official god

Chapter 279 Right and wrong

Xia wanted to smile calmly: "Yes, before I went into politics. Feng Xuguang had business contacts in the first 7, but after I went to Ba County and became a state employee, I no longer engaged in any business activities, which Feng Xuguang can testify. In addition, you can also go to Jiajia Supermarket to check

Xia thought that he was not afraid of them to check. There must be nothing to check. He didn't even leave his name of his shares at that time. Gao Jianyuan didn't know this. I'm afraid he would also take it for granted that he would not occupy only one oral share, let alone believe that Feng Xuguang would abide by the reputation.

When Yue Fang saw that Xia didn't want to avoid it at all, the concubine admitted it and was shocked.

He and Bao Yueming were urgently called home by Fang Zi, deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, last night. It was appropriate for him and Bao Yueming to rush to An County early in the morning to control Xia. According to the information they have now, it is better to get more things out of his mouth as much as possible and be convicted.

If he can't be convicted, he should also be sent to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and then have a good trial.

The house is self-reliant and repeatedly told. Don't let the wind come out, and explain it solemnly. This matter was personally given by the senior management. If you want to handle an iron case, you can't make Xia want to turn over.

The resolute attitude of Fang's self-reliance and the cautious tone made Yue Fang's heart tighten. He didn't know who the bigwig in Secretary Fang said was, but he knew that if Xia wanted to be unlucky, he must have offended someone who could not be offended. At the same time, he also knows that as the most trusted person of Secretary Fang. The opportunity for him and Bao Yueming to make contributions has come again. As long as you take Xiaxiang, you don't have to worry about not being promoted in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Who doesn't know that in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, except for Qin Shu; other than reform, Secretary Fang's speech is the most useful!

Just out of this eager psychology of meritorious service, Yue Fang and Bao Yueming didn't even sleep after getting the information. After studying for a night, they came to An County before dawn. The reason why he wanted to catch Xia in Anxian County in a high profile and want to take him away was to ruin his reputation and ruin his reputation.

Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he was a young man. In the face of the personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he not only did not panic at all, but calmly overturned all the materials they had, which made Yue Fang unexpected and stunned.

The materials held by Yue Fang only said that Xia wanted to have business with Feng Xuguang, and there may be stock transactions, but there is no definite evidence. He thought that as long as they appeared as the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Xiaxiang will definitely be scared to explain all the problems. I don't think of it. He is not rich or busy, and he looks confident.

Yue Fang's meditation film is mysterious. He also asked, "We will ask Feng Xuguang about the problem of Jiajia Supermarket. If there is a problem, we will deal with it seriously. One more thing, please make it clear, what is your relationship with Lian Ruohan of Vision Group? Why did she lend you her car?

To ask Feng Xuguang, Xia wants to be happy to see it. Because he shocked Feng Xuguang, it will inevitably spread to Ma Wanzheng's ears. If you want to check Feng Xuguang, it's strange that Ma Wanzheng is happy. As his only nephew, Xia doesn't have to think about his heart for Feng Xuguang.

also mentioned Lian Ruohan. Xia wanted to sigh secretly. Gao Jianyuan's heart of Zhongshi's appearance contained a shameless misfortune. Fortunately, he did not know how many secrets he had. He only knew his close relationship with Feng Xuguang and Lian Ruohan. He could only start from these two aspects, which also proved that they were pitiful and pathetic.

"When I was always the president of Vision Group, when I worked in the urban village transformation group, I was close to Vision Group because of my work. At that time, Forest Park was a key project of the municipal government. Under the kind care of Mayor Chen, I served as Vision Group in the city. The government's association has a master-apprentice friendship with their chief designer Gao Lao, and also participated in the design of the forest park. Xia wanted to admit that the relationship with Yuanjing Group could be put on the surface, and he was not afraid that they would deliberately find fault. "Because the cooperation was relatively pleasant, he also established a private friendship with Mr. Lian. After I was transferred to An County, Mr. Lian came to An County for inspection. Seeing that I was not equipped with a special car, I lent her car to me. It was purely a human relationship between friends. As for the close relationship between me and Vision Group, you can call Mayor Chen for verification, or you can call Mayor Chen now."

