official god

Chapter 277 Step by step

We set people's money, and when they come to collect debts, there will definitely be fierce disputes, "Don't worry about us." Xia wanted to close the door of the car and looked back at the crowd. He was stunned. He saw a familiar figure mixed in the crowd and made a "group" gesture to him. He shook his head and smiled. Li Hongjiang was really interesting. At least he was also the vice president of Erjian, and he also liked to join in the fun.

Xia wanted to send Cao Shuji to school, and Cao Shuhui also regained his long nature. He hugged Xia's arm and said, "I called you and regret it. I'm afraid that you will do something stupid. Unexpectedly, I still underestimated your badness. Why did you make a group of migrant workers surround Fan Zheng and others? Do you want to beat them up? But then again, they are too annoying and really don't work. He is still the son of the deputy governor. Why is he not qualified at all?

"Who is his quality and his father? It really doesn't matter at all." Xia wanted to laugh. Seeing the little girl's angry appearance, she was distressed and pitiful, so she said, "Don't go out at night in the future. You said that you and the blue socks are dressed up. Didn't you sincerely go out to create opportunities for the bad guys?

"I was wrong. I dare not do it in the future." Cao Shuhui obediently lowered her head and looked at the blue socks. The blue socks hurriedly defended: "It's all my fault. I was in a hurry to copy the materials, which caused the trouble. I won't go out again at night. Even if I go out, I will cover my face.

Xia wanted to comfort them for a while. I found an opportunity to call Li Hongjiang.

Everything is going very well.

Fan Zheng and others saw that the car was hit. Of course, he was distressed, so he rushed up to argue with Xu Dagen and others, and then was surrounded by a group of migrant workers. The migrant workers smashed their cars while erecting banners. It wrote: "The governor, Mr. Fan Zheng, did not pay off his debts, lost money for the development of the villa, and thousands of workers were cheated. He complained with blood and tears

"It's natural to pay off debts!"

Fan Zheng was anxious as soon as he saw it. He didn't hit people in the face. His face was too loud, and he also hit his face in public, so he couldn't hang on his face. To go up is to tear off the banner. Of course, the workers refused, although they were not Fan Zheng's real creditors. However, at the instruction of Li Hongjiang, and because he knew that Fan Zheng did develop the villa to lose money and did not pay the workers, he had a kind of blood to share the same hatred. As soon as Fan Zheng robbed, he was pushed aside by several workers. When Fan Zheng grabbed it again, he heard a "pop" and got a slap in the face.

The sky is dark and there are many people. He couldn't see who came out of him, but he was so angry that he was so angry. "Who *** dares to hit me and doesn't want to live, right? I asked you to go to prison with one phone call, damn it"

Before he finished speaking, he was hit in the face again.

If you don't understand the truth that a good man does not suffer the current loss, it is a sure fact to suffer a loss. Fan Zheng's friends and friends around him were usually used to being arrogant. Seeing that Fan Zheng was beaten by migrant workers, they rushed over angrily and fought in a mess.

For Fan Zheng's wine and meat friends, it is too far to bully people. After a few rounds, a group of people fell to the ground and were beaten to cry. Fan Zheng was also kicked several times and got a punch in the face, which made his eyes shine.

How has Fan Zheng ever suffered such a grievance? No one listened to him if he wanted to say anything. It was noisy and messy. In the end, he and his friends were beaten to the ground and fell to the ground.

Fan Zheng, who suffered a big loss, remembered to call the police. Unexpectedly, the migrant workers seemed to have calculated the time. Suddenly, he ran without a trace, and there was no one left.

People ran away, the banner was still there, and the black words on a white background were shocking. Here was the high school district, and it was full of college students. In a short time, things spread throughout the high school district. The name of Fan Zheng spread to more than a dozen colleges and universities in the High School District overnight.

Of course, in the next few days, it radiated to the Southwest High School District in advance, and then quickly spread to colleges and universities throughout Yan City. College students who have a lot of free time love to talk about current affairs, and the name of the governor is loud enough. Although no butterfly dares to report this matter, the folk rumor is also a sensation, making Fan Ruiheng's face shameless. Even when he argued with his opponent at a standing committee meeting, he was ridiculed by his opponent for not having no tutoring He was so angry that he turned his face on the spot.

