official god

Chapter 369 Party

Xia wants to feel a little guilty. How come she knows everything? It's too amazing. In comparison, Qi understood something again. It must be that she and Lian Ruohan have not broken off contact. There are little secrets between the two that are not known to outsiders, and they have kept themselves in the dark.

"It's not good to say that there is a big thing in the county. I can't get rid of it before I'm sure to get on the horse." Thinking of the mountain and water connection project. Xiaxiang has a headache.

Sometimes things in the officialdom are easy to do. It's very difficult to do. As long as one link is stuck, it is difficult to proceed. Now it is stuck in the Provincial Transportation Department. Fortunately, he already has a preliminary solution, but it is not clear how effective it will be if it is really implemented.

Xia thought that he didn't mention why he was worried about the specific things. It's okay to worry about some things by himself. There is no need to let the little girl worry more. Let's talk about the suggestion of holding a small party. The little girl also likes to be lively. As soon as I heard it, I happily agreed. Finally, the two agreed to set the location at Cao Shuhui's reverie design company. The time is Sunday.

The next day, Xia Xiang informed all the people he could think of. After the notice, thinking that Zhang Jian was not old, so he called him again. Zhang Jian hesitated for a moment and actually answered

Others include Su Wu, Sun Xianwei, Shen Lichun, Li Hongjiang, Feng Xuguang and Wang Linjie. Jiang Tian pushed it off because he was too busy with work. Xia thought about it. Anyway, it's a party similar to a party. As long as you are young, you don't have much scruples, so you notified Qu Yaxin and Zhong again


Of course, there are still strict hours.

Cao Shuhui invited Sun An, Li Fei, and blue socks. And a few female classmates who stayed in Yan City. Cao Shudai had not forgotten to remind Xiaxiang to invite Song Yifan to come. Xia thought that she was too young and not suitable for the party. Cao Shuhui's words made him change his mind: "Sister Yifan is generous and decent. She is here. It will only add luster to you, and it will never add chaos.

That's right. Why don't you invite her to come? Xia wanted to call Song Chaodu's home, which happened to be the phone that Song Chaodu answered. Xiaxiang did not hide it and said to invite Song Yifan to come to the party. Song Chaodu smiled: "Young people, you have the benefits of enjoying life at will. OK, let me tell Xiaofan that she can't wait to go crazy. However, Xiaoxia, you have to remind you,: Bu Fan, I'll give it to you. You are not allowed to let her drink."

Xia wanted to agree with a smile, and wanted to implicitly mention the matter of the Provincial Transportation Department to the Song Dynasty. I felt that the time was not right, so I didn't open my mouth. Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Song Chaodu took the initiative to ask: Xiaoxia, you have something to hide from me. Not so good? I'm not very familiar with Tong Rongguang, but a few words will still bring him pressure.

Xia Xiang knew that Li Dingshan must have told Song Chaodu. Li Dingshan was very concerned about the situation in An County and knew his situation very well. Xia said shyly, "The main reason is that I haven't fully figured out the countermeasures, so I didn't bother Governor Song."

"No need to say more, I understand what you think." When it was time to take action on what Xia thought, Song Chaodu unequivocally wanted to help him. "Since the matter is stuck in the province, it will be solved by the province. I will come forward and talk to Governor Ma again. You don't have to worry about it."

Hang up the phone, and a stone fell to the ground in Xia's heart. He also wanted to take the opportunity of the party to ask Feng Xuguang to send a message to Ma Wanzheng and Ma Wanzheng to speak to Tong Rongguang, because Ma Wanzheng was in charge of the transportation department.

Of course, there is no problem for Xia to find Ma Wanzheng directly. Ma Wanzheng will definitely do him a favor. The main reason is that Xia thought that he hadn't seen Feng Xuguang for a while recently. It's good for a group of brothers to get together when they had time, and they just got in touch.

The party was held as scheduled, and the reverie design company located on the bustling Zhongshan Road was crowded with people for a while, full of guests from the south to the north.

Xiao Wu and Sun Xianwei arrived first. Now Sun Xianwei and Xiao Wu are getting closer and closer, and they are very temperamental. After the two came, they sat in the hall with Xia Xiang for a while. The three of them went to the terrace together to talk.

