official god

Chapter 310 Strictly Provocation

In the afternoon, the driver was not allowed to drive. Obviously, it shows that the personal relationship is not burning,

Gao Hai's eyelids jumped a few times, and he saw Fang entering the river. The eyes became warm.

There is no one in the officialdom who is not in awe of the head of the organization department, and there is no one who is not eager for the organization department to talk to themselves. Gao Hai thought that whether he could successfully become the deputy mayor, Fang Jinjiang would also play a great role. I thought that Fang Jinjiang would not come in person, but it was already good to have a square. Unexpectedly, the father-son formula appeared, which shows that Fang Jinjiang attaches great importance to Xiaxiang, which can also be speculated. Xia Xiang's weight in Fang Jinjiang's mind.

Gao Hai also knows that Cao Yongguo and Fang Jinjiang don't have much relationship, if it's just to see Cao Yongguo's face. Fang Jinjiang will definitely not come in person.

Fang Ge looked at Cao Shuji with a smile. His eyes were too warm, which made Cao Shuhui bow his head with some embarrassment.

Xia wanted to punch the square: "Pay attention. Take back your evil eyes and don't look at my girlfriend presumptuously. Do you hear me?

The square shook his head and pretended to sigh: "There are beautiful women around. Some people are alone. I am alone. Brother Xia, you can pity me and give me a beautiful woman, okay? If you don't ask her to be as beautiful as your girlfriend, half of her will be done, okay?

Fang Jinjiang laughed and scolded: "It's not promising, it's not serious." After scolding, the smile on his face is contentment and gratification. Xia wants to have a better relationship with the square. The happier he was.

Xia wanted to shake hands with Fang Jinjiang. If you want to say something, Fang Jinjiang stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't say hypocritical polite words. Today I'm coming as your elder. Don't treat me as the head of the Organization Department. No matter where I go every day, no matter when, I wear a big official hat. I'm also very tired."

As soon as this said, Gao Haili was moved.

When did Xia want to have such a close relationship with Fang Jinjiang? Fang Jinjiang claimed to be an elder, but in fact, he pretended to be an uncle. Even if such a name is placed in private and in officialdom, everyone knows what it means. Moreover, looking at the relationship between Fang Ge and Xiaxiang to a certain extent, Gao Hai thought that he still underestimated the energy of Xiaxiang.

Gao Hai took the initiative to move forward: "Minister Fang is here. On behalf of Xia, I would like to thank you."

He claimed to represent Xiaxiang and accompanied him, just to tell Fang Jinjiang that his relationship with Xiaxiang was also extraordinary.

Gao Hai is the secretary-general of the municipal government. Fang Jinjiang naturally knew him and shook hands with him affectionately: "Secretary-General Gao seems to have a good relationship with Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia really has a lot of friends."

Xia wants to know that the opportunity has come. Now he won't say a few words for Gao Hai. When will he wait? He hurriedly answered, "Uncle Gao and I have known each other for a long time. It can be said that Uncle Gao is half of the matchmaker between me and Shu Hui. In addition, Uncle Gao is also a classmate of Secretary Li. It can be said that he and Secretary Li are both my official leaders.

"Oh, in this way, Secretary-General Gao's vision is really good. He met Xia early. Start to help him?" Fang Jinjiang was in officialdom for a long time. How could he not hear what Xia wanted to say, so he asked with great interest.

"I can't talk about it, and I can't talk about helping Xiaoxia. It's just that I got to know Xiaoxia early and provided a little help to the best of my ability. The main reason is that Xiaoxia is willing to work hard and has the ability.

" Gao Hai said hurriedly and modestly.

"Good, good, for young people with good qualifications, when we meet them, we have to reach out and give them a hand." Fang Jinjiang finished the conversation in time and turned around and asked Fang, "Wang you go up with me?"

The square shook his head: "I think with Xia, it happens to be a beautiful woman to see."

Fang Jinjiang stretched out his hand and hit him lightly: "Don't embarrass me. Stay well, have a look and work more, you know?"

As soon as Fang entered the river, there was a wave in Gao Hai's heart. I really didn't think about it here for nothing today. Minister Fang was willing to ask his son to stay with Xiaxiang. Obviously, he completely regarded Xiaxiang as his own person, and did not mean anything out of sight. And although Minister Fang didn't say anything just now, Gao Hai still saw a lot of hope.

At least Minister Fang has a good impression of him.

Fangge's eyes are confused, and he wants to see Cao Shuqi. He was afraid that Xia wanted to scold him, but he found the blue socks.

The blue socks wear a long dress similar to a dress today. The bright blue skirt makes the face of the blue socks bright and touching, picturesque. Although it is not as bright and innocent as Cao Shuhui, it is also like a white duck, standing proudly and standing in front of everyone, it is also an eye-catching scenery.