As a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Although he has a certain ** nature, Yue Fang did not know Xiaxiang's network, and Secretary Fang did not tell Xiaxiang's backstage who he was. He just said that it was enough to arrest him. Secretary Fang must have a clear idea. Xia wanted to catch it. If he didn't have the bottom, how could he let them come overnight? And there must be a lot of people who can guide the secretary of the building and make him dare not to neglect for a moment.

However, when Yue Fang heard that Xia wanted to call Chen Feng lightly, he still thumped in his heart. Chen Feng's strong mayor's reputation was too loud. Looking at Xia's appearance, it was definitely not a lie. Thinking about it, a deputy county magistrate dared to call the deputy provincial mayor directly to the mayor. If

What can I do even with Chen Feng's support? Yue Fang turned to think that since Secretary Fang wants to deal with him, he will definitely find the materials to deal with him, and he will definitely be unable to turn over. At that time, even Chen Feng can't protect him! After thinking about malaria, he "hummed" gently and said, "It's not necessary to ask Mayor Chen for verification. There's no need to alarm Mayor Chen for the time being. Although you answered the two questions just now without loopholes, we need to further verify whether there is a behind-the-scenes transaction. In addition, when you were in the urban village renovation team, in the bidding of some projects, you obviously favored Tian'an real estate, whether there is any hidden story. We also have some preliminary evidence, Comrade Xiaxiang. Do you have anything else to say?

Xia wants to see that the other party doesn't seem to know the details of Tian'an real estate, and knows little about Yuanjing Group. As soon as he came to him, the two of them were also in the dark and were used as gunmen, so they said, "Tian'an Real Estate is strong and meets the bidding conditions. There is no bias. In terms of bias, I also prefer the leading real estate, because when registering at that time, the leading real estate was the last one. You can also check whether there is a behind-the-scenes transaction between the leading real estate and me. As for Vision Group, I think you don't want to contact the general manager. I suggest you find Mr. Gao to understand the situation

Isn't Gao Jianyuan going to be behind the scenes? OK, then mix the water thoroughly and see what you can do? Since it was the Wu family who was making trouble behind their backs. Well, I'll throw Gao Lao out. If you go to Gao Lao to understand the situation, it is equivalent to shocking Gao Jinzhou. Let's see how Gao Jinzhou chooses!

As for Tian'an Real Estate. I'm afraid that before they found Sun Xianwei, Minister Fang had already known the situation. Xia wanted to guarantee that Fang Ge had now notified Fang Jinjiang by phone.

When Yue Fang saw that Xia was not soft or hard, and the water and fire could not enter, he couldn't help but be angry: "Since you don't cooperate with our work, please come with us and go to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation!"

Li Dingshan has never spoken. He quietly listened to Yue Fang finish his words and said coldly, "Comrade Yue Fang, I've heard you for a long time. It's all about catching the wind and shadows, and there is no real evidence. As a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you should be cautious when investigating anyone. How can you take away a deputy county magistrate based on some plausible statements? Isn't it too arbitrary and hasty?"

Bao Yueming was not happy: "Secretary Li, Anxian County thought that such a deputy county magistrate is a disgrace to An County. How can you still defend him? That's really unreasonable."

Bao Yueming's words were really unpleasant. Li Dingshan was suddenly furious: "Comrade Bao Yueming, please don't talk nonsense. Before the conclusion of Comrade Xiaxiang's question, he is an innocent and good comrade, not that you can open your mouth to slander. Let me tell you one more thing. There are some things that need to be divided into weight. If Comrade Xiaxiang has no problem, you openly take him away. On behalf of the county party committee and county government of Anxian County, I have a lawsuit with your municipal discipline inspection committee!"

Bao Yueming was robbed by Li Dingshan. He has always been arrogant. He thinks that as long as he appears in front of someone, he must be respectful to him. Otherwise, if he finds a reason and asks a few questions, he can scare the cadres big and small. Unexpectedly, Li Dingshan didn't pay attention to him at all. He was so angry that he thought that you should not be arrogant. A small county party secretary dared to contradict the staff of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection face to face. If you are fine, it's okay. If you have something to do, I will definitely kill you.

