official god

Chapter 364 New Era

, in the middle of the month, the sanatorium and conference center in the forest park were completed. The problem of Yungao Chengsong finally came out with the conclusion!

With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reviewed the serious violation of discipline by Gao Chengsong, the former director of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial People's Congress, and decided to expel him from the Party, revoke his provincial level, and downgrade him to deputy departmental treatment.

After investigation, Gao Chengsong intervened in administrative affairs during his tenure as the main leader of Yan Province, seeking personal interests for others and his son Gao Jianyuan, causing huge economic losses to the country. Let the spouses and children take advantage of their positions to carry out disciplinary and even illegal and criminal activities. Use your authority to retaliate against comrades who truthfully report their problems. His secretary, Wu Peiyong, was sentenced to death in accordance with the law for crimes. Gao Chengsong really has the main leadership responsibility for them to use his position to carry out criminal activities.

In addition, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection believes that. Gao Chengsong once served as the governor of Yan Province, the secretary of the provincial party committee, the director of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress and other important leading positions. He should have taken the lead in abiding by the party's discipline and serving the people wholeheartedly, but he relaxed his ideological transformation and inflated his individualism. Relying on his high position, no party discipline, arbitrary, and finally embarked on the road of serious violation of discipline, living up to the expectations of the party organization and the people of Yan Province, seriously hurting the feelings of the people of Yan Province, and causing irreparable damage to the cause of the Party and the people. The teaching is very profound,

The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection requires that party members and leading cadres, especially the main leading cadres, should learn from the serious mistakes made by Gao Chengsong as a warning.

The news came. There is an uproar in Yan Province!

Some people think that the final treatment of Gao Chengsong is too heavy. After all, he used to be a provincial member. After taking office, the treatment was reduced from the provincial level to the deputy hall. Let him have no light on his face, and there is no way to retire calmly. Some people also think that the result is too light. For the harm caused by Gao Chengsong to the people of Yan Province and what he did in Yan Province, the sentence is not too much, and he will be sentenced at least ten years.

But no matter what, everyone knows, I'm afraid this is the final conclusion. From now on. Gao Chengsong, who once dominated the political arena in Yan Province, will completely fade out of people's sight and slowly disappear from people's after-dinner topics.

As a result, Yan Province officially bid farewell to the Gao Chengsong era and ushered in the Ye Shisheng era.

A few days later, Gao Chengsong's family left Yan City on a drizzle day. Before leaving. Whether it is the provincial party committee or the provincial government. None of the main leaders came forward. Only a few. The staff symbolically saw him off. Gao Chengsong looked at the place where he used to work in the past. Thinking of his son Gao Jianyuan, who was serving his sentence in the capital, his heart was desolate and unspeakable. He stood at the gate of the provincial party committee compound and sighed, and got on the special car arranged for him by the provincial party committee.

After that, Gao Chengsong returned to his hometown in the south to retire, and did not step into Yan Province for the rest of his life!

On the day of Gao Chengsong's departure, the Yan Provincial Party Committee held a meeting of the Standing Committee. Ye Shisheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting on the serious illegal problems committed by Gao Chengsong. It was reported. Cadres in the whole province are required to take it as a warning. Yin Ge asked himself to learn from the serious mistakes made by Gao Chengsong. At the same time, the party and government cadres in the province are required to carry out self-examination actions and thoroughly implement the spirit of the speech of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Song Chaodu sat on the seat of the Standing Committee again, looking at the familiar or unfamiliar faces, it was also ups and downs. From then on, Yan Province completely bid farewell to the Gao Chengsong era. He has reason to believe that his opportunity has come. No matter how ambitious Ye Shisheng is, he will not leave him much time, and according to his understanding of Ye Shisheng, he is not a person who can seize the opportunity. Otherwise, in the years when Gao Chengsong was in power, he could not speak out as a governor, which was too low-key.

Although Fan Ruiheng has both scheming, courage and means, it is in the view of the Song Dynasty. What Fan Ruiheng lacks is a forward-looking vision. He does not have the ability to master the overall situation, and even is not as good as Gao Chengsong in some aspects.

Song Chaodu thought of Xia Xiang again, and remembered that if Xia Xiang hadn't been single-mindedly persuading him to work in politics around Li Dingshan, he believed that he would not have moved Li Dingshan in those years. And it was because of Xia's credit that Mr. Shi also recognized himself at the last moment. At the most critical moment, he came forward to call the capital. Squeeze out another powerful competitor by yourself. He successfully became the vice governor and joined the Standing Committee. In the process of his recovery, Xiaxiang always appeared.

