official god

Chapter 337 Confrontation

The most terrible thing about that person is not that he hides behind his back and is not noticed by him, but "the stingy = taking action. As soon as he takes action, he is just right, accurate and fierce, which makes him painful and can only swallow his breath. And he is like an extremely patient hunter, quietly hiding in the dark, staring at one prey after another. No one knows who he is, when he will take action, who is his next target...

Such a character is the most terrible and frightening.

Gao Chengsong can also get it. That person must also be in a high position, at least above the hall level, or he won't have that much energy. But in Yan City and Yan Province, there are too many cadres above the department level, and it is impossible for him to check them every one. Besides, even if a person is suspected, there is no evidence to prove that it is him.

Internal and external troubles, Gao Chengsong has now converged a lot. His current idea is to keep a low profile, work hard to accumulate wealth, and cooperate with Gao Jianyuan to make a lot of money. Gao Chengsong is a son of Gao Jianyuan, and his love is like a treasure. Since he has no hope for the future now, he is all focused on Gao Jianyuan and is determined to let his son make a lot of money during his term of office, so that he will have a guarantee for the rest of his life.

He is also in favor of Gao Jianyuan's intention to go abroad. Which official's son now makes money and doesn't go abroad to spend to live and settle down? Otherwise, it's too eye-catching to spend money in China! It was precisely because of the change in mentality that Gao Chengsong was not interested in the arrest of Wang Dechuan, a distant relative of Wu Peiyong. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection does not arrest a few people every year, which does not show their existence. It was his bad luck to capture Wang Dechuan. No wonder others. Otherwise, why don't so many people catch him if they have something to do, but (8) catch him? The water is still not dry enough.

When Gao Chengsong thought of this, he suddenly realized something. He stared at Wu Peiyong for a while and said, "The capital is temporarily calm. Don't mess up. You can't guess it. Instead, you are looking for trouble.

Also, you should also pay attention to it in the future, restrain your temper more, and don't be indifferent. In a high position, pay attention to the image of the leader, otherwise it will be easy to be targeted. In case someone determines your materials, I can't protect you at that time.

Gao Chengsong's tone was very cautious. Although Wu Peiyong still didn't think so, he had to make a show in front of Gao Chengsong, so he replied respectfully, "Yes, I wrote it down, old leader. But my relatives were arrested by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. I can't say anything at all. When it is spread, it also seems that I am too incompetent and humiliated, isn't it?

Gao Chengsong has the best face. Wu Peiyong is really accurate about Guo to him. As soon as he said, "Gao Chengsong's face changed slightly. He thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, I'll find Gu Renjie to know the specific situation. On the grounds of understanding the case, I'll ask and Heavy..."

Speaking of this, Wu Peiyong had to say, "Thank you, old leader."

After Wu Peiyong left, Gao Chengsong stayed alone for a while. He thoughtfully turned over the notebook and wrote something on it. Then he picked up the phone and called the ancient man.

"Ren Jie, Wang Dechuan was arrested. What's the situation? Tell me the details." After a pause, Gao Chengsong still said, "Wang Dechuan is a relative of Pei Yong."

Gu Renjie is the first-ranked deputy secretary among the four deputy secretaries of the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has always been at peace with Xing Duantai, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has always been Gao Chengsong's most powerful person in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. When he received Gao Chengsong's call, he was listening to his subordinates report on Wang De's biography in the office. As soon as he saw that it was Secretary Gao's call, he waved his men to retreat first, and then answered the phone.

Hearing Gao Chengsong's question about Wang De's biography, the ancient hero felt that his eyebrows were tightened, and there was a faint feeling of discomfort in his heart. Secretary Gao, Secretary Gao, Wang Dechuan is just a deputy department-level cadre in the construction department. Because it is a relative of Wu Peiyong, you can ask him in person. It not only loses your status as the secretary of the provincial party committee, but also makes outsiders have a very bad impression of you.

Because Wang Dechuan's work was too much, and the means were so bad that the ancients were very angry.

Wang Dechuan is not only insatiable, but also completely ignores the image of the leader's department f. As long as someone asks him to do something, he must eat and get a card. According to the size and priorities of the matter, he also makes a list of how much to charge. According to the charges, it is not too much to say It's a pile.

If Secretary Gao proposes to protect him, it is simply self-derogatory.

The ancient hero was also slightly dissatisfied with Gao Chengsong (8 Xiang Wu Peiyong. Wu Peiyong was too arrogant and had a poor reputation. Isn't such a person saying that he was Secretary Gao's secretary's secretary, isn't it damaging to the leader's image? Xi Wang De Zhuan is a relative of Wu Peiyong. He is really a local subordinate. He is at the deputy department level. He is arrogant and arrogant, which is better than Wu Peiyong.