He was about to open his mouth to refute a few words. As soon as the door rang, the square pushed the door in and said, "Secretary Li, Secretary Mei and the county magistrate Sheng are here."

"Let them in." Li Dingshan knew that Mei Xiaolin and Shanda were his own people, so there was no need to hide them.

After Mei Xiaolin and Shanda came in. Seeing that Xia wanted to be calm, he was relieved. Mei Xiaolin nodded to Li Dingshan, and then said to Xia, "I believe you."

Shanda also nodded to Xia: "No matter who blackmails you behind your back, I will definitely help you to the end and won't let them succeed."

Xia wanted to nod to them gratefully, knowing that the person who could still stand up and support himself at this time was the one who was really reliable.

Gao Jianyuan fell into the well. Qiu Xufeng will definitely not show up now and hide behind his back to gloat.

Yue Fang's eyes flashed. Thinking that the officialdom had always been pushed by everyone, this summer wanted to be better, not only the head of the county party committee supported him. The deputy secretary of the county party committee and the executive deputy county magistrate also came forward to express their support, and the popularity is really good.

But let's talk about popularity. It must also be taken away, otherwise he can't explain it to Secretary Fang, but in the face of everyone, his momentum is a little weaker: "We have official business, please understand more. Comrade Xiaxiang, please also cooperate with our work. Please come with us to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. If there is really no problem, we will not wrong a good person.

Seeing that Yue Fang's position was softened, he was refuted by Li Dingshan just now. Without venting his anger, he said dissatisfiedly, "As a leading cadre, do you still have organizational discipline? What does it mean for you all get together? Do you want to put pressure on the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection?

"You are not qualified to represent the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, are you?" Mei Xiaolin came up with a stubborn temper and said, "In terms of level, you are at most a deputy. Don't raise your own value, but also represent the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection? First, ask Secretary Qin if he agrees or not. Also, who sent you?

Mei Xiaolin spoke loudly enough. Shengda frowned and quietly pulled her, meaning not to let her add trouble to it. Mei Xiaolin ignored it and shook it grandly: "Don't pull me. Obviously, I'm just looking for trouble. Can you be afraid of them? I don't believe it. Can they cover the sky with the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection? If the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has no place to reason. I'm looking for the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can't do it. I'll find the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection again. Anyway, I have acquaintances. Who is afraid of whom!"

Xia wants to see that Mei Xiaolin's political mind is really simple, and she directly plays with her nature. Compared with the relationship, she knows that she can't talk nonsense anymore. She didn't understand the truth of the matter. She probably thought that Li Chaosheng was making trouble behind her back. She took a bite to make trouble for herself. With her temper, she didn't get angry


Xia wanted to be busy and said, "Okay. Thank you for your concern and love. I'm not afraid of shadows. Since the comrades of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection have come all the way here, I can go back with them. If they don't go for nothing, it's not easy to work.

The square was smart enough to rush forward: "Countess Minister Xia, the new address of my site and I just now has been changed to: Concave muscle Gong Shan, please read it for nothing!" Zhen: He said on the phone that it was cold and he wanted to bring me some clothes. Please bring them back for me. He helped me take it to the municipal party committee compound. You can go directly to the organization department of the municipal party committee to find him.

The implication of this sentence is strong. The Organization Department is also a sacred place for everyone's purpose. As soon as the square said, Yue Fang and Bao Yue were immediately shocked and looked at him together.

The square smiled with a hippie smile: "Look at what, have you ever seen a handsome man?"

Li Dingshan coughed: "Bag. Don't talk nonsense!"

The person who said it was intentional. The listener is more attentive. The surface of Li Dingshan is the upper grid, but one is specified. The key question is that his name is square. There is only one person surnamed Fang in the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, that is, Minister Fang Jinjiang!

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming looked at each other and thought it was bad. Today's matter may be bad. First, I didn't expect that there were so many people who defended Xiaxiang, and second, I didn't expect that there were so many people who defended Xiaxiang.

Li Dingshan saw their thoughts and sneered in his heart. Only one Minister Fang made you back down. Wait and see, when you get to the municipal party committee compound, you will have good fruits to eat. No matter who your backstage is, if you want to think about it in Yanshi, you can't think about it without real evidence.

