official god

Chapter 179 Opportunity to be promoted to deputy

Frozen wind is embarrassed to ask Xia Hai face to face. There are not so many taboos. He went to the office of the transformation team and officially announced that Xia wanted to preside over the daily work of the office of the transformation team. First, Zhengke, and then announced the decision. It was also procedurally impeccable and took care of the face of Qu

Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang sincerely said that they would accept the arrangement of their superiors and would fully cooperate with Xia Xiang's work. Naturally, the members of other groups had no objection. Of course, it was not their turn to speak. Zhong Yiping was happy for Xia in his heart. He believed that Xia's future would be boundless, so he strengthened his determination to keep up with Xia.

After announcing the appointment, Gao Hai called Xia to his office and asked him bluntly, "Who did you contact Minister Fang through?"

As soon as Xia wanted to scratch his head, Gao Hai pretended to be unhappy: "Don't tell the truth to Uncle Gao? Is it possible to be estranged from me if I have Mayor Cao as my backer?

There was nothing he could do, so he had to pretend to be pitiful: "Uncle Gao, let me report to you about my corruption and bribery. I accepted a car from Shen Lichun, the director of the development department of Dacai Group, and accepted a car from Sun Xianwei, the boss of Tian'an Real Estate. Now both cars are P>

Gao Hai waved his hand: "Don't say that these are useless, the company is willing to lend you a car to use, which is voluntary. Don't you know that this is common? Don't play Tai Chi with me. You don't have to tell me about this little thing. You can definitely handle it well and talk about the point.

"I just said, Uncle Gao, didn't you hear it?" Xia wanted to smile proudly.

Gao Hai was stunned. After thinking about it, he suddenly smiled: "Dacai Group and Tian'an Real Estate? Xiaoxia, you have a lot of face. No, you have a lot of ability. It's good to say that Tian'an Real Estate is an emerging enterprise. Dacai Group is over-sighted. Not to mention you, it's my face. They say they can't give it or not. Tian'an Real Estate? I see. No wonder Minister Fang is so happy. He doesn't get stuck at all. It turns out that the crux of the problem is here. OK, there are two ways. Within a few days, I not only stood firm, but also opened up the situation?

"Uncle Gao, do you praise me? I'm proud. Not only have I lost all my previous achievements, but I may not make any progress in the future. We should focus on critical education. Try to praise as little as possible. Xia wants to deliberately cheat.

Gao Hai nodded with a smile: "Don't lie to me. I'm happy from the bottom of my heart for every progress you make. The stronger your foundation in Yanshi, the faster Dingshan will open the situation when he comes back." Next, the topic turned around, and Gao Hai changed his serious expression, "I heard that you met Minister Song once. What's his impression of you?"

In fact, Gao Hai asked the opposite. It is to ask Xia what he wants to think of Song Chaodu.

Xia Xiang answered truthfully: "Minister Song is very dignified and doesn't smile. I don't talk much with him, that is, I came out after a face-to-face interview. Now when I think about it, my impression is very light

Suddenly remembered the matter of Jicheng Real Estate. Since the topic was opened, Xia thought and asked, "There is a shadow of Mayor Tan behind Jicheng Real Estate. Why did Secretary Cui suddenly speak for Mayor Tan? What does Uncle Gao think of this matter?

"I can't guess. Mayor Chen should know one or two, but he didn't say anything, and no one dared to ask him directly. Secretary Cui gave me the feeling that he has not been close to the people of the municipal government, the municipal party committee and the municipal government are not working in the same place, and Secretary Cui's work focuses on the province. He is willing to go high, and he is also a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, and it is normal to look up. When he spoke for Tan Long, he could only guess that Gao Hai touched the increasingly sparse hair on his head from the relationship between him and Secretary-General Qian, and said with some emotion, "Ding Shan insisted on hiding in that poor place in Ba County. I thought I couldn't do anything, but I didn't expect that there are really a little success now, and It's much easier. By the way, there is another favorable news. Didn't Ding Shan take advantage of Hu Zengzhou's relationship? Hu Zengzhou's next step is to be the secretary of the Charter.

"Shen Fuming wants to come to the province?" Xia was shocked and didn't hear the wind at all.