The square suddenly came to his spirits and walked forward with a smile: "This beautiful woman, didn't you ask for advice?"

Sun An flashed out from the side: "It's not creative, just like what I said. That's what I said just now. As a result, it didn't please.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were finished, the blue socks smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Blue Socks, Blue Sky, and the socks of the socks are Shu Ji's classmates."

Fang Ge suddenly raised his eyebrows and gave Sun An a white look. It means that people can't be compared. He said with a smile on his face, "My name is Fang Ge, Zheng Fang, and the motto is Xia County Magistrate, my colleague."

Blue socks laughed even more happily: "A classmate. Is it a kind of fate for a colleague to get to know each other at the marriage ceremony?

Fang Ge couldn't help but be happy: "That's it, that's it. Fate, it's all fate." The square eyes turned around and said, "Blue Socks, I'm in a hurry. I forgot to bring my mobile phone. Can you lend me your mobile phone?"

Blue socks stretched out their hands: "I didn't bring it. I don't have a pocket on my body. It's not easy to hold."

Seeing that the plan did not succeed, he made another plan: "Then lend me your mobile phone number. It's okay."

Sun An was so angry that he finally found his prey. But he was robbed by the square. He stretched out his mobile phone and handed it over and said, "I have a mobile phone. I'll call you casually. Don't bother the little girl, okay?"

The square stared at Sun An: "Your mobile phone is broken and can't be used."

Sun An was even more angry and wanted to say something else, but the blue socks laughed and said, "Do you all think it's especially easy to do something with the bridesmaid at other people's wedding ceremony or wedding ceremony?"

square and Sun An's head

The blue socks suddenly changed their faces, and the two of them looked white: "Don't have beautiful dreams, do whatever you have to do, and don't affect the happy days of Xiaxiang and Cao Shuji."

Fangge and Sun An looked at each other, and the two of them smiled bitterly and were fooled by the blue socks.

Xia Xiang and Cao Shuhui looked at each other and smiled. The blue socks are not power-saving lights. If they don't attack, they will have it. When they attack, they will also shake people's eyes and make people feel ashamed.

As soon as Xia wanted to look up, he saw a car entering the parking lot and one person came down. It was Yan Shi.

Yan Xiao was dressed in a tight long skirt, and his graceful figure can be seen at a glance. She came gracefully, smiled like a flower, and said, "What a pair of jade people. Men are like dragons, women are like jade, just standing like this. How many people are envious if they don't enter the guide? Even I'm a little jealous. "※

Fangge and Sun An suddenly straightened their eyes. At the same time, they let go of the blue socks and came forward together. They said with one voice, "May I ask the name of the beautiful woman?"

A pair of live treasures!

Cao Shuhui kicked Sun An away, and Xia wanted to push the square.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Every time Mr. Yan appears, he gives people a bright feeling, and the makeup is also natural, and he doesn't tear up the seven cosmetics business. What a pity."

When Yan was a child, he didn't expect that Xia thought that a mouth would be a business experience. Suddenly, he was stunned, turned his eyes, and then said with a smile, "The county magistrate of Xia's proposal is really good. It's worth considering. I will study it carefully when I go back. But today is your happy day. I still wish you and Shuhui's sister will always be together. White heads are inseparable from each other.

When he said the last sentence, Yan Xiao's eyes were like water, looking directly at Xia's eyes, as if he were saying. Bai Shou is not separated from each other. What a distant and beautiful blessing. Unfortunately, the person with your Bai Shou is not her,,

It is said that the southern woman is as gentle as water. Unexpectedly, Yan Xiao was also as enthusiastic as fire. Xia wanted to be unable to stand her complicated gaze. She coughed quickly, reached out and pulled Cao Shuhui and said, "Come on, girl. Let me introduce it. This is Mr. Yan, who leads the real estate. Mr. Yan, this is my fiancee Cao Shuhui.

Cao Shuhui couldn't see Yan Xiao's affection for Xia Xi. She stared at Xia Xia fiercely, and still greeted Yan Xiao's eyes with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Yan, thank you for coming. I used to hear Xia want to talk about you and your beauty. Speaking of your cleverness, and the difficulty for you to travel to the north alone, I have never believed that a girl can have such perseverance and determination. Today, when I saw him, I knew that Mr. Yan was really a kind person.

With the three words "heart-hearted", Cao Shuji deliberately bit his accent, and then stared at Yan Xiao without showing weakness.

Xia figured out that the little girl obviously felt the threat of Yan Xiao, showing unprecedented hostility to her.

