official god

Chapter 190 Insidious Shen Fuming

The original intention was to think of Weizheng's little girl. She was very cute for a long time. She was so dumb that she couldn't help but want to kiss her. Unexpectedly, the mobile phone really rang for face. He took it and almost didn't scold himself as a crow's mouth. He sincerely had nothing to do. He said

Cao Shuhui said to him: "Is it a beautiful woman looking for you? I want to see if you are really attractive!"

The person who speaks is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. Xia wants to say that he is not guilty, which is a lie, but the mobile phone keeps ringing, and he can't have to answer it, right? Fortunately, he has a good habit. The number of an acquaintance is never stored in the mobile phone, and it is recorded in his mind, so the mobile phone does not show Xiao Jia's name, but only a strange number. Fortunately, Xia wants to react quickly enough. An idea immediately formed in my mind and answered the phone.

"Who are you looking for? What a handsome dad? Sorry, you dialed the wrong number. I don't have a handsome son, and I'm not a handsome father.

You're welcome. Goodbye doesn't matter whether Xiao Jia understands it or not. Anyway, let's go through Cao Shuji first.

Cao Shuhui smiled and said, "Who would name his son so handsome? It's so fun! What a handsome father, isn't his mother called a handsome mother? Gack, I'm laughing to death

Xia thought about not laughing and said solemnly, "When I have a son, I will name him the best. At that time, everyone will call me the best father, and you are the best mother. Cao Shuhui laughed a few times. Suddenly, he didn't realize it. He blushed and raised his pink fist to punch Xiaxiang: "Who wants to marry you?" Who wants to give you a son and have a sweet dream!"

When Chu Feng hung up, Gao Hai and Chu Zigao were sitting in the lobby on the first floor and waiting. The deputy mayor of Beiwu came in person, and Gao Hai did not dare to neglect and was ready to go out to greet him at any time. Chu Zigao was even more excited. An executive deputy mayor, a deputy director of the public security bureau, and a secretary-general of the municipal government. Since the opening of Chu Fenglou, there has never been such a big scene, which almost made him excitedly go back to the office to burn a few columns of incense.

As soon as Xia Xiang came in, Chu Zi Gao greeted him like a young man: "Director Xia, Brother Xia, I'm looking forward to you. Brother, I miss you so many people. Shu Hui is also here. Welcome, welcome, come in quickly. It's hot outside

Chu Zi was so happy that he reached out to take a fan from the counter and fan Xiaxiang. Xia wanted to reach out and grab the fan. He threw it aside and laughed and scolded, "Mr. Chu, you are too stingy to cool down the fan for us. Don't you want to give me a bottle of iced soda?

Chu Zi saw that Xia wanted to be flattered by him, but he refused very cleverly and felt very comfortable. Knowing that Xia wanted to treat him as an outsider, he ran to the freezer in person and took two bottles of coke and handed them to Xia.

Xia wanted to give Gao Hai, but Gao Hai waved his hand repeatedly: "It's too cold, I'm old, and my stomach can't stand it."

Cao Shuhui took Xiaxiang's Coke: "Uncle Gao doesn't drink it, so he will give me a discount. Thank you, Uncle Gao

When Gao Hai heard Cao Shuji calling out Uncle Gao sweetly, he felt more comfortable than drinking iced coke. He thought that Mayor Cao's daughter was really good. She was beautiful and could talk. It's going to happen again. It's really likable. Xia wants to be blessed.

While talking, Sun Dingguo and Cao Yongguo arrived one after the other.

Sun Dingguo is in his 0s. He is not tall and speaks loudly, but his hair is relatively sparse. He did not wear a police uniform. He came in side by side with Cao Yongguo. From his lack of attention to details, it can be seen that his relationship with Cao Yongguo is extraordinary.

Followed by Sun An, he shrank his head and looked like a net. As soon as he saw Cao Shuhui, his eyes lit up. He came forward and said with a hippie smile, "Huihui, the longer you grow, the better you look. Why don't you give me a chance? Test me, I am absolutely loyal

Cao Shuhui immediately took Xiaxiang's arm: "Sun An, when you had a runny nose, you didn't have a chance. Now it's been more than ten years. Don't you think it's too late?

Sun An was shocked: "What? Shuhui, have you and he cooked raw rice?

