official god

Chapter 372 Some people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic

"It is said that Xiaxiang's psychological age is not young. But it really doesn't count. The young age is the most mature and brilliant moment in life. If a man has the maturity and demeanor of his age, and the strong body and enthusiasm of his age, he can only rely on these two favorable conditions. It's the courage that almost all women can't resist.

At this moment, Xiaxiang's charm began to radiate, and Lian Ruohan was intoxicated. However, Xia thought that he was not too intoxicated, and he knew it in his heart. Lian Ruohan's dependence on him does not rule out the suspicion of seeing the right eye.

Of course, Xiaxiang is also a little complacent about the woman he likes. Everyone hopes that their official fortune will be prosperous and their love will be smooth. Although Xiaxiang is not very philate, as a man, he also has selfishness. Subconsciously, he also feels that a man's life needs three women to be complete.

In a man's life, some women are used to love and care, some women are used to cherish and pity, some women are used to spend a lifetime together, and some women are used to miss and remember,

When eating western food in the evening, Lian Ruohan officially told Xia that she had become an American citizen.

Xia is not surprised. He is in favor of Lian Ruohan joining a foreigner. Whether it is in the United States or other countries, in short, he has a foreign status. Whether he is doing business in the United States or going home to start a business, there is always an overseas Chinese identity, which can be more valued and taken care of. Even the family power of Lian Ruohan does not need special care. Her accession to the United States is also beneficial for her to stay with him for a long time.

Even Ruohan actually came out of the latter idea.

"I've thought about it. I can't follow you without a name. Otherwise, it's too cheap for you. You have to be proud to death. I'm going to have a wedding with you in the United States. Do you agree? Lian Ruohan bit his lips and stared at Xiaxiang's eyes. She spoke very hard, and her tone was also very tough. In fact, her nervous expression and flashing eyes betrayed her. She was very nervous and worried that Xia would disagree.

Xia Xiang is competing with a steak. What he wants is an eight-ripe steak. He really can't stand the half-cooked meat with blood. It feels as if it has not yet evolved into the advanced human era. Even if it is eight-ripe, he feels a little hard. Maybe the eight-ripening meat that the Americans understand, and There is still a certain deviation in the understanding. He cut a piece hard and chewed it in his mouth a few times. He still shook his head helplessly. He didn't know why Chinese people like Western food. To be honest, it can't be compared with the extensive and profound traditional Chinese food.

When Xiaxiang was eating and chewing wax, he suddenly heard Lian Ruohan's question and was stunned.

Xia wanted to be stunned not because of Lian Ruohan's sudden idea, but because he was choked by the meat. But in Lian Ruohan's eyes, he seemed to be scared by her words. Lian Ruohan was usually wayward and stubborn, but now when she saw Xia Xiang's surprised, she burst into tears in her eyes, but she tried to resist it. She squeezed her lips tightly and said, "If you don't want to, just say it clearly. You don It's embarrassing for me to look like this!"

Xia wanted to point to his throat with a wry smile, and then took another sip of red wine before swallowing the meat in his mouth: "No, the meat is not cooked, I can't bite, and I choked." Seeing that Lian Ruohan looked aggrieved and small, her heart softened and remembered everything she had been suffering for herself. How could there be any reason to refuse? He nodded in a hurry, "I can't ask for it. The first time I met a lady who took the initiative to propose, I had to agree quickly, otherwise where can I find such a good opportunity in the future?

Lian Ruohan smiled and stared at Xia fiercely: "If you dare not agree, I, I will never forgive you."

The tone is very harsh, but there is no real confidence.

The next day, Xia wanted to accompany Lian Ruohan in a small church. In the presence of a priest, the two exchanged rings. Although Xiaxiang is not religious, because only one priest is needed to preside over the ceremony in the United States, he does not need other tedious procedures. Even Ruohan chose a remote and very small church, and also came out of the consideration of minimizing the impact.

The ceremony is simple and clear, when the priest says, "You can kiss your wife." Xia wanted to see the crystal tears flashing in Lian Ruohan's eyes, and her face was overflowing with unprecedented brilliance, which made her whole body bathed in the light of love and glowed with intoxicating joy.