Fan Zheng also felt ashamed to stay in Yanshi again, and the Xishui villa did not look good. Later, he left Yanshi in anger and went to the capital"

Xu Dagen and others are still aware of current affairs. He ran away in chaos, and he didn't want the car. Anyway, it was a black car, and he couldn't find it on his head. Xu Dagen lost his car and broke his arm. He stayed in the hospital for three months. From then on, as soon as he saw Xia, he was scared.

As for the migrant worker incident, Fan Zheng thought that it was really done by some of the workers in the construction company of his Gaixi Water Villa, and he couldn't find out, so he had to finish it in the end.

After Xia Xiang talked to Li Hongjiang on the phone, he learned about Li Hongjiang's dark and mischievous psychology than him. He laughed a few times and said, "At the critical moment, I'm still reliable. OK, brother, I've written down this favor."

"What did you say? Is this also a favor? So what did you say when you used to help me so much? Li Hongjiang said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not happy to see me, and to be honest, life has been too comfortable recently. It's hard to find a little excitement, and it's just the right time to move. If there is such a good thing in the future, don't forget to tell me."

I didn't see that Li Hongjiang still has this hobby? Xia wanted to laugh, said a few more jokes and hung up the phone.

Xia wanted to take time to call Lian Ruohan, saying that he couldn't go at night. I want to accompany the girl Hui, and briefly say a few words about Fan Zheng. Lian Ruohan was indignantly. Erran said, "Hui girl is too weak, if it were me. It must have ruined him.

Xia wanted to sigh: "It is precisely because the wise girl is too weak that we have to let her and love her. Am I right?"

Lian Ruohan knew what Xia wanted to say. She was silent for a moment before she said, "I've already figured it out, so I won't compete with her for fame, but there are some things to be disputed about. I still have to fight. Call me tomorrow!"

Xia wanted to accompany Cao Shuhui until she turned off the lights before sending her back to the dormitory. Cao Shuji listened to Fan Zheng's tragic situation. He giggled: "He owes money to migrant workers, and he deserves to be beaten. But will there be any sequelae that he will find out who is behind the scenes?

"No, my car and the car delivering migrant workers don't have license plates. Where can I see it clearly at night? Besides, even if he can guess me. I won't admit it. What can he do? How dare he ask me about such a shameful thing? Xia thought that Fan Zheng did not dare to find someone to investigate this matter with great fanfare, and it was too late to cover it. Who took the initiative to lift the lid, the matter of Xishui Villa, although it is an open secret in the circle. But no one will really talk on the surface.

Fan Zheng has no other way but to suffer a dumb loss.

Xia wants to block the right one. Fan Zheng didn't dare to tell Gao Jianyuan about it at all, because he knew that Gao Jianyuan annoyed him the most when he was making trouble outside. Gao Jianyuan likes to be magnificent. Even if you pick up a girl, you should pay attention to mood and politeness.

Xia wanted to find a hotel at night and rested for a night. It was too late. He didn't want to disturb anyone.

He was woken up by the phone early in the morning. Unexpectedly, it was a strict phone call.

"County Minister Xia. I'm sorry to wake you up early in the morning. There is a very important thing that I have to inform you. Yan Shi's voice was a little urgent, with a trace of panic and uneasiness.

Xia wanted to be sleepy all of a sudden and sat up from **: "What's the matter? Don't worry, Mr. Yan, take your time."

"It's about you. It's not a good thing." Yan Xiao's concern came from the phone. Xia Xiang could even imagine the anxiety on her face. Inexplicably, a trace of emotion flashed in her heart. He heard her say urgently, "I heard Jianyuan say that the Wu family called Secretary Gao, and Secretary Gao may trouble you."

Xiaxiang was shocked. Gao Chengsong really wanted to say that it was easy to deal with him as a deputy county magistrate. However, what he didn't expect was that the first person to inform him was Yan Shi. He warmed his heart and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yan."

"Thinking that you have done a lot of things for us to lead the real estate, I can't bear to see you become a victim of politics." Yan Xiao's voice is soft, and there is something unclear in it. "You are a good person, at least better than many people I have seen."