Cao Shuhui was so ashamed that she raised her leg and kicked Sun An: "I told you to say something, and go

Sun An Lixuan is honest. He ran aside in dismay, and secretly wanted to give a thumbs up to Xia: "Brother, you are strong. I've been chasing for more than ten years, and I don't have a chance at all. How long have you been chasing, you will be in the way. Awesome. My buddy will treat you to dinner, introduce experience to you, and at least let me learn


Xia wanted to smile and nodded to Sun An. He and Chu Zigao hurriedly led everyone upstairs to the elegant room, and then Cao Shuhui was the introducer to introduce everyone one by one.

Sun Dingguo and Gao Hai said a few polite words, which was regarded as an acquaintance. The Secretary-General of the Municipal Government is the deputy department, and Sun Dingguo is the deputy director of the Yan City Public Security Bureau. The normal level is the right place, but he once made great contributions and was raised to the treatment of the deputy department, but the position was not mentioned. In fact, Gao Hai is also at the same level. Gao Hai is also very polite to Sun Dingguo, and the deputy director of the municipal bureau is also a real power figure.

When he and Xia wanted to shake hands, Sun Dingguo stared at Xia for a long time, then turned his head to look at Sun An and said dissatisfiedly: Xiaoxia, you are not much more handsome than our Sun An. Why does Shu Hui like you? It doesn't make sense. Can you coax the little girl?

Xia didn't expect that Sun Dingguo didn't see him at all, so he asked him this question directly. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and smiled: "Maybe I'm more honest and reliable, and maybe I'm a little darker. It is said that people with a slightly darker skin color give people the feeling that they are safe and reliable

Sun Dingguo laughed and said, "With just a sentence, I will know that you are much smarter than Sun An. Sun An lost to you and was unyielding. However, . Sun Dingguo took a look at Cao Yongguo and said, "I heard that you are now in charge of science now. When Sun An met you a year ago, you didn't have a level. When... the old seven is a deputy subject, there is no face to face. If he steps in place, you can only follow more than ten thousand. Is it better than ten

Sun Dingguo didn't mean to embarrass Xia. He and Cao Yongguo have been old friends for many years. He has always said anything. He just wants to see the weight of Xia. Cao Shuhui also grew up, and he felt that it would be better to be his daughter-in-law. Who would have thought that Sun An was disappointing, but unlikable, he thought about the Xia chosen by Cao Shuhui. I'm a little worried about taking the exam to see if he has anything special.

Cao Yongguo waved his hand with a smile: "Xia wants to enter the official career from the first step, from him to the deputy department, and then to Yanshi Shengneng Zhengke. I didn't do anything. It's not that I don't want to do it at all. To be honest, the key reason why Cao Yongguo He came out by himself and didn't need him to come forward to help at all. Moreover, Xia wants to do everything safely. It can even be said that he can become the executive vice mayor of Yan City, which is also invisible to Xia's imagination.

Cao Yongguo thought from summer. Now I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Sun Dingguo looked at Gao Hai again. Gao Hai knew what he was thinking and waved his hand: "There is a saying that Xia Xiang's deputy department was raised in Ba County. After arriving in Yan City, I reported the materials he intended to correct to the Organization Department. As a result, before Mayor Chen called for him, Minister Fang took the initiative to approve

Sun Dingguo's eyes widened. He couldn't believe Cao Yongguo and Gao Hai's words, so he had to pat Xia on the shoulder and said, "It's much better than my boy. Shu Hui really has a vision. I didn't say anything. When I got married, my uncle gave you a big gift. How about Xiaoxia

Sun Dingguo claimed to be his uncle. Xia wanted to know that he also had a deep relationship with the Cao family, so he said, "I dare not accept it. Shu Hui has the final say!"

Cao Shuhui blushed and didn't say anything. Sun Dingguo smiled cheerfully: Xiaoxia can really talk. Come on, have a drink with your uncle. By the way, do you need to do anything for you? Uncle took the exam for you just now. You can't test it for nothing. You have to be rewarded

Everyone thought Xia wanted to be polite. Unexpectedly, he immediately followed the words and answered, "It just so happens that there is another big thing to ask Uncle Sun for help

Sun Dingguo was stunned: "Big deal? How big is it?

Xia wanted to take out the car key from his body: "I drove here, but I haven't driven yet


Sun Dingguo laughed and said, "What's the big deal about getting a driver's license? You're making trouble, aren't you? Take three photos to Sun An tomorrow and ask him to do it in three days and send them to you. If you can't do it well, call me and I'll clean him up

Sun An muttered: "Dad, how many times have you been today? Haven't you had enough?"

