law enforcement officers from sending the elderly to the hospital, etc. "

Wu Xin was furious: "You spit blood on people."

Xia wants to smile: "To be honest, what I just said to you is quite light. Do you really want me to say something more disobedient?

Du Tongguo came so fast, while talking. A van with the words "Yan Provincial Evening News" drove in. Two reporters got out of the car and took random photos at the scene.

Du Tongguo came to the front with a smile. He wanted to shake hands warmly with Xia: "When will you return to Yanshi? Why don't you inform me in advance? By the way, are it the three of them? I just found their leader's phone number on the way. Do you want to interview them by phone now?

"No, no!"

See what the newspaper's record looks like. All three of them panicked. The Yan Provincial Evening News turned to the local government, which is not something to think about. If the reporter of the local newspaper really wants to call them individually, after the unit leader understands the truth. All three of them know what kind of attitude it will be. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that the young man in front of him did what he said, and there was no timid style of government officials at all. He not only did things vigorously, but also grasped their pain as soon as they took action, so that they could not be bitter!

No matter how fearless an individual is, he also has weaknesses. There are also scruples. The three people thought that they could scare the staff of the Yanshi Municipal Government who had never seen anything in the world by looking at the banner of the big city and relying on the particularity of their profession. As long as you meet Chen Feng, everything will be fine. As long as Chen Feng comes forward, they are sure to talk about the conditions they require.

Unexpectedly, a small young man was shocked by a few words on the way. There was really a way to communicate with the sky. He not only shocked the vice president of Wu Liang Newspaper, but also invited the reporter of Yan Provincial Evening News by phone. A small staff member of the municipal government, it's good to know the reporter of Yanshi Evening News. I didn't expect him to summon the reporter of the provincial newspaper!

The three of them were taken to death by Xia. The newspaper reporter called the leader and took the trouble to interview the leader. Even if you can't interview the leaders, even if the Yan Provincial Evening News reported their affairs, even if you file a lawsuit, you have to say whether they can win or not. Their reputation will definitely be ruined!

Don't think about it, it will definitely end up with a chicken and a flying egg!

Three catties, people came forward to surround Xia Xiang, especially Wu Liang, with a smile on his face, nodded repeatedly and said, "That's fine." Everything is easy to discuss. There is no need for everyone to make such a mess, right? May I have your name, please?

Xia wants to wave her hand: "You don't need to know my last name. What you need to do is to send the old man to the hospital quickly, and then take good care of the old man. Don't think too much about other things. You have your own municipal solution

Wu Dao is still unwilling: "Look, the old man's condition has been delayed for so long. Do you think about compensation?

Xia wanted to smile faintly: "I think the relevant leaders in the city will go to the hospital to visit the elderly. If you still want to pester others, you can mention them again. I want to report the society's in-depth investigation of the root cause of the delay of the elderly's condition for such a long time.

Wu Xin said dissatisfiedly, "Being a man and leaving room for things

Xia thought that he would not give up: "There are other reasons. Fortunately, you use the old man's illness to threaten the government. It is morally corrupt, and there is no room for negotiation. I let you go for the face of the old man. The old man needs you to take care of him, otherwise, I have many other ways for you to regret.

When the three people raised the old man in dismay and sent him to the ambulance, everyone present saw the old man lying down with crystal tears in his eyes, which were clearly tears of happiness and relief.

After Xia wanted to send Du Tongguo away, he came to Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang again. The coldness and severity just now disappeared, and he regained a harmless smile: "Director Qu, Director Wu, I am satisfied with the way I just dealt with

Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang have woken up from the shock just now. Qu Yaxin nodded with appreciation: "Director Xia's handling of the problem is decisive, decisive, reasonable and well-founded. I am an eye-opener today.

"Xia, Director Xia? Are you the one?" Although Wu Gangde has guessed something, when he heard Qu Yaxin's confirmation with his own ears, he is still reluctant to believe that the young man in front of him is the newly transferred deputy director Xia Xiang.

"Director Wu is right. I'm Xia Xiang. In front of you, I'm still a junior. In the future, I will ask the two directors to give more advice and help. Don't help me because I'm young, hehe. Xia Xiang had long seen the discord between Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang. From the way she messed up Wu Gang's desk near her but refused to help him clean it up, it can be seen that the two have common office conflicts. Of course, he is also more clear in his heart, because his arrival will inevitably have a great impact on the two of them. If a young deputy director is killed in the air, everyone will have resistance.

