official god

Chapter 286 Wind and Crane

Friends don't want to be in a hurry to call Ji Qidong! Director Ji, save people quickly. You can't be stunned."

Ji Qidong was a little hesitant: "These mountain people have always been lawless. If they don't do it, they will cause trouble, and then they can't end it." He is afraid of taking on political responsibilities.

"I have the responsibility." Xia is in a hurry.

"No, I have a great responsibility." Qin Tuofu said righteously, "I sent the people inside to inquire about the news. They besieged the state staff and must stop it."

Xia wanted to look at Qin Tuofu gratefully. He knew that Secretary Qin was correcting the name of Xiao Wu and others.

Without worries, Ji Qidong became bold and called Zheng Shaofeng: "You lead someone to rush up, disperse the crowd, and save the people in the cave. If necessary, shoot the warning!"

Then command the others and surround them separately. Control the leader when the crowd is in chaos. After the arrangement was completed, Ji Qidong asked Qin Tuofu.

Qin Tuofu didn't say anything. He asked Ji Qidong to arrange according to his ideas. He said, "I won't be a layman. I'll catch the person in charge, and I'll ask Secretary Li for you."

Ji Qidong thought that if he knocked down Li Chaosheng, the county party committee vacated a position of standing committee, and he had to show it well. Let's take this action as a statement to Secretary Li.

Ji Qidong has worked at the grassroots level for many years, and naturally has his means to deal with villagers. After he finished the arrangement, he did not take the command, but rushed to the front and led a group of policemen to the crowd like a tiger going down the mountain.

The battle ended in less than half an hour. Not only Xiao Wu and others were rescued safely, but even several people in charge of the mine site were captured. One of them did not run, which can be said to be a complete victory.

Xiao Wu, together with several young people today, looked black and mud. He was ragged all over and came to Xiaxiang. When Xiao Wu saw Xia, he grinned and said, "At last, it's not in vain. Several brothers and I spent a few days in the mountains and squatted for half a month to make sure that this place was indeed a mining site. I also saw Li Chao born once. They don't burn lime, they only sell ore, pull limestone to a nearby coal storage point, then cover it with a layer of butterflies, pretending to send a butterfly car to a place to sell..."

Xia wanted to quickly take a bottle of water from the policeman next to him and handed it to Xiao Wu: "Drink the water first, say it slowly, don't worry."

Xiao Wu and several people behind him were all ragged, and even his trousers were torn into strips. His face and arms were full of blood marks. Obviously, he was scratched by the branches. Xia thought was a little moved. What a good brother. In his own words, Xiao Wu cut through the thorns and was not afraid of difficulties and dangers. How much effort has been put into it?

Xia wanted to hold Xiao Wu's hand emotionally: "Thank you, Xiao Wu, good brother."

shook hands with the three people behind in turn: "You will all be my good brothers in the future."

The three hurriedly wiped their hands on their trousers: "County Chief Xia, I dare not be, as long as Brother Xiao said a word. What does it mean for us to suffer this little?

Qin Tuofu was also very moved. He took a few bottles of water in person, opened the lid, and poured it on one of them: "Come on, wash your face. You are all good comrades. Thank you for your hard work!"

Xiao Wu introduced three people, namely Xiao Kong. Section 3 and Wang Er. The three of them didn't know who Qin Tuofu was. They just thought they were ordinary people and didn't refuse. With the help of Qin Tuofu, he washed his face.

Xia Shang didn't come forward to stop him. He saw that Qin Tuofu was also a temperamental person, and he was not a show. I was really moved by several people.

Several people washed their faces, and then they saw that they were all powerful young people. Xia Xiang just had time to introduce Qin Tuofu to them: "This is Secretary Qin of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. He came to investigate and deal with Li Chaosheng's case in person. If you have anything to say, just tell Secretary Qin."

When he heard that he was the secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, he was shocked. He knew a little about the method and looked at Xia in a little panic.

Qin Tuofu saw Xiao Wu's worry and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid. It can be said to the public that your actions are authorized by me. They are legal and unified actions under the leadership of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Xiao Wu was relieved. He was not good at talking, but said solemnly, "Thank you, Secretary Qin. If there is any problem, I will bear it alone. It has nothing to do with the county magistrate Xia and three brothers."

Xia wanted to punch him: "Ok, don't be wordy. Secretary Qin is not a mother-in-law. He has courage and responsibility, or he will not come to the mountain in person and risk to rescue you. Tell me about other things you have learned.

