official god

Chapter 354 Give lessons to provincial leaders

Shang Chengsong stood in front of Xiaxiang and saw the young man in front of him. He had a mature and steady demeanor among young people, and more importantly. The perseverance in his eyes surprised him slightly. He thought that he was really not a person to deal with. His calmness alone, even if he deliberately pretended, was already surprising.

Because Gao Chengsong saw many more mayors and even municipal party secretaries, he was so nervous and sweated at the sight of him. Xia wanted to see him, but there was no reaction, as if he was just looking at a stranger.

"Are you thinking about Xia?" Gao Chengsong waited for the slice. Seeing that Xia didn't even take the initiative to say anything, he had to ask each other first.

"I'm Xiaxiang, who are you? Xia wanted to finally open his mouth. He was very polite, but there was a faint sense of alienation.

Who am I? Gao Chengsong almost lost his anger and put up with it. After all, he had to put up with others, so he had to put up with it again: "I'm Gao Chengsong. I came here to talk to you today."

"Director Gao, a smile finally appeared on Xia's face. It was shallow, flashed again and again, and turned into a calm expression. "Please speak in the park. This is the entrance. There are many people and eyes, which is not convenient."

The two of them entered the park one after the other, and in a few steps, they entered the forest path.

Winter is coming, and there are fewer and fewer tourists in the forest park. There was a thick layer of fallen leaves on it, and because of the snow, it squeaked on it. After a few steps, Gao Chengsong still couldn't hold back his anger and asked directly, "Xia Think, tell me where Jianyuan is now? How on earth can you let him go?

In the past, the provincial party secretary was a provincial official in charge of the future of countless people. Now he is impatient to ask him a deputy county magistrate. Xia wanted to smile and say, "Director Gao, I really don't know where Gao Jianyuan is now. In addition, you said you wanted me to let him go. I don't understand what you mean? You should be clear that it's not that I don't let him go, it's the national law that can't let him go, and it's the law that can't allow him!"

Gao Chengsong was anxious: "Xiaxiang, I warn you. Although I'm not the secretary of the provincial party committee now, it's still a very easy thing to deal with you as a small deputy county magistrate. Don't bully people too much! You hand over all the black materials you have about Jianyuan now. I can show you a clear way, otherwise, as long as I am in place for a day, you don't want to have good fruit to eat!"

When Gao Chengsong said harsh words, the flesh on his face kept trembling, and his eyes were fierce, which was really scary.

Xia wanted to shake his head and smiled lightly: "Director Gao, you are a provincial leader. You speak to me in a threatening tone. The deputy county magistrate is out of status. Let's talk about it. Where can I find Gao Jianyuan's black materials in my hand? Well, what you mean by black material is that Jianyuan must have committed illegal behavior. Otherwise, how can it be called black material?

Gao Chengsong suddenly stopped: "Do you mean to fight with me to the end? Then I ask you, when did I offend you and let you hate me so much that you have to plot against me and kill me?"

Xia thought he didn't smile and said with a serious face: "Director Gao, you are wrong again. I'm not targeting you. It's not me who tricked you. You should ask yourself carefully. You have been in Yan Province for so many years. What exactly have you done? What the hell are you doing? Is it really for the economic development of Yan Province, or for your own selfish desires and to satisfy your desire for power?

"Don't tell me anything. You are just a deputy county magistrate. When you sit in the position of secretary of the provincial party committee, you will understand my difficulties! You are not at the level now, and you don't have enough vision. How can you know how many things are involuntarily in the position of the secretary of the provincial party committee? How many decisions have to take care of the interests of all parties? Gao Chengsong is still quibbling.

"Whether it's a small deputy county magistrate. He is also the secretary of the provincial party committee in charge of a province. I think one thing is connected: that is, to cherish the people and be dedicated to the public! As long as you have a selfless heart, as long as you are single-minded to do practical things for the people and benefit the people, even if you have done some small things wrong and made some small mistakes, everyone will forgive you! But now, please open your eyes and see, my beloved Director Gao, how many people will be happy after you step down? How many people applaud and celebrated? Have you ever thought about why? Do you feel ashamed of the fever on your face? Do you think that in the past few years in Yan Province, you have been sorry for tens of millions of people in Yan Province? Do you feel that you are worthy of the cultivation of the Party and the country, and worthy of the trust of the Party and the country?