Not to mention that it was because Xia wanted to find out Li Chaosheng's problem that it triggered a series of chain reactions, which attracted Xu Dequan and pulled out Wu Peiyong. Finally, he summarized all the materials to the capital, which prompted the senior management to make up their minds to expel Gao Cheng from the party. It's to press down the last straw of Gao Chengsong!

Xia thought, he is really a good young man, since he appeared in his sight. All I bring to myself is good luck. He fought with Gao Jianyuan. He disturbed Gao Chengsong's sight and let himself take action calmly. He even found Wen Yang from the prison, because of the evidence provided by Wen Yang about Gao Jianyuan's illegal annexation of state property. Only then did the personnel of the capital take action in time and intercepted Gao Jianyuan, who almost flew abroad, at the airport. One by one, one by one, he unknowingly helped himself a big favor.

Song Chaodu secretly made up his mind. After he really came to power, he pulled Xia to his side and trained him as a cronie. People in officialdom need to think about the long-term, think about the future, and make more plans for the after step down. Otherwise, just like Gao Chengsong, once he step down, he will become lonely. Even if you become the secretary of the provincial party committee, it is a failure.

The Yan Municipal Party Committee also called a meeting of the Standing Committee. Chen Feng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and reported the decision of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Li Dingshan, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, also officially attended the meeting. At the bottom of Fang Jinjiang. All the members of the Standing Committee here look serious. The old stunned four shallow pines were dealt with seriously. I'm afraid it will bring shock to everyone.

At the same time, he also thought of the current situation that Song Chaodu is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Xia is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. Generally speaking, they have achieved their respective goals. Thinking of the scene when Xia wanted to persuade him to go to politics in the summer. I can't help sighing. If it hadn't been for Xia's advice at that time. Without him, he keenly found that the market of the large LCD screen was bleak. He might have fallen into the big screen project, and there would be no chance to turn over, let alone sitting in the conference room of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee today and having a calm meeting. Thinking about it carefully, Xia thought that he was really the lucky star he hit and helped him go all the way to where he is today.

Thinking of Xia, I want to do a smooth job in An County. Li Dingshan smiled knowingly.

However, unlike Song Chaodu and Li Dingshan's complacency at the Standing Committee, Xia Xiang's situation at the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee of Anxian County is a little bad. Because several members of the Standing Committee led by Fang Yuhui submitted to him. The proposal is to attack wantonly.

Because Xia wants to be the executive deputy county magistrate now. The Municipal Party Committee nominated Na Junjie as the deputy county magistrate from several deputy county magistrates to the Standing Committee. At first, Xiaxiang did not notice Deng Junjie, because Deng Junjie, who had been a fantasy age, seemed to have no personality. He usually echoed everything, often smiled, and had a good temper. He was a famous old Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the Standing Committee, I suddenly felt like a different person, sharp and aggressive, and obviously stood with Fang Yuhui!

It turned out that everyone in the officialdom was a born actor, and he felt helpless. Because of the attack on him, although Fang Yuhui raised his head, he completely denied his proposal, and it was Deng Junjie who degraded him.

If the Sanshi Scenic Area is expanded again, there will be no obvious effect. It can be said that the input and output are disproportionate. Some time ago, Xia Xiang took time to contact the Yangtze River in Jingxian County, and had an in-depth conversation with the idea of "mountains and rivers are connected". Although the difficulty is not only difficult for Jiangtian, which is no longer suffering from the growth of tourists in Sanshui Scenic Area, but also is also very interested in Xia Xiang's idea, and he Wei Shun also said it was feasible. Let Jiang Tian and Xia want to keep in touch and study in depth.

After discussing the framework of preliminary intentional cooperation with Jiang Tian, Xia Xiang decided to submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion. He originally thought that the resistance would be on the side of Jingxian County, but he didn't expect that three days later, the Standing Committee of Jingxian County discussed it and passed it in one fell swoop, but it got stuck in An County.

Fang Yuhui first put forward his objection: "The county magistrate Xia's idea is bold and innovative, but it is a little risky. The falling mountain road is not long, but the cost of building a mountain road is high. It is very dangerous and requires a huge amount of money. OK. These difficulties can be successfully solved under the strong influence of County Magistrate Xia, after they are built. What if we can't achieve the effect of interoperability? If only the tourists from An County go to Jingxian County, but the tourists from Jing County do not come to An County, won't we be wronged? Isn't it a wedding dress for others? It's a good idea, but it's still too idealistic.

Fang Yuhui's words were quite euphemistic. Xia wanted to hear it, but he just smiled faintly and did not refute, but then Deng Junjie couldn't wait to jump out. He criticized Xiaxiang's idea mercilessly.

