official god

Chapter 381 Affectionate Farewell

, it's good that the order will not be issued until after the New Year's Day, that is to say. Ideally, you can easily leave the post and rest for a while. Xia thought was quite happy. After calculating the time, she just took advantage of her free time to marry the little girl, so as to give her a peace.

Call Cao Shuhui to discuss with the little girl, naturally happy. She had no opinion on Xia's transfer to the director of the Information Department. Instead, she thought it was quite good, at least there was no danger. Regarding the marriage, there is a little opinion: "I will marry you before you formally propose to me. Isn't it too casual? I heard that men will not cherish girls who are too casual.

"I'll find an opportunity to think of an idea, plan it carefully, and then formally propose to you. Is it good?"


"What's good? You and I are both engaged. If you don't marry me, who will you marry? You promise to marry me immediately, otherwise I want you to look good.

"Well, I'm already very good-looking. If it looks better, will it be too charming? For the sake of being pitiful and homeless, I'll take you in, marry you, and give you a family. However, you should be good in the future, take a shower frequently and change more clothes, do a good job in personal hygiene, and go to bed early and get up early. Don't just go to the ** sofa

Xia wanted to be furious: "I'm not a puppy!"

The two of them laughed together.

Qiu Xufeng held a county-wide cadre conference and announced that Xiaxiang was going to be transferred, which immediately caused a sensation. After many people suddenly heard the news. It feels unacceptable. The head of Xia County has done a good job in An County. Why did he transfer? The county magistrate Xia has made such a great contribution to An County. Who doesn't want the people of An County to have a good county magistrate and have to transfer him away?

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and the scene was once chaotic and almost out of control.

Many government officials who have been favored by Xiaxiang, many heads of departments who have benefited from the investment attracted by Xiaxiang, and many know about Xiaxiang's deeds. Knowing that he was enthusiastic about his work for the people, the county party committee and the staff of the county government all looked at Xia Xiang sitting on the stage, and all of them made the same voice in their hearts: County Magistrate Xia. Why?

Xia wanted to meet everyone's expected eyes, and her heart was full of warmth. He doesn't want any umbrellas for all people. I just hope that when he is leaving, he can get the eyes that everyone recognizes. If there is a trace of reluctance and nostalgia for his departure in his eyes, then he will have a clear conscience.

Huang Zai, he saw the nostalgia from everyone's eyes!

Xia wanted to say affectionately, "Leader and colleagues, I have been working in Anxian County for two years. It was strongly supported by Secretary Qiu and County Magistrate Mei. I am deeply grateful for the help of my colleagues. An County is the first stop for me to serve as the deputy county magistrate, and it is also the first stop for me to be happy, honorable and responsible. The organization arranged me to work in the general office of the provincial party committee, and I firmly support the decisions of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee. As the day of parting approaches, my mood is becoming more and more difficult to calm down. In the past few days, the mountains and rivers of Anxian County. The villagers of An County, the vast number of cadres in An County and the cause they fought together lingered in my heart and appeared in front of me. Like pictures and scenes, they are so clear, so unforgettable, so that I can't let go for a long time

It is true that An County is a crucial stop on the way to Xiaxiang. From the deputy county magistrate to the standing committee, the deputy county magistrate, and then to the executive deputy county magistrate, he can be said to be down to this day step by step. The introduction of hundreds of millions of yuan was invested in An County, the Sanshi Scenic Area was expanded, the resorts were built, the first park in the history of An County was built, the county party committee guest house was renovated, and the mountain waterways were built one by one, such as yesterday, how can we forget it?