"I also know the specific location of the coal delivery point. I wanted to tell the county magistrate Xia earlier, but I couldn't get in touch for a few days in a row. I thought, it's better to dig deeper to see if I could steal their account books. Just come and squat with a few brothers. When he was about to get in the way, he was accidentally found and had no choice but to hide in the cave. If you hadn't arrived in time, you wouldn't have been able to escape today. Xiao Wu smiled and said, "It's careless, careless. This matter should be known to the company commander in the army, and I have to be scolded to death. This little thing can't be done well. It's stupid.

Qin Tuofu did not smile and sighed, "Good comrade, what a rare good comrade. If the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection are as capable as Xiao Xiao, what case can't be solved? He turned around and said to Xia that Xiaoxia, if I transfer Xiao to my side. You won't object, will you?"

Xia thought about the opposition and was embarrassed to say it, so he had to ask Xiao Wu for his opinion.

Xiao Wu rubbed his hands and smiled shyly: "Secretary Qin is too big. I feel uncomfortable standing with you. Why don't I still stay with the governor of Xia County for a while? When will I have the courage to practice with Secretary Qin?"

Xiao Wu is also very good at talking. Qin Tuofu laughed and said, "Ok, as long as I am in the position of Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection for a day, the door of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will be open for you at any time." He waved to Ji Qidong again and ordered him to go down, " Director Ji, I'm ready to accept the team. In addition, put away the account books and other evidence so as not to lose them. Take a few people in charge, and the others can be dismissed on the spot. They are all ordinary people, and it's not easy. If you don't want to go home, just wait here to deal with it." Gong Fen agreed and escorted several people in charge to the police car. The allocation to the arsenic weaving department will be moved to Xiaxiang's car. Today, I made a great contribution. I didn't expect such a big project to be hidden in the deep mountains. That is to say, this is a private mine opened by Li Chaosheng? It's really exciting. Li Chaosheng, who usually does not show the mountain and does not show the water, actually quietly made such a big deal.

In addition to being shocked, Ji Qidong admired Li Chaosheng very much. Not to mention ordinary people, even the secretary and county magistrate may not hide it from everyone and make a private mine in the deep mountains, but he succeeded, and it seems that he has been open for a period of time, and it is estimated that he has made a lot of money.

But what happened today is also strange. The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection led the team to seal up private mines, not the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, or the Secretary and County Magistrate, by the way. There is also a deputy county magistrate who is not in charge of industry. In short, there are a lot of strange things. No matter who you care about, as long as you have merit. Secretary Qin of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and his words are also very useful.

Ji Qidong was a little happy again, thinking about the next step to get closer to Secretary Li in time. It's good to go further. Now the wind in various places is that the director of the Public Security Bureau has been a member of the Standing Committee one after another. He should also be able to take a small step forward.

Qin Tuofu and Xia wanted to sit in the car and look at the evidence collected. At the same time, Zheng Shaofeng led a team of people. Under the leadership of Xiao Wu, he first went to the coal transportation point to seal the ore.

The evidence shows that the mine has been open for at least a year, and the ore mined is as high as hundreds of thousands of tons, worth millions of yuan or even tens of yuan.


No wonder Li Chaosheng has money to buy a villa. It turns out that his small gold mine is hidden here, and it is not too much to describe it as a daily gold fight.

Xia wanted to look at each other with Qin Tuojia, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes!

What shocked is not how huge the amount of money Li Chaosheng is involved. The two also know that the amount involved in the case of tens of millions of yuan is indeed a big case, but tens of millions of yuan may not be able to enter Li Chaosheng's pocket. In addition to various expenses and expenses, he also has a seller of Pingyou. There must The ore is finally resold to other places, forming a complete industrial chain.

He and Qin Tuofu were shocked by Li Chaosheng's smart means and the caution of layers of fortification. Although An County is a mountainous county with many deep mountains, Li Chaosheng can make many people mine private mines in the mountains, successfully concealing most people, and forming a systematic industrial chain, which has to shock people. I was shocked and admired his business acumen.

Xiaxiang has made a decision to continue to develop and sell ore after nationalize the private mine. Compared with the construction of cement factories, it is much more convenient, there is not much environmental pollution, and it can also save a large amount of upfront funds.

Everything was arranged properly. Xia Shang and others went to the media point to continue to dig deep, and Zheng Shaofeng was entrusted with the important task of dealing with the aftermath.

Zheng Shaofeng's performance today is eye-catching. Not only is Ji Qidong very satisfied with him, but Xiaxiang and Qin Tuofu also appreciate him very much. Zheng Shaofeng was praised by several leaders, and his blood was boiling. He couldn't wait to work for two people alone.

On the way, Qin Tuofu dialed Cui Xiang's phone. After briefly reporting the situation, Cui Xiang was shocked after hearing this and immediately said, "Check. Once you check it to the end, you will never tolerate it.

After receiving the instructions of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Qin Tuofu was released. Without worries, he could let go of his hands and feet. Anyway, the evidence was conclusive, and he was not afraid that Li Chaosheng would not admit it.

On the way, Qin Tuofu received another phone call from Pingji, saying that Li Chaosheng suddenly disappeared, and several of them inaditently let him escape. Pingji reviewed Qin Tuofu for a long time and sincerely admitted his mistake. Qin Tuofu interrupted him impatiently: "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Send someone to pursue it. In addition, investigate the wheret of Li Chaosheng's mistress You Li." You should report this matter to Secretary Li in detail and let Secretary Li make a comprehensive deployment."

Ping Ji hurriedly agreed, turned around and found Li Dingshan and talked about the matter. Li Dingshan also knew some inside information. When he heard that there was a sudden change in the matter, he immediately notified the square and asked him to issue a notice and convene the Standing Committee immediately.

At the Standing Committee, Li Dingshan reported the discovery of Xia Xiang and Qin Tuofu. Everyone looked at each other and couldn't believe it!

Qiu Xufeng stood up in surprise and opened his mouth wide: "How can it be? Li Chaosheng is too good at camouflage, isn't he? He actually hid it from all of us!"

Other members of the Standing Committee were full of righteous indignation and accused Li Chao's birthday of being lawless and lawless. Only Ni Zhengfang lowered his head and did not speak.

"What does Secretary Ni have to say?" Li Ding Rang. He said with a serious face, "Now it's not too late to draw a line with Li Chaosheng! Secretary Qin entrusted Secretary Ping to keep an eye on Li Chaosheng, not Secretary Ni, which has already explained the problem.

Ni Zhengfang was full of sweat: "Secretary Li, I, Li Chaosheng's mining, I just heard a little rumor, and the inside story is not clear."

"So, you don't have any meritorious performance?" Li Dingshan was chasing after him.

Ni Zhengfang's psychological defense line finally collapsed. Under the gaze of more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee, he stood up in panic: "I know where Li Chaosheng has gone, and I also know where You Li has gone, I. I want to make contributions."

Yan City, the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee.

Chen Feng sat in front of Cui Xiang with a solemn face, and Cui Mei was also expressionless for a long time. Chen Fengcai said, "The sound of the wind has come out. I can't cover it. I can only control it to the maximum extent.

Secretary Cui, I still stick to my opinion. Don't hold a standing committee for the time being, don't make a statement. When Secretary Qin comes back, we will make a decision after a meeting. I'm worried that more than one person in the municipal party committee is related to Li Chaosheng, and even someone in the province is involved, so it's better to be quiet at present.

Cui Xiang was hesitant. Originally, he meant to convene the Standing Committee immediately to inform Li Chaosheng's incident, but Chen Feng disagreed. He believed that Li Chaosheng and You Li had not yet been brought to the case and were not suitable for big fanfare. He was afraid that someone in the city and the province would take over Li Chaosheng

Cui Xiangzhi's fierce Chuan Chaosheng's backstage is Xu Dequan's Xiaoci Xu Dequan's sudden mouth in the Standing Committee. He lost face, and he was atlancholy against Xu Dequan and had been looking for opportunities to regain his balance. At present, a good opportunity can't be missed. He just wants to see what Xu Dequan will do as soon as the Standing Committee opens.

Chen Feng's proposal also makes sense. What Chen Feng means is to catch Li Chaosheng first. Only when Li Chaosheng himself says that Xu Dequan participated in the private mine can there be evidence of their suspicion, and they can't take action against a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee just on suspicion.

Chen Feng's scruples about Gao Chengsong behind Xu Dequan.

Secretary Lu will retire, and he will take over the post of Secretary of the Yan Municipal Party Committee. Now it is an eventful time, and it is better to make a smooth transition. After all, Gao Chengsong is the secretary of the provincial party committee, and he often plays cards according to common sense. If you want to hurt him, you'd better do the previous work seamlessly first. Otherwise, once he finds an opportunity to take advantage of it, he will be wasted.

Chen Feng's idea is much safer than Cui Xiang's. He also knew that Cui Xiang wanted to take the opportunity to revenge on Xu Dequan and wanted to see how he said his position in public at the Standing Committee, but there was no need to fight for a while. The effect that Chen Feng wants most is to catch Shen Fuming, although he still doesn't know who is behind the scenes of the Shen Fuming incident. However, he admired the people behind the scenes. What he wanted was this kind of calmness and calmness, and a shot was a fatal thunderous means.

