official god

Chapter 288 Xiao Jia in the capital

The juice is so eager to say that it's really unpleasant! Even Ruohan said that Gong Bu is not allowed to go to bed again?

The spring night was short, and there was no sleep all night. When it was almost dawn, Xia Shen was exhausted and fell asleep drowsily.

After only a short sleep, he woke up again, because Lian Ruohan wanted to return to the capital to board the plane, and there was no direct flight to foreign countries in Yanshi.

Xia wanted to insist on sending Lian Ruohan to the capital. He went to the south and the north of the world. I don't know when we would meet. His heart was also heavy, and I don't know what it was like. Lian Ruohan is now an inseparable woman in his life. Can't help but make people sad when she is far away?

I galloped all the way and arrived at the capital airport three hours later. Someone had been waiting at the airport for a long time, and everything was ready for Lian Ruohan. Before boarding. . Lian Ruohan couldn't help bursting into tears. He threw himself into Xia's arms and sobbed and said, "If I can't come back in a year and a half, remember to miss me well, otherwise, I will make you heartbroken. I have a lot of ways, do you believe it or not?

Do you still threaten before you leave? Xia thought that what he said was hot now. He nodded quickly: "I believe it, I believe it all

"What do you believe? What do you know? Stupid." After Lian Ruohan jumped away, he waved to him, passed the security channel, then turned around and smiled at him, put his hand on her lower abdomen, and said, "Wait for the flower and bear fruit!"

Lian Ruohan has disappeared for a long time. Xia wants to stand still alone. No matter how stupid he is, he will understand what's going on. Lian Ruohan said that she wanted to break through the last relationship with him in front of Cao Shuyi, and she wanted Cao Shuhui to have a child for him. She really did what she said. No wonder she had to calculate the date. It turned out to be a pregnancy!

Xia thought suddenly realized. No wonder she said that she wanted five people to go to the grassland at that time. If he had a child with her, and then had a child with Cao Shuhui, plus him, wouldn't it be exactly five people? Hey hey. Such a day is also a beautiful thing in life. Two women and two children go out to play together. As a man, he is also happy.

It's just that Lian Ruohan agreed whether Cao Shuhui is willing to go with her.

Xia wanted to know that, anyway, he couldn't control Lian Ruohan. She flew abroad, perhaps to hide from the edge, or to raise her in peace of mind. Even Ruohan is still wayward and dares to act. No one can make her change. Let her change it. It is also extremely limited.

Since you have come to the capital, Xiao Jia is also here. Xia wanted to call Xiao Jia.

As soon as Xiao Jia heard that Xia wanted to come to the capital, she exclaimed, "Really? Don't lie to me. I haven't seen you for a long time. If you lie to me again, you will go too much.

It's true that I haven't seen Xiao Jia for a long time. Xia wants to feel guilty. Among the three women, Xiao Jia is the most worry-free and the least. She never asks for anything. She is strong and independent.

Xia wanted to drive all the way to Xiao Jia's residence in the capital. An hour later, I arrived at Xiao Jia's new home within the Third Ring Road;

is a good community with a large green area, good fountains and rockery, and the roads of the community are also designed with ingenuity. Even from Xiaxiang's professional point of view, it is a masterpiece.

Xia wanted to praise secretly, and Xiao Jia had a good vision.

Xiao Jia lives in Butterfly.

As soon as she opened the door, Xiao Jia threw herself into her arms and cried with joy: "You are really a heartless man. You haven't come to see me for so many days. I thought you didn't want me!" I can state in advance that when you don't want me, tell me directly, don't let me guess, guess strangely uncomfortable

Xia wanted to hug Xiao Jia hard, came to the sofa and sat down, and said with a tired face, "How can I not want you? Don't talk nonsense. There are really too many things to do recently. Help me get a glass of water

Xiao Jia poured good water and fed Xia to drink it. Seeing that he didn't look well, he asked with concern, "What's the matter? The work is not going well?" Or have you encountered any problems?

In fact, between the three women, instead of being around Xiao Jia, Xia wants to be the most at ease and the most relaxed. Xiao Jia is his first woman, the same as him. When Li Dingshan's company was depressed, he even had the feeling of sympathy for the same illness. Perhaps in his heart, only when he faced Xiao Jia, he faced his most real side.

After all, Xiao Jia is the woman he has been in contact with in his previous life and this life. Although Xiao Jia's fate in the previous life is unknown, there may be no good end, but since he met him in this life, he should try his best to help her get through the most difficult level of his life and help her give full play to herself in The ingenuity.

Xiaxiang did not tell Xiao Jia about his detention. He just said lightly that he was very busy with his work, and it was possible that the officialdom in Yan Province would be turbulent after a period of time, so he was physically and mentally exhausted. Xiao Jia had a fierce side and a warm side. She just listened quietly to Xia wanted to speak, asked him to lean against her arms, rub his neck and press his temples.