Cao Shuhui's gentle personality is true, but she also has a firm side. Even if she doesn't compete for things on the surface, she will try her best to fight for it. For even Ruohan, as well as Mei Xiaolin and Qiu Ai, Xiaxiang did not find her vigilance, but in the face of Yan Xiao, she had an unprecedented guard.

Xia wanted to take a look at Yan Xiao. Seeing that she looked light, she thought that she didn't know what she had. Why did she deliberately anger Cao Shuhui? Do you think that girl Hui is easy to bully? Or does she have ulterior motives?

Yan Xiao and Cao Shuhui watched each other. They were defeated and smiled faintly: "Sister Cao, you are very beautiful and smart, very suitable for Xiaxiang. I sincerely wish you happiness!"

As soon as Yan Shi left, almost all the people present were relieved. Xia thought was afraid that she would deliberately cause trouble again. Cao Shuhui was unwilling to talk to her again. The square and Sun An were forced by the exquisite beauty of Yan Xiao to dare not breathe loudly, and the blue socks did not like the carefully carved makeup of Yan Xiao. In a word, the appearance of Yan Xiao brought different degrees of pressure to all people.

Cao Shuhui was unhappy. He hugged Xiaxiang's arm and quietly twisted the inside of his arm. Then he whispered, "Ole-hue, you're getting more and more promising, aren't you? Yan Shi is beautiful and has a good name. Isn't it? She looked at you in the wrong way. What do you think is going on between you and her?

For the first time since I met Cao Shuhui, the little girl solemnly interrogated Xia Shen.

Xia thought and laughed with embarrassment: "You said you are a very smart person, and sometimes you are confused. Don't you see that she is jealous of us? She is deliberately angry with you.

"I know, but I just don't like her. I don't like the way she looks at you, as if you were hers." Cao Shuhui made a request to Xia for the first time, "You are not allowed to associate with her in the future."

It can't be no contact. Before Gao Jianyuan's matter is solved, Yan Xiao is the most critical bridge. Only through her can he send a message to Gao Jianyuan, throw bait and trap Gao Jianyuan.

Cao Shuhui's question could not be answered, so Xia thought and laughed, "Oced, I will try to have as little contact with her in the future. After I slowly cut off the contact with the leading real estate, I don't have to have any contact with her.

Cao Shuhui also heard that Xia wanted to agree resolutely, but she was a smart girl. She knew that men gave in, but she couldn't get too much. Just accept it when it's good: "I believe in you. Don't blame me for being lenient. To Sister Lian, sometimes I'm generous enough, but for some women, I have to be on guard."

Cao Shuhui mentioned Lian Ruohan, and Xia thought that his heart was soft. He held her in his arms and said, "It's okay. Don't worry."

At this time, Jiang Tian and Zhu Hu arrived together.

Jiang Tian didn't say a few words, so he said hello to Gao Hai and Fang, and then went upstairs with Zhu Hu.

Zhu Hu hasn't said much. Before he left, he suddenly said, "County Chief Xia, I wish you and your wife respect each other and raise your eyebrows. Every year has today, and every year has this day!"

Several people were originally a little curious about Zhu Hu's strange dress. When they heard a sentence from him, they all laughed together.

Xia wants to be almost out of breath. Is there today every year? Fortunately, he can say it out. Can such a thing as a marriage be done once a year? However, seeing that Zhu Hu had gone away, he suppressed the idea of going up and kicking him.

Then Qu Yaxin, Wu Gangde and Zhong Yiping also arrived one after another. After expressing congratulations to Xia, because Gao Hai was aside, several people could not let go. I hurried upstairs. Zhong Yiping is still a little reluctant to give up, and it seems that he has something to say to Xia. I opened my mouth, but I still didn't say it.

Xia wanted to see the time, so he said to Gao Hai, "Uncle Gao, it should be almost done. Everyone who should come is here. Let's go upstairs. Let's take care of the square for the time being.

Gao Hai thought about it. It was just a marriage ceremony, not a marriage. He took it. Almost the municipal party committee came to Minister Fang, several members of the Standing Committee came to Anxian County, and some business friends and the heads of other departments of the municipal party committee and municipal government. Originally, Mayor Cao did not deliberately publicize and roughly estimated. It has reached about a hundred people, and it has basically achieved the desired effect, so he said, "It's okay. Let's go up."

After Gao Hai finished speaking, he turned around and was about to go upstairs. The afterglow of his eyes swept through the parking lot and found another car with a municipal government license plate coming in. He didn't care too much, so he thought about whether to stay for a while. Suddenly, he was excited. No, why is the license plate so familiar? Is it

Ratio: In the countdown to the end of July, important people always appear at the end of the vote. The wonderful continues.