official god

Chapter 226 The idea of the head of Xia County

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Xia wanted to smile at the slightly cramped Xie Qiyi: Xiao Xie, sit down, you're welcome."

Xie Qiqi sat down and smiled uneasily: "County Chief Xia, you are so young. I've never heard of such a young county magistrate before. Now I've seen it with my own eyes, and I'm still a little uncomfortable

Xia wanted to laugh. Xie Qiqi was really honest. He told the truth when he opened his mouth. It was estimated that Xu Liang asked him to contact his work, not because he valued his youth, but because he was honest enough.

After a few chats, Xia wanted to talk about going to the Sanshi Scenic Area. Xie Qiyi immediately got up and said, "I'll contact the County Tourism Bureau immediately."

Xie Qiyi was honest, but he did things without any ambiguity. A few minutes later, he came back to report: "The director of the Tourism Bureau will be here soon. He brought two cars, which is enough."

Xia wanted to nod secretly. Although Xie Qiyi looked inconspicuous, he spoke very honestly. In fact, he was also quite blind and efficient. If he didn't pick up the car, he could find the problem and arrange it in time. Not to mention, Xu Liang introduced Xie Qiyi to himself, which was quite intentional.

The director of the Tourism Bureau is about the age of Yu Hai. He is tall and thin, with a round face and wearing a Zhongshan suit. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "County Chief Xia, I just heard that County Magistrate Yang has been sick. Now the Tourism Bureau is temporarily under the leadership of County Magistrate Xia. Now I'm here to report my work to the county magistrate Xia. I'm late. I'm late. Please ask the county magistrate Xia to approve

Xia remembered to greet each other: "Mr. Ren, you're welcome. How can there be so much attention? Sit down and tell me the details of the Sanshi Scenic Area

Ren Yuhai sat down and handed over the cigarette, and did not forget to give Xie Qiyi one, and then he lit it to Xiaxiang first, and then to Xie. Finally, he smoked a cigarette and said, "Sanshi Scenic Area is the pillar industry of An County. In the past, the annual income was about 40,000 yuan, and the highest was set a record of 10,000 yuan. It has declined in recent years, and now it is basically maintained at about ten thousand. It is very difficult to improve one step. The Tourism Bureau has come up with a lot of methods, all of which have little effect.

Xia wants to hear it and knows it. In two thousand years, a windy area can create an annual income of Quwan, which is really good. The total fiscal revenue of An County in a year is more than 10,000 yuan. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sanshi Scenic Area is the pillar industry of An County. Unexpectedly, he picked up today's big pie as soon as he took office, as long as he has the ability to attract more passengers.

Or it can be said to be a big trouble. If he takes over the tourism, the passenger flow in Sanshi Scenic Area will drop sharply.

said a few more words. Xia wanted to see that it was getting late, so he proposed to go to the Sanshi Scenic Area for inspection. Without saying anything, Li Xuan accompanied Xia to go downstairs to get on the car and went straight to the Sanshi Scenic Area.

Xie Qiqi also accompanied him.

Sanshi Scenic Area is not close to Yan City, but it is not far from the county seat of An County. More than ten minutes later, I saw a small hill in front of me. There is a mountain gate on the top of the mountain. The mountain gate is built in the shape of Nantianmen, and there are several dragons flying and phoenix

Ren Yuhai was supposed to take the cable car up the mountain. Xia Shang didn't agree. He came for a field trip and found that the new passenger flow growth point was coming. He didn't come to travel, so he insisted on walking up the mountain. Xie Qiqi had nothing to do, and his footsteps easily followed Xiaxiang's side. He must have been practicing a lot. However, he suffered from the sea. Although others were not fat, his body was weak, and he was so tired that he sweated all over after a few steps. Out of breath.

Xia is really unbearable. He smiled and said, "Lang Ren still took the cable car up the mountain to wait for us. Xiao Xie and I walked up slowly."

With the change of other county magistrates, Ren Yuhai had to accompany him up the mountain in person, but he knew that he could not compare with Xia, and after thinking about it, he was no longer pretentious: "Then I'm embarrassed, County Magistrate Xia. I can't compare with you. You are too young. I'm strong, and I'm more than ten points old." Then I'll get on the cable car.

As soon as Yuhai left, Xie Qiyi said more.