But after all, Secretary Gao is a superior leader, and some of the ancient heroes can only be kept in his heart. Hearing Secretary Gao's inquiry about Wang Luochuan, he thought slightly, "I didn't hide it. He told the truth about Wang Dechuan's serious problems, and urged him to say, "Secretary Xing has come to a conclusion that Wang Dechuan's behavior is very bad, and the circumstances are particularly serious. It must be severely punished. If the punishment is not

In the past, Gao Chengsong would have said in an understated tone: "Comrade Wang Dechuan still has many advantages. He is diligent and conscientious. Although there are some minor problems, they are all revolutionary comrades. Who doesn't have any problems? I think that when you look at a person, you should look at their strengths, mention their achievements, make a little mistake, make a little mistake, and forgive if you can forgive..."

There was even a corrupt official of the Construction Committee who was caught by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection because of a crime. Gao Chengsong personally called the Commission for Discipline Inspection and asked the Commission to let him go immediately. Under pressure, the Commission for Discipline Inspection had to let people go. Later, someone from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was not convinced and handed over the materials to the capital. The capital personally inquired about this matter, but Gao Chengsong still pushed back. Later, he claimed in public that this person was a pioneering and good cadre, which was worthy of praise, and personally gave instructions on the document, saying that he was a good cad Member, don't mention any questions about him in the future! In those years, Gao Chengsong dared to say and do it. He always said that he was the same, but today he hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "Since the evidence is conclusive and the facts are clear, just handle it in accordance with the law...

After hanging up the phone for a long time, Gu Renjie couldn't believe that what he said just now came from Gao Chengsong's mouth. Gao Chengsong, the provincial secretary of the feudal governor of Xinjiang, when did he hesitate to speak? It's just that he asked about a deputy department-level cadre, which also made him have the idea of retreating, not like Secretary Gao's usual style?

The ancient hero shook his head and couldn't guess what Gao Chengsong meant. Since Secretary Gao didn't say anything, Secretary Xing had to punish Wang Dechuan wholeheartedly, so he was happy to stand by and watch. Anyway, he had no good impression on Wu Peiyong.

Wu Peiyong waited for two days, thinking that even if Wang De's biography was not released, there would be a rumor. Unexpectedly, there was no movement. Instead, he faintly heard the rumor that the problem of Wang De's biography was very serious. I'm afraid he was going to explain it. As soon as he heard it, he was anxious and Sentence: "Take it for yourself. It's inconvenient for me to intervene."

Wu Peiyong knew Gao Chengsong too well. From his tone and expression, he could guess that there was no room for redemption.

Wu Pei was furious. After thinking about it, he still thought that Cui Xiang must have been punishing him behind his back. He took a bus directly to the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee compound, went directly to Cui Xiang's office, and came angrily to ask for his guilt.

Cui Xiang was discussing his work with Chen Feng. Hearing the secretary's report that Wu Peiyong, the director of the Construction Department, was visiting, he was still puzzled. He wondered why Wu Peiyong didn't invite him? However, thinking about Wu Peiyong's usual style, he didn't care too much about his recklessness, so he asked the secretary to invite him in.

Chen Feng wanted to avoid it. Cui Xiang said with a smile, "Mayor Chen might as well stay and watch the jokes. I don't think there is anything good for the director of the martial arts department to come."

Sure enough, Wu Peiyong came in with a gloomy face and asked Cui Xiang in a bad tone, "Secretary Cui, I haven't done anything to offend you recently. Why do you have to go wrong with me?"

Chen Feng thought that having a backstage is really different. At least Cui Xiang is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. You, a department-level cadre, spoke to the deputy provincial-level cadres in a questioning tone, which is really not big. However, he remembered that when Wu Peiyong was the secretary of Wu in the past, he was also arrogant to the deputy governor, so he laughed it off.

Cui Xiang was unhappy. Wu Peiyong not only made unreasonable accusations, but also made people very uncomfortable. He frowned - "I don't understand what Director Wu said. What have I done that has hindered your bright road again?

Cui Xiang's words are quite polite. After all, he is a person with an identity, and he can't prepare for his body and Wu Peiyong.

Wu Peiyong saw that Cui Xiang's words were polite, but obviously he still had a disapproving attitude. He was angry and said coldly, "Secretary Cui is indeed a noble and forgetful. Last time, my relative Wang Dechuan wanted to operate and go to Jingxian County to be the deputy county magistrate, but he was stopped You are the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Yan City, and you are the leader. Even if you say it, I am not polite enough. I didn't give you a gift. Okay, this matter will be over. It's good for you to break other people's future, and you still want to ruin people's lives. You have to get Wang Dechuan to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. I said, Secretary Cui, this is too much? Everyone is fooling around in the officialdom, leaving a little way out for everything, right? Don't leave a way to live for others!"

Cui Xiang was confused when he heard it. Where is this? Why did the matter of Wang Dechuan be put on his head?

After thinking about it, I remembered the last time I transferred Jianghai to Jingxian. I subconsciously took a look at Chen Feng. Was it Chen Feng who secretly crossed Chen Cang at that time?