official god

Chapter 313 Official Reservation

Pinsuiquan said that he didn't worry was self-deception, Li Chaosheng and him? As long as Li Chaosheng let go, the evidence like a mountain can definitely beat him over. What should I do? Only ask Secretary Gao to put pressure on the city to let Li Chaosheng's case be closed as soon as possible, which will reduce the impact to the point of no upward investigation, and only until Li Chaosheng is investigated.

Xu Dequan went to Gao Chengsong again and asked him to put pressure on the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to Gao Chengsong's previous character, he would definitely call Cui Xiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, or Qin Tuofu, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, but this time, Gao Chengsong hesitated for a long time. Finally, he said, "It's not convenient for me to come forward directly." During the National Day, I went to the capital to explore the wind.

The situation has been a little complicated recently. Don't be fooled by Xia.

The dignified provincial party secretary said that he didn't want to be a deputy county magistrate. Xu Dequan would definitely not believe it in the past. Even now he doesn't think how much energy Xia wants, but Gao Chengsong's face is dignified. Without the momentum that everything he had been mastered before, he didn' It's good. You have managed Yanbei in an orderly manner, and the credit is obvious to all. I think after the National Day, as soon as the National Congress in Beijing is held, you will be transferred to the capital and take a step higher.

In the past, Gao Chengsong liked others to say that he would be promoted, but today he didn't react at all. He just shook his head and said, "Don't be too optimistic. It's better to be cautious. Dequan, pay more attention to the movement in the city. Yan City has always been reluctant to listen to the provincial greetings. Some people also like to make their own decisions. Please pay more attention and observe more. If you have any news, please report to me in time. As for Li Chaosheng's case, I will ask Secretary Gu to deal with it and see if he can ask some useful information

Gu Renjie is the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has always been very close to Gao Chengsong, and it is not easy to deal with the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. However, Xing Duantai and Gao Chengsong are more distant. Naturally, the ancient heroes are closer to Gao Chengsong.

"In the municipal party committee, you can discuss something with Chen Yulong. He is in the political and legal system, and it is convenient for Gao Chengsong to wave his hand to understand the situation. Obviously, he is unwilling to say more to Xu Dequan, "I can't care about Li Chaosheng's affairs now, that's it" Chen Yulong is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and a member of Gao Chengsong.

Xu Dequan was not very interested when he saw Gao Chengsong. He left knowingly.

Where is the senior secretary who used to be calm and has always had a winning image? How can he look like he has no self-confidence and no words now?

It's all Xia's trouble!

Thinking of Li Chaosheng, Xu Dequan felt like a shackle around his neck. He may be tightened by others at any time. He is uncomfortable all over, and he hates Xiaxiang even more in his heart. He can't wait to let Xia want to leave the official and go to prison immediately, and never turn over forever. So when he heard that Xia wanted to hold a bespoke ceremony in Yanjing today, he thought he would come and have a look and give him some color. Don't rely on the support of a father-in-law who is an executive deputy mayor, and he feels how great he is! In Yanshi, a sub-provincial capital city, an executive deputy mayor really doesn't have much weight.

As soon as Xu Dequan came upstairs, he found that the people sitting in the hall were all low-ranking heads of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. He proudly thought that his father-in-law was the executive deputy mayor and Xia thought was the deputy magistrate. After all, they were all deputies. Let's see who Poor thing, there is no deputy hall level!

Xia wanted to see some disdain and contempt from Xu Dequan's tone and eyes, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his heart.

The struggle on the officialdom is left to the officialdom to solve the problem. It is necessary to come to make trouble on a good day for others to make friends. Not only is the level too low, but also the city government is not deep, and the scheming is not enough! He also smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for Secretary-General Xu's blessings. I believe that my life will get better and better. Under the care of my superiors and the joint efforts of my colleagues, I will definitely have a better future

Xu Dequan was very angry. Well, he deliberately angered Xia and deliberately gave him eye drops, but it turned out to be good. Not only was he not angry, but he also listened to it as a blessing. He was really thick-skinned enough. He hit Xia with a mockery: "Why don't the people who came today seem to be at a high level? It is said that Mayor Cao is quite popular in the city. It doesn't make sense that there is no one at the level of deputy mayor or above to support the show. How can it be like this? Isn't it, Chief Xia?"

The sarcastic tone can be seen at a glance.

