official god

Chapter 258 Grand Plan

Two here. Xia didn't understand until he thought about it. Why does Gao Jianyuan keep an eye on the large LCD screen? Lian Binglie was the result of the secret planning of the Song Dynasty, and Gao Jianyuan was still in the dark and thought he had a long-term vision. You can find business opportunities that others can't find. Speaking of which, Gao Jianyuan is a poor man who has been secretly manipulated. First, he was fooled by Song Chaodu, and then he was deceived by himself. He was carefully designed to jump into the trap of Xishan Villa. Now he is trapped in Xishui Villa and can't extricate himself. It's really pitiful.

However, Xiaxiang has no pity for Gao Jianyuan and the Gao family. If he hadn't been on guard, he would have killed the southern construction, otherwise, because of a southern construction, Gao Chengsong might have messed up Yan Province. Although there is no Southern Construction, Gao Chengsong is a nepotism, allowing Wu Peiyong to become the director of the Construction Department to pave the way for Gao Jianyuan. If he hadn't led Gao Jianyuan to develop the villa, if Gao Jianyuan was focused on the transformation of the village in the city, it would still involve the interests of all parties, and in the end, it would be out of control.

Of course, Gao Chengsong still has many inside stories that he can't understand. After all, he is not level enough and has no access to high-level struggles. However, no matter how high-level the struggle is, it is sometimes caused by many inconspicuous little things, which affect the whole body. In later generations, Xia wanted to clearly remember that there was a department-level cadre and Gao Chengsong who had been fighting unremittingly. At the last critical moment, the materials he provided became the most powerful evidence to bring down Gao Chengsong.

So in this life, let yourself be the last straw that overwhelms Gao Chengsong!

"This matter still needs to be broken from the periphery. We do it at the same time, let Gao Chengsong be tired of dealing with it, and finally show his feet." The smile on Song Chaodu's face was that Xia had never been happy since he wanted to know him. He continued, "Gao Jianyuan's first fund was borrowed from the charter market. Although it was still hidden, he deliberately went to the south to make a circle, but as long as he went to the account, he could find it out clearly. This money was personally instructed by Shen Fuming to be smoothed out by the bank. So you continue to secretly investigate Li Bansheng. I'll first sort out a piece of material that can make Shen Fuming unable to eat. First, I will knock down Shen Fuming and cut off Gao Chengsong's arm.

"After Shen Fuming, it should be Wu Peiyong, right? Xia wanted to see Song Chaodu's happiness from the bottom of his heart. He knew that he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Since Song Chaodu said that he would cut Gao Chengsong's right-hand man first, the next step must be to take Wu Peiyong, because since Song Chaodu has mastered Wu Peiyong's materials, how could he be willing to take Wu Peiyong?

Sure enough, Song Chaodu nodded slightly and smiled: "Wu Peiyong doesn't know how to restrain himself. According to the evidence in my hand, it is enough for him to turn over in his life, but he can't use Wu Qiyong before he is sure that a major event can affect Gao Chengsong's energy.

With martial arts and bravery, Gao Chengsong must be alert. Gao Chengsong is the secretary of the provincial party committee. He will not step down until there is a meeting in the capital. Therefore, before you want to use Wu Peiyong, you have to test the reaction of the capital. If the capital acquiesced in us to be brave, it means that the upper class also wants to warn Gao Chengsong!"

Xia wanted to know that Gao Chengsong would fall, but Song Chaodu didn't know. Xia also knew that Gao Chengsong would not be lucky for too long. He just lit the fuse in advance. It is estimated that the upper level of the capital also has a problem with Gao Chengsong, but because of the support of manpower. In addition, there is no strong evidence to prove Gao Chengsong's illegal behavior, so even if some people in the upper class are strongly dissatisfied with Gao Chengsong, they can't find a reason to touch him.

Xia thought, let him and Song Chaodu create a chance to win Gao Chengsong for the upper-class characters.

"Akay, I listened to Minister Song. When I went back, I continued to stare at Li Chaosheng. There is another thing. I hope Minister Song will think about Xia's information about Song Chaodu. He pointed to Feng Xuguang's name above and said, "Feng Xuguang is my good friend. He gave Gao Jianyuan shares, which is also a last resort. I hope I can find a way to pick him out. Another point, although I have promised Governor Ma, I still want to disclose to Minister Song that Feng Xuguang is Governor Ma's own nephew!"