Cao Shuhui's reverie company rented a large office of four square meters and four or five offices. The large office put away the tables and chairs, which can be used as a place for the party. Xia wanted to choose to hold a party in the reverie company, and he also has other ideas. He can take the opportunity to promote the reverie company and let more people know that Cao Shuhui is now the general manager and chief designer of the reverie company.

Sun Xianwei focused on introducing the progress of Jiangshan real estate mergers and acquisitions of leading real estate to Xia.

has basically passed the review of the audit department. After returning Gao Jianyuan's funds to the treasury, the leading real estate was sold to Jiangshan real estate at a discount. It doesn't mean how cheap 10,000 yuan is, because the leading real estate is insolvent, and the debt is as high as ten thousand, which is equivalent to Jiangshan Real Estate taking over a pile of foreign debt.

However, while accepting the debt, all the villas, land and various approvals under construction of the leading real estate have been accepted by Jiangshan real estate, that is to say, approvals and land are the greatest wealth. As for whether there is any inside story, Xiaxiang is too lazy to care about it. The business is not his strength. Since it has been handed over to Xiao Wu and Sun Xianwei, they have full authority to deal with it.

Sun Xianwei and Xia want to discuss the next development of Jiangshan real estate.

"The completed villa, after decoration, is divided into small rooms and sold as a shady house. There are no new villas in the open space, and all of them are built in luxury cemeteries according to the design of the house. Xiaxiang just vaguely remembers that Xishui Mountain is a treasured place in Yan City. However, he has not seen what kind of scene it is in the field. It can only be implemented according to the general direction. He also believes that there is a large market for luxury cemeteries in Yanshi.

Chinese people have always attached great importance to the dead. Many of them have read the latest Children's Day to wash their books and dry their fine recesses. I am also willing to run a luxurious courtyard for my relatives after death. To make up for the regret before the ghost test. Many rich unfilial children, although their parents may not be very filial before they died, but after their death. Many people are willing to bury their parents for their face. It should be said that the thoughts of the Chinese people are sometimes really strange.

Sun Xianwei is still not optimistic about the Yinzhai market: "Is it feasible? I always feel a little unreliable. In case of failure, it will be too late for us to develop a new market.

Although Sun Xianwei himself has a company, he has invested a lot of energy in Jiangshan Real Estate as his own business.

"Just listen to me once and do it boldly.

I have the same idea as you, and I don't want to waste money. In addition, the better the efficiency of Jiangshan real estate, the more in line with the fundamental purpose of our company. Xia wanted to say solemnly. He just wants to give Sun Xianwei a guarantee.

Sun Xianwei smiled and said, "Listen to you once? I've listened to you several times. Fortunately, I haven't been betrayed by you once. Since it seems that you are still a good person at present, I will trust you again for the time being.

Xiao Wu laughed and said, "I don't think too much, and I don't think about it. The county magistrate Xia asked me to do it, so I will do it. I'm not afraid that he will hurt me, so there is nothing to worry about.

Sun Xianwei rolled his eyes and didn't say anything.

While talking, the square has arrived. What surprised Xia was that. He didn't come alone. I also got a young girl.

Although there was a little age gap between her and Xia in later generations wanted to know her at this time, Xia thought still recognized her Feng Meimei at a glance.

Xia Ba tried to keep calm and almost lost his composure.

After saying hello to everyone, Fang Ge pulled Xia to aside and whispered, "My father has to arrange for her to follow, and I think she is also a little willing. What do you think this is all about? I followed her. How can I pay attention to the blue socks? That's right. Where are the blue socks?

Xia Xiang hadn't answered yet, but he noticed that Xiao Wu's eyes were a little erratic. He always drifted to Feng Meimei intentionally or unintentionally, and he was happy in his heart. Yes. Sure enough, it's fate. It's wonderful. Originally, Xiao Wu had a tendency to pursue blue socks closely recently, but now it's good. As soon as Feng Meimei appeared, he immediately thought about it.

Is it true that a person's aesthetics are so stubborn that it is difficult to change?

Sun Xianwei also wants to see more Feng Meimei. Xia Xiang pushed him aside and said, "Go outside to greet the guests. Basically, as soon as the pure beauty arrives, it will be a little inappropriate for you to be on the scene again."

