official god

Chapter 208 Fang Jinjiang, Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee

Mo Feng pointed flatly at Xia and laughed a few times! What a crooked theory. "The horses have come out, and you are really out of the sky. Open your mouth and come. All right, all right, go to work quickly, don't talk nonsense here. Even the president is here, you should also pay attention to the image.

Xia Xiang nodded and smiled at Lian Ruohan again: "Mr. Lian is well-informed and has seen all kinds of people. She will forget a little person like me when she sees it, so she won't pay attention to it. Then I'll go down first, Mayor Chen, Secretary-General Gao.

Xia thought that the etiquette was very strong, and he greeted them one by one before pulling out the door respectfully. As soon as I arrived outside the door, I breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the joy of being promoted to the deputy, Chen Feng's performance just now is obviously a dissatisfaction caused by his intention to hide Gao Jinzhou's affairs, which is already in the past


Obtained Chen Feng's understanding. A stone in Xia's heart finally fell to the ground. Although I also know that Chen Feng is not a calculating leader. But after all, he is a leader, a deputy provincial mayor, and the leader is also a person, and he will be in a bad mood. If Chen Feng had been holding on to Gao Jinzhou's affairs, Xia thought he could only bow his head. Fortunately, whether Mayor Chen figured out his difficulties or was no longer dissatisfied with him about this matter for other reasons. Anyway, everything is over.

Can you really be promoted to the deputy? Xia wants to be ecstatic. For a long time, he felt that the department-level cadres were very large officials. Unexpectedly, he could finally be promoted from the section level to the deputy office. The section level is the largest group of cadres in China, and from the section level to the deputy is the first very important level through the power ladder. Many people may be promoted to the section level at a young age, but they are stuck in the section level all their lives and can no longer reach the hurdle of the deputy department!

Back in the office, Xia Xiang said what Mayor Chen said just now and shared the joy with Qu Yaxin and Wu Gangde. Sure enough, both of them were ecstatic. Wu Gangde even had tears in his eyes and muttered, "That's great, that's great. Finally, I don't have to go back to the Urban Management

Qu Yaxin couldn't help but be happy: "All this is so ashamed of Director Xia. After Director Xia came, there have been many happy events in the office of the transformation team. You are really our lucky star!"

If the office of the transformation team has not been officially established, once the village in the city is completely renovated, it will face the fate of dissolution. Xiaxiang was transferred from Ba County, and he came from another way. Now he is the director, and there will definitely be another important use at that time. Qu Yaxin and Wu Gang may have to return to the original single. No one wants to return to the original single. After all, after so long, where and where to go? Besides, after being estranged from the leader for so long, after going back, he must have been directly idle.

So as soon as they heard that the office of the transformation team was going to have a formal establishment, the two of them finally put their hearts in their stomachs and had no worries. How could they not be sincerely happy?

At noon, the three of them went out for dinner together and had a good meal.

In the afternoon, Sun Xianwei called. It is said that the Shilipu Vegetable Orchid Wholesale Market was officially completed. Xia wanted to visit in person, and he also made a small request: "Director Xia, although the vegetable wholesale market is not a major project, it is also a vegetable blue project related to the national economy and people's livelihood, right? I have a better relationship with Minister Fang. There are no strong acquaintances in the municipal government, and they will be at the inauguration ceremony. Without the head of the municipal government, I can't say it in my face. Can you help me get through the relationship and contact a plausible leader? I don't want to be the mayor, and I don't have enough face. How about doing a favor for my brother at the level of secretary-general of government?

Xia wants to meditate slightly and have an idea in his heart: "Will Minister Fang come in person?"

"It's not convenient for him to show up directly,"

"If Mayor Cao comes. How's it going? Xia wanted to sell it on purpose.

"Mayor Cao? Are you kidding? Brother, if you can invite Mayor Cao, I will have all the face. Don't slap me. Don't make people happy. If it's true, if it's true, I don't say anything. I owe you a favor. Sun Xianwei said eagerly

Xia wanted to laugh a few times: "Don't worry, brother, I'll ask for you, and I'll call you back later?"