The most beautiful moment for a woman is actually the moment of husband and wife with her beloved.

Lian Ruohan finally realized her dream in a foreign country. Although marrying Xia Xiangyi is not a formal marriage recognized in China, it at least gives her psychological comfort, and she has obtained American nationality, and she can also calmly regard Xia Xiang as her only husband.

Xia wanted to play with Lian Ruohan for another day, and then received a phone call from Gao Jinzhou asking him to return to the group. Xia wanted to make an appointment with Lian Ruohan after she straightened out the things at hand. Just go back to Yan City.

When Lian Ruohan told Xiaxiang that according to the evaluation of industry insiders, the market value had reached the second US dollars, Xiaxiang was still surprised even though he had been prepared. The myth of the Internet era is the myth of creating wealth. I didn't seize the opportunity in the last life, but I didn't expect that this life would realize my dream in the hands of Lian Ruohan.

I think that the market value of later generations once reached 100 million US dollars, but now a group of nets has been in line with 00 students, and it is expected to divide the market with the concave life. Xiaxiang is almost boiling with blood. God, if it goes on like this, in less than a few years, won't it be said that Lian Ruohan will become a super-rich man with tens of billions of dollars?

It's a little incredible to think about it, although for Lian Ruohan, or tens of billions and a few

But once it becomes a pivotal company in the industry and has the qualification to formulate norms and standards, it can have the right to speak, so that it will not be passive and subject to others in the rules of the globalized market game.

After joining the WTO, China was often sanctioned by the United States and Europe because it could not control the market rules and become the maker of the rules of the game. If you want to join the game, you must abide by the rules set by Europe and the United States. Rulers will always put their own interests first, so all latecomers, if they want to join the game, must first make great sacrifices.

First-class enterprises set standards, second-class enterprises make brands, third-class enterprises sell technology, and fourth-class enterprises make products. If one day a search network can really stand at the peak of the industry, Xiaxiang can participate in the formulation of standards, have enough speech qualifications, and make a strong voice of the Chinese people in the world. Because in a sense, if there is no standard, it means that you will always learn from others and pay expensive tuition fees.

Xia thought his thoughts to Lian Ruohan in terms of formulating a standard environment strategy. After a while, she suddenly forgot that she had become a U.S. citizen and said, "You're right. I just want to make money from the United States, live in foreign houses in the United States, hire American people to work, and then set standards that are beneficial to China."

Xia wanted to smile with relief: "The most important thing is to marry a Chinese!"

It is not all because of Gao Jinzhou, and Yan City has begun to start the relocation of steel mills and pharmaceutical factories, and will start the demolition of the periphery this autumn. I believe that in autumn, the land of steel mills and pharmaceutical factories should also be determined. Judging from Tan Long's behavior some time ago, he will definitely get involved in this matter.

And according to the last time the Provincial Department of Transportation approved the funds, it can be seen that Fan Ruiheng also obviously wants to suppress his side. In case Fan Ruiheng intervenes in this matter again, there is still a big unknown whether Vision Group can finally get the land.

If you go back, Yuanjing Group will have the backbone. The land of steel mills and pharmaceutical factories must be obtained, otherwise the construction of forest parks will become a joke, which will be hit by Vision Group's attempt to enter real estate in Yan City, and will also slow down the pace of Vision Group to stand firm in Yan City, and even affect Vision Group's Vision.

Lian Ruohan also knew the seriousness of the matter. Vision Group was her painstaking efforts. She would definitely not sit idly by, so she decided to return to Yanshi after adjusting the equity distribution and personnel arrangements of

Say goodbye to Lian Ruohan and return to the group. Gao Jinzhou was very concerned about Lian Ruohan's stay and asked Xia how he was doing. Xia wanted to know Gao Jinzhou's urgency, so he told the truth. Knowing that Lian Ruohan would return to China after one month, Gao Jinzhou was greatly relieved and said with a smile: Xiaoxia, only you can persuade Ruohan, which is still my father's vision. He said that as long as you come to the United States, Ruohan will definitely agree to return to China."