"I heard that he is the deputy governor. He is very idle. He is not as affordable as the secretary of the municipal party committee. The biggest advantage is that he is promoted to the deputy province. If he retreats, the salary will be high. Gao Hai doesn't know that Xia wants to be in the shade of Ba County. If he knows, he will

Xiaxiang is not worried that Shen Fuming will retaliate against himself. It is estimated that Shen Fuming will not be able to recover for a while. As soon as Shen Fuming came to the province, with his own understanding of him, he was certainly unwilling to be an idle deputy governor. After all, there was a big gap between the deputy governor and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee who he almost got last time. Since he was not satisfied, he would definitely find ways to go

With Shen Fuming's character, it can't achieve good things, but there is definitely no problem to add chaos and obstacles. Another problem that makes Xia want to worry the most is. Shen Fuming is a person of Gao Chengsong. Gao Chengsong may have forgotten about Li Dingshan. As soon as Shen Fuming arrives in the province, he may mention it sometime. It's not a good thing for Li Ding to be remembered by Gao Chengsong.

Although the deputy governor can't be shown in the province, it is a position that can be up and down. Gao Chengsong pulled Shen Fuming as the deputy governor. He is very smart. I guess he wants to use him as a gun to deal with political enemies. Make it easy. The shooting is accurate. Maybe Shen Fuming can rise to another liter.

If the gun is not easy to use and the accuracy is not enough, it is easy to go out of fire. Shen Fuming can work directly for a year and retire happily.

When he got off work, he received a phone call from Xiao Jia and asked him to go there. Xia wanted to agree. He hung up the phone online and received another call from Cao Shuji. Her voice is sweet, with a trace of pride and pride: "Excuse me, it's Xia Zhujiang system. Do you have time in the evening? Can you enjoy a simple meal?

Xia thought was a little difficult. Before he could answer, Cao Shuhui's voice changed again, imitating Cao Yongguo's voice: "You call Xiaxiang and ask him to come home for dinner in the evening. I have something to say to him."

Xia wanted to lose, and he couldn't say any reason. He immediately agreed, but Cao Shuji's voice was still a little dissatisfied: "You are not happy at all. Do you have any ideas? I can tell you. You have been promoted to Zhengke. Although it is the size of sesame and mung beans, my mother is very happy. She insisted on making a lot of dishes to invite you to dinner, saying that it would be a celebration for you. Today happens to be Friday, and I'm going home, too. Don't you want to see me?

Is it the weekend? Xia wanted to giggled a few times. I was so busy that I couldn't even remember the day of the week.

He had to return to Xiao Jia again. Originally, he wanted to surprise Xiao Jia. At that time, he would give her an office, a public office, and the dominance of a large vegetable wholesale market. Unexpectedly, Cao Shuji's call had to respond to Huiya's call, and her family was waiting for him.

Xiao Jia didn't ask anything, didn't complain, and advised him not to be too tired. Xiaxiang is a little ashamed. Xiao Jia is a harbor where he can rest at any time, and for Xiao Jia, it is just an expectation, a symbol and a reliance.

When I arrived at Cao's house, I found that the whole family was watching TV together. After saying hello, Xia wanted to sit next to Cao Shuhui, but was pulled over by Cao Shujun: "Don't be clingy to my sister. Come on, teach me how to chase the little girl

Cao Yongguo couldn't do anything about Cao Shujun's thick skin. He stared at Cao Shujun, but said nothing. Wang Yufen said angrily, "Xiaojun, you fool around all day long. You don't know how to study hard when you go to college. Why do you just want to chase girls? Go, go, don't bother Xia.

"Mom, Cao Shujun lengthen his tone, "Why don't you have any sense of competition at all? What is a beautiful woman? Beauty is a scarce resource! For example, there are few girls in our school, and there are even fewer beautiful women. If I don't do it, I will let others take the lead. Think about it, will you let your baby son eat other people's leftovers in the future? That's true. The mind is rigid and the concept is backward. You see, my sister is much better than you. Does she know the truth that it is better to do it first?,

Cao Shuhui stared at Cao Shujun angrily: "Don't talk about me. I'm serious about everything. You're just messing around and have no business. If you see a beautiful girl, you will like her. There are many beautiful girls, and in the end, they have the same temper with you. There is only one catty. Don't use the sense of competition indiscriminately. Falling in love is not a comparison. Besides, girls don't just need to be beautiful. Talking, personality and vision are all important. You should also pay attention to your identity in the future. You are the son of the mayor, not the child of ordinary people. You should speak and do things in a measured manner,

Cao Shujun ran away with his head in his arms and ran to the inner room and refused to come out: "It's awesome. My sister is stronger than my mother. Xia thought, if you are unlucky, you will definitely be managed by my sister in the future!"