Cao Yongguo was steady, Gao Hai was implicit, and Sun Dingguo was cheerful. Chu Zigao accompanied him and said that he was dizzy, just like flying clouds and fog.

Chu Zigao has always regarded himself as invincible in drinking, but today he drank too much for the first time and was so drunk.

At the end of the song, everyone went home. Cao Yongguo was a little worried that Xia wanted to send Cao Shuji, so Cao Shudai leaned down in Cao Yongguo's ear and whispered a few words. Cao Yongguo smiled and said, "Okay, let's go.

On the way, Xia wanted to ask the little girl what she said, but Cao Shuhui just didn't say anything. After a while, she suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Lian has been in Yanshi for a long time. Why did she contact us? In addition, the old man is not bad. It's just a little strict, but I can stand it. Also, even my sister has to give me 100,000 yuan for the design fee. Do I want it or not? As soon as I said no, she was angry

Cao Shuhui didn't know that Lian Ruohan had come to Yanshi until Xia wanted to introduce Mr. Gao to her.

There are not many cars at night, and Xiaxiang's speed is much faster. He knew Lian Ruohan's thoughts. If she didn't want her, she would definitely think too much, so he said, "Yes, why not, normal labor income. Keep it for yourself as a dowry in the future

Cao Shuhui made a grimace: "You can settle accounts and let me be a dowry. It's not the last time to run into your pocket." Suddenly, he realized that it was wrong and hurriedly shut up.

When he arrived at Xiaxiang's residence, Cao Shuhui refused to go up without saying anything. Xia Sang didn't force her to send her back to school. After sending her downstairs to the girls' dormitory, Cao Shuhui suddenly came to his ear and whispered, "I told Dad that you were so timid that you hadn't even pulled my hand until now!"

Xia was anxious when he heard it. This was simply a false contempt for his man's grandeur. He stretched out his hand to pull Cao Shuqi's maid, and he was ready to turn around and ran away quickly.

Back to her residence, she called Xiao Jia again. Xiao Jia didn't ask him about his strange performance when he answered the phone. She just said that her brother came and asked Xia if she would take time to meet him, give him a lesson, and teach him some of the truths of life. Xia thought about it and agreed.

Xiao Jia didn't ask, so he didn't say anything. It seemed that the two of them had a tacit understanding and knew that something was bound to happen, but they had to pretend not to know.

What Xia didn't expect at all was that after Shen Fuming became the deputy governor, he must first come to the municipal government to inspect the work, and the itinerary also includes the office of the urban village transformation team.

Shen Fuming chose to inspect the municipal government at the first stop, and also called to the office of the urban village transformation team. The intention was obvious, and he obviously wanted to make a fortune from the transformation of the urban village. However, it may be Gao Chengsong's hint that he intended to let Governor Shen test Chen Feng's reaction.

In Yan Province, it must be a big deal for the vice governor to come to see any small city. For Yan City, Yan City is a provincial capital city without any tension. The secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor can't say that they see each other every day, and they have seen it many times. Moreover, a group of people in the municipal government, except for a group of standing committee of the provincial party committee, other deputy provincial cadres really don't pay much attention The deputy provincial cadres, nominally under the leadership of the deputy governor, actually do not belong to the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, to Yan City to inspect the work, Chen Feng can't come out.

However, Chen Feng still gave Shen Fuming enough face. It is estimated that he also knew that Shen Fuming was from Gao Chengsong, and specially asked Cao Yongguo to accompany him. Shen Fuming didn't bring many people. He went through the motions. A secretary and a deputy secretary-general of the provincial government accompanied him. Unexpectedly, Wu Peiyong also appeared in the municipal government together!

The secretary of the provincial party secretary accompanied a deputy governor, which was not in compliance with the rules, but in the Gao Chengsong era. There are too many things to play cards according to the rules, and no one dares to say anything. But Wu Peiyong's reputation is too loud, and his identity is too **. He came down to accompany Shen Fuming in person, which was very thought-provoking.

The cannon restoration is still low-key. Maybe he also knows that in front of Chen Feng, he has no capital to point out. Just listen while walking, and rarely express opinions. When I came to the village in the city to transform the Xiaoji office. Xia Xiang, Wu Gangde and Qu Yaxin stood respectfully at the door to greet Vice Governor Shen and his party.