It turned out that there was the shadow of Gao Lao. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy. Even if Gao Lao was sure about the entanglement between himself and Lian Ruohan, he also saw through what Lian Ruohan was most concerned about. In front of the old man, Xia wanted to find that he had almost no secrets to say.

Of course, Mr. Gao is not a god. Regarding some of his networks and connections, I believe that even if he is as shrewd as an old man, he can only see the appearance at most.

At the end of August, Xia wanted to return to Yanshi with the tour group network in the United States, and heard a shocking Jiang Xi: there was a major safety accident in the mountain and waterway project. A worker fell into a ravine. His life and death were unknown. He didn't see anyone or a corpse. Missing! !

The family members of the workers made a lot of noise and asked the county to give a clear statement. They also organized dozens of people to carry the clothes to the gate of the county party committee to petition, asking the county to return justice to the family members and die to see the body. You have to meet people.

At the same time, there are also people in the construction team spreading rumors, saying that the mountain road under construction happened to pass through a cave. In those years, countless people were massacred by the Japanese in the cave. The dead people's ghosts will not disperse. Whoever dares to enter the cave will not live and die without seeing corpses.

The rumor spread rigidly, causing people to panic. In addition, the missing person's home screen kept making trouble and petitioning. At the suggestion of Di Junjie and Fang Yuhui, with the approval of the county party committee and county government, the project was temporarily suspended!

After listening to the report of the relevant person in charge, Xia Xiang turned pale and became angry for the first time.

He doesn't even have to go to the construction site to consult the workers, and he doesn't have to check the scene carefully in person to guess that there must be someone behind his back. Otherwise, even if the workers fall into the ravine and die, they can still find a living person.

Just because the worker is missing, Xia can't be sure that someone is manipulating behind the scenes. However, a series of subsequent incidents showed that the family members made trouble, and there were rumors on the construction site, which was obviously an artificially planned smear incident.

Political wagonise, everything should be put on the surface, and the victory or defeat should be at the Standing Committee. But the other party obviously refused to admit defeat, and also wanted to do his hands and feet to the engineering team and take the opportunity to smear the project. It's unbearable!

The smear project led to the suspension of the project. The loss is An County, all the cadres who expect the economic development of An County, and all the people of An County! And some people use such despicable means to obstruct the progress of the project for their own selfishness, or even just to vent their dissatisfaction, which is simply a scum among officials.

Before Xia wanted to find Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin, the two came together and walked into his office at the same time.

Mei Xiaolin said angrily, "County Chief Xia, you're back." Secretary Qiu and I have been discussing the strategy, and we can't think of any good way to come out. What do you think of

Xia wanted to see that Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin were both worried, especially Qiu Xufeng, and his eyes were also burning with anger. He knew that through this matter, Qiu Xufeng would stand with him firmly and no longer have illusions about Fang Yuhui and others.

You don't have to think about it. The people behind the scenes pointed directly at Fang Yuhui and Deng Junjie.

Xia wanted to smile at Mei Xiaolin and said to Qiu Xufeng, "Secretary Qiu, how is the new resort going?"

Qiu Xufeng was stunned. Why didn't Xia think about the countermeasures to be taken, but asked about the progress of Fang Yuhui's project. Did Xia want to retaliate against the other party by the same means? He replied, "The project has been officially established, the site has been issued, the preliminary work is ready, all kinds of equipment is entering the site, and the start of work is only for a day or two."

The construction of the new resort has started, and the Shanshui Road has been shut down due to a safety accident. It's a beautiful calculation!

"Because the incident is getting bigger and bigger, it has attracted the attention of the Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Chen and Mayor Hu both called to express varying degrees of concern. Mayor Hu, in particular, also gently put forward criticisms, demanding that the construction safety problem be solved well, should be implemented to individuals, and the responsibility system should be implemented! Mei Xiaolin interrupted that she was much more mature than before. The burden of the county magistrate weighed on her, which also made her realize that as the head of the government, she has more power, but also has more responsibilities. She also realized more clearly than before that many things cannot be solved by stubbornness and confrontation, but also need to have enough political wisdom and .

