official god

Chapter 242 Call Governor Ma Uncle Feng

The Han people hurriedly inquired one after another. What's the matter with diverting water to build a stream? What's the county magistrate of Xiaoxia? Everyone's thoughts are all the same, that is, since it is a project that even Governor Fan is optimistic about, there must be a lot of prospects. If you invest now, you can definitely make a lot of money.

Everyone looked sideways at Xia, thinking about the origin of today's young people. At the same time, they asked the three deputy governors to stay for him. The first two are warm-minded, and the latter is obviously raised in public. Those who have a clearer inside story feel even more incredible. The three deputy governors can be said to be three different camps. One deputy county magistrate, it is great to let a deputy governor stay and say a few more words. Xia wants to be good, and the deputy governors of the three different camps are familiar with him, or he has an amazing origin. , or he really has exquisite skills!

Xia wants to be respectful and have a humble smile. But he knew in his heart that Fan Ruiheng was really a smart man. Now he is not to increase his political points, but to raise his identity and let everyone present look at him with new eyes. Then in the next activity of selling villas, he can be unfavorable and convince everyone unconditionally.

I remember that Fan Zheng said before that Fan Ruiheng did not support his business. Now when he thought about it, Xia thought that he understood that Fan Zheng did not lie. It's just that Fan Ruiheng is good at acting. Fan Zheng didn't understand his father's political show and thought that he really didn't support his business. In fact, Fan Ruiheng is not that he doesn't support it, but that he knows his son very well. Whether he supports or opposes, I guess he will do it. In this case, he made a high attitude that he did not support, so as to give the outside world an illusion. When talking about it, he can win more impression points for him.

However, Xiaxiang was still very cooperative with Fan Ruiheng's political show. He expressed his gratitude in fear and dared not say it in shock. Fan Ruiheng was very satisfied with his attitude. Finally, Fan Ruiheng said a few more words of encouragement before he got on the stage and officially presided over the opening ceremony.

Fan Ruiheng's speech was not good, and it was full of clichés. Although he spoke impassionedly, the people under the stage were listless. Finally, after he was particular, another person came to speak on the stage. This man is old, black-faced and thin. Compared with Fan Ruiheng's whiteness, his appearance is really much worse, but he is full of spirit, his eyes are very bright, and his voice is loud when he speaks. As soon as he opens his mouth, the hall buzzed: "My name is Ma Wanzheng, the horse is the horse to the Zheng, I'm gathering with everyone today just to get to know each other. Promote emotional exchange. All of you here are leaders in the business community of Yan Province and leaders in a certain industry. You are welcome to put forward your valuable opinions on the economic development of Yan Province. My words are exquisite.

Xia wanted to squint at Ma Wanzheng, who was looking at the dagger. It was the first time he observed Ma Wanzheng closely. The first impression was that Governor Ma was a straightforward person. He was relatively simple-looking and spoke quickly. The second feeling was that he really had similarities with Feng Xuguang. It can be said that he looked very similar

So, is it really possible that Governor Ma is Feng Xuguang's uncle?

I don't know when Feng Xuguang squeezed Xia to be beside him and whispered, "It looks almost exactly the same as my father. What do you think I should say if I have a chance to talk later?"

Xia wanted to pat Feng Xuguang on the shoulder: "How old is your brother this year? Do you still need people to teach things like this?"

Feng Xuguang was so choked that he couldn't speak. He was so angry that he wanted to raise his fist. Xia wanted to raise his fist. Xia wanted to ignore him with a smile. His psychology was on the political signal conveyed by today's party. Although the specifications of today's party are quite high, there are four deputy governors present at the same time, which is a little out of compliance, but Fortunately, today's party is semi-formal. It is not completely official, so it is not impossible for the four deputy governors to appear at the same time, and some people just walk through the motions.

But the key to the problem is that the four deputy governors are not from the same camp. Fan Ruiheng can return to Gao Chengsong's people, so can Shen Fuming, Gao Jinzhou is a person from the capital faction, and Ma Wanzheng doesn't know who is close to Xia, but he can be sure that Governor Ma is not Gao Cheng Taken together, today's events are quite intriguing.

The reason why Ma Wanzheng attended the event is that Xia wants to guess one or two, because he is in charge of the economy. It's his business. It's a little surprising why Gao Jinzhou appeared, because it's not within the scope of his management, and he is at peace with Fan Ruiheng. Is it just for the sake of getting around and giving Fan Ruiheng face?

As for Shen Fuming, Xia thought too lazy to guess him. He is Gao Chengsong's gun, and he can aim at him when he needs it. Not to mention asking him to come to a party, even if he is asked to go down to the village to inspect, he will also go immediately.

Xia was just thinking about it. Suddenly, her arm was touched. She turned her head and looked at him. Yan Xiao looked at him with a narrow smile. She pointed to the right front with her hand and followed her white jade-like hand. In front of her, there was a woman in white dress in front of her. She was as quiet as loose, white The crowd around is incompatible, showing a kind of beauty of loneliness and loneliness.

Somehow, at the first sight of her, Xia thought that she was a little similar to Lian Ruohan.

Xia wanted to whisper to Yan Xiao, "What's wrong?"

Yan Xiao's face with his hands: "No shame, you've been staring at her just now, and your eyes are straight. I'm so ashamed!"

Yan Xiaoxian's shy face was extremely handsome, showing a lovely side, which made people suspect that she was a little girl who had not yet grown up. Xia wanted to brighten her eyes, and the girl in the south of the Yangtze River was unique shyness. Compared with women in the north, they are more charming. No wonder people say that Jiangnan is a hero's tomb in the gentle hometown. Other things, not to mention the lingering of angry women in the south of the Yangtze River, countless heroes are short of breath.

After Zhang Shicheng led Suzhou. There was no ambition anymore. In the end, he was defeated by Zhu Wuzhang. Think about it, there are several women around him who are like Yan's time. Who is willing to carry the gun again and jump north to compete for the country. Isn't the country in the midst of the Chinese people in the arms?

Xia wanted to laugh dumbly and was distracted again. He shook his head and smiled, "I'm distracted. I was thinking about something just now, and the focus of my eyes didn't fall on her."

"I believe this." Yan Xiao nodded and bent the corners of his mouth playfully. "Your girlfriend is so beautiful. Other women in the world are like nothing in your eyes.

"That's not true. Obviously, Yiye Zhiqiu's theory can't be used on women. Thousands of people and thousands of faces, each with its own characteristics and beauty. Besides, there are no uniform standards of beautiful women in the world. One. No matter how beautiful a person is, it is impossible for everyone to think she is beautiful, right? Xia wanted to look up by chance and saw that the eyes of the woman in white looked at him. There was a trace of doubt and a trace of surprise in his eyes. He nod to her politely. He said to Yan Xiao again, "Do you know her?"

Yan Xiao's little mouth was surprised, "0, type: "Are you kidding? She is Qiu Shuang, a supporter of the provincial TV station, and is known as the most temperamental hostess in Yan Province. Don't you know her?"

Xia wanted to smile apologetically: "I really don't know, because I seldom watch TV, and I really haven't seen the program she hosts." However, he has heard the name Qiu Shuang. In the past, when he had dinner with Qu Yaxin, Qu Yaxin joked that he wanted to introduce Qiu Ai to him. I didn't expect to meet here by chance.

What made Xia unexpected. Qiu Ai got up and picked up a glass of champagne, then came to him, raised his glass and motioned to him, saying, "Director Xia, I'm sorry, it's time to call the county magistrate Xia now. I'm Qiu Wu. It's really overjoyable to meet the county magistrate Xia here."

Yan Xiao looked at Xiaxiang with slanted eyes. It means that people are overjoyed. Shouldn't you be overjoyed?

To Yan Xiao's surprise, Xia Xiang was not surprised at all, let alone surprised, but replied indifferently, "It's better to meet by chance." I heard Director Qu say the name of Qiu Mai before. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

"Does the name lie true?" Qiu Mo suddenly smiled. Between the long skirts, there was really a charm of inverting all sentient beings. "Is the county magistrate Xia teased with me, or is it insincere? Which aspect of mine lives up to its reputation?

Is it true? Xia wanted to be a little unhappy with Qiu Ai's difficulties in his heart. He felt that she was too aggressive, so he said, "Although I haven't seen the program you hosted, I heard from Mr. Yan that you are the most temperamental hostess in Yan Province. It's better to meet than to be famous. It's really generous and elegant.