Shen Fuming's eyes first fell on Qu Yaxin, and his eyebrows moved a few times. He couldn't help poisoning some parts of her body for a few more seconds. Wu Peiyong saw clearly and curled his lips and smiled.

Then Shen Fuming saw the young man standing in the front, and he was stunned. Although he knew that Xia wanted to be transferred back to Yanshi, he did not know exactly where he would serve, because the transfer of Xia wanted to a deputy section-level cadre was not worth his attention to. Unexpectedly, Mayor Chen put Xiaxiang in the office of the urban village transformation team!

Maybe some people think that the office of the urban village transformation team is a dispensable institution, which is not very useful, but Shen Fuming knows it. This office is completely the embodiment of Chen Feng's personal will, representing Chen Feng's political tendency. Some means that cannot be used on the surface will be handed over to the office of the renovation team. It can be said that Xia wants to be able to preside over the daily work of the office, which is definitely someone Chen Feng fully trusts.

Shen Fuming is an old official. As soon as he sees that Xia wants to stand, you can see that it is Xia wants to be the master.

Isn't Xia Xiang from Li Dingshan? Behind Li Dingshan is Song Chaodu. I haven't heard that Song Chaodu has anything to do with Chen Feng. So why does Chen Feng reuse Xia Xiang?

In a moment, Shen Fuming turned seven or eight turns in his mind. He laughed and stretched out his hand to Xia: "Shou Xia, we meet again. It's a good thing and a good thing. Haha, by the way, how is Secretary Li now?"

Chen Feng was calm, Cao Yongguo frowned slightly, and Gao Hai stood behind, thinking that it was not good. Shen Fuming did not follow his good intentions.

Xia wanted to smile respectfully and said, "Welcome Governor Shen to inspect the work. Thinking about it, I haven't seen Governor He Dun for more than half a year. When I saw him today, Governor Shen's elegant demeanor is still the same, which is convincing. Secretary Li is fine. Thank you, Governor Shen for your concern

Shen Fuming seemed to be very happy and asked, "It's not a short time to come to Yan City. Have you visited Minister Song for Secretary Li?"

Xia wants to scold Shen Fuming's bastard. Didn't you deliberately let Wu Peiyong know that he had something to do with Song Chaodu? Sure enough, before Xia thought he could speak, Wu Peiyong asked with a questioning face, "Minister Song? Song Chaodu?

"Yes, why, Secretary Wu doesn't know yet? Xia Xiang used to be the secretary of Secretary Li Dingshan. Secretary Li is now the secretary of the county party committee in Ba County. He is a classmate and good friend of Minister Song. Since Secretary Li and Minister Song have such a close relationship. If Xia wants to come to Yanshi, he must walk around with Minister Song, right?

"Your name is Xiaxiang?" Wu Peiyong was immediately interested in Xia, "What's your job now

Although Xia thought that although he was extremely reluctant to let Wu Peiyong remember, he knew that Secretary Wu could be called the arrogant first person in Yan Province, and sometimes he did what he did to the point of outrage. Unfortunately, there was Gao Chengsong's support behind him, but he couldn't. He doesn't have the capital to challenge Wu Peiyong now, and it's not in time to hide. Unexpectedly, Shen Fuming deliberately exposed the hidden relationship between him and Li Dingshan and Song Chaodu.

Obviously, Shen Fuming was very aware of the discord between Song Dynasty and Wu Peiyong. He intended to use Wu Peiyong's hand to correct himself. Xia wanted to think of Shen Fuming to let Liu Shixuan die in prison. At that time, he used his hand to knock down Liu Shixuan. At present, as long as there is a chance, Shen Fuming could not be let go. Compared with Liu Shixuan's crude means, Shen Fuming was the one who did not do anything. One shot was a fatal blow

"Secretary Wu, my name is Xiaxiang. Is he now the deputy director of the office of the Chengzhong Village Renovation Group? Wu Da Mi's words have a feeling of condescending, which makes people feel uncomfortable, but after all, he is Wu Da Mi, who doesn't even pay attention to the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. Xia can only answer honestly.

"Class?. Wu Peiyong said contemptuously and shook his head, "No matter how bad Minister Song is, he won't make any effort to train section-level cadres, right? Haha, from the section level to the department level, you can climb fast and give you 8 years. Eight years, you are not young. Minister Song can't wait.

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