official god

Chapter 203 Dare to do it at the critical moment

"From your mother's head!" Xia Xiang has never been as angry as he is now. The magnificent life is invincible. When he speaks, he spits and talks nonsense. He can't help but boil blood in his heart. If he wants to care about him, he will go crazy once. You can't let your woman suffer from this kind of miscellaneous anger!

He grabbed the aftershock's hand with his backhand and twisted his wrist. The aftershock suddenly arched his waist like Fimi in pain and screamed like a pig: "Come on, come on, beat this bastard

Next to him, there were obviously young men under the aftershock howling. They gathered around one after another. Xia wanted to kick the aftershock's buttocks, kicked him to eat mud, and then pushed a young man who rushed to one side, and punched half of the other young man's face.

Three down and five out of two, Xia wanted to knock down three or five catties of villains to the ground, not dragging mud and water at all. Xiao Kun stared at Xiao Kun's big eyes. He couldn't believe that Xia thought still had such skills. Xiao Jia, who had seen Xia's way of raiding the little hooligan, was also surprised and happy. What surprised me was that I was afraid that Xia would not pay attention and be beaten. Fortunately, Xia wanted to be impulsive for her and made her heart as sweet as honey.

Any woman wants those who love her to have no hesitation for themselves! What Xia wanted to do today let Xiao Jia know from the bottom of her heart that Xia wanted to be true to her.

Several people were knocked to the ground and were not convinced. They all got up and surrounded again. Yu Zhensheng rolled a catty of donkeys and jumped up from the ground. As he called, he shouted at several young men, "I can't beat him. I surrounded him. I can't let him go. When I call, ask my buddy to bring the police to catch him. Entered the police station. Let him sit on the tiger stool

Several people surrounded Xia Xiang in the middle, but no one dared to take the initiative to move forward? Xia wanted to hold his shoulders and stood calmly on the spot, watching the aftershock make a phone call. No one noticed that it was not far from the scene. There was a van parked on the side of the road, and the window opened a crack, revealing a telephoto lens, constantly shooting at the scene.

On the way to the wholesale market, Xia thought of countermeasures and called Du Tongguo to make an unannounced visit. It's better to hide in the dark and take first-hand photos of the scene. Du Tongguo and Xia wanted to arrive almost at the same time. In order to get the most realistic live effect, he hid aside from the photographer and filmed all the scenes just now.

In a short time. A police car came to the scene in a flash, and several policemen came down from it, but they didn't wear their hats. The buttons are not fastened. He came to the scene cursingly, and shouted loudly, "What's the matter, what's the matter? Lao Yu, we don't let people sleep well at noon. We have to invite our brothers here. You can't talk about a good drink at night. Who is the perpetrator?

He saw Xia at a glance! He reached out and took out the handcuffs, looked at Xia with slanted eyes and thought, "Where did you come from? I'm not timid. I dare to make trouble in the wholesale market. Do you know that Zhang Zhiqiang is in charge of this acre of land? It's the opposite of you. Come back with me!"

Xia thought that Zhang Zhiqiang was really good at it. If he didn't ask, he would sell himself. ** Naked favored the aftershock life! Well, just go with him and see how he will end up. He thought so, but he said, "Comrade policeman, which eye did you see me make trouble? Did they do it first? Several of them hit me, and I was on self-defense.

"It's still in self-defense. I said you were deliberately causing trouble, and you were deliberately causing trouble. Do you still want to be horizontal? Zhang Zhiqiang unequivocally gave it to Xiaxiang and waved his hand, "Take it away, go back to the institute to give him a good tea

Several policemen came over to push Xia. Xia wanted to gently flick the dirt on his body: "Don't bother, I'll go by myself." He turned around and said to Xiao Jia, "I'll go to the police station and I'll be back in a minute. You wait here. Don't go. If there is a reporter to interview you, just tell the truth. Don't be afraid

Although Xiao Jia and Xiao Kun were also worried about Xia, when they saw his determined appearance, they knew that he knew it in their hearts, and remembered that he had told him on the way. He had his own arrangements and paid more or less attention, so he said, "Be careful of yourself and don't suffer losses in front of you

Xia wants to nod with a smile. He is not a person who likes to suffer losses.