"The years in Anxian County are an unforgettable period of time in my life, a precious experience in my career, and a pleasant time in my work. All cadres in Anxian County have a high level of political awareness and policy. They are a good team that talks about politics, the overall situation, can do things, can do things, and do things well. They are ordinary and great, and they are the backbone of the development and progress of Anxian County. For two years. The formation of every decision and the smooth progress of each of our work reflects the unity and cooperation of all members of the leadership team, condenses the joint efforts of the majority of cadres, and carries the transmission, help and leadership of old leaders and comrades. In the past two years, the majority of cadres and I have never known each other, known each other, and encouraged each other. We have been getting along with each other day and night, sharing joys and hardships, and sharing the same boat in ups and downs. For the development of An County and the happiness of the people, we should be responsible and bear the pressure together, work hard together, work overtime and stay up all night, share the joy and celebrate success together! Common cause, common goals and common struggle make us good comrades, colleagues and friends. This kind of friendship will be the most precious wealth in my life. This kind of like-minded comradeship is much more precious than that of a brocre. This kind of sincere and simple comradeship is much nobler than the righteousness of Jinlan. I will cherish and always remember this wonderful time of working in Anxian County, and cherish and always remember the support and help of all comrades. Cherish and always remember the deep friendship with your colleagues in Anxian County!"

Qiu Xufeng sighed in his heart and couldn't bear to listen any more. He lowered his head slightly. Xia's sudden transfer was a big blow to him. Now he has developed from hostility and disgust towards Xiaxiang at the beginning to having to cooperate, to his dependence and trust on him today, and even the idea of being a friend. Xiaxiang has changed him a lot bit by bit, and even let his people have more guidance from each other.

Xia Xiang is like a powerful magnetic field. It affects everyone who approaches him.

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, Qiu Xufeng felt that he would fall into isolation and helplessness.

He and Mei Xiaolin are at peace with each other. Xia Xiang can make a bridge from it and become the most critical part of maintaining the three-person alliance. As soon as Xia wants to leave, maybe he and Mei Xiaolin will turn against each other at any time.

Qiu Xufeng looked at Xiaxiang, who was slightly moved next to him, and even flashed a trace of the posthumous book in his heart. He read well and cherished it. The Qiu family's influence on Yan Province is not enough. Otherwise, it would be great if he could use the provincial party committee. At least when he could find an opportunity to I want to work with Xia, so I don't have to worry about being secretly calculated by him. As long as you are single-minded in order to improve the local economy. Xiaxiang can cooperate vigorously with the work. It is a rare partner.

"For two years of working in An County. I am deeply grateful to the people of An County for their dedication. The world is the world of the people of the world, and the people of An County are the people of An County. An County has a long history, splendid culture and beautiful scenery; the people of An County are hardworking, intelligent, simple, kind and hard-working. This is a desirable and nostalgic good place. Although I haven't worked in An County for a long time. But I have fallen in love with this land affectionately. It is the people of Anxian County who have given me the wisdom of scientific decision-making; it is the people of Anxian County who have supported me to survive the most difficult years of my life; it is the people of Anxian County who have helped me spend the most unforgettable time in my life; it is it is also the people of Anxian County who have given me the omission As long as I think of this, I will have endless motivation and tiring spirit. Insatiable work, indomitable perseverance. In the past two years, as far as I am concerned, I have experienced pain, fatigue, confusion and waiting, but more joy, relaxation, self-confidence and firmness. This is caused by the people of Anxian County and given by the people of Anxian County. The deep affection of the people of An County has melted into my bloodline. Make me more aware of the heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and it will also become the source of strength for me to work better for the Party and the people in the future!"

Xia wanted to throw loudly. After saying the last sentence, he looked firmly at everyone here.

Applause, thunderous applause lasted for a long time. Many people have tears in their eyes.

Xia wanted to stand up and bow to the stage: "Finally, let me say three words from the bottom of my heart: I sincerely thank the people of An County! I am deeply attached to the hot land of An County! I sincerely wish An County a better tomorrow!!"

All stood up, responded with warm applause, and went straight to the sky.

Qiu Xufeng finally turned red in his eyes. He took the lead in applauding and was more energetic than anyone else. Mei Xiaolin's eyes flashed with tears, and she was once again moved by Xiaxiang's omission * speech.