The more Xia wanted to talk, the more excited he became. He slapped a big tree next to him: "Don't think that you are a high-level provincial party secretary and can do whatever you want!" Don't think that you can cover the sky in Yan Province. You can be nepotism and eliminate dissidents! Don't think that you can always stand tall and never step down! When you are on the stage, you should think that after you step down, in the eyes of the people, whether you are a person who is useful to the country, society and the people, or just a rice worm with a vegetarian meal! Director Gao, are you not sober enough now, you can't see the form clearly, and you still don't understand how much harm you have done to the people of Yan Province? You are not blind, and you can't see or hear. It's because I'm blind! If you still feel that you are a qualified party member and a competent provincial party secretary, I suggest you go to the people. Just hold a person to ask, no need to ask anything else. Just one question: Do you think Gao Chengsong has done something practical in the past few years as the secretary of the provincial party committee? You will know what kind of person you are in the minds of the people.

Gao Chengsong was asked by Xiaxiang a series of geological questions. He stretched out to hold the big tree on the first floor next to him, and played chess with a big mouth. His eyes showed despair, fear and anger. He stretched out his right finger to Xiaxiang's nose and muttered, "You, you, you are talking nonsense! You, you, you spit blood!"

"I'm telling the truth, and it's not false at all." Xia wants to see Gao Chengsong, but he is still obsessed. He couldn't help sneering, stood aside and said coldly, "Director Gao, the biggest sadness of a person is not how arrogant he is. It's that he fell down because of his arrogant, but he didn't repent and complained about heaven!"

Gao Chengsong roared angrily: "How old are you? Why do you teach me? What are you? You are an introductory deputy-level cadre who dares to talk to provincial cadres like this. This is called the following crime. Do you know what etiquette and respect are?

"I know, of course I do. I respect people, I can respect his position, and I can also respect his age, but what I value most is his virtue!" Xia wanted to reach out and stop an old man who happened to pass by, and asked kindly. Hello, old man, I would like to ask you something. Is that okay?"

The old man stopped and looked at Xia with a smile and thought, "Young man, what's the matter?"

"I would like to ask you, what do you think Secretary Gao Chengsong has been the secretary of the provincial party committee in Yan Province for several years. Is it a good secretary who is willing to do practical things for the people? While Xia wanted to speak, he took a special look at Gao Chengsong.

Gao Chengsong pretended not to care, but he still raised his ears and wanted to hear what an ordinary person thought of him.

"Gao Chengsong? Didn't he step down? It's good to step down. I also set off a few firecrackers to celebrate. The old man was very interested in Xia's problem and said with great interest, "Gao Chengsong's person is really bad. He has the ability. It's just that it's too unfair to condone his son to accumulate wealth everywhere and be a nepotism. Pick up your cronies everywhere. I heard that he also framed the president of a magazine and went to prison. Alas, how can it be like the behavior of a provincial party secretary? He simply made Yan Province smoky. He should have left the stage a long time ago.

The old man has been gone for a long time, but Gao Chengsong hasn't woken up yet. He leaned his back against the big tree and almost couldn't stand still.

Xia's words hurt him were only superficial, because he thought Xia was maliciously slandering him. But an old man who passed by said that he was too bad, so that he had always been confident that he fell into the ice cellar, from head to toe. It turned out that he had such a reputation in the people, and that he was such an image in the minds of the people!

Gao Chengsong was struck by lightning!

He has always thought that he was framed and envied. He was revenged by the Song Dynasty. In fact, he did nothing wrong and has always been a positive and glorious image! I never thought about it, as Xia wanted to say. If you casually pull an old man, you can say a few bad words to him. God knows that if you walk to the street of Yanshi and ask a few young people, will you attack him personally and curse him?

Gao Chengsong felt unprecedented sadness. Just like a person who just woke up from a big dream, he staggered away from the county and turned around and strode outside.

Looking at Gao Chengsong's back, Xia wanted to sigh. Today, on impulse, he gave Gao Chengsong, the former secretary of the provincial party committee and the current director of the National People's Congress. After taking a class, I was so bold. If it is spread out, I'm afraid it will scare a lot of people's big teeth!

However, seeing Gao Chengsong's lost spirit, Xia wanted to know that what happened today must have caused a huge shock in his heart. Gao Chengsong should be soberly aware of his current image in the minds of the people, which may make him learn some lessons.

It's just that Xia can't figure out that Gao Chengsong came to him today to get what he wanted. What will he do next? As he said, although he is not the secretary of the provincial party committee. But he is also the director of the National People's Congress, and he is still in power. It's still easy to find trouble for him.

However, after the New Year's Day, I haven't seen Gao Chengsong take any actions against him. Xia wants to gradually be relieved, thinking that Gao Jianyuan's disappearance may also make Gao Chengsong feel uncentered. Now he should also guess that Gao Jianyuan must have gone out of trouble. Now if he causes trouble again, he will take the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun.

After many more days, it will be the Spring Festival. As the end of the year approaches, many jobs have also entered the final stage. Originally, many people thought that nothing big had happened for the time being. For the Chinese people, the big thing was not as big as the Spring Festival. Unexpectedly, Li Chaosheng's case was suddenly sentenced!

is similar to everyone's imagination. Li Chaosheng was sentenced to death with a reprieve and confiscated all his property. You Li was finally given a light sentence of three years, and the child was temporarily raised by You Li's husband.

Compared with the fact that not many people were shocked by Li Chaosheng's sentence, the cadre adjustment in Yan Province has attracted the attention of almost everyone, making everyone talk about it, lamenting that I'm afraid that the small-scale adjustment before the New Year. It's for a large-scale personnel reorganization after the New Year!

It is said to be a small-scale adjustment, but it is enough to make people feel shocked when they are dazzled

First, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee announced that he officially resigned as deputy secretary due to age. The Organization Department of the Communist Party of China officially announced that with the approval of the Central Committee, Comrade Cui Xiang was appointed as a member, standing committee member and deputy secretary of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, and no longer served as the secretary, standing committee and member of At the same time, it was announced that Comrade Chen Feng was appointed as a member of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee and a secretary of the Yan Municipal Party Committee. He no longer holds the position of mayor of Yan City. Appoint Comrade Hu Zengzhou as Yan City, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Acting Mayor, and no longer serve as the Municipal Party Committee of the Constitution

After a series of personnel adjustments, everyone was shocked and suddenly found another problem, that is, a deputy mayor of Yan City was vacant, and a governor of Yan Province was also vacant. If Executive Vice Governor Fan Ruiheng successfully takes over as governor, then Yan Province is equivalent to vacancy another executive vice governor. If Governor Ma successfully takes over the position of executive vice governor, then there will be a vacancy for the Standing Committee and Vice Governor, which is really a lot of vacancy!

It is also clear that there will also be a vacancy in Yan Province where the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is not attributed. What's more, countless people broke their heads and wanted to win the throne!

Xia wants to be far away from countless thrones. He is not qualified to fight for it, which does not mean that he does not care about the ownership of many thrones. After calling Chen Feng to congratulate him. After thinking about it, Xia still called Hu Zengzhou to contact him in advance.

"Hello, Mayor Hu. I didn't expect you to be my immediate boss in the charter city. Now that you are in Yan City, you are my superior leader. Speaking of which, you are really predestined." Xiaxiang's respectful voice revealed a sense of eagerness.

Xiaoxia, I'm very excited and gratified to hear your voice. It is also a rare blessing to meet you again when you come to Yanshi this time. Hu Zengzhou's voice was more than Xia imagined. I'm more eager, "I'm not familiar with many situations in Yan City, and I'm new here. I'm afraid it's a little difficult to carry out the work, Xiaoxia. You have to help me."