The vegetable wholesale market is under the management of Beining Police Station and is not far from the market. Xia wanted to sit in the car. There were two little policemen on the left and right. He smiled and asked, "Is there a lot of ways to rectify people in the institute?"

The little policeman on the left was amused by Xiaxiang's appearance: "You will know after you try it later, and the storage will make you remember deeply

Xia thought again, "Is Yu Zhensheng familiar with your director?" So as long as you provoke the aftershock, don't ask about it and arrest it indiscriminately?"

"What does it mean not to ask indiscriminately?" Policeman Bu was not young and ruffian. He pushed Xia and thought, "We will invite you to drink water and sit down later when we get to the institute. Don't you just want to know the situation? You should cooperate well at that time. By the way, where do you work? Do you have any acquaintances? If so, call quickly. Don't regret being late.

"How can I regret it now? Xia wants to pretend to be stupid.

"Forget it. Let me tell you for nothing. The little policeman waved his hand impatiently, "Look at you, you don't look like someone with a background. I kindly remind you that our Beining police station is within the scope of jurisdiction. There are more people from other places, so the interrogation method is more proficient. If you don't want to suffer losses at that time, just be honest

"Then I'd better make a phone call. Xia wanted to say honestly, "I'm stunned for a while and can't even find my teeth."

Several policemen laughed together. Zhang Zhiqiang, who was sitting in the front row, turned around and said: Boy, how old are you? Do you know that some people can't mess with it? By the way, who do you know? Say it and listen to it."

The last time two traffic policemen came with Sun Xiao. Li Fei is a policeman. Xia wanted to sign up the name. Zhang Zhiqiang thought for a moment and smiled with relief: "I don't know. There is no such person in the district bureau or the municipal bureau. I advise you not to call. At least it's only useful for the leaders at the level to speak

Xia wanted to call Li Fei. As soon as Li Fei heard that Xia wanted to be caught in the Beining police station, he laughed on the phone: "If you have nothing to do, you can be caught by them? Why don't you tell Sun An's name? Before Xia wanted to speak, Li Fei suddenly realized and said, "I see. Do you want to be a black man?"

Li Fei was smart enough. He guessed right. Xia thought that he wanted to deliberately blackmail them. Seeing that they were lawless, Xia thought that in line with the sentiment of treating diseases and saving people, he decided to give Beining police station and Yu Zhensheng a big enough education.

Li Fei said "I'll be there soon" and hung up the phone, and then he hurried downstairs to set off.

Li Fei and Sun An are good friends. However, he has no background. With the strength of Sun An, he is now the deputy director of Minsheng Road Police Station, and it has only been a few days since he mentioned it online. He now knows that Xiaxiang is the former celebrity of Mayor Chen and the boyfriend of Mayor Cao's daughter. The future is bright, and it is his blessing to make friends. As soon as he heard that Xia wanted to summon, he was too happy and felt that Xia didn't treat him as an outsider.

In terms, Xiaxiang is now at a higher level than him.

Li Fei left in a hurry. When he went downstairs, he almost met a man, and he flashed aside to have a look. He was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said with a smile, "Lu Bureau, why are you here?"

is Lu Wenwu, director of the Public Security Bureau of Beicang District.

Lu Wenwu nodded reservedly: "I have something to find the director of the mansion,: Bu Li, you have mentioned the deputy office, how can you walk in a panic? It's not like words

If it's normal, Li Fei can't wait for Director Lu to criticize and educate him more. That's his love for him, but today he is afraid of delaying things. In case Xia really says that if he is beaten, things can't be cleaned up

"What kind of friends are so important? Isn't it okay to make a phone call? Lu Wenwu said disapprovingly, and he wanted to put on an educational posture.

"His name is Xiaxiang, yes." Li Fei was about to say that Xia wanted to be a friend of Sun's son, Sun An, when Lu Wenwu suddenly opened his eyes wide. He grabbed Li Fei's hand and asked, "Xia wants to? Are you talking about Director Xia of the office of the Urban Village Renovation Group?

Li Fei was shocked. The Lu Bureau has always been calm and stable. Why did he have a gaffe? He hurriedly said, "That's right, that's right, what's the matter? The Lu Bureau also knows him?"

"I still don't know Lu Wenwu's sudden solemn face, and he said in an extremely stern tone, "Who dares to catch Director Xia without long eyes? Why is the public security team so chaotic now? It seems that if you don't punish them well, they really dare to do anything. Let's go. I'll take your car and be with you

Li Fei opened his mouth wide: "Really, Lu Bureau?"