Xia wanted to sleep in Xiao Jia's gentleness and thoughtfulness.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, and there was a strong smell of rice? Xiaxiang was really hungry. He got up, washed his face, took a shower, put on the clothes prepared for the right pool, and then sat at the table waiting for dinner. The head of the family feels really good.

Xiao Jia's craftsmanship has increased. Did she make four dishes and one soup? She was wearing an apron, which made her waist thinner and buttocks upturned. Xia thought that Xiao Jia was really getting more and more mature. Cao Shuhui and even Ruohan could not compare with the charm of mature women in every move.

Women, only after experiencing the baptism of men and real development, will they exude charming charm? And men have also experienced women before they become more mature and steady.

Looking at Xiao Jia's twisted waist and full chest, Xia wants to have no desire today. He just wants to stay with her quietly and enjoy the warmth of home. Moreover, he has a lot to say to Xiao Jia.

When Xiao Jia saw that Xia didn't want to say anything, she was silent, as clever as a little wife? If Lian Ruohan might stab Xia to think a few words, if Cao Shuhui would tease him mischievously, Xiao Jia would not. She just accompanied her to be silent and waited for Xia to take the initiative to speak. If he doesn't open his mouth, she will never ask one more question.

After more than two years with Xiaxiang, Xiao Jia is no longer the extremely fierce Xiao Jia. She may have a spicy side to outsiders, but for Xiaxiang, she is already as gentle as water, completely melted in a cavity of tenderness.

Xia wanted to finish dinner silently and finally smiled: "It's not bad. You don't usually cook by yourself when you are alone?"

"Yes, I don't like eating out. I always feel unhygienic, so I eat by myself. Sometimes I eat with Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang is a neighbor upstairs, and she is also a person in the capital. It seemed to be a student of the film academy. If the middle-aged man didn't come, she would come to me when she was free. Xiao Jia became lively. Seeing that Xia wanted to laugh naturally, she said dissatisfiedly, "Look at your face as soon as you entered the door. It's so scary, as if someone owes you millions. I owe you. I haven't been paying it back all the time. What else do you want?"

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "It's like I'm a bad person. Are you so unbearable? I'm not in a bad mood. I just don't want to talk, and I don't show my face to you. All right, stop being in a bad mood and talk to me.

Xiao Jia smiled with satisfaction: "That's almost the same, so I'll say it first?"

Xia wanted to nod, so she listened to Xiao Jia talk about her business experience.

Xiao Jia bought 4 houses in the capital. Originally, she had enough money to buy 6 houses, but she didn't dare to invest them at one time, for fear of losing her money. 4 houses. Two buildings are in this community, and the other two are more remote. When she first came to the capital, she was not familiar with the place. Except for the one she lived in, the other three buildings were hung in real estate agents. As a result, she quickly left and made hundreds of thousands of yuan in a short time.

Although it's not a lot, it's equivalent to practicing. Xiao Jia is very excited.

She began to study the real estate market in the capital carefully and found that behind the popularity, it was actually the result of man-made manipulation. For example, if a new market is opened for sale, the developer will ask internal employees to mobilize relatives to subscribe, and then take out loans from the bank. After having funds, they can increase publicity, or open a new real estate, etc. In addition, it is to hire migrant workers or some idle elderly people to queue up to buy house numbers, which artificially creates the illusion of hot sales. In short, the means are to do everything. Often, as soon as a real estate is pre-sold, it will be sold out. In fact, the sales rate is often less than 30%.

Xiao Jia took advantage of their loopholes. Knowing that after the first wave of pre-sale boom, they waited for the house prices to rise, and then re-sell the fakely sold buildings. The original customer chose a bigger and better room. Later, as soon as they saw that the very popular real estate had one or two houses, they all rushed to buy them. As soon as everyone grabbed it, they did not feel how ridiculous the house price rose by thousands of yuan per square meter in a month.

After a period of observation, Xiao Jia initially selected several newly developed properties. Before they had pre-sale, they passed every day. Over time, the sales manager became familiar with it. During the conversation, Xiao Jia also intentionally or unintentionally revealed the inside story she had observed. The sales manager was shocked and thought she was a competition. People sent by the opponent.

Xiao Jia explained to him that she was just an ordinary customer and wanted to buy a few houses. Of course, the more affordable the price, the better. When the sales manager saw that Jijia was shrewd, he was also worried that she would talk nonsense everywhere. Despite that, no one believed the crazy house buyers who were stupid and easy to deceive now, but it was always not good to go out, so he was willing to give Xiao Jia a few houses at the first-level price.

The first level price is the pre-sale price, the second level price is the opening price, the third level price is the false high price after the developer's trouble. As for the fourth level and fifth level, it is the price of the person who specializes in buying and selling houses, which can no longer be included in the normal What?

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