Sun Xianwei stared at Xia with dissatisfaction: "What's the point? It's like I'm a coquettish pig."

Xia wanted to laugh: "You're not a coquettish pig, you're a coquettish pig." Go ahead!"

As soon as Sun Xianwei left, Xia wanted to signal Fang Ge to introduce Feng Meimei and Xiao Wu.

The current Feng Meimei is brighter than the Feng Meimei when Xia wanted to know her in later generations. There is an inexplicable look in her eyes, and there is no sadness and emptiness when she is forced by life. She wears a long and elegant dress, standing graceful, with a standard melon seed face. Her face is extremely beautiful, and her eyes are big and bright, especially her eyelashes are upturned and long. When she looks at people, her eyes are a little confused. It is indeed a natural beauty.

If there were no later generations of Xiao Wu died unjustly. In order to pay off her debt, Feng Meimei would rather sit on the stage. Xia wants to know how Feng Meimei is. Otherwise, he really didn't dare to let Feng Meimei and Xiao Wu approach, worried that Xiao Wu would be fascinated by Feng Meimei's beauty and could not extricate himself.

The world really has a strong inertia. Since Xiao Wu met Feng Meimei again unexpectedly, it is best to let everything take its course.

Introduce Feng Meimei and Xia when they want to get to know each other. She just smiled and nodded. There is no superfluous expression. When she introduced her to Xiao Wu, a trace of light flashed in her eyes. Others may not have noticed, but Xiaxiang keenly caught the change in her eyes, thinking that not only did Xiao Wu look at her eyes, but she also had a good impression on Xiao Wu at first sight.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Wu and Feng Meimei chatted very speculatively and laughed, which made Sun Xianwei shake his head repeatedly, but just liberated the square.

The square began to use his entanglement method, entangled in the blue socks.

Xia wanted to ignore them, so he went out to find Cao Shuhui and saw that she was with several female classmates. I talked and laughed, and didn't forget to greet the guests. Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, so I was remissioned. He also knew that in terms of affinity and how to get along well with others, he was really not as good as Cao Shuhui, and he didn't have to worry that the little girl would mess things up.

As soon as Xia wanted to walk to the door, he saw Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao applied a little thin powder, but he couldn't hide the haggardness on his face. She was going upstairs. When she looked up and saw Xiaxiang, she was stunned, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes. It's just that the anger burned the mystery. It didn't attack, but it slowly went out and turned into a pool of autumn water, constantly turning in his eyes. It was really touching and extremely pitiful.

Xia thought sighed secretly in his heart and stepped forward: When you are young, you are here.

Yan Shi didn't want to answer, but he couldn't help saying "um" and said, "Let me see why you look like a kind person, why are you so bad?"

Xia thought instead smiled: "The father and son of the Gao family deserve it. I just collected some evidence from them. It's true to you. In fact, I don't mean to use you. The sooner the leading real estate goes bankrupt and reorganized, the sooner you get out

"Fly words!" Yan Xiao suddenly said with hatred, "You can say it's light. I'm not a person inside or outside now. Fan Zheng blames me, and Governor Fan ignores me. What do you want me to do?"

. As I said, I will help you find a job that suits you. First, come to Jiangshan Real Estate to be the vice president. With your ability, you can definitely help Jiangshan Real Estate. Second, I can help you find an investment, and you do the cosmetics business.

After the four, with the opening of foreign countries, foreign cosmetics swarmed in, setting off cosmetics** in China. Of course, the fish eyes are mixed with pearls. There are a lot of fake and inferior products. But it is undeniable. The next ten years. The market for cosmetics, including shampoo, is growing, and it is precisely because of the huge profits of cosmetics and shampoo that countless people have made a lot of money, and in a few years, they have become a considerable number of billionaires.

Yan Xiao was proficient in makeup, and her makeup was natural and tasteful. Xia wants to think that if she enters the cosmetics industry, she can definitely make a difference.

Yan Xiao listened to Xia's advice and bowed his head and thought about it. But he asked, "What do you think I should do?"

"My sister is so beautiful that she can put on her makeup deeply and can't see any traces at all. It's a pity not to do cosmetics business." A slightly childish but crisp voice suddenly sounded, and then. A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl came upstairs. Wearing a short skirt, she showed the students' youth and romance vividly. A pair of pink thighs, slightly revealed pink in the white, which is the characteristic that a girl's childishness is about to take off its maturity.

