official god

Chapter 332 Step Trap

Yan Xiao was also a little surprised.

If Xia wants to think about the real account, it is equivalent to letting him master the core secret of the leading real estate. Although she can't trust Xiaxiang 100%, if she is the master, she will still be willing to let Xia think about the goal. But after all, the behind-the-scenes owner of the leading real estate is Gao Jianyuan. She did not dare to agree, so she whispered in an inquiry tone, "I think the basis of cooperation is mutual trust. Since the county magistrate Xia is willing to sincerely help us, we should also show enough sincerity.

Gao Jianyuan thought for a moment and didn't agree immediately. He still shook his gun and said, "It's easy to talk about the account day. It's not too late to talk about it later. I think we should talk about how to get the leading real estate out of trouble now? I'd like to hear your opinion first.

Xia wanted to smile. He knew that Gao Jianyuan did not trust him, and at the same time, he had doubts about whether he had tricks, so he had to listen to himself first. Only by convincing him can he let himself see the real accounts of the leading real estate.

"My plan is actually simple. I have persuaded a real estate company to cooperate with leading real estate in the name of joint development. Our advantage is the project and land, forcing the model that has been formed. The advantage of the other party is the capital and strength, as well as the new sales channels. As long as the cooperation is successful, it can not only help the leading real estate out of the recent predicament, but also directly get rid of the burden and make a lot of money.

Xiaxiang's hint is obvious, that is, he wants to sell the leading real estate and deceive the other party.

Gao Jianyuan's eyes lit up and he was very interested.

Xia wanted to see his look and firmly believed that his strategy had played a role. If he just proposes a conservative approach, such as finding a real estate company in the name of the union, bet on the leading real estate! $, and then launch a sales campaign to sell unsalable villas. This kind of traditional and un creative idea, Gao Jianyuan will not believe it, and secondly, he will not have the patience to do it even if he believes it.

What Xia wants is to do what she likes, and what she wants is unexpected.

With his understanding of Gao Jianyuan, the most desired result of Gao Jianyuan is to take the lead in real estate and cash out a large amount of money. Now Gao Jianyuan, I'm afraid that the housing industry is already like a frightened bird, and he has no energy to devote himself to it. Anyway, it's all about making money. Wouldn't it be better to get a sum of money directly? Xia wanted to come up with a good idea for him to cash out, and he was naturally very interested.

It can be seen that Gao Jianyuan is, in essence, a hypocrite who is short-sighted and greedy for immediate interests.

Since he has keenly grasped Gao Jianyuan's greatest weakness, how can Xia want to let him go again? He continued to throw a big bait: "The other party's company is called Jiangshan Real Estate, which is a newly established company. It is said to have strong financial strength and no background, so at the beginning of its establishment, I was eager to open up the situation, but I haven't found a good project for a while. I just heard about the leading real They are now full of confidence, thinking that they have advantages and means that no one else has, and that they can completely reopen the market, so they are very interested in the cooperation between me and leading real estate. As soon as they hear about the leading real estate, they fall into it! $ gold dilemma, the lion opened his mouth and wanted to swallow the leading real estate in one bite..."

Xia wanted to observe Gao Jianyuan's expression while talking. He found that although he was forced to be quiet, his eyes revealed a faint expectation and excitement, and he was almost eager to try, proving that he had been completely moved.

I'm not afraid that you won't be moved, but I'm afraid that you won't be greedy. Greed together, it is also difficult not to fall into the trap. Xiaxiang glanced at Yan Xiao again. Seeing that Yan Xiao Zhengyuan opened a pair of beautiful eyes and stared at him, with admiration, envy and a trace of inexplicable affection in his eyes.

Xia Xiang ignored Yan Xiao's eyes and looked at Gao Jianyuan again. Seeing Gao Jianyuan's thoughtful expression and knew that he needed time to digest his words, he stopped disturbing him, but turned to Yan Xiao and asked, "How is Fan Zheng doing in the capital?"

When it comes to Fan Zheng, Yan Xiao's expression is a little lonely. He said sadly, "Are you all right? Maybe... I haven't contacted him much recently. As soon as he arrived in the capital, he went to the capital. Not to mention thinking of my cousin, he even forgot to lead the real estate.

Yan Xiao's resentment against Fan Gui is not small.

Yes, it was Fan Zheng who pulled her to join the leading real estate. Now it's good. When she was on the verge of bankruptcy, no one extended a helping hand. Gao Jianyuan wanted to run away. Fan Zheng didn't care. As a foreign girl who was not familiar with the place, she was really difficult.

Xia wanted to have no selfish thoughts about Yan Xiao, but she had some sympathy and pity for her, and she was also a little moved by her good impression of herself. Anyone who has a good impression of themselves will have a willingness to approach from the bottom of their hearts, more or less, which is a kind of emotional feedback.

Xiaxiang talked to Yan Xiao for a while. Seeing that Gao Jianyuan's eyes flashed and his expression was solemn, he left him alone. He and Yan Xiao came outside and asked in a low voice, "Have Jianyuan told you that why should I help lead the real estate?"