Li Fei has never had a chance to ride in the same car with Lu Wenwu. What's more, now in his car, his heart keeps beating, thinking that since Lu Ju doesn't know Xia. He is in a hurry. What's the matter? Does he know that Xia wants to have a relationship with Mayor Cao? It is possible. Well, Li Fei is secretly happy. With the relationship between Xiaxiang, it is equivalent to directly connecting with the mainland bureau, and there is no need to worry about the opportunity to get close to the mainland bureau in the future.

Xia was taken to the Beining police station after he wanted to make a phone call.

On the edge of the road bridge where the Beining police station is located, in a small courtyard, the door is very narrow, and the space inside is not small. Several police cars have been parked, and from time to time, someone is brought in dejected.

Xia wanted to be pushed and taken to the second floor. Zhang Zhiqiang sat opposite him, knocked on the table with a baton and said, "What's the matter? If you admit to fighting and making trouble and take the initiative to accept the punishment of public security, we will be polite to you

Xia thought and asked, "How to punish?"

"Penalty blade power element. Detain Zhan Tian. If you agree, sign it now. If you don't agree, you can sign it after drinking tea. Zhang Zhiqiang laughed a few times and said, "You have thought about it yourself. Anyway, the result is the same, and the process is different. If you want to choose the second one, we are in trouble, you suffer

blatantly violently enforce the law and make savage threats. Xia wants to stare straight into Zhang Zhiqiang's eyes: "If you do this, aren't you afraid of the superior to investigate you? If you arrest people casually and fine them casually, you don't have any legal awareness?

"Law? In the Beining police station, I just say one is different.

You are still in love with me. It seems that if you don't suffer a little, are you still fantasizing about it? Young, young people are impulsive and naive.

Zhang Zhiqiang slapped the table fiercely: "Names and units are all reported."

"His name is Xiaxiang. He was the office director of the urban village transformation team. Suddenly, a voice sounded from the outside. A man pushed the door and came in. First, he looked at Xiaxiang. Seeing that he was safe and sound, he was relieved. Then he walked to Zhang Zhiqiang and slapped the table suddenly, "Zhang Zhiqiang, do you still have party discipline and national law in your eyes, and do you still have legal awareness? The department-level national cadre was sold to the police station by you. If you don't ask the facts clearly, you will be fined and detained. You, the director of the police station, is too incompetent!"

Zhang Zhiqiang was stupid on the spot. He wanted to stand but did not stand under the table. He held the table with his hands, and then tried to stand up straight, with a smile squeezed out his face: "Lu. ... Bureau, why did you come here in person? "I'm here to stop you from being on the wrong road, and you're getting farther and farther away. Zhang Zhiqiang was picked up by him, and he liked him for daring to do it at the beginning. Bold and careful, he managed the area under the jurisdiction of the Beining police station with the largest foreign population in an orderly manner. Unexpectedly, it was also a catty, doing things without thinking.

Li Fei flashed in from the outside. Without saying a word, he helped Xia want to let go of his hand. Without looking at Zhang Zhiqiang, he asked with concern, "Brother Xia, are you all right? Do you think that based on your relationship with Sun An, you can enter the institute to suffer this grievance? That's true."

Li Fei's complaint came out of the background of Xia's thought with concern and implicitly. Lu Wenwu was stunned: Xiao Li, do you think Director Xia knows Sun An, the son of Sun Ju?"

"Isn't it more than knowing?" Li Fei's voice was exaggerated, and he also raised his tone a lot, "Brother Xia is not only Sun An's iron buddy. Even Director Sun appreciates Brother Xia very much. He is as close as his relatives, and Cao,"

Xia wanted to interrupt Li Fei's words: "Don't say that. Sun Bureau just drank with me once, and I got a driver's license

Li Fei is also a smart person. Seeing that Xia didn't want to mention Mayor Cao's relationship, he hurriedly shut up?

However, Xia's words have made it clear that the relationship between him and Director Sun is very shallow. Imagine that if the relationship is not deep, a dignified deputy director of the municipal bureau will personally help him apply for a driver's license. Such a trivial matter should also be opened by Director Sun. The face is not so big.