"The county magistrate Xia is really approachable. There is no shelf at all. Xie Qiyi did not forget to send a flattery quietly from time to time. He walked easily and followed Xiaxiang breathlessly. Like walking on the flat ground, he knew that he often walked the mountain road at a glance. Sure enough, he said the next sentence himself, "I grew up in a mountain village. I'm used to walking the mountain road, and I don't feel tired. If the county magistrate Xia is tired of walking, let's take a break. Sanshi Mountain is not high. Walk and stop, and take a round trip in two or three hours at most.

Xia wanted to wave her hand: "I'm tired after just a few steps, and my body is too bad. Xiao Xie, since you are from Anxian County, what are the shortcomings of Sanshi Scenic Area? Dare to say, the more problems you pick, the better

Xie Qiyi smiled with a simple smile: "Let me say, it may not be universal. I grew up in the mountains and was used to seeing the scenery in the mountains. In my eyes, the Sanshi Scenic Area actually doesn't have much beautiful scenery, that is, the mountains and rivers in the city are rare. Of course, there are indeed many strange stones on Sanshi Mountain, and some of them are very strange and durable. If you want to talk about the shortcomings, I think it's quite a lot." He took a look at Xiaxiang. Seeing that Xia wanted to smile and show encouragement, he boldly said, "One is that there is less water. Mountains, rivers, mountains and rivers are a good place. It's strange that there are too many stones in Sanshi Mountain, but there is too little water, and as soon as there is less water, I feel a little less aura.

"There is also a little scale of the scenic spot. If I let go and walk from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it will be half an hour. If we expand the scale, develop more scenic spots, and have more places to see, everyone will feel that the tickets are worth the money, and there will be more people coming at that time.

In order to expand the scale and develop new scenic spots, we can only attract investment. The huge investment in Xia'anhuang Road has been shot by the Ershui Scenic Area, and there will be no new investment in the fierce scarf. And sometimes, without considering the consumption capacity, blindly expand the scenic spots, and finally have to raise the ticket price, resulting in a sharp decrease in the flow of people, and the end, the gains outweigh the losses. It is not surprising that they are everywhere.

It is not that expanding the scale is a panacea, it will definitely attract more tourists and increase income. There are both positive and negative aspects of everything.

However, the lack of water mentioned by Xie Qiyi is indeed a great pity. There are many stones and less water in Sanshi Scenic Area. Although there are not many strange stones in Sanshui Scenic Area, there are many mountain springs and waterfalls. When it comes to hot summer, it can cool down, which attracts a lot of popularity.

"Generally speaking, if there is a mountain, there will be water. How can there be so little water in Sanshi Mountain?" Xia wants to feel a little puzzled. In his cognition, where there are mountains, there is water, and the mountains and rivers are one.

At this time, the two of them had reached halfway up the mountain, and there was an open field on both sides. Looking up, there were clouds and fog. Xie Qiqi, stop. Point to the distance with your hand: "In fact, there is water in Sanshi Mountain, and there is a cave there. There is continuous water in the cave all year round, and there is also a small pool, which is just in the scenic area. I don't know what's going on. There is very little water.

When the scenic area was developed, there may be no in-depth investigation. In fact, one more kilometer to the west. There is water."

There are too many brainstorming projects in the world. The road in Yanshi has been repaired today, and tomorrow I will think of the oolong incident that the pipeline has not been dug up again. A scenic spot in the county was estimated to be under development at that time. The leader stood at the foot of the mountain, casually pointed with his hand and said, "It's good here." Then the scenic area was very honored to rise up under the guidance of the leader's golden finger.

When Xiaxiang and Xie Qiyi climbed to the top of the mountain in sweat. Ren Yuhai was sitting on the gazebo on the top of the mountain, shivering with cold.

Xia wanted to laugh at him: "The director still needs to exercise more at ordinary times. If he is not in good health, there will be a lot less enthusiasm for revolutionary work,"

"County Minister Xia. You said that I'm over a lot of people. How can I get better? As Ren Yuhai spoke, he circled around the pavilion and took a few steps. He felt that his body was a little warmer, so he spoke easily. There are too many things to do in the tourism bureau. As a large tourism county, as the director, I am busy every day. How can I have time to exercise my body?