"County Minister Xia, after listening to your idea, I would like to ask you a word?" The common smile on Junjie's face disappeared, replaced by a cold and business appearance, which made Xiaxiang slightly shocked.

"You put forward a proposal for the joint development of Hejing County, for the sake of An County, or for the achievements of the county magistrate Jiang County of Jing County? Everyone knows that you have a good relationship with the county magistrate of Jiang, and your idea sounds like a fantasy, so you have to make people doubt your intentions!" After Deng Junjie finished speaking, his critical eyes turned gently on Xia Shen's face, and the stern expression on his face made Xia Shen almost unbelievable. Is he the county magistrate who used to laugh at people?

Deng Junjie's words were too lethal. As soon as he said it, except for Fang Yuhui, almost all the standing committees present were surprised and surprised.

Xiaxiang is a meritorious official of Anxian County. He also has a great history, and he has always been kind to others. He has never blushed. Deng Junjie's accusation today is not only abrupt, but also harsh, so that people don't know where he took the wrong medicine.

After Xia wanted to be slightly stunned, he still said calmly, "County Magistrate Di, your accusation is groundless. Don't jump to conclusions based on your personal guess. If you say so, as long as you unite with other counties, you will have selfish thoughts, so how will the work of An County be carried out in the future?

The opposite of Xia's thinking is reasonable and well-founded, and there is no gaffe.

Na Junjie still said in a bad tone, "There is no problem with the alliance with other counties, but there is a problem with the alliance with Jingxian County. County Magistrate Xia, the 0-kilometer mountain road is not repaired. Your idea is not only a little naive, but also as impossible to achieve as the castle in the air. I suspect that your real intention is to draw a wonderful prospect first, and then ask for money from the city together with Jingxian County. When the city's funds are in place, it will be over.

With a "pop", Mei Xiaolin slapped the table. He said angrily, "Deputy County Magistrate Deng, the Standing Committee is discussing work issues. Please don't make personal attacks!"

Qiu Xufeng blinked his eyes and wanted to say something, so he took it back.

Che Xiao, the new secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, is old this year. He has a round face, light eyebrows and thin lips. He shook his head and smiled and said, "Secretary Fang said something reasonable. Since ancient times, building roads has been a major event, let alone mountain roads. It's too difficult. Build a field kilometer just for a scenic spot. It's a bit of a fuss.

However, the county magistrate's words are still a little too much. It's all for the sake of the second work. How can it be said that the county magistrate Xia has left for the political achievements of the county magistrate Jiang County? It's simply a blessing. Well, let's not quarrel, let's talk about the matter. A quarrel can't solve the problem. This proposal. I don't think it's appropriate."

Che Xiao also voted against it.

Xia wanted to see Mei Xiaolin, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. Mei Xiaolin already had anger in her eyes. Obviously, she was angry, but she was trying to restrain herself.

Qiu Xufeng rubbed his forehead, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Zhang Jian shook his head: "I want to criticize Comrade Deng Junjie. Speak too arbitrarily and arbitrarily. Don't jump to conclusions from others. Comrade Xiaxiang's idea is a good starting point. Although it's a little far away, it's also for the sake of the tourism plan of Anxian County, and can't hit any comrade's enthusiasm for work, right? He took a look at Xia, and there was a slight apology on his face. "Although that's said, it's still not reasonable to scratch the mountains and rivers. I don't think it's feasible."

Zhang Jian is also opposed.

Xia's mood became heavier and heavier. After a series of personnel adjustments, he suddenly found that. I don't know when the Standing Committee of An County has formed a new faction. Several new members of the Standing Committee. From Deng Junjie, Che Xiao to Zhang Jian, they were quietly pulled to Fang Yuhui's side.

Fang Yuhui's energy really underestimated him before.

Rong Zhi, the head of the Organization Department, has been firmly on the side of Xiaxiang because of the relationship of Fang Jinjiang. She said, "Although Comrade Xiaxiang's vision is a little bigger, from a long-term perspective, it still has a far-reaching impact. It can give full play to the resource advantages of Anxian and Jingxian and complement Resource sharing, after the completion of the mountain road, it will certainly greatly promote the tourism exchanges between the two places. If more than 30% of the passenger flow is brought because of the construction of the mountain road, the investment in the mountain road can be recovered in less than three years

Rongzhi is in favor.

Ping Ji, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said concisely: "I agree with Comrade Xia Xiang's proposal. When it's time to be bold, move forward boldly. I only say one word. Comrade Xiaxiang has made outstanding contributions to the economic development of An County. None of the projects he proposed have been unsuccessful. That's all for my speech!"