Yan Xiao blushed inexplicably: "I said, he said... He said that you may be hitting me, so that I don't believe you and lie to you."

Sure enough, it is a typical Gao Jianyuan style, that is polite but not affordable, elegant and inhumane. Xia wants to smile: "What he means is that I can't see and eat, right?"

The ruddyness on Yan Xiao's face deepened. Xia thought for a glance and said animally, "What are you talking about? Haoxia wants to smile: "Of course, I pay attention to my image. I don't steal, rob, and don't flirt with little girls. I'm a law-abiding citizen..."

Yan Xiao sang and smiled: "You can't just take the norms of citizens to demand yourself. You are still a government official, and you should pay more attention to your glorious and good image."

Xia wanted to see Yan Xiao's eyes flow and looked at him affectionately. He thought that it was better not to laugh. Between men and women, there was an ambiguous feeling between jokes. First, it was ambiguous and then obscure. Finally, it slowly developed into an uncontrollable one. He hurriedly changed the topic: Let's talk about it. Let's see how he thinks.

The disappointment in Yan Xiao's eyes flashed by, and he looked at Xiaxiang sadly and wanted to say that Nian didn't say anything.

Back to the office announcement, Gao Jianyuan was walking back and forth alone. When he saw that Xia wanted to come in, he hurriedly asked, "What price can they give if they want to buy the leading real estate?"

Xia wanted to meditate for a moment before saying, "I don't have their offer, because I don't know your bottom line, and I don't know the real accounts of the leading real estate now. If the price is reasonable, we have money to earn, and let Jiangshan Real Estate believe that it is worth it and willing to pay. I need to know that the leading real estate is real! $ gold status."

Xia wants to continue to throw bait, but he doesn't believe that Gao Jian is far from the hook.

Yan Xiao also said, "The county magistrate Xia is so careful that it doesn't make sense for him not to let him know the accounts. If he fails to negotiate with the other party because of this, the responsibility will be entirely on our side. One, one, one, one, one, one"

Gao Jianyuan looked at Xiaxiang, and then at Yan Xiao, who stood side by side with Xia Xin. He thought that maybe Xia Yuan and Yan Xiao had had a relationship for a long time. How could he sing and make peace? Forget it, let Yan Xiao give him the account behind his back. It's better to make the good people clear and give it to him directly. Anyway, he is also in order to lead the real estate.

I'm afraid that in Xiaxiang's plan, there is also an abacus to make a fortune for Yan Xiao.

Gao Jianyuan thought he had figured out the link, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay, anyway, Xiaxiang is not an outsider, so it's nothing to show him. If the leading real estate can be sold smoothly, I am willing to pay you a 5% commission. At the same time, it should be part of the hour, and it will not be less than a cent.

Gao Jianyuan also drew a big cake for Xiaxiang.

Xia thought out a heartfelt smile: "I helped Jianyuan because of the friendship between us. When it comes to achievements, I can't help myself."

Yan Xiao didn't think much about it, and advised Xia to think, "Since Jianyuan said that he had your share, you can accept it. You can't be busy for nothing, can you? All friends are friends, but the benefits still need to be shared.

Gao Jianyuan smiled and said, "That's right, you can't do things without word of mouth. You have to put the benefits into practice." But I thought contemptuously, what a pair of dog men and women, and now the husband and wife are with them?

When the leading real estate is successfully sold, it's up to him to tell you how much money he will give you or not?

Yan moved the account when he was a child, so that Xia wanted to see it.

Xia wanted to pretend to read it quickly. In fact, he forcibly recorded a lot of key data in his mind. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. It can be said that the leading real estate is not only a serious deficit, but also in chaos in the accounts. The source and whereing of many funds are not clear, which is completely a bad debt.

Of course, the real source of funds will not be shown in the accounts, and Gao Jianyuan will not be stupid enough to let Yan Xiao know where his initial funds came from. But the real account and still record the flow of some funds, and Xiaxiang can also faintly see some problems. If this account is taken out, it can completely bankrupt the leading property.

After reading it, Xia wanted to say with a wry smile, "It's shocking. The accounts are too chaotic, and there is not a penny on the account..." He knocked on his forehead and said with a headache, "If you are empty, when negotiating with the other party, you have no confidence, no cards, and you can't sell it at

Gao Jian is far from puzzled: "Our advantage is that there are land, projects, plans, policies, etc., etc., one, one, one, one, one, one"

Xia thought rudely interrupted him: "Yes, these are our biggest ones!" $ Ben, but these alone are not enough. If there are only these things that can be done, as soon as the other party checks the account and sees that we have no money in our account, we will know that we have run out of water, and we will definitely find ways to lower the price.

If we don't have a card, we will be much more passive when negotiating. It didn't work on the account. It only depends on the existing advantages in hand. In my opinion, it can be sold for 100 million at most.