Xia Shang also understands Sun Xianwei's thoughts. Minister Fang is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of Organization. Although he is at the same level as Cao Yongguo, he is a cadre of the Party Committee after all. He is in charge of personnel and government affairs. He is far less than Cao Yongguo, the Besides, it is not against the rules for Minister Fang to appear. If Cao Yongguo attends, he will convey a message to many people, no matter whether Mayor Cao Dai Jia is the municipal government or himself. Mayor Cao must have a supportive attitude towards Tian'an Real Estate.

Xia wanted to go upstairs to find Cao Yongguo. Speaking of his idea, Cao Yongguo thought for a moment and smiled, "Xiaoxia, are you deliberately arranging for me to contact Minister Fang in private? Do you have another intention?"

Xia Xiang has no need to hide it in front of Cao Yongguo: "The municipal party committee and the municipal government are about to merge into one office. In the future, the government will have to look up and bow down with the members of the standing committee of the municipal party committee. Since we are working together. It's nothing to get familiar with it in advance, isn't it, Uncle Cao?

Cao Yongguo didn't say anything more. He was deeply gratified that Xia thought could always find the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity in time. He also knew that this was a good opportunity to get close to Minister Fang, so he asked Secretary Gu Xiuwen to come in and said to him, "Arrange the itinerary for me and attend an inauguration ceremony the day after tomorrow

Gu Xiuwen answered respectfully. Then he retreated. Xia wanted to leave, but Cao Yongguo stopped him again and asked curiously, "Why did you spend time with Lian Ruohan this morning


Xia was shocked. Uncle Cao's eyes are too sharp, isn't he? When the government was at work, so many people went in and out. Why did he see him and Lian Ruohan at a glance? It seems that it is too dangerous to work under the eyes of your father-in-law in the future.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Yesterday, Shuhui asked me to send Lian Ruohan back, so I went back to my residence. She happened to come to the municipal government to do business early this morning. When she passed by my place, she casually brought me up.

Cao Yongguo seemed to say "Oh" inadvertently. While sorting out the documents at hand, he casually said, "Tian Ruohan is a good girl, but in comparison, Shu Hui is more gentle and considerate. It's not that my father praises his daughter. Lian Ruohan is a little cold, and it's It's just a little like the moon, out of reach

Xia wants to be calm: "Uncle Cao, this is your mayor's office. Let's go home and say these words, okay?"

Xia wanted to escape from Cao Yongguo's office in embarrassment, and his heart kept pounding. Uncle Cao was so powerful that his eyes were like a torch. Obviously, it is to remind him not to get too close to Lian Ruohan.

Think about it from another angle, I'm really happy to have such a good father.

Xia still doesn't forget to refute Uncle Cao in his heart indignantly. Who said that Lian Ruohan was cold, it was an outsider, and now he is against him. But it's very demonic and tempting.

When he returned to the office, he hurriedly called Sun Xiaoxianwei, told him that the matter was done, and asked him to contact Cao Yongguo's secretary Gu Xiuwen directly to discuss the details. Sun Xianwei couldn't believe it and said loudly, "Brother Xia, although we are very familiar with each other, if you lie to me about this matter, I will never stop with you!"

Xia wanted to be happy: "Have I told a lie since we met?"

Sun Xianwei believed: "That's not, it's mainly because I'm too excited. All right, I'm on the phone, brother. I owe you a big favor

Not long after, Lian Ruohan appeared in the office again: "Director Xia, thank you for your kind words for our Vision Group in front of Mayor Chen. Mr. Gao wants to invite you to dinner in the evening. I don't know if it's a good honor.

The net was clicked a little by Cao Yongguo. How dare Xia think to get close to Lian Ruohan again? Although Lian Ruohan also pretended to be decent in front of Wu Gangde and others, he still waved his hand and said, "Mr. Lian is welcome. Yuanjing Group has done a good job and has done good deeds for the people of Yan City. I am also the beneficiary of the meal. I have something to do in the evening

Even Ruohan didn't force it. Say goodbye. Go away. Not long after leaving, another text message came: "The lake villa in the forest park. What's your name? It's called An Xiaju, okay?"