Although there are two strong supports. However, then Luo Wencai, Minister of Propaganda, abstained, and Kong Jian, Minister of Armed Forces, Cai Yi, Director of the County Party Committee Office, and Duan Dake, Secretary of the Sanshi Township Party Committee, all objected one after another, and all proposed that Xia Xiang's proposal was not very operable. Not optimistic about the future.

For a moment, Xiaxiang seemed to fall into a situation of besieged on all sides.

Mei Xiaolin first glanced at Xiaxiang. Seeing that he was still calm, she looked at Qiu Xufeng and obviously saw a retreat in Qiu Xufeng's eyes. I couldn't help scolding Qiu Xufeng in my heart that I had to make her like it. I didn't have the courage and responsibility of a man. Before submitting it to the Standing Committee, she and Qiu Xufeng and Xiaxiang had already had a meeting. Qiu Xufeng also made it clear that he would strongly support it. At the end of the matter, he actually had the intention of regretting it.

It's really not a man!

Mei Xiaolin said with a straight face and said very seriously, "Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal is actually the result of careful consideration. He personally went to the mountains for field investigation, drove an off-road vehicle, tested the mountain road in dangerous road conditions, and made a budget. I have also solicited the opinions of the city, and also went deep into the tourists and conducted market research. Almost all tourists are very interested in the interconnection between Sanshi Scenic Area and Sanshui Scenic Area, saying that once opened to traffic, they will have the opportunity to visit two scenic spots in one day without having to make a special trip back and forth. It also makes them have a great interest in going out to play." I think this proposal is practical. Once implemented, it will bring new opportunities for the economic development of An County

If Mei Xiaolin's speech ends everywhere. There was not much shock. Unexpectedly, she changed her words and said resolutely, "The Standing Committee is a place where everyone can speak freely, and it is also a place where everyone needs advice. For any member of the Standing Committee who opposes Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal, I suggest that everyone put forward a practical plan for the next step of Anxian's economy. At this stage, all the work in An County has made gratifying achievements under the planning of Comrade Xiaxiang and the correct leadership of Secretary Qiu.

But we can't be self-contained. If we want to make progress and develop, we need the strength of the collective

The last sentence means, didn't you unite to oppose Xiaxiang's proposal? Well, different voices are allowed to appear, but you can't just oppose not doing practical things, since you oppose Xia's proposal. Then please come up with a better idea that is conducive to the economic development of An County.

As soon as Mei Xiaolin finished speaking, there was a sound of discussion below.

Qiu Xufeng judged the situation and knew that if he didn't stand up and be consistent with Xiaxiang now, he would not want to get Xiaxiang's response in the future, and Mei Xiaolin also hinted to him just now that if there was no Xiaxiang's support. It is also difficult for him to work in An County. Qiu Xufeng thought so. The Standing Committee, led by Fang Yuhui, has become a regiment. If he does not take a firm position in time, he will become a lonely family.

Qiu Xufeng took out the majesty of a leader: "Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal is very good. If it is successfully implemented, it will not only increase a lot of employment opportunities for An County in the process of building the mountain road, but also predict the benefits after the construction of the mountain road. You should analyze the problem from different angles and think more. In terms of how to better develop the economy of An County. The efforts made by the county magistrate Xia are obvious to all. I also believe that everyone here knows the vision of the county magistrate Xia and the handwriting of several successful projects. I support the proposal of County Magistrate Xia. If you have any good suggestions, you can also put them for discussion.

The first and second hands clearly expressed their support. And Mei Xiaolin's words are more serious. Everyone had no idea at once, and some people even asked for Fang Yuhui's opinion.

Fang Yuhui looked at it and wanted to scold the association. He was so stupid that he could communicate with his eyes in the Standing Committee. Isn't it clear that he would not be in collusion? But the current situation was beyond his expectation. He had always thought that Qiu Xufeng would not support Xiaxiang. Unexpectedly, Qiu Xufeng's attitude was very resolute.

Fang Yuhui pondered slightly and said, "County County Magistrate Deng and I have an immature idea. We are in the preliminary research stage. After maturity, we will submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion. I believe that the idea of County Magistrate Deng and I is a safe punishment that can be recognized by everyone,"

Xia Xiang said three at the end, the main points: "First, I humbly accept everyone's questions and suggestions for my proposal. Second, I still think my suggestion is feasible, and I have consulted relevant experts in the city for this reason. Third, I will revise my idea and attach the suggestions of relevant experts. When the opportunity is ripe, I will discuss it again in the Standing Committee.

Xiaxiang's speech also clearly told everyone. He will not give up his efforts, and he will be connected to the mountains and rivers again. The topic will be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion. And it also implies that he will convince everyone with the opinions of experts.