After scolding Cao Shujun, Cao Shuhui stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously: "Am I too fierce?

Xia wanted to scratch his head: "A little bit, it also scared me

Cao Shuhui quit: "Well, I think the bad guys are annoying you, so I ran away for you. Do you still think I'm fierce? It really doesn't make sense. Men are all narrow-minded!"

"What are you talking about? How do you talk?" Cao Yongguo laughed and said, "The blow is so big that even Dad dares to scold together? Xiaxiang is Zhengke. If the wings haven't grown yet, why are you tough?"

Cao Shuhui blushed: "Dad. Which position are you in? Why don't you turn to your daughter, but to outsiders?

Wang Yufen and the mud: "Okay, okay, the quarrel time is over, let's start eating

Xia wants to come here today. I bought some gifts by the way. He didn't have much experience, so he casually bought some cigarettes and alcohol. Wang Yufen is not polite. Tell him directly: Xiaoxia, there is no shortage of cigarettes and alcohol at home. Why do you spend a lot of money? If you come home like this, I won't let you come to my house in the future. If you really want to buy something, just buy some fruit or something. Just think of it as shopping for your own family, do you hear me?

It's completely the tone of my mother-in-law talking about her son-in-law. Xia wanted to laugh a few times: "I know."

"What do you know? You are stupid to let you buy things. The things you like are expensive and not good-looking. Whoever sees you will regard you as the wrongdoer Cao Shuhui to make fun of Xiaxiang.

Wang Yufen heard something wrong: "When did you go shopping together? What did you buy?

"No, I just said it casually. Cao Shuhui suddenly blushed and knew that she had spilled her mouth. Seeing that Xia wanted to laugh secretly, she stared at him. His face was so hot that he had a fever. As soon as he turned around, he ran upstairs, "I'm going to change my clothes

"What clothes to change? How can I save and exchange the pajamas changed online? What's wrong with girl Hui? What's wrong with the foreword? Wang Yufen looked puzzled and puzzled.

Of course, Xia thought that the reason why Cao Shuji blushed was that she asked him to rent a house near the school, and she helped him buy a lot of daily necessities.

When the two of them were shopping together, he was surprised that although Cao Shuhui was the director's daughter, she was not only very discerning when buying things. He will also bargain. Compared with the image of the wrongdoer he bought after asking, I don't know how many times better it is. For this reason. He was made a lot of faces by her


Of course, Cao Shuhui's little thoughts could not be hidden from him. He was allowed to rent it near the school to meet her, but she didn't want her family to know.

So I also reminded Xiaxiang not to spill the beans. Xia thought about it. If Uncle Cao really knew that he had rented a house near the school and was so close to Cao Shuhui, the two could meet at any time. "Like the father of any daughter in the world, he wanted to do something to prevent them from living so close.

It's the same thing to allow the two to fall in love, but if they live together before marriage, Uncle Cao will definitely be very annoyed to trick her to go there by herself. Xia wanted to take the opportunity to hug and kiss, but she laughed and ran away. Xia thought that he didn't chase her again and spared her once.

There is a long way to go. He believes that she can't run away. Now that she is still in college, Xia doesn't want to distract her too much. He is not a sexually impulsive and inhumane little boy. Besides, he doesn't want Cao Yongguo to be dissatisfied with him. It's not good if Cao Yongguo finds out what he and Cao Shudai have done.

Unexpectedly, Cao Shuhui almost missed it. Xia wanted to secretly wipe his sweat, hurriedly changed the topic, and asked Cao Yongguo, "Cao Libai, the situation in the city is still calm, right?"

Cao Yongguo didn't pay much attention to the blushing incident of the magazine talent Cao Shuhui. He nodded: "It's okay, it's calmer than I thought. But calmness is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes there are often some small frictions, which proves that contradictions are put on the surface. Now it's good. The wind is calm, but in fact, the vortex is coming down from the surface of the water. Once it comes out of the water, it will be a storm.