Xia wanted to pat his leg: "Forging the body does not have to give time for special exercise. Just like today, walking up the mountain is a rare opportunity for training. If you don't regard exercise as an independent activity, you will naturally feel that you don't have time. If you integrate into daily life, for example, you can not drive without driving, and you can walk on foot. Over time, your body will definitely get better.

Ren Yuhai nodded with a smile: "I didn't expect the head of Xia County to be young. I'm also very good at strengthening my body

Xia wanted to wave his hand with a smile and changed the topic: "Director Xie. Tell me where the water source is?

Xie Qiqi came close to the front: "Count Minister Xia, you'd better call me Xiao Xie. I heard it. Call me Director Xie. I'm uncomfortable." He laughed and pointed to the mountain in the distance with his hand, "Actually, there is water on that mountain, and the amount of water is quite large

Xia wanted to look at the opposite hill. Asked Ren Yuhai, "Let's talk about it, how far is the mountain from where we stand?"

Ren Yuhai put his hand on the canopy. After looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and said, "No, I can't see it."

Ren Yuhai told the truth. Xia wanted to laugh and asked Xie Qiyi: "Xiao Xie said

Xie Qiyi squinted: "About persuasion, the mountain is four meters higher than here."

Xia wanted to nod and asked Ren Yuhai: "Mr. Ren must know the advantages and disadvantages of the Sanshi scenery very well. You said that if there is an extra one-meter-wide stream on the side of the mountain road, accompanied by the stream and the mountain all the way, tourists can go up the mountain to enjoy the scenery along the way, and Will the sound of water make Sanshi Scenic Area more attractive? Can it attract more tourists?

Ren Yuhai was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Xia to have such a poetic idea. After thinking for a moment, he nodded repeatedly and said, "The county magistrate Xia is right. If there is a stream on one side of the mountain road, it can not only add a lot of fun, but also definitely attract more tourists. But he said it again. Isn't the Sanshi Scenic Area short of water?

Xia wanted to point to the hill in the distance with her hand: "Since there is water on that small one, let's lead the water over, and then pile a stream out with stones next to the mountain road. In this way, the Sanshi Scenic Area has both strange stones and streams, which must be unforgettable."

Ren Yuhai blinked his eyes and didn't say anything. He thought that the young man really dared to think that the water would flow from one mountain to another. Do you think the water would flow from the head? How much is the amount of work, and how much does it cost? What a big joke! It seems that this county magistrate is more unreliable than Yang. Although County Magistrate Yang is a little more conservative, he is much better than his child's chaotic command.

Ren Yuhai immediately lowered Xiaxiang's image to several levels in his heart, and thought that he was a young and promising person to become the deputy county magistrate. Now it seems that he also got to this position completely by having a backstage and a backer, and he has no real ability. Ren Yuhai was frustrated. There was such a deputy county magistrate pointing fingers on it, and the Sanshi Scenic Area declined sooner or later.

Xia wanted to see the change of Ren Yuhai's expression and did not explain. He asked, "How much money does it take to open an artificial stream about one meter wide along the side of the mountain road up?"

Do you really want to implement it? This doesn't work. I have to talk to the county magistrate of Qiu later. You can't let the government approve the labor and the people's money. Let's make a plan. Gensongpeng is not a good job! He didn't care whether Xia was the deputy county magistrate or not, and his face showed a disapproving look on his face: "The cost of the stream is not too much. There is no need for materials. The sand and stone are ready-made, and only the labor cost is needed. It is estimated that it will not exceed 10,000 yuan. However, I have to remind the magistrate of Xia County that the stream is easy to dig, and the water problem is not easy to solve. It is not feasible to divert water from that mountain.


Ren Yuhai's words were a little rude. Although Xie Qiyi also felt that Xia's idea was whimsical, he was also a little dissatisfied with Ren Yuhai's tone of voice, so he interrupted, "Mr. Ren, don't be busy making a conclusion first. There is nothing impossible in the world. Since the county magistrate Solution to the problem

Ren Yuhai said unconvincedly, "What can I do? Should we use the method of Yugong to move the mountain to move the top of the mountain? Director Xie, you are from Anxian County. You grew up in the mountains. Tell me yourself, how to lead the water from that hill to our feet? This is the idea of a castle in the air. It's a fantasy.

Xie Qiyi was speechless by Ren Yuhai, blushed, and speechless for a long time.