It's just that she and Qiu Xufeng discussed several ways to deal with it. They all felt that they were not strong enough, and they couldn't catch the other party's pain, and could not solve the problem fundamentally. She can only comfort the families of the workers as much as possible, and promises that the county party committee and county government will do everything possible to search and rescue the missing workers, and must give a promise to the family.

Qiu Xufeng also came forward as the county party secretary to comfort his family's emotions, and properly arranged the people who came to make trouble, so as not to further intensify the contradictions. Fortunately, Zheng Shaofeng was very clever. He found that some people in the crowd were fishing in troubled waters, but deliberately wanted to provoke trouble. However, before catching people, the other party was alert enough to take the opportunity to run away.

Nevertheless, Qiu Xufeng was deeply impressed by Zheng Shaofeng's shrewdness and ability. Thinking that he had also made great contributions in the case of Li Chaosheng, he came up with the idea of promoting him.

It was also Zheng Shaofeng who found the black hand in the rioting crowd in time, which also made Qiu Xufeng realize that although he was the crown prince, his foundation in An County was unstable after all. It was better to have a mass foundation, such as Fang Yuhui and Na Junjie.

Moreover, he is fully aware of his shortcomings in that he does not deal with the common people and does not know much about their habits and temper. Although he is nominally the county party secretary and a leader, his reputation among the common people is probably not as good as the deputy county magistrate who directly deals with them, or even the secretary of the township party committee

In how to deal with the petitions and group incidents of the people, Qiu Xufeng found that he really lacked enough judgment. Fortunately, he followed Zhang Jian's advice and tried his best to appease and not to be rude, because the situation in An County is relatively complicated. If An County is a county of political unity, it can directly arrest the leading people, scare and cheat, and absolutely suppress the incident. However, some people in An County are afraid that An County will not be chaotic and like to make things up, so they can only adopt the Huairou policy.

Zhang Jian's suggestion played a decisive role. After that, Qiu Xufeng analyzed it and had to thank Zhang Jian for his timely reminder to avoid the dilemma. Because Secretary Chen and Mayor Hu repeatedly stressed on the phone that we should take care of the people's emotions, focus on appeasing, and don't be afraid of spending money. Mayor Hu, who even has a bad tone, hinted that in case of a more targeted mass incident, the county party committee and county government of An County should shoulder political responsibility!

Political responsibility scared Qiu Xufeng into a cold sweat. Once something rises to the height of political responsibility, it should be linked to the future. No one dares to take it lightly.

But a group incident that was not a big deal could make Mayor Hu say very harsh words. Qiu Xufeng could guess that someone picked it in the city, and Mayor Hu felt pressure.

Some people are really not dead, afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

Qiu Xufeng was furious.

There is an open and dark struggle in the officialdom, and there is also a violation of the public. Political achievements are the biggest weight of promotion. Naturally, everyone wants it. You can invest with your own ability, or you can open up the market with your own vision, but you can't just want your own family to be developed, let others fail, and even secretly attack others.

What's more, in Qiu Xufeng's view, Xiaxiang's Shanshui Road can promote the economic development of An County more than the new resort. From the perspective of selfishness, Shanshui Road also includes his political achievements, and Deng Junjie and Fang Yuhui's new resort obviously do not intend to share his share.

In contrast, Qiu Xufeng compared with Xiaxiang's person and found that the sinister and cunning difference from Deng Junjie and Fang Yuhui is that Xiaxiang put everything on the surface, and the conflicts and contradictions at work will never be solved secretly!

Ratio: Today is the second time this month to update 15,000 words! Brothers, Lao He really tried his best and sat in front of the computer for more than ten hours. He didn't go downstairs for two days, just to get a warm response from his brothers. Can't today's monthly pass reach the 8th? It's the worst. Can you give it more than the edge? Three updates, 15,000 words, ask for an old monthly ticket, brothers, can you give me some help? It is expected that there will be at least one more outbreak before the end of the month. I hope that every brother will support Lao He. Give it a try, click me to vote for the monthly vote, and maybe there will be another one! If you want to know what will happen, please log in... More chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!