Cao Yongguo's words are definitely not alarmist, nor are they mysterious. They must have felt it. Xia thought, "My vision is relatively narrow, so I can only look up from the bottom. Among other things, there are many shocking inside stories just from the parts contacted by the urban village transformation team. Well, the competition between Tian'an Real Estate and Jicheng Real Estate, which I just intervened in, is behind the two major forces, Minister Fang and Mayor Tan.

Cao Yongguo smiled heartily: "No wonder your promotion to Zhengke is so smooth. I just want to ask you. I thought it was Mayor Chen's face, but I heard a hint from Secretary-General Gao. Mayor Chen didn't come forward. It turns out that the root cause is still on yourself.

So that. Have you established a good relationship with Tian'an Real Estate when dealing with Tian'an Real Estate and Jicheng Real Estate?

Cao Yongguo is worthy of being an old man in the ups and downs of officialdom for many years. He saw through the essence of the matter at a glance. Xia wanted to have nothing to hide in front of him, so he simply talked about his relationship with Sun Xianwei.

After listening to the meditation for a moment, Cao Yongguo said earnestly, "I have been in the construction industry for many years. It is clear that this industry is not only profitable, but also too extensive. People in all aspects want to intervene and ask for benefits. You are now in the office of the urban village renovation team. Although you don't have much power, it is easy to involve disputes in all aspects. Do things carefully, don't be impulsive, and don't be impulsive. Before making a decision, the relationship between all aspects should be balanced. Before you are not sure, you should not offend either party. Even if you have to offend one party, don't offend to death. Leave room. Otherwise, you are at a small section level. In Yan City, a sub-provincial city, one sentence will be sacrificed, and the concern is beyond words.

Of course, Xia thought, I could feel that Cao Yongguo sincerely hoped that he could walk well and steady. He nodded gratefully: "Thank you Uncle Cao for your teaching. I will remember it."

Cao Yongguo smiled with satisfaction: "Even if I worry too much, there is no harm in listening to what I just said. You are in the head of the transformation team. Although you are now the deputy director, the transformation team does not have a director. Mayor Chen's intention is obvious, that is, to let you be in charge. And I also heard that he intends to let the transformation team set up a formal deputy department. Obviously, it is to throw a catty of cake, which means that if you have to do a good job, you can even straighten it in less than a year. It's natural to be promoted to the deputy department

"Ha ha, Mayor Chen also told me about this. I think he dug a big hole to make me jump. However, the current situation is that if you don't jump, you have to jump. Since there is no choice, I'm ready to say it very easily. It seems to let others jump into the pit. "It's not terrible to jump into the pit. No one knows if there are gems in the pit. Maybe I can make a big deal. Moreover, I also think that Mayor Chen said that he would approve the establishment. He really has the intention to help me. He may correct me first, and then approve the deputy department-level establishment, so that my resistance will be much smaller."

Cao Yongguo nodded repeatedly and thought that Xia was really a talent. Unexpectedly, he could draw inferences and guessed Chen Feng's real intention. He also thought about it in Xia. Only then did I suddenly figure it out. It is indeed much easier to support the establishment first and then approve the establishment. After Xia Xiang helped Zheng, although he led the two deputy directors of Zhengke, the transformation team did not have a formal establishment, and others could not find any problems. If the establishment was approved at this time, it was as if the general city was upgraded to a sub-provincial city, which was equivalent to sitting on the ground and raised to half. No matter how fast Xiaxiang's promotion is, it will be covered up by the light that the whole transformation team office has officially become an institution of the municipal government, and there will be much fewer people talking about it.

Smart, just a little bit, it can be very useful. The smile on Cao Yongguo's face became more and more: "I was worried about you. It is difficult to see the direction in the intricate situation of Yan City. Unexpectedly, you have adapted to the work at hand faster than I thought. Good job! Work hard" Xia, judging from your handling of Tianan Real Estate and Jicheng Real Estate, your thinking is very clear, and it is just the opportunity to solve your problem. It is estimated that it will also make Mayor Chen look at you with new eyes

Prevention: On the last day of the month, the monthly ticket will expire and be invalid. In addition, you can book the guaranteed monthly ticket for next month with your brothers. Let's see how many monthly ticket rankings can enter with everyone's efforts!