Mayor Hu, do you mean to attract yourself?

Hu Zengzhou was promoted from the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Constitution to the mayor of Yan City, which is equivalent to stepping into the ranks of deputy provincial cadres, which can be regarded as a high promotion. But he also knows that the position of the mayor of Yan City is not as good as that of the secretary of the municipal party committee. The level has been raised, but in fact the power has shrunk. And there are many more constraints. He is well aware of the status of Yan City, although it is a sub-provincial city. However, unlike other sub-provincial cities with confidence and strength, Yan City is not strong enough. If you want to compete with the province, you don't have enough capital, but sometimes you don't show the courage of sub-provincial cities, so it is more difficult to do.

And Yan City is also the capital of the province, the ancients said. Three lifetimes of misfortune, Zhixian attached to Guo. Three lives of evil, attached to the provincial capital of Guo. The evil is full of evil, attached to Guo Jingcheng. It means that when a person lives three times of misfortune, when he knows the county, he will encounter the experience of the county magistrate and the magistrate in the same city. In this way, his every move. They all have to be restrained, and there is no prestige of a county at all. And "attached to Guo Provincial City. That is, the magistrate, the magistrate and the governor are in the same city, and now it is said that the mayor and the governor are in the same city. And not to mention Guo Jingcheng"

No matter what the situation is, it illustrates a problem, that is, as the mayor of the provincial capital city, the sad. The secretary of the municipal party committee is a member of the provincial party committee and has the right to speak in the province. Although the mayor is also a deputy provincial cadre, he is not a member of Sex, and there are a lot of deputy provincial cadres in the province. Everyone wants to dictate, which can be said to be tired of coping.

So it is difficult to think of political achievements as a mayor in the provincial capital. It's hard to mix up with qualifications, but it's very easy to come up with a Ran question.

Hu Zengzhou knew very well about Xiaxiang's resume. He knew that he was a capable general of Chen Feng. He was well-known in the transformation team of the village in the city, and was also deeply appreciated by Chen Feng. Now that Chen Feng has been promoted to secretary, he, as the mayor, has to cooperate more with Secretary Chen. Therefore, in the eyes of Hu Zengzhou, the importance of Xiaxiang has been highlighted.

That's why Hu Zengzhou is polite to Xiaxiang. Of course, there are also factors that have a good impression of Xiaxiang. At that time, Xia wanted to stand in front of his words and praise his calligraphy, which is still fresh in his memory today. It's rare, it's really rare. It is rare to meet a confidant in life, especially when the other party does not boast because of his status as mayor, but inadvertently finds that his calligraphy is extraordinary, such a compliment. It is from the bottom of his heart that proves that he really likes his calligraphy.

For Xiaxiang, Hu Zengzhou always has a sense of inexplicable closeness. It's like being rescued when a billionaire is in trouble. The other party does not know his identity as a billionaire, or takes good care of him, which is the most real.

As a politician, Hu Zengzhou is very eager for his calligraphy to be recognized by the personal injury of the calligrapher. It is not because of his status as mayor that he is insincerely recognized by others, but because his calligraphy is unique.

Based on the above two reasons, as soon as he received a phone call from Xia, he felt very comfortable.

"It's almost the Spring Festival, Xiaoxia. I won't go home for the Spring Festival this year, so I spent it in Yan City. But I came here alone and had no relatives in Yanshi. It's not a good year. Hu Zengzhou seemed to inadvertently say a common saying.

I can't even understand such a hint. Xia is not Xia, so he can go home to rest. He smiled and said, "I'm familiar with Yan City. Although you are now the mayor of Yan City, after all, you are also a newcomer and a guest. If Mayor Hu doesn't dislike it, I will do my best to be the landlord Friendship.

Xiaxiang is still on the road. Hu Zengzhou smiled happily: "Well, I'll ask you to be a tour guide then, hehe

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