Xia wanted to smile, pointed to the telephone pole in the mountain with his hand, and said, "Since there is electricity on the mountain, there must be water. Director Ren was really right just now. I said that if you can draw water, you must be able to draw it. The way is to make a castle in the air. Director Ren, you said that we build a bridge between the two mountains, and no one will leave on the bridge. Only diverting water, do you think it's possible?

Ren Yuhai still doesn't believe that Xia wants to open his mouth: "How to build a bridge? Like a cable car? The cost is too high to calculate. And the funds are not allowed!"

This sentence is equivalent to blocking Xia's mouth, telling him not to think that he can do what he wants to do, but to consider the issue of funds.

Xia wanted to nod solemnly: "Although it is inevitable in life, I won't do it. I have also considered the capital issue. The cost of diverting water and digging streams should not exceed 10,000 yuan.

"Blade ten thousand?" Ren Yuhai was surprised and said, "The county magistrate Xia, as the county magistrate, should pay attention to the art of leadership. If it really doesn't exceed ten thousand, I can make the decision. The Tourism Bureau has paid the money!"

"It's a deal. As the director, don't go back on your words." Xia wanted to wait for Ren Yuhai's words.

"What do you regret? The tourism bureau didn't have much money, and most of it was handed over to the county finance, but it was still able to take it out. I guarantee with my personality that as long as the county magistrate Xia's idea is feasible, the problem of money can't be solved. Take me to ask. Ren Yu Haixin said solemnly.

Xia wanted to nod and pointed to the telegraph pole with his hand: "How much is this kind of wooden telegraph pole?"

The wooden telegraph pole is actually the trunk of a whole tree. After carbonization, it will not rot when buried in the soil, and the cost is not high. It is not heavy and convenient to transport to the mountain, so wooden telephone poles are used on the mountain.

"A few hundred yuan, it's not expensive anyway

"Okay, I think it's probably necessary. The ferocious telegraph pole is divided into two rows and buried between the two mountains. The top of the telegraph pole is made of bamboo into a diversion channel, one end is connected to the mountain, and the other is connected to our feet. I want to see people who have seen rural water diversion How to strengthen bamboo and how to connect the two ends? I'm not a professional, so I won't express my opinions indiscriminately.

Ren Yuhai looked stunned and didn't say anything. He looked at the two mountains in the air with his hand for a long time. Suddenly, he patted a stone next to him and shouted, "County Chief Xia, I'm convinced of you. It's really a good idea. It's a great idea. It's so wonderful." Why How to do it?" He took Xiaxiang's hand and said excitedly. I represent all the staff of the Tourism Bureau. Thank you, Chief of Xia, for your visit."

Xia wanted to smile implicitly: " Director Ren, why do you thank me? Don't forget, I'm in charge of the deputy county magistrate, which is also my business!"

"Yes, yes, I was excited for a moment, which made the county magistrate Xia laugh and Ren Yuhai was convinced. It was not a fake joy. He was indeed shocked by Xia's wonderful idea. I secretly calculated an account in my heart. In fact, I can save a little by digging a stream, and I can also win 10,000 yuan. Set up air canals. The cost of materials is slightly higher, but it can be stopped at about 10,000 yuan, and the labor cost is at most! Ten thousand yuan, that is to say, spend it. Ten thousand yuan, Sanshi Scenic Area can be turned into a scenic spot with mountains and water, which can be raised to a higher level and attract many tourists who love water!

Ren Yuhai's attitude towards Xiaxiang has changed greatly.

If the attitude at the beginning of the network is a kind of superficial enthusiasm and respect, now it is a real warmth and respect, and a trace of admiration. The county magistrate Xia is not only young, but also has real skills. He can think about things that people can't think of and can't be thought of. In a word, he solves today's big problem. Ren Yuhai thought that if the leading cadres of An County had the vision and real skills of the governor of Xia County, and would no longer command blindly and no longer command laymans, the economy of An County would definitely become the richest county in Yan City.

Ren Yuhai thought about it for a long time. Zhong Feng came up with a word to express his inner excitement: "In the words of the county magistrate Xia, that is, a bridge flies north and south, and the sky turns into a path." There is too much difference between a leader who commands blindly, and a leader who has far-sighted vision and really has unique opinions. Ren Yuhai even thought that if the county magistrate Xia had served for a few days in the morning, maybe the investor's funds would not be taken away by the Sanshui Scenic Area!