Xia wanted to be silent for a moment and said, "Thank you for your time."

When Yan Shi heard that Xia wanted to call her when she was young, his heart softened. What he should not have said, he blurted out somehow: "Jianyuan said, don't let me tell you, he is actually very jealous of you. I think if you are punished, he will be optimistic. Xia thought, you are weak. Even if Ruohan loses the support of the family, she can't help you. What should you do?

No matter what. Yan Xiao's concern for him was sincere. Xia wanted to hear it, and he could see it. He thought about it. He smiled and said, "I'm just a small deputy county magistrate, who was remembered by the secretary of the provincial party committee. Isn't it easy to suppress me? What can I do? At worst, I won't be the deputy county magistrate. Can I starve to death if I don't be an official?

Of course, what Xia wants to say is not the truth, and he can't take the truth adventure against Yan Xiao.

"Anyway, it is impossible for Xishui Villa to make any better. In case, I mean, if you are no longer an official and want to do business, I happen to have a good project. I am willing to cooperate with you. Yan Xiao seemed to have summoned up the courage to say this, "Yan Province can't continue. We can go to the south. No matter how powerful Secretary Gao is, he is just the secretary of Yan Province. Out of Yan Province, his words won't work.

Is a deputy county magistrate worth the inter-provincial suppression of a provincial party secretary? Xia wanted to laugh secretly, but he was still moved by Yan Xiao for his sake, so he said, "This is a good idea. If I really get to that point, I will seriously consider it. Thank you very much, little, you are a good girl


After hanging up the phone, Xia wanted to be stunned for a long time, shaking his head and smiling bitterly. Please move Gao Chengsong. The Wu family is really worth the effort.

After being stunned for a long time, Lian Ruohan called: "Come to the lotus courtyard for a while, I'll wait for you.

The tone is light. I don't know what her mood is.

When Xia wanted to drive to the lotus courtyard, she knocked on the door at nine o'clock in the morning. Lian Ruohan stood at the door in her pajamas. She put her hands on her shoulders, looked resolute and resolute.

"What's wrong?" Xia wanted to close the door, held her in his arms, came to the sofa and sat down, and asked, "You don't look well. Didn't sleep well last night?"

"There are too many things in the end. It seems that it is impossible for me to spend a favorite autumn in Yan City. This is an eventful autumn. Even Ruohan snuggled in Xia's arms and muttered, "I'm not afraid of how they deal with me, but I'm afraid that they will find out their mind to deal with it

"It doesn't matter. I don't think they will be stunned. Xia wanted to comfort Lian Ruohan. The recent series of events made her, who had always been strong, suddenly become much weaker. He also knew that if it hadn't been for him, no one could have threatened her with Lian Ruohan's character. At worst, she left. But he can't leave.

Not only can't go, but also

Of course, Xia thought is not casual to comfort Lian Ruohan. But he knows that although Gao Chengsong is the secretary of the provincial party committee, in the current situation, if he wants to touch a small deputy county magistrate, he can't do it, because he has no economic problems, and there are no other problems that can be solved in the population. It is not so easy to blackmail him.

Unless he wants to start with a major mistake at work, but at present, he has a close relationship with many people, and it is not so easy to find his mistake. No matter how low an official is, he is only at the deputy level. It's not to say that it's free, but it also needs an open and aboveboard reason.

Xia Xiang also believes that if he wants to move him, what Gao Chengsong can pass is the two-level party committees of Yan City and An County. Yan City is now Cui Xiang as the secretary, but Chen Feng is the mayor. Others dare not say that Chen Feng can withstand Cui Xiang's pressure. Besides, Cui Xiang may not listen to Gao Chengsong now, because of the last leading real estate incident. There is a holiday between the two, and I'm afraid the relationship will not ease so quickly.

Not to mention An County, with Li Dingshan in town. No one will bother him. However, Xia wants to know that Gao Chengsong is the secretary of the provincial party committee and the leader after all. The network is so complicated and the power is so great that I'm afraid there are places that he can't expect. It depends on Gao Chengsong's determination. How did he really put him to death in order to please the Wu family? Unless the Gao family falls early. Otherwise, his life will not be easy.