What kind of expert is it? Whether it is an academic expert or an expert with both academic and political status, it is worth thinking twice.

After the meeting, Qiu Xufeng stopped Xiaxiang: "Let's have lunch together?"

Xia wanted to be in a bad mood, but when he saw Qiu Xufeng's sincerity and it was not easy to refuse, he nodded and agreed. He was also slightly dissatisfied with Qiu Xufeng's hesitation in the Standing Committee. When did it take a firm stand? As the secretary of the county party committee, I can't even control the standing committee, which is also a sign of incompetence.

Sure enough, after a few glasses of wine, Qiu Xufeng sighed: "When you are in the capital, you can do whatever you want with the power of your family. Whoever provokes me will beat him hard to relieve his anger. I feel that everything in the world is easy to solve. Isn't it just who has the final say? Only when you really enter the officialdom can you understand that compared with fists, killing people with a soft knife makes people uncomfortable and helpless. If you are angry, you can't use it. It's really uncomfortable."

Xia wanted to express his understanding of Qiu Xufeng's thoughts: "Secretary Qiu doesn't have to be too discouraged. The first-time gains and losses of the Standing Committee can't explain the problem, and we are also too careless. Unexpectedly, the other party started very quickly. Several new members of the Standing Committee hit them immediately and caught us off

Qiu Xufeng kept drinking and was slightly drunk. He reached out and patted Xia on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that compared with you, they really use power for personal gain. Just to compete for the right to speak, it is not a big picture. As long as we propose the topic, they will completely reject it. Do they still have a view of the overall situation, or are they not a qualified politician?

Half of Qiu Xufeng's anger came from the out-of-control scene at the Standing Committee, and half of it did mean to fight injustice for Xia. Of course, to cry for Xia was also for himself. He believes in Xia's vision and the ability of Xia's imagination. It is believed that as long as the "mountains and rivers are connected" is implemented, it will definitely bring new opportunities to tourism in Anxian County. And he can also receive a heavy political achievement.

The construction of projects and road construction have always been the most easily recognized achievements in the first

Unexpectedly, it was firmly opposed by Fang Yuhui and others. Qiu Xufeng was depressed. It was not easy to cooperate with Xia. When he was about to do a big fight, he encountered unprecedented resistance.

Although Xia Xiang felt uncomfortable, he was not as sulking as Qiu Xufeng. He carefully analyzed the current situation and came to the conclusion that if within the scope of Yan City, with his network, he may be able to control the situation, but in the province, after Gao Chengsong completely fell, the power of the province was reshuffled, and the power was in the hands of Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng. I'm afraid Ye Shisheng has no impression of himself. Even if he does, he won't have a good impression. Not to mention Fan Ruiheng, because of Gao Jianyuan's lessons from the past, he must be the psychology of prevention and suppression.

And Cui Xiang is now the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. When dealing with Gao Chengsong together, he may be able to say a few good words for himself out of his own needs. Now without Gao Chengsong, the biggest enemy, everyone stands in line again. Cui Xiang will no longer have a good impression on himself because of Chen Feng.

Secretary Lu has retired. Although Chen Feng has entered the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he is in a somewhat weak situation. Of course, Ma Wanzheng, Song Chaodu and the evil platform are also a force that cannot be ignored, but if Ye Shisheng joins hands with Fan Ruiheng because of some demand, if the first and second hands have the same caliber, it will form a decisive force.

In fact, after Gao Chengsong, the situation in Yan Province, Yan City and even An County has become more complicated than before, and the political struggle has become more fierce than before.

Yes, it's tragic rather than fierce! Because Fan Ruiheng is more restrained than Gao Chengsong, he is more deceptive. In Yan City, although Hu Zengzhou has a good relationship with himself on the surface, he also has great uncertainty and is not a reliable person. In An County, Fang Yuhui is behind the scenes, and Junjie is the vanguard. Zhang Jian and Che Xiao are on the side to respond, and others waved their flags and shouts. It can be said that the layout is very carefully, and it is an emerging force that can influence the situation in An County.

Prevention: In order to make the brothers see it smoothly. Without distinguishing the development chapter, the second chapter will be issued directly, and today's 12,000 promise will be fulfilled! Thank you, dear brothers, for your support. It can be said that the next plot will be full of twists and turns and move forward quickly. It is more refreshing and wonderful. As long as the monthly ticket is happy, the update will be happy. I won't say more. Please continue to support the ticket. The monthly ticket is strong, and the future update will continue to be strong!! Read the latest Dong Festival to wash the stream book and show the fine concave and the umbrella