Cui Xiang looked at Chen Feng's firm face. Do you think this is still the often impassioned strong mayor Chen Feng? How did he become so conservative and steady now? Cui Xiang has no reason not to believe it. In response to Gao Chengsong's problem, Chen Feng and he have a common interest. But Chen Feng is not in a hurry. Obviously, he is a step more mature in politics.

The most unnecessary thing in politics is untimely retaliation. Political enemies cannot be eliminated. No matter what level they go, there will be different types of political enemies, unless there are irreconcilable contradictions. Otherwise, everyone can only tolerate each other.

Cui Xiang finally figured it out and said, "Okay, just listen to Mayor Chen's advice and wait."

Besides, Xia wants to follow Qin Tuofu to the butterfly point. Just as I was about to get out of the car, I suddenly received a phone call from Lian Ruohan.

Lian Ruohan hopes that Xia wants to come to Yanshi to meet her and have something important to discuss.

Qin Tuofu saw that Xia wanted something to do, so he said: Xiaoxia, if you have something to do, you can go first, and then I can deal with it with Director Ji."

Xia thought also means the same. He is not in charge of industry, and has nothing to do with the political and legal system. If he gets involved again, it will be a little unclear. It happens that even Ruohan has something to call, so he smiled apologetically: "I have been isolated from the world for many days. My family misses Then I'll go first, Secretary Qin, Xiao Wu will leave it to you.

Qin Tuofu didn't come falsely and said directly, "Just leave it to me. You can go and do your work." Keep in touch at any time!"

Xia Xiang said a few more words to Xiao Wu and drove on the road.

First, I passed by An County and found Li Dingshan. It happened that Qiu Xufeng was also in Li Dingshan's office. Such a big thing happened in Anxian County. The secretary and the county magistrate must discuss countermeasures and maintain a high degree of consistency with the outside world. The two are obviously discussing the words to the outside world.

Xia wanted to briefly report the situation on the scene. He also praised Secretary Qin for not being afraid of danger. Director Ji took the lead. Zheng Shaofeng made great contributions, and then said that he was going to Yanshi to deal with some problems.

Li Dingshan had no objection, and Qiu Xufeng also said with concern: Xiaoxia County Magistrate has worked really hard. There is no rest for a moment. Go back and have a good rest for a few days, let you take a few days off, and then go to work to refresh yourself. The rest of the matter, under the high attention of the Municipal Party Committee and under the leadership of Secretary Qin, Secretary Li and I can help again, and we should be able to deal with it well.

Speaking of the disappearance of Li Chaosheng and You Li, Li Dingshan said that Ni Zhengfang was not deeply involved. It's just to collect a little benefit from Li Chaosheng. However, he redeemed his credit and told the hiding place of Li Chao's birth in Yan City, and You Li did not escape. In a county in the western province, someone had been sent to investigate and arrest him.

Li Chaomang has prepared his passport and wants to escape abroad. If the people of the Yan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection can't catch him at night, it will be troublesome. Li Dingshan is optimistic about the capture of Li Chaosheng. There are no direct flights to foreign countries in Yan City. If Li Chaosheng wants to go abroad, he must board a plane in the capital. It is not easy to go from Yan City to the capital safely and pass the security check.

Bibi: Just one sentence: Brothers are powerful. You are too arrogant. You have passed all the way to the top of the monthly ticket list. On behalf of Xiaxiang, Cao Shuhui and Lian Ruohan, thank you. You are the cutest people!

I looked at the list of urban classification lists. With the combat effectiveness of our brothers, there is no problem for us to enter the top ten, even the top eight! Because the gap is not very big, with the energy of my dear brothers, I believe that we can set a record again.

The monthly ticket will be given to the brothers, and the recommendation ticket will be given to the brothers who have not entered. We can rush to the monthly ticket list. What about the recommended tickets? Brothers who haven't entered, what about your combat effectiveness?

The task of updating 10,000 words a day will be given to me. Come on, you are with me, and the officials and gods are invincible.

above, not counting the number of words charged. Below. It doesn't count. Thank you to every brother who has worked hard for the progress of the official god. The growth of a book depends on everyone's care. Now every step we take truly records the progress of the success of the official god, as well as the growth history of Xiaoxia. Because of you, I will stay behind closed doors this particularly hot summer. Sweating like rain, typing every day, sitting for seven or eight hours, in order to witness the growth process of a hero who is an official god with his brothers, and to strive to make the official god step by step to a new level.

Give me encouragement, I have strength. Give me support, I have glory.

Thank you again!