Xia wanted to get in the way and shivered. The mobile phone almost fell to the ground, and I hurried back: "Don't be kidding, just call Huxinju the best

Lian Ruohan only replied with one word: "Vulgar!,

After a while, he replied with another message: "I've decided to call it Lianyuan. The construction will start tomorrow, and you can move in tomorrow spring

Xiaxiang was busy reading the information of Xiaoma Village and Dama Village. She didn't have time to reply to her. Unexpectedly, another text message came soon: "Don't worry. I'll leave you a sunny room for you. I'll set it up in person

Xia wants to be completely speechless.

Two days later, at the inauguration ceremony of Shilipu's vegetable wholesale, Cao Yongguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. The accompanying personnel were Zheng Guanqun, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government. Unfortunately, Xia wanted to be queued out. I didn't show off on the news on the TV station.

Of course, this is not what Xiaxiang intended. After he finished his work, he followed Cao Yongguo to the conference room arranged by Sun Xianwei. We need to meet with the Minister Fang Jinjiang.

Fang Jinjiang is not good-looking. He is a typical southerner. He is also dressed in ordinary clothes, but his face is solemn and his eyes are a little cold. He looked a little arrogant. Even if he shook hands with Cao Yongguo, the enthusiasm showed did not make people feel any sincerity. Cao Yongguo didn't care either. He politely said a few words with Fang Jinjiang Han.

Although Fang Jinjiang did not laugh, he also expressed great enthusiasm for the arrival of Cao Yongguo, but it may be that he had worked in the organizational department for many years. His speech and behavior still inadvertently showed a trace of high-level Zu Yongguo's officialdom for many years. He knew in his heart that the people in the Organization Department Moreover, Fang Jinjiang is also the Minister of Organization of the Standing Committee, which can be said to be highly powerful. While maintaining politeness, he also appropriately paid tribute to Fang Jinjiang, which made Fang Jinjiang very satisfied.

Xia wanted to be embarrassed to come forward. His level was too low to enter Fang Jinjiang for the time being. Sun Xianwei squeezed next to him and whispered, "Minister Fang's face is cold and warm-hearted. He has been in the Organization Department for a long time. His facial expressions have become natural and it's not easy to put it down. Tell Mayor Cao later. Don't care too much. In fact, Minister Fang is a good person

Xia wants to smile: "You really think I'm so shallow, and you really think it's so simple to be Mayor Cao? OK, don't worry about it. Let's talk about your vegetable wholesale plan. "I want to hire a manager, Sun Xianwei, while pulling Xia to squeeze in front.

There are generally two management organizations in the wholesale market. One is the management committee, which is set up by the government and is responsible for the administrative management in the market, industry and commerce, taxation, etc. The other is the management office, which is set up by the developer to represent the interests of the developer, and is mainly responsible for the management of the operation. Sun Xianwei said that he would hire management personnel, which is naturally a talent in management.

Xia couldn't understand why Sun Xianwei insisted on pulling him together. He didn't have time to ask and heard Minister Fang say! Xiaosun, Gang Xianji: "

Xia figured out that Sun Xianwei was very good at it. He introduced him to Minister Fang.

"Minister Fang, this is Xiaxiang. My good friend Sun Xianwei doesn't talk about Xiaxiang's position, but only talks about his personal relationship with him. Obviously, he wants Xiaxiang to meet with Minister Fang in a private relationship.

"Xia Think, I've heard your name. After coming to Yanshi, he did a lot of amazing actions. Sure enough, he was a young man with advanced ideas and energy.

. Fang Jinjiang stretched out his hand and wanted to shake hands with the county. He spoke very warmly, but there was no smile on his face?

Xia wanted to take a step forward in a hurry and held Fang Jinjiang's hand in both hands: "Minister Fang is overreflated. I just did a little something. It's not worth Minister Fang's praise!"

Fang Jinjiang looked at Xia with complicated eyes, and suddenly turned his head and asked Sun Xianwei, "Bu Sun. How is the investment promotion work in the market going?