And Gao Jianyuan, as a "Kunshi", must pretend not to know in this matter. His reason is also sufficient, and he doesn't care about politics.

Actually, it's just a gold on your face. Xiaxiang also knew for a long time that Gao Jianyuan was unreliable at a critical time. He was the kind of person who was polite on the surface, but actually had a dark belly, if he was bad. Fan Zheng is much worse than him.

Gao Jianyuan must be eager that he can't turn over. He has a good chance to pursue Lian Ruohan again.

In the end. In fact, Xia Xiang was not sure, because he didn't know how determined he was to worship the Wu family!

Lian Ruohan seemed to have guessed his idea and drew in the palm of his hand with one finger," he said deliberately: "I used to feel that I was strong and independent, and I didn't need a man to rely on at all. Now I know how ridiculous the idea was at that time, and I know that a It is dependent. I really want to leave you for a while. "You said you are dark and not good to me. How can I miss you? But why don't I want to leave you? Even if you can't see me once a week, as long as you are in Yanshi, you will feel that you are always by my side!"

Xia was shocked: "Why, you want to leave Yanshi?"

"Yes. I'm going to the United States to avoid the limelight for the time being. And I also want to inquire about my mother's whereabouts in the United States. I want to ask her in person why she abandoned me?" Lian Ruohan hugged Xia tightly and thought, "The Wu family has a good relationship with Gao Chengsong. As long as Gao Chengsong is in place for a day, he will try his best to trouble you. The root of everything is all because of me. So. I have to leave temporarily, just as you said, to go to the United States. After getting American citizenship, you will come back as an overseas person, with an extra layer of protection. I don't want you to suffer any harm, especially the Wu family, otherwise I can't forgive myself.

Xia wanted to sigh, and he felt his incompetence. Even if you can't protect your own woman, it's cowardly enough. But there is really nothing he can do. How many years has he only been in officialdom? Gao Chengsong has been in officialdom for decades, and he is very powerful. If he really can't deal with him as a deputy county magistrate, it will become a joke.

If Lian Ruohan still stays in Yanshi, it is indeed a real population, which also makes the Wu family very dissatisfied. Forbearance, you can bend and stretch out to be a real man. Besides, the Gao family's anger in Yan Province has been exhausted, and even Ruohan has gone to the United States for a period of time. When the Gao family arrives at Taiwan, she will come back as an overseas person, which is also killing two birds with one stone.

However, at the thought that even Ruohan was going to leave for a period of time, Xia thought was also reluctant to leave. After a period of time together. In his eyes, Lian Ruohan had fallen from a fairy in the sky as cold as the moon to the mortal world for him and became an ordinary woman with flesh and blood. Compared with Cao Shuqi, Lian Ruohan did pay too much hard work and effort for him, and he felt that he was always ashamed of her.

"But before I leave, you have to promise me two things. Lian Ruohan sat up straight, half a meter away from Xia, and looked straight at him.

Last time in An County, Lian Ruohan told Xiaxiang that she wanted to give him her first time. She had already thought about it. She didn't care about the consequences and didn't ask too much. She just hoped that he would accompany her to spend an unforgettable night in the International Building. Because of the last cockroach incident in the International Building, she has always missed it and always felt a very good memory.

Xia wanted to meet Lian Ruohan's eyes and said firmly, "I promise you, I will definitely agree


Lian Ruohan smiled, smiled like a flower, and leaned over to Xiaxiang's ear. With a few whispers, Xia wanted to hear it and was stunned. A stunned expression. A stunned expression.

Lian Ruohan settled down proudly.

A whole day. Xiaxiang accompanied Lian Ruohan to go shopping and shopping. Play around. Even Ruohan helped Xia want to buy more than a dozen clothes, and almost let him wear them for several years. He also gave him the key to Lianju, so that he would take care of Lianju when he was free. Of course, Lian Ruohan was still very smart to let Wei Xin no longer live in Lianju, claiming that she would not create opportunities for Xia, and she was responsible for Cao Shuhui.

Xia wants to be speechless.