Xia wants to see Xu Dequan's face is indescribably proud. He smiled and said, "It was originally a marriage ceremony, and it's not worth the trouble. I discussed it with Uncle Cao. I didn't want to bother everyone to come here, but everyone's kindness was difficult, so they all took the initiative to come to give me face. I'm really sorry

"Who's here? Why didn't I see it?" Seeing that Xia wanted to speak well, Xu Dequan thought that you would really put gold on your face. If you don't ask for it, who will take the initiative to come? Unless they really regard you as a friend and value you, they will lower their status and come to support you.

But a standing deputy mayor and a deputy county magistrate, together, there is not much weight, right? Who will come? Xiaxiang really comforts herself and has a good dream!

As soon as Xu Dequan finished speaking, the door of Yajian rang, and Gao Hai pushed the door out. As soon as he saw Xu Dequan, he was stunned. Then he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Secretary-General Xu is also here. It's a surprise. What a great surprise. Come on, go to the elegant room and sit down. The leaders are all here

Gao Hai is the secretary-general of the municipal government, although he is not a member of the Standing Committee. But there are also people with weight in the government. Just now, he said that there was no deputy hall level, and a deputy hall level Gao Hai immediately appeared. Xu Dequan was obviously stunned and was a little distracted in an instant.

And looking at Gao Hai's appearance, he still greeted him as half a master. When did his relationship with Xia want to be so close? And according to what Gao Hai said, are the leaders here? Who is it?

Xu Dequan suddenly felt a trace of tension. As Gao Hai, it was self-evident that the leaders were here. Naturally, the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee took a deep breath. Did the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee really come to support Xia? It's impossible, how can it be!

Thinking that it was impossible, Xu Dequan still came to Yajian accompanied by Gao Hai and Xiaxiang. As soon as he opened the door, Xu Dequan only felt a bang in his brain and almost screamed. In the elegant room, Mayor Chen Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Wang Pengfei, and Fang Jinjiang, Director of the Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, sat together, talking and laughing like old friends for many years!

Xu Dequan doesn't know the remaining people, but it can also be seen from his behavior. It should be the main leaders of An County. This is incredible. Xia wants a bee-to-bedding ceremony. The three major standing committees of the city went out together and sat together and seemed to be intimate. They used to be not very close

Xu Dequan stood at the door and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word!

I just hit Xiaxiang, thinking that there would be no important people in the municipal party committee to support him, but I didn't expect it. Talk to yourself and slap yourself. Which of the three people in front of you is not an important person? Which one? Isn't it in the municipal party committee that has a great influence on the standing committee? On the contrary, he is the lowest-ranked member of the Standing Committee.

Xu Dequan's voice is astringent. My throat is bitter. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "It turned out that Mayor Chen, Secretary Wang and Minister Fang were all here. It seems that I really came to the right time today"

Chen Feng and others were also puzzled by Xu Dequan's unexpected appearance. Everyone said that everyone knew the relationship between Xu Dequan and Li Chaosheng, and Xu Dequan had little contact with Cao Yongguo, and Xia Xiang even knew him. He suddenly appeared. What is the purpose?

Seeing that he looked embarrassed and panicked again, everyone knew it and couldn't help laughing and didn't say anything. Since he was a guest, he asked Xu Dequan to sit down.

Xu Dequan sat at the head of Fang Jinjiang, and his heart was full of bitterness. Well, a small range of municipal party committee standing committee moved to Xiaxiang's appointment ceremony. Xiaxiang's face is really big. Then he thought angrily, what did Xia want to do? He is a deputy county magistrate who has been in office for less than half a year. The backstage is just the executive deputy mayor of Yan City. What qualifications do you have to alarm Mayor Chen, Secretary Wang and Minister Fang?

Even if he has a good relationship with Mayor Chen, Mayor Chen has always been optimistic about him, and he often plays cards with Secretary Wang, but his signing ceremony is worth the degrading of Mayor Chen, Secretary Wang and Minister Fang. He is too tall about himself, isn't he?

After getting angry. Xu Dequan realized that he underestimated Xia. He always felt that Xia wanted to raise his own value, but forgot that the three major members of the Standing Committee came. It must be a voluntary baseball field. He also knows it. In addition to the slightly closer relationship between Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo, Secretary Wang, Minister Fang and Cao Yongguo are only general friends. Basically, it is certain that if they can come, it is Xiaxiang's face.

Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang. It's true that your Xu Dequan peeked at Xiaxiang, who was smiling and speechless. I can't see any emotion on his face. Is he proud or dissatisfied? There is only one kind of calmness. Xu Dequan suddenly had a cold war. Xia wanted to be young. He was not only very well-connected, but also deep-minded. Just now, he hit him. He doesn't have any counterattack now, which shows that he is a very difficult person to deal with.

Xu Dequan immediately put away his contempt.

Cao Yongguo came forward to invite him. Xia Xiang and Cao Shuhui gathered around Chen Feng to the stage. Wang Pengfei, Fang Jinjiang and Xu Dequan also came out of Yajian and stood aside and looked at the stage. Wang Pengfei and Fang Jinjiang stood up with the thought of supporting Xia, and Xu Dequan had to come out even if he didn't stand up. After all, Mayor Chen was on the stage, and Secretary Wang or Minister Fang, which is not more heavy than him?

Chen Feng made an enthusiastic speech.

Obius summer is what I grew up watching. I am energetic, energetic, and the most important thing is talent. At such a young age, I can convince the experts of the Design Institute of Dacai Group. At his age, I can only convince my brother with my fists. "I admire this very much."

Everyone laughed. Mayor Chen was indeed Mayor Chen. The speech is first-class.

"Xiaoxia also has one of the biggest advantages. It's more popular with girls. Don't look at this advantage. It's a man who wants to have it. Mayor Cao's daughter is like a flower. No one likes it, but he likes Xiaxiang. From this, it can be seen that the rethinking is really not simple. There are two cornerstones in life, career and love. Love is also the most important part of life. Without a good wife and mother, it is not easy for you to succeed. So today, Comrade Xia Xiang and Comrade Cao Shuhui are bebooked. The identity of a person came to congratulate him because I hope that after having a virtuous wife, he can make greater achievements in his job and make greater contributions to the people!"

Applause gathered.

Cao Yongguo stood beside Xia Cheng, with a light of joy in his eyes, whispering something to Xia Cheng. Xia Tiancheng looked at Chen Feng on the stage and learned that he was the mayor of Yan City and a deputy provincial cadre. It was the first time he faced such a big official. There was no fear at all, because Chen Feng's speech was too approachable, and he was also moved by it. I am extremely happy.

Cao Yongguo whispered to ask for the opinions of Wang Pengfei and Fang Jinjiang. When asked if they also came to the stage to say a few words, both of them waved their hands together and said, "Today, Xiaoxia is the protagonist. If we go up to speak again, it will become a meeting. The nature has changed. If you don't go, just be the audience."

Then he invited Li Dingshan to take the stage and let Li Dingshan be the host to witness the moment when Xia Xiang made an marriage with Cao Shuhui.

Li Dingshan said emotionally, "At the beginning, Xiaoxia went to Ba County with me, and was later forcibly transferred back to Yan City by Mayor Chen. At that time, I was very angry and was ready to go to Yan City to argue with Mayor Chen. However, after thinking about it, Yanshi's stage is bigger and the world is wider, which should allow him to better display his ambitions. Now, I have to thank Mayor Chen for his wise decision. After Xiaoxia came to Yan City, she grew faster and made greater achievements. From this point of view, Mayor Chen is still far-sighted and far-sighted

Chen Feng took over and said, "Secretary Li, if you hate me, let's talk about it later. Now it's Xiaoxia's marriage. Our personal grudges will be resolved in private.

Everyone laughed.

Li Dingshan also laughed: "Well, everyone heard Mayor Chen's words. If he was drunk by me today. You have to testify for me. We have just signed a military order. The two of them are willing to gamble and lose!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile and had no mayor's airs at all.

He and Li Dingshan asked and answered on it. Just like the two elders that Xia thought.

Finally, under the auspices of Li Dingshan, Xia Xiang and Cao Shuhui exchanged the engagement ring, and the engagement ceremony was officially completed.

Originally, there was another link to arrange the parents of both sides to speak on the stage. Xia Tiancheng refused to come on the stage without saying anything, so Cao Yongguo had to give up when he saw the situation. That's right. Those present are all leaders of all sizes, not formal wedding banquets, forget it.

Among the crowd under the stage, some people are envious. Some people are jealous. There are people with mixed feelings"

Prevention: August 1st, new January, new journey. All friends who are willing to go further with the official god, Lao He is eager for the support of your guaranteed monthly ticket. A monthly ticket, a heart, thank you very much. The more guaranteed monthly tickets, the more confident I have in August. Thank you again. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading!