official god

Chapter 327 Class

Youxiang Yagao looked nervous. It's a panic he has never seen before. I want to curse into the strange wind and frost. When there was still uneasiness, it could be seen that Mr. Shi had a great influence on him, so he said, "I first followed Secretary Li to be his secretary in Ba County, and Secretary Li was Mr. Shi's son-in-law,"

Mr. Gao looked stunned and stunned: "I understand, I understand. He also treats you differently, as a junior. Li Dingshan and Shi Jie remarried, do you also have credit?

Xia Xiang said humbly, "It's not a credit, but I have talked for Secretary Li several times before. I don't think I'm very useful either."

Mr. Gao sighed and shook his head: "Forget it, since he doesn't want to mention the past, I won't bother him anymore. If you have a chance to see Mr. Shi again, ask him for me. Don't say anything else."

Seeing that Mr. Gao wanted to speak and stopped, he looked worried. Xia wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know where to start. Fortunately, Mr. Gao was just in a trance for a moment. He became cheerful again and laughed. Xiang Xia thought and waved his hand: Little friend, say goodbye. The next thing will be easy. I asked girl Hui to design the drawings and start the construction of the sanatorium and conference center as soon as possible.

Xia wanted to send Gao Lao away, and sat with Chu Zigao for a while to discuss the details of building a park and opening a restaurant. While talking, the phone rang. It was from Zianan.

"County Minister Xia, are you free recently? I still want to talk to you." Zianan's voice came. It reveals a sense of eagerness and flattery.

Qiannan, Xia thought about it and felt that it was time to talk to him. He looked at Chu Zigao again and had an idea in his heart and said, "It's okay. Then come to the forest house in the forest park to find me.

Chu Zigao was a little puzzled: "Who is the county magistrate Xia? Do you need me to avoid it?

"No, I just want to introduce it to you. Zianan, the successor of Qi's Group.

"Qi Donglai's son? Chu Zigao was shocked, and there was a little excitement in his voice. He has been working in the catering industry for many years. Naturally, he knows the position of the famous Qi Group in the catering industry in Yanshi, but he is a heavyweight leader. Being able to know the future successors of Qi Yanan and Qi's Group is a good thing for Chu Zigao to fall from the sky.

Although he is also small and rich now, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a multimillionaire, but he is compared with the Qi family. It's still too bad. Hearing that Qi Yanan was going to take the initiative to find Xiaxiang, he admired Xiaxiang. It's even more difficult to clean up.

"Be sure to introduce and get to know me. County Magistrate Xia, say more beautiful words for me. It would be better if there was any opportunity to cooperate with the Qi family. Chu Zigao said impatiently.

Xia wanted to laugh at Chu Zigao: "Oy, old Chu. At least you are an identifiable person. Be reserved and don't get excited all the time."

Chu Zi rubbed his hands high: "That" I can't compare with you. I'm a southerner. It's not easy to fight the world in the north. It's not easy to have what I am today, just by being stunned and cautious

Xia thought also understood what he was thinking and said, "Don't worry, take your time. When you grow stronger, you will have confidence. Of course, no matter when. We have to maintain a peaceful heart so that we can keep moving forward.

After a while, Zia Nan arrived. He was puzzled that Xia wanted to meet in such an unknown restaurant as Forest House, but he did not dare to ask more.

Xia wanted to introduce Chu Zigao and Qi Yanan, and Zi Yanan shook hands with Chu Zigao lightly. I heard that he was the boss of Chu Fenglou, but there was no follow-up after a "oh". Maybe Qiannan has also heard of Chu Fenglou, but he will definitely not pay attention to it, let alone remember it. In his eyes, Chu Zigao is really not a person.

Chu Zigao naturally saw Qi Yanan's contempt for him, but he did not have enough self-identity. I didn't think too much, let alone show any dissatisfaction. Xia wanted to see it and said to Qi Yanan, "Yan, the last time you wore a welcome suit and became a welcome guest for a day. What are your gains and feelings?

Qi Yanan was stunned. He didn't know what Xia meant by mentioning the old things, so he said, "You should know how to respect everyone, smile, be calm, and,"

"You were just inspired at that time and forgot it later. In fact, you still didn't really learn from it. Yanan, if you want to cooperate with me and enter my circle, there is a requirement that you must remember. That is, no matter how arrogant you are to others outside. When you are with me, as long as I introduce you to the friends you know, you must treat them carefully!" Xia thought in a stern tone, a little reprimand, "No matter who he is, whether he has social status or not, as long as I introduce him to you, you can treat him as a friend and have an equal conversation. If you can't do it, please leave now."

Chu Zi opened his mouth high. He and Xia wanted to know each other for a long time. He had never seen Xia want to be so strict, and the tone of speaking to the successor of the Qi Group was like teaching a student. He was worried that Qi Yanan would turn around on the spot and turn around and leave.