"What?" Song Chaodu, who has always been motionless, was also shocked, "Really? Xia, you can't joke about this.

"I'm not joking, and I've never dared to joke in front of you!" Xia wanted to say solemnly, "Why do you think Governor Ma knew me, trusted me, and let me send a message to you? It's because he recognized his relatives, which was contributed by me.

Xia wanted to simply talk about his arrangement for Feng Xuguang and Ma Wanzheng to meet. Although Song Chaodu thought he was knowledgeable and had been in the officialdom for many years, he felt that he could be calm and moderate, but after listening to Xia Xiang's words, he was still very moved.

After being silent for about five minutes, Song Chaodu woke up and suddenly smiled: "The fewer people know about this, the better, otherwise Governor Ma must have a lot of opinions about you. Since you trusted me and told me the truth, I will also give you one. I promise that I will never spread this matter. Song Chaodu still affirmed Xia Xiang's trust, but he has a different view on Feng Xuguang's matter. "My suggestion is to let Feng Xuguang clear the boundary with Gao Jianyuan as soon as possible. After cashing the shares, give Gao Jianyuan a sum of money. In case something happens in the future, I can also find a way to cover it up Isn't Gao Jianyuan short of money now? He will not refuse a large amount of money.

This is a good way. Xia wants to agree with Song Chaodu's idea. He thinks that he is conservative and has a careful deployment, and he does have a superhuman view of the overall situation.

"Good, it's up to you. I will make a suggestion to Feng Xuguang

In addition, if Li Chaosheng's materials are sent to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Reporting Commission, there will be no leak? This is also what Xia wants to worry about the most.

"Qin Tuofu, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, is relatively straightforward and never gangs. He is not close to anyone. But because of this, I think if the supporting materials can be seen by him, he will definitely check it out

"If you are afraid, you will be afraid. The materials sent will definitely not reach him, and it is reasonable to be intercepted by his subordinates. There are too many people in the officialdom to deceive him. No one can guarantee that there is no Li Chaosheng or Xu Dequan in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Song Chaodu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he slapped the table and said, "I remember that Qin Tuofu and Wang Pengfei have a good personal relationship. The two often play cards together. You seem to have a relationship with Secretary Wang. You can think of a way.

Xia wanted to smile heartily.

In the end, Xia wanted to stay at Song's house for lunch again. He couldn't stay, because when Song Yifan woke up, he pulled him not to let him go, and asked him to take a few steps on the ground to let her see if her new slippers looked good. Xia wanted to be helpless and had to be manipulated by her.

Xia wanted to finally agree with Song Mingdu to do their own hands and break each other. The two of them are bright and dark, and they want to cut off Gao Chengsong's arm!

Leaving the Song family, Xia wanted to call thirsty Xuguang and asked him to find an opportunity to see if he could persuade Gao Jianyuan to cash his shares, and stressed that this matter was crucial.

Feng Xuguang was silent for a moment and said, "I believe your judgment. Brother, I will think about it carefully.

On Monday, at the government executive meeting, Shanda made a speech. After Vice County Magistrate Yang took over the tourism, there was no new growth in the tourism of An County except for the investment of Xiaoxia County Magistrate. Although investors are expanding new scenic spots, it is basically all about Xiaxiang's previous performance, after Vice Magistrate Yang took over. He was not only named and criticized by Secretary Li once, but also made investors dissatisfied with his way of working. I hope that Vice County Magistrate Yang will improve his working style, correct his working attitude, and create a good investment environment for investors.

Deputy County Magistrate Yang was criticized by Shanda and blushed slightly to refute. He opened his mouth several times but didn't say anything. Qiang Jianghai saw that Shanda came for Qiu Xufeng, and he wanted to hug the sheep for Xia. Although I'm not happy, I have nothing to say. Because what Shanda said is really true, Deputy County Magistrate Yang's ability is limited. Now he is nominally the deputy county magistrate in charge of tourism. Unfortunately, not only investors do not welcome him, but Secretary Li doesn't like him. Even Ren Yuhai, the director of the Tourism Bureau, often shows dissatisfaction. In and out of his words, And it means a lot of things.