Zhang Zhiqiang was almost unsteady. He stammered with a bitter face and stammered, "Brother Xia, no, Director Xia, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I didn't know you were a relative of Sun Bureau"

Lu Wenwu was also stunned on the spot. The reason why he took the initiative to come forward with Li Fei to fish for Xiaxiang was not because he knew the relationship between Xiaxiang and Mayor Cao, but that he had long heard that Mayor Chen valued Xiaxiang very much, and he also knew that Mayor Chen would definitely reuse Xiaxiang, so he should deepen the relationship in Saving him is a great opportunity today.

There is a more important point, which also makes him believe that Xia wants to have a smooth future in the future, because his wife is Lin Shuangyu.

Lin Shuangyu talked a lot about how Xia wants to please Mayor Chen at home. As soon as he took office, Jiang Tian, the secretary of Mayor Chen, took the initiative to call in order to replace the office of the renovation team with new office and public furniture, and Xia wanted to have a close contact with Yuanjing Group from the capital.

Lu Wenwu kept it in mind. It happened that he accidentally heard Li Fei mention it today. How could he not care? I followed him in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Xia wants to have something to do with Sun. Today's trip is really worth it. Lu Wenwu made up his mind and took the initiative to shake hands with Xia: "Director Xia, I'm Lu Wenwu. On behalf of the Beicang District Public Security Bureau, I would like to apologize to you for the barbaric law enforcement behavior of

Although Xia thought that he didn't know Lu Wenwu's intention, when he heard Zhang Zhiqiang call him Lu Ju, he knew his identity. You are also polite.

Lu Wenwu saw that Xia was not very enthusiastic. Knowing that he was strongly dissatisfied with Zhang Zhiqiang, his face darkened: "Zhang Zhiqiang, I order you to make a deep self-criticism and admit your mistake to Director Xia face to face."

Xia wanted to wave his hand and said lightly, "No, don't bother the land bureau. Director Zhang's fault should not be admitted to me, but should be recognized by the Party's discipline and national law, and recognized by the people of the whole city

Lu Wenwu looked stunned. What do you mean? Does Xia have something to say? Before he could ask, there was a noisy voice outside, and he heard someone shouting, "Reporter of the newspaper? No, there is no instruction from the superior leader. We can't accept the interview

The individual replied in a loud voice: "Yu Zhensheng, director of the vegetable wholesale market management committee, maliciously inspected the vegetables of merchants. It caused huge economic losses to merchants. In addition, according to our random interview with vegetable wholesale, it is confirmed that Yu Zhensheng and Zhang Zhiqiang, director of Beining Police Station, jointly cracked down on foreign merchants. We have reported the matter to the Beicang District Government. At the same time, our Yan Provincial Evening News will make an in-depth report on this matter Lu Wenwu understood that Xia thought that he had set up a set to make people jump in. Without the appearance of immortals, You would not give up. In fact, he wanted to fix the aftershock. What he had no choice but to do was that Zhang Zhijian jumped out and was being caught.

Lu Wenwu's brain turned. Li Xuan had a decision. He turned to the outside of the office and shouted downstairs, "Let the reporter come in, the reporter of the provincial newspaper has the power to interview and supervise

After Du Tongguo came in with a photojournalist, he was about to interview Zhang Zhiqiang. Lu Wenwu came forward and stopped him: "Reporter, Comrade Zhang Zhiqiang has been suspended by the Beicang District Public Security Bureau for inspection because of a serious violation of discipline. Regarding his question, there will be a further punishment decision in the bureau, and it The body will be announced.

Zhang Zhiqiang suddenly sat in the chair: "Lu Bureau, I, I was wrong. Give me another chance,

Xia wanted to see this and thought that since Lu Wenwu was very face-te, he would also give him a chance to appear, so he said to Du Tongguo, "Tongguo, when the Land Bureau heard that all the illegal and undisciplines sent by Beining happened, he hurried to deal with them in person. As a provincial newspaper, we should not only expose the ugly side, but also promote the good side. Leading cadres like the Mainland Bureau who are committed to the people should publicize and report more

Lu Wenwu immediately smiled as soon as he heard it: "Director Xia is too good. This is my job, and I should be strict with my subordinates. The public security organ was established to crack down on crime and protect citizens, so we should be strict with ourselves within the public security.