"It's not bad. At present, several large wholesalers have settled in, and more than a dozen have expressed strong interest. If you are optimistic. Within three months, you can share half of the Qiaoxi vegetable wholesale market, half a year later. Sun Xianwei is full of confidence in the prospect of the Shilipu market.

"I would like to introduce a big wholesaler to you. If she comes over, she can bring at least one-fifth to one-quarter share of the whole Yan City. You said to reach half of the share in three months, which is still too conservative. I guess. After half a year, you can occupy two-thirds of the market of Yanshi. In addition, don't focus only on Yanshi, but on the whole Yan province. At least within half a year, open the markets of Shancheng and Baoshi. It's not a big problem. Xia wanted to lose time to give Sun Xianwei an injection.

It's also said to Fang Jinjiang.

Sure enough, Fang Jinjiang is very interested. Ask directly: Is there any basis for what Xiaoxia said? Or is it just a guess?

The so-called concern is chaotic. No matter how tall people are, they also have weaknesses and are not relieved about the things that are closely related to them. Although Xiaxiang has never asked Sun Xianwei what kind of cooperative relationship he has with Fang Jinjiang, from the perspective of Fang Jinjiang's concerned attitude, the cooperation between Sun Xianwei and Fang Jinjiang is probably more in-depth than he originally imagined.

Xiaxiang is completely based on Xiao Jia's analysis of the market. I dare not say that it is 100% correct, but at least 80% sure. Xiao Jia's accurate analysis and grasp of the market is very admirable to even Xiaxiang, and according to Xiao Jia's own business situation, the Shilipu market will not only get more than half of the market share of Yan City, but also in a short time, the market will be overcrowded.

The most critical factor is the growing population of Yan City.

When I was stunned, the population of Yan City looked at the population area of Yan City. It won't be long before the population of the city will exceed the persuasion. Generally speaking, every time a new community is built, a small vegetable market will be established. From this, it can be estimated that the more people there are, the greater the demand for vegetables will be.

Xia wants to know that Fang Jinjiang and Sun Xianwei are both smart people. Without his explanation, he directly pointed out the focus of the problem: "The speed of building new communities in Yanshi was unimaginable a year ago, and the population growth rate is also many times faster than before. People have to eat."

Fang Jinjiang finally showed a gratifying smile: Xiao Sun, I believe what you said now. Xiao Xia has much more economic brains than many officials. He graduated from Peking University. He didn't want to go back to the south and was also sent to work in the municipal government. I asked him to learn more from you. How

Sun Xianwei hurriedly explained: "Bag. Minister Fang's son, a top student of Peking University, sit down together and get to know each other when he has time

I can get close to Minister Fang's son. It is equivalent to establishing a personal relationship with Minister Fang. Xia wanted to ask for it and agreed. Fang Jinjiang didn't say anything more. He turned around to socialize.

Sun Xianwei was a quick person. Under his arrangement at noon, Minister Fang, who had rarely eaten out, promised to stay for dinner for the first time, and entered the private room with Cao Yongguo. Xia wants to be with Sun Xianwei. Dinner in the private room next to it. Sun Xianwei ran outside and called in. He smiled mysteriously and said, "I'll be there in a minute

Sure enough, a catty of young people soon came to the private room, with a white complexion, wearing a pair of glasses, medium height, a little thin, but he looked strong, but there was a faint arrogance between his expression.

Sun Xianwei wants to introduce to Xia: "Fang Ge, a top student of Peking University, graduated from the Internet this year and now works in the General Office of the Municipal Government

Xia remembered to greet each other: "Xia Xiang, nice to meet you

The square nodded faintly: "I've heard of you. Brother Sun also said that you are quite able. Even my father said that you have a vision. Let's not talk about whether it's true or not, but you are quite young. Now you are in the right department. It's amazing. I'm two years younger than you, and I don't have a level yet. There was a questioning look in his eyes, which was a little domineering. "Well, when your main subject materials were reported to the Organization Department, the transfer of section-level cadres was not worth my father's attention to see. He also came out of the eagerness of love

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