Song Yidan has arrived.

When Yan Xiao saw Song Yifan, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if his previous sadness had been swept away. He looked at Song Yifan in a hurry: "What a beautiful little sister, like a little fairy." Your skin is really good, delicate and smooth, a little better than my skin. Are you really from Yanshi?"

Xia thought that she had to scratch her eyebrows. At the moment before, she was a little resentful when she was young, now. She was immediately attracted by Song Yifan and discussed whether her skin was good or bad. Women's minds change so fast that men can't understand it.

Song Yifan and Yan Xiao said a few words. He came to Xiaxiang, opened his arms and gave Xiaxiang a small hug. He took the opportunity to whisper in his ear, "She is so beautiful. You are not allowed to whisper to her again. If not, I'll tell Sister Cao to go."

When did Song Yifan become a little spy? Xia wanted to pat her on the back: "Good boy, go and sit inside with Sister Yan. There are a lot of people here. It's fun."

"I came to see you and wanted to play with them. I won't come." After saying that, Song Yifan pushed Xiaxiang away, turned around and pulled Yan Xiao into the house.

Yan Xiao looked at Xiaxiang with a strange look, as if to ask, who is she? Not your sister, right? You don't even let go of the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl? Isn't it too evil?

Xia wanted to pretend not to see Yan Xiao's doubts. He hurried downstairs because he saw Feng Xuguang.

Feng Xuguang hasn't seen Xia for a while. As soon as I saw him, I punched him and said dissatisfiedly, "I don't have enough friends, I don't even call, and I don't see him. Why didn't I see you before that you are a person who crossed the river and dismantles the bridge?"

Xia wants to laugh: "Come on. You've made a lot of money recently. You're afraid I'll treat you, so you've been deliberately avoiding me, haven't you?

Feng Xuguang's business is indeed getting bigger and bigger. The first supermarket in a single city has just opened, and the supermarket in Baoshi is also in full swing. He is also planning to open Jiajia supermarket branches from the south to the east of Taizhou City, officially taking the step of the wanton expansion of Jiajia supermarket.

Feng Xuguang smiled for a while and said, "The last time my uncle met, he complained to me that you and I have a good relationship, but I am very estranged from him."

Ma Wanzheng's words can't be fully believed. He also wanted to express a kind of goodwill and send a signal through Feng Xuguang. Of course, when he heard the goodwill of Governor Ma, he must express something. He said a few more polite words to Feng Xuguang, and I believe that his words will be conveyed to Ma Wanzheng through Feng Xuguang's mouth.

Xia also knows that this is a time when things are relatively chaotic. If he can avoid more contact with the province, he will try to avoid it, so as not to make people have a bad opinion of him. Especially now, Ye Shisheng's governing style has not been fully revealed, and Fan Ruiheng has been slowly showing the soft side of the Internet, while Cui Xiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, changed his low profile when he was the secretary of the municipal party committee in Yan City. And began to intervene in various affairs.

Xia can more or less guess Cui Xiang's thoughts. Ye Shisheng's weak image in Gao Chengsong's era has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and he is old. Maybe he will retreat at any time. Cui Xiang now shows enough ability to control the situation, at least when the provincial party committee adjusts again. He can go further.

Behating a governor should be his most real idea at this stage.

Ye Shisheng's age can work for another three years. Three years is not long, and it is not short. I want to attract the attention of high-level officials within three years, and I also want to establish the shape of a doer

Xia Xiang doesn't want to be when Cui Xiang wants to establish an image. He was regarded as a typical example of the opposite.

than: the third one is trying harder to code. If it doesn't come out today, don't blame me, guys. What I'm saying is that it's not easy to code. Not today, but there must be tomorrow. How about it? So monthly tickets, can you give me a few more encouragements? Even if Jinyu can't get to the irrigation, at least it will come to Zhao. No matter how bad it is, there will be a pigeon, right? Believe in your strength. One last word. It's not wrong to support Lao He. He is definitely a real person. One more thing. I will love whoever votes for the monthly ticket, ha, laugh and go away. The stream book is said to throw a different body clam. It's easy to read and go out