Ziaan's face is really not very good-looking. No one has ever said that about him since he was a child, so that he couldn't get off the stage. His face changed several times. Finally, I calmed down my impulse and turned to Shang!" Mr. Chu. I'm sorry, I was out of the way just now. Please do more.

Chu Zi replied hurriedly, "It doesn't matter. Nothing. After all, Mr. Qi is the future head of the Qi Group. Compared with you, I am just the light of fire.

Zianan also understood Xia's intention. Just don't let him despise anyone, especially those who want to be solemn, must have a lot to do with Xia. After thinking deeply, he still felt that he was shallow. If Chu Zi was not worth mentioning, Xia thought would not deliberately introduce him to him. At the level of Xia, he would not make friends with people who were not good at the level of Xia.

Qi Yanan was convinced. Last time, Xia wanted him to be a welcome guest for a day, but he did not learn from it. Xiaxiang has a good relationship with the deputy governor who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but he can also get along with Chu Zigao, which is the demeanor of the left and right.

"I understand, County Magistrate Xia, thank you for your advice. I have decided to cooperate with you. Because I think there are a lot of places to learn from you. Zianan said respectfully.

"Have you made up your mind?" Xia thought that he did not have the surprise that Chu Zigao imagined. He still looked at Qi Yanan calmly, as if Qi Yanan was leaving or staying. It doesn't matter at all, "But think about it well and don't go back on your word.

If you can't stand me criticizing you, just say it earlier."

"I have unloaded eight pieces of that Ferrari and put it in my room to wake me up at any time. I have decided, County Magistrate Xia. No matter how much you criticize me in the future, I will accept it. Ziaan's attitude was very correct and he said solemnly.

Xia wanted to smile with satisfaction. Qi Yanan has a good and strong personality, and he can afford to let it go. The only thing missing is an equal mentality. If there is no kind of correct attitude that others can feel and respected when interacting with people, there is no way to go further. Many family enterprises can only inherit two generations or even one generation, which is a living example. Because they do not pay attention to the quality education of the rich second generation, they all rely on their father's wealth, arrogance and arrogance, and are eventually disliked in their interactions with people. If you can't do well, you can't do well, and the family business will slowly die out.

When Qi Yanan saw that Xia wanted to accept him, he also smiled. He asked about Chu Zigao's Chu Fenglou and Forest Residence again. He learned that Chu Zigao only relied on three times to go home to the hotel and had tens of millions of dollars. He was also surprised and did not say, "I didn't expect your restaurant to The ability is very strong.

Small has small advantages, and big disadvantages. Xia wanted to interrupt, "So don't underestimate many small-scale companies. They may not have as bright large enterprises on the surface, but they also live a very comfortable life, and even have a much better viability than large enterprises. Yanan, you just need to let go of prejudice and learn from everyone's strengths. Only then can we make continuous progress.

Zia Nan nodded and said yes, Yan Ran and Chu Zigao also taught him a lesson.

Then discuss the specific matters of Qi's Group contracting the county party committee guest house.

Qi Yanan is well prepared and analyzes the market prospects in detail. The impact on various investment projects in An County has been taken into account, and he is also very optimistic about the prospects of An County. At the same time, he also admitted that at first, he thought that he would definitely lose money after being included in the office. However, after detailed research and inference, it is found that driven by several large-scale investment projects, Anxian's economy will enter a period of rapid development in autumn, and the resulting radiation effect can completely make hostels profitable.

Of course, Qi's Group looks down on a county-level market. Even if the hostel can earn millions of dollars a year, it is not worth mentioning under the Qi's Group. However, it is better to make money than to lose money. Qi Yanan came to Xia happily and wanted to make a final decide on this matter, so as not to have many dreams at night.

Xia wants to understand Qi Yanan's thoughts. He feels that Qi's Group is also an influential group. Qi Donglai is not bad. Qi Yanan can also accept the correct guidance and said, "Okay, let's reach an oral agreement first. In a few days, you can go to An County again, draw up a detailed agreement, and finally If there is no objection, you can sign the contract.

Qi Yanan said happily, "In the future, I will personally be responsible for the An County Guest House project, and then I will trouble the county magistrate Xia."

The three of them sat down again, drinking tea and talking. With that, Zia Nan said that the environment of the forest park is good. If you can build a villa in the forest park and live here for a period of time every year, it is also a kind of relaxation. Unfortunately, Forest Park is the industry of Vision Group, not to the outside world.

Xia really wants to see Zianan. I didn't hide it from him: "Vision Group is about to develop sanatoriums and conference centers in the forest park. Once completed, the forest park will become a very important activity place in Yan City

Ratio: In August, I insisted on the update of ten thousand words, and now it is the sixth day. Well, Lao He is quite satisfied with his patience. Brothers, can you give some pressure and encouragement? If there is more monthly tickets, there will be a lot of pressure. If there is a lot of pressure, the more words will be. Then the plot will be more wonderful." If you want to know what will happen, please log in to Muscle, there are more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine reading!