Qiu Xufeng also understands that Shanda is telling the truth. From the perspective of being beneficial to work, it is true that Xia wants to be more suitable to be in charge of tourism than Yang Dehua, but political affairs may not be able to do it. Xia wants to be a person from Li Dingshan and is a little ambiguous with Mei Xiaolin There is no way!

However, Yang Dehua was too disappointing. As soon as he took over, he made a big arsenic leak and asked Secretary Li to name and criticize. Secretary Li was worried that he couldn't find his problem. He was fine and sent it to his door. If he didn't remember, did he still want to praise him? Qiu Xufeng was very angry and said, "Lao Sheng is right to be stunned. The head of Dehua County is a little older, and he may not be as flexible as young people. However, old comrades have the advantage of old comrades, which is to keep steady. The magistrate of Xiaoxia County pulled in the investment, which is equivalent to beating the country and handing it over to the magistrate of Dehua County. He is the perfect candidate to guard the country. However, Dehua County Magistrate should also be strict with himself and learn more to make progress."

Xia thought that he just lowered his head and didn't say a word. In fact, his mind is not in the meeting, but in a week. If there is no rumor about Li Chaosheng, but Li Chaosheng is aware of it, it shows that the discipline inspection departments at the county and city levels have Li Chaosheng's people.

When Qiang Jianghai saw that Xia wanted to be nothing, he was even more angry and said indifferently, "The deputy county magistrate Xia seems to have done nothing in terms of culture, education and health. It is to do a free physical examination for primary school students in the county. There are more ingredients in the show, and there are not many benefits. I don't know what you plan to do next?

"If I have a plan, I will report the work to County Magistrate Qiu in time." Xia wanted to go back with a smile, which means. I don't need to report my work to you, do I?

Qiang Jianghai still wanted to speak, and Shanda was unhappy: "County Chief Qiang, if the head of County Qiu is not here, the government should also be responsible for daily affairs. What you just said is a little individualistic. Isn't this good?"

Qiu Xufeng was slightly shocked. What's wrong with Shanda today? He spared no effort to maintain Xia Xiang, and his tone was completely aggressive. In the past, he always used to be with the image of a smiling tiger and the mud. Did he see the value of Xia Xiang's investment that he wanted to attract, so he deliberately wanted to show his goodwill to Xia?

Qiu Xufeng really guessed a little right.

Shanda is the executive deputy county magistrate. He also wants to help himself smoothly after Li Dingshan left and Di Xufeng became the secretary. He also knows that his biggest competitor is Qiang Jianghai. Qiang Jianghai is from Qiu Xufeng. If Qiang Jianghai really became the county magistrate, and he sang with Qiu Xufeng, how could he live a good life? Even if you are still in the position of executive deputy, you will be completely empty!

It must be prepared for a rainy day.

Xia wants to attract millions of investment, which shows that he has a wide network of contacts in Yan City. Shanda has been an official for many years. He is very clear that he usually calls entrepreneurs brothers. It is okay to sit together to eat, chat and brag. As long as it comes to investment and specific projects, they are all slippery, and no one is willing to tell the truth. It's another thing for Wei Dongzhen to come here. The friendship belongs to friendship, but compared with the normal business rules, everything still has to be decided by the market.

In the case of tens of millions of investments obtained by the competitor Sanshui Scenic Area, Xiaxiang can also attract millions of investments, which not only proves that his friendship with investors is extraordinary, but also shows that Xiaxiang has a good business acumen. At least he can persuade investors to come to invest, which is not simple. Now that all achievements are only, officials can't stand up in front of businessmen. If they have money, they are masters. As long as they say that the other party is willing to bring money, they are a qualified official.

Shanda recently found a project, but he couldn't find the investment, so he thought of Xia Xiang. Maybe Xia Xiang could help him find a way. Moreover, Xiaxiang must have contacted many developers in the office of the urban village renovation team.

Shanda wants to develop a resort in Sanshi Scenic Area. Taking advantage of the east wind of tourism, some rich people in Yan City can come to Sanshi Mountain for leisure vacation on holidays. First, it can promote the development of tourism, and second, it can also drive the local economy of An County. Become the new economic growth point of Anxian County, the third and most important point, can become the biggest political achievement.

According to the grand idea, in the Sanshi Scenic Area, next to the newly expanded scenic spots, if investors come to invest and build a medium-sized resort, it can not only drive the prosperity of the construction market in Anxian County during the development period. It can solve the employment problem of countless people. After completion, the cost of food, accommodation and transportation of tourists will contribute to the GDP of An County.

Investing in resorts requires much more funds than investment in scenic spots. If it can be successful, it can at least drive several growth points. Such a big political achievement, if Xia wants to help him, he and Xia want to share equally is also a heavy stroke, which adds a heavy weight to his smooth support.

It is based on this consideration that Shanda did not hesitate to give Qiu Xufeng face to face to face today. He also suppressed Deputy County Magistrate Yang and fought back hard against Qiang Jianghai, which is to make Xia want to know that at the critical moment, Shanda is a reliable ally.

It is true that Qiu Xufeng favors Qiang Jianghai, but in front of everyone, he must maintain a fair image and correct his identity as the county magistrate, so he has to beat Qiang Jianghai: "The head of Jianghai should pay attention to the proportion in his speech in the future. Although I have repeatedly The government team should be pragmatic and have less practical affairs, but we should pay more attention to the way of speaking and our own position. With that, he took a look at Xia and thought, "But what Jianghai County Magistrate said also makes some sense. There is no need to mention the health aspect. In terms of culture and education, there is a lot of work to do. You should pay more attention to it. Education is a national plan."

Qiu Xufeng still places Xiaxiang Yiping.

"I have a specific idea. Next, I will sort out a report and ask Chief Qiu to have a look." Xia wants to know that the education situation in An County is not bad, and it is impossible to make great achievements, but there are still some things to do to improve it on a small scale.

Qiu Xufeng also thought that Xia just said it casually and didn't pay attention to it, so he talked about something else.

After the meeting, as expected by Xia. Shanda stopped him: "We haven't had a drink together for a while. Let's go to Changshan Restaurant. It's my treat."

Xia thought for a moment and asked, "Why don't you ask Secretary Li if he is free?" Together?"

Shanda narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiaxiang. He smiled and said, "It's better. I usually can't invite Secretary Li to dinner."

Li Dingshan did not refuse, and soon several people drove two cars to Changshan Restaurant.

Since Xiao Wu was relieved and was arranged by Xia to be the security captain in the scenic spot, Xiao He's heart has been much more down-to-earth and full of energy. He no longer has to worry about Xiao Wu's trouble, plus some time ago. Because of the incident of the Health Bureau, Changshan Hotel has become famous. Many people come to the restaurant for dinner with curiosity. Now the business of Changshan Hotel is very prosperous.

When Xiao He saw Li Dingshan, Xia Xiang and Shengda come in, he stood on the spot for a moment and could hardly believe his eyes. Changxiao Hotel is not the largest and best restaurant in the county. Usually, many people in the county come to eat. Secretary Li has come, and the county magistrate Sheng has also come. Of course, the county magistrate Xia is also a regular guest, but there has never been a secretary and two deputy county magistrates at the same time as today

Xiao Wu's mood can no longer be described as flattempt. He was almost shocked and almost shouted excitedly.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to stop him from speaking in time: "Uncle Xiao, we can talk later. On a hot day, let's go to the room first."

Xiao He woke up. Xia thought that don't reveal their identities. After all, there are many ordinary guests in the hall. If you listen to him say the titles of the secretary and county magistrate from Xiao He's mouth, you may not necessarily have any speculation and ideas.

When he arrived at the private room upstairs, Xiao He finished arranging it and automatically returned. He knew it. Xia thought that there must be something important to talk about.

When Shanda saw that Xia wanted to call Li Dingshan, he was still a little resistant at the beginning. Originally, it was not bad for him to walk around with Li Dingshan, but today he wanted to have a deeper conversation with Xia. Unexpectedly, Xia Xiang unexpectedly arranged to be with Li Dingshan. Shanda planned to wait and find an opportunity to communicate with Xia

Unexpectedly, Li Dingshan changed his mind with one sentence,