Li Dingshan also believes that Xiaxiang has no economic problems. Young people have more girlfriends at most. As long as they are not caught and are not married, the worst thing is over. But the other party's hand is obviously not that he wants to be disgusting and disgusting. He must want to kill him. What on earth is he going to do with such a cruel hand?

Li Dingshan decided to call Song Chaodu to find out the situation.

Finally, at Mei Xiaolin's strong request, Yue Fang and Bao Yueming muttered together for a moment and agreed to let Xia want to drive by himself. Following the two of them to Yanshi, at least it looks like a public business, not like being taken away. Minimize the impact of things to the greatest extent.

The two of them were also scared by a square sentence. They were joking. No matter how powerful Secretary Fang was, if he wanted to promote them, he would definitely not be able to bypass the Organization Department. If he offended Mr. Fang, it's no wonder that Minister Fang could let them go!

After Xia wants to leave. Li Dingshan said to Mei Xiaolin and Shanda, "Secretary Mei, County Magistrate Sheng, you don't have to worry about what Xia thinks. I'll figure it out. If everyone is looking for someone, it may become more and more chaotic.

Mei Xiaolin and Shanda also knew that Li Dingshan didn't say anything out of good intentions.

As soon as the two left, the square came over and said, "Secretary Li, my performance just now was not bad

Li Dingshan laughed and scolded, "Slick, the reaction is smart enough. But don't easily involve Minister Fang in the future. This has a bad impact on him. Some things may not be solved until they are made clear. If you do it in the dark, you can also help.

The square looks like an open-minded teacher: "Yes, I wrote it down, Secretary Li. Aren't I in a hurry? Who is so shameless? Brother Heixian behind it, it's too much

After opening the square, Li Dingshan called Song Chaodu.

Song Chaodu listened and murmured: "Yue Fang and Bao Yueming are the people of Fang's self-reliance. Fang's self-reliance and Qin Tuofu are at peace, and they have long wanted to help them. He may have got some promise to work so hard this time. He is from Gao Chengsong, "

"Is it Secretary Gao who wants to make trouble with Xia? It's too embarrassing for a dignified provincial party secretary to make people suppress a deputy county magistrate. Li Dingshan said in surprise.

Song Chaodu laughed twice. He said sarcastically, "Secretary Gao is open-minded, and he has nothing to do to suppress dissidents, so there is nothing to be surprised about. Xia's thinking may also have something to do with me, because Li Chaosheng, who is secretly investigating, has an indirect relationship with Gao Chengsong. And I have enough evidence in my hand to bring down Gao Jianyuan. I will agree with him to do it separately, one light and one dark,"

"So that's it." Li Dingshan sighed slightly and said, "Xia Xiang didn't tell me the details of this matter. I think he is afraid that I will be involved." Chaodu, it's not convenient for you to come forward now, or I'll come forward and deal with it."

"I don't need it for the time being." Song Chaodu was silent for a while and suddenly smiled, "Xia is not so easy to be taken down by Fang Zili. Besides, I think his conduct is not bad, and there should be no major economic problems. This is an opportunity for him to do me a small favor, divert Secretary Gao's attention first, and then I can put a cannon out.

Xia wanted to follow Yue Fang and Bao Yueming to Yan City. He thought he would go directly to the municipal party committee compound, but Yue Fang received a phone call. Originally, the polite attitude of the two suddenly changed. They directly took Xiaxiang to a hidden hotel on the outskirts of the city with an indifferent face, and ordered him to hand over his mobile phone, and then locked him in a sealed room.

Xia wanted to be stunned. What is this? Is it so double-standard? It's too rash.

Ask Yue Fang, Yue Fang didn't answer, but told him, "When you figure it out, just tell me. I'll give you paper and pen to explain all your questions."

Xia thought and said, "I have no problem to explain. I have already said it in An County. Please show your real evidence."

Bao Yueming said harshly, "Don't quibble. If there is no evidence, we won't catch you." Be honest with your questions. Strive for lenient treatment, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Think about it, but I can remind you not to have any unrealistic fantasies.