Qiu Ai stretched out a finger and gently shook it left and right in front of her: "It's insincere... Since the county magistrate Xia hasn't seen the program I hosted. Why is it better to meet and talk about it? She smiled meaninglessly. Maybe she found that Xia wanted to be less interested in her, so she said, "Then I won't disturb the Yaxing of County Magistrate Xia."

Xia didn't even say a word of retention, and said directly, "Please"

A trace of anger flashed in Qiu Ai's eyes. However, there was still no attack. He turned around and walked unhappily


Yan Xiao looked at Xia in surprise and thought, "It's the first time I've seen you so cold to others, and I thought you were polite to everyone!" Unexpectedly, there are also times when you are rude to people

Xiaxiang doesn't know why. It's just impatient and Qiu Ai, and he can't even mention the interest in talking to her. Maybe everyone has an inexplicable time. He smiled and didn't explain too much: "It's not rude, it's just that I don't talk to her."

Yan Xiao's eyes were doubtful. After looking up and down, Xia thought several times and wanted to say something. He opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Xia thought that he was not in the mood to talk to Yan Xiao, because he happened to see Ma Wanzheng walking into the crowd. Such a good opportunity could not be missed. As soon as he turned his head, he found that Feng Xuguang came to him with a nervous face. As he walked, he said, "Come, come, accompany me there quickly and find I have no words. You must help me, don't forget."

Xia wanted to know Feng Xuguang for a long time. It was the first time she saw him so nervous.

It's the same. Although Feng Xuguang's business is getting bigger and bigger now, he still has a way, but after all, he is still a civilian, even if he has done business with Gao Jianyuan. But after all, Gao Jianyuan is the son of the provincial party secretary, not the secretary of the provincial party committee. Thinking of Feng Xuguang's previous estimate that the highest-level official he had contacted was the department level. He suddenly wanted to talk to the deputy governor, and he also had the psychology of recognizing relatives, so he would inevitably feel flustered.

Even Xia thought, he was a little uneasy. He was not panicked because of Ma Wanzheng's high level, but it was not easy to guess Ma Wanzheng's attitude. In case of self-defeating, it would be bad. But now that we are only one step away from face to face, the arrow is on the string and we have to send it.

Never mind, Xia wants to cross his heart. He simply went all out. He pulled Feng Xuguang and said, "Don't talk first and listen to my arrangement."

Feng Xuguang was eager for Xia to give advice for him, so he nodded immediately.

Xiaxiang and Feng Xuguang slowly separated the crowd and approached Ma Wanzheng. Ma Wanzheng is surrounded by several insiders to answer some policy questions that everyone is more concerned about. After answering three or five questions. Ma Wanzheng punched the crowd and said, "Sorry, everyone, I have another meeting that I have to hold, so let's go first. Please forgive me." Hearing that Ma Wan was about to leave, Feng Xuguang was a little anxious. If in the past, he was only under the pressure of his father and wanted to recognize his father in order to meet his father's wishes. Now he is close to Governor Ma. Seeing that his face is extremely similar to his father's, Feng Xuguang's heart is full of excitement. For the first time, he has a feeling that blood is thicker than water. His .

Relatives are close to each other but dare not recognize each other. It's no wonder that Feng Xuguang is not in a hurry. As soon as he was in a hurry, he pulled Xia and thought, "Think of a way!"

While talking, Governor Ma has reached the door of the hall surrounded by everyone!

Xia wanted to be wise in a hurry and said urgently, "Don't follow me, wait for me to call you."

He quickly followed the crowd and came to the outside of the hall. He saw Governor Ma walking towards the car accompanied by his secretary. Xia wanted to shout at Governor Ma's background: "Uncle Feng, please stay. Why are you here?"

Xia thought that his voice was loud enough, and he shouted directly at Ma Wanzheng. Ma Wanzheng heard it clearly and stopped curiously. He turned around and said to Xia, "Uncle Feng? I said you, this young man, recognize the wrong person, right? My surname is Ma, not Feng. I mistook Feng Jing for Ma Liang, hehe

Xiaxiang came to Ma Wan's front with an embarrassed face and said with embarrassment, "It turned out to be Governor Ma. I'm really embarrassed. I saw your back just now, which was exactly the same as a friend's father. I thought you were him, so I shouted in a hurry, "I'm really sorry to disturb Governor Ma."