Xia also understands that it is above the officialdom. There are struggles everywhere, and there is competition everywhere. Many people compete for a position, and there will inevitably be people secretly stumbling. He learned a lot from the experience of Ba County. The valuable experience is that if you want to do something practical, you must first take the initiative. He wants to stand firm in the transformation team. We must take out enough capital to convince Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang. Of course, the simplest way is to rely on the relationship between him and Gao Hai, and tell them clearly that he has a background in the background, and don't underestimate him.

But this kind of simple opportunity can only be taken by the two of them. I don't know if I'm convinced or not. It happened that he came to the Wu brothers as soon as he came today, so he took the opportunity to take action by vigorous means. The quick knife solved the dispute. Not only did he buy time for the old lady, but also to let Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang know and let them all understand that he came to renovate the group's office to do practical things, not to seize power from them, nor to pick peaches.

It's best if everyone is at peace. If you want to fight, just like what Xia said to the three brothers, I will accompany you to the end!

What does Qu Yaxin think in her heart? Xia Xiang couldn't figure it out, but he had already got the answer from Wu Gang's smile on his face. Even if Wu Gang's is not convinced of him, he will try his best to cooperate with his work in the future, and will not obstruct it on the surface and secretly make it bad.

Xia Xiang guessed right. Wu Gang admired Xia Xiang's means just now. He is not stupid. He used to guess whether Xia wanted to have a backstage. Does it have anything to do with Mayor Chen? Now that I understand, it doesn't matter whether Xia wants to have a relationship with Mayor Chen. At least he has it with the Yan Provincial Evening News


He has been hidden all the time. He didn't reveal his identity all the way. After being scolded by myself a few words, I was not angry at all. This kind of heart and patience was amazing. Later, as soon as he took action, he packed up the extremely difficult brothers and three obediently. He did not mention the last request of the three brothers who had been instructed by Wu Gang. He took the initiative to retreat, and Wu Gang made a conclusion in his heart. Awesome, really awesome!

Master, master! The level of nourishment is first-class. If you really want to attack, your wrists are also extremely tough. Wu Gangde is a city manager and a little careless in nature, but he is thick and fine, and he is best at analyzing problems. Therefore, when he witnessed the whole process of the incident, he confirmed that the young man in front of him was the new deputy director Xia Xiang. His original desire to take advantage of Xia Xiang's mind was immediately thrown away. He immediately made up his mind and wanted to use the means of flattish and solicitation to Xia.

So young, so skillful. There is a big backstage. Isn't it okay to be flatted? I'm afraid it's too late, and someone will take the lead! Wu Gang thought that everyone was a man. After drinking and having a meal, the relationship could be closer. He also secretly took a look at Qu Yaxin and thought proudly. Unfortunately, Director Qu, Director Xia is very young. If you want to ** him, he is a little too old.

Qu Yaxin's eyes moved, but there was a trace of bitterness in her heart. Originally, I had always fantasized that although Xia was younger than her, she would not be much smaller. I didn't expect that he was not only old, but also smart and resourceful. Judging from the fact that he could call the Yan Provincial Evening News with a small phone call just now, I'm afraid there is also a lot of background. She wanted to compete with Xia in her heart, so Li Xuan extinguished the flame. The only glimmer of fantasy left was that even if he had the ability, if he could not be appreciated by the Secretary-General, he was only a deputy, and in the end, it was she who was most likely to stay!

However, as soon as he returned to the municipal government, he happened to meet Gao Hai who came back from a meeting. When he saw Sanjiang and came back from the outside together, Gao Hai was stunned, and then immediately shook hands with Xia in surprise: Xiaoxia, why didn't you come here without saying hello? What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry to take office? Do you want to surprise me and Mayor Chen? Mayor Chen just talked about you and asked you to go to his office as soon as you come.

Xia wanted to go back to wipe the table before looking for Gao Hai. Since she was hit by Gao Hai, she would no longer delay. She nodded to Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang and went directly to his office with Gao Hai.

Seeing Gao Hai's attitude of being intimate with Xia, and hearing that Mayor Chen was going to convene Xia Xiang in person, Qu Yaxin finally thought sadly that Xia Xiang, the deputy director of the deputy section level, was above her and Wu Gang, but it was just a time question!