Ma Wanzheng didn't think much and laughed a few times: "It doesn't matter. It's common to recognize the wrong person. I always call someone else's name wrong, hehe."

Xia wanted to scratch his head: "But my eyes are very good, and I am not short-sighted. I rarely recognize the wrong person, mainly because the back of Governor Ma is too similar to Uncle Feng, just like a person. If two people stand together, they are still like their own brothers!"

Xia wanted to summon up the courage to say this sentence, thinking that if Governor Ma had not responded, he would have no choice at all.

Fortunately, after listening to this sentence, Ma Wan was stunned. He stared at Xia for a long time and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaxiang, and I am now the deputy county magistrate of An County." Xia wanted to answer respectfully.

Ma Wanzheng glanced at the secretary. The secretary immediately came over and whispered a few words beside him. Ma Wanzheng nodded and looked at Xia thinking suspiciously, and then asked, "Have you worked in the office of the urban village renovation team before?"

"Yes, I have been working under the guidance of Mayor Chen." Xia wants to know that there is nothing to hide from his experience, and he can't hide it from Ma Wanzheng.

"Did you come here today to attract investment for An County?" Ma Wanzheng asked again. Obviously, he doubted the real purpose of Xia's party.

"In the past, because of work, I had a relationship with Mr. Yan, the leading real estate, so she invited me to come and say that I could try my luck and see if I could invest for Anxianla." There is no need to disclose the insider relationship between him and Yan Xiao. Presumably Ma Wanzheng can't find too detailed information, but Xia also understands that Ma Wan suspects that he has something to do with Fan Ruiheng, so he doesn't trust him very much.

Xia's answer made Ma Wanzheng more satisfied. He turned to the secretary and said, "Arrange it up and push the meeting off. I can't leave if I have something to do at the last minute." Then he said to Xia, "Xiaoxia, do you have time? Let's talk about it."

Seeing Ma Wanzheng's cautious face. Xia wanted to know that he was right. Ma Wanzheng obviously knew something about his own identity, so he treated him so solemnly.

Xia wanted to follow Ma Wanzheng to a room upstairs. Only Xia wanted to and Ma Wanzheng, and the secretary did not come in. Xia wanted to understand that Ma Wanzheng didn't want others to know about this matter. He stood aside respectfully, waiting for Ma Wan to speak.

Ma Wan was walking back and forth in the room. After about five minutes, he asked with difficulty: Xiaoxia, I don't want anyone to know about our conversation today.

Xia wanted to say hurriedly, "I won't say nonsense, Governor Ma. I'm not a person who likes to spread nonsense, and I also know what to say and what not to say."

Ma Wanzheng is relieved. He nodded and asked again, "Who is Uncle Feng you mentioned?"

"Uncle Feng's name is Feng Huacheng. He is the father of my friend Feng Xuguang. He doesn't have Yan City. In his hometown Cangshan County, Feng Xuguang is in Yan City. "Feng Xuguang and Governor Ma are also a little different." Now that this is the end, Xia thought simply said Feng Xuguang.

"Cangshan County, Cang City" Ma Wanzheng sighed and looked out of the window, "For decades, a stone has finally fallen to the ground in my heart. The older a person is, the more he has the thought of leaves returning to the root. If he can't find his hometown, it's like Fu Jiang without roots. No matter how big he does, he can't recognize his ancestors and return to his roots. It's always a great regret in life!"

Ma Wan is holding Xia's hand excitedly: "Thank you, Xiaoxia. I'm sincerely happy that you have made the things I have been looking for for for decades come true."

Xia wanted to say humbly, "Gunte Ma, you're too polite." What's going on

"If I guess correctly, if you are not wrong, the uncle Feng you mentioned is my brother who has been separated for many years. If not, there is such a coincidence in the world!" Ma Wanzheng didn't want to hide it from Xia, but told the truth directly.

Xia wanted to hear it and said in panic, "It's about Governor Ma's personal privacy. I still don't know what's better."