Even Fang Yuhui clapped his palm red, and he sighed with emotion in his heart. If Xia hadn't wanted to stand in the wrong camp, he really wanted to make friends with him. Xia wants to be young, energetic, politically intelligent, and have first-class eloquence. The advantages he has are everything a good official should have.

Such a person, unless someone is suppressed all the time. Otherwise, once he is given the opportunity, he will definitely fly to the sky.

With the emotional speech just now, how many people who have a good impression of him will have a good impression on him in a short time? Political power. It is also the competition that people want.

After the meeting, many people gathered around Xia and refused to leave for a long time. Everyone asked their respective concerns. Xia wanted to be pleasant and patiently answered everyone's questions one by one. After more than a long time, the crowd slowly dispersed under the persuasion of Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin.

Xiaxiang has actually completed all the formalities. You can leave An County at any time. Qiu Xufeng also knew his mood, so he let him go in advance. Now everything in An County is on the right track, basically on the road of benign development.

Back in the office, Qiu Xufeng held Xia Xiang's hand tightly and said from the bottom of his heart: "County Chief Xia, I have known you for more than two years. I told you a word from the first time today. As an opponent. I admire you. As a colleague, I admire you. As a friend, I thank you. If you treat me as a friend, I will be proud to be friends with you!"

Qiu Xufeng rarely revealed his true feelings. Xiaxiang was also infected by his emotions and said seriously, "I can know Secretary Qiu under the leadership of Secretary Qiu. In the two years of working in An County, it was the two years when I grew up the fastest and felt the most. Being able to become friends with Secretary Qiu is one of my biggest gains in An County.

Mei Xiaolin also said: "Don't worry, Xiaxiang. After you leave, I will try my best to seek common sense with Secretary Qiu and save differences, and work together to improve the economy of An County.

Xia wants to see Mei Xiaolin take the initiative to realize the problem. I thought that she was much more mature, and I used to worry that she would make jokes in the position of county magistrate. Unexpectedly, the heavy burden of the head of the government made her mature quickly.

It is said that suffering makes people. It seems that heavy responsibilities also make people.

Xia wants to be concerned about the future situation in An County: "Have you decided on the candidate for the executive deputy county magistrate?"

After Di Junjie was transferred from another place, a deputy county magistrate was transferred from other places and entered the Standing Committee at the same time. The new deputy county magistrate is a centrist. Perhaps because he is not familiar with the situation, he basically echoes the opinions of the secretary and the county magistrate. There is no threat for the time being.

The key is who is the new executive deputy county magistrate? At present, among the several deputy county magistrates in An County, none of them can be promoted to the executive deputy in one step. It is estimated that it will be transferred from other places or assigned from the city.

"The Municipal Party Committee asked for my opinion. He is a deputy director of the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee and a member of Secretary Wang. My opinion is to accept the arrangement of the Municipal Party Committee. When Qiu Xufeng was talking. I can't help but look at Xia.

Xia figured out what he meant: "Since he is Secretary Wang's person, he is not an outsider. Later, I will mention it to Secretary Wang. Everything is about the overall situation."

Qiu Xufeng knew that if he had Xiaxiang, it was equivalent to the new executive deputy county magistrate who would also stand on his side. He was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you, Chief Xia."

This thank you is very sincere.

The situation in An County should be much more stable in the future. Without the handsome man, Fang Yu and Hui can't sing. Moreover, he has now devoted all his energy to the new resort, and he has to lead the heavy responsibility of the Party Committee of Danbao Township, and will no longer deliberately cause trouble. There is a centrist deputy county magistrate and an executive deputy of his own people. As long as Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin do not fall out, others will not have the opportunity to take advantage of.

It can be said that An County will move forward smoothly.

Xia wanted to see if it was too early. His things in the office had been packed, so he said goodbye to Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin and was ready to return to Yanshi. Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin were not reluctant to inform the other members of the Standing Committee and asked them all to go out and see him off for Xia.

Xiaxiang also knows that it is etiquette in officialdom. There was no refusal. More than a dozen members of the Standing Committee of An County. And some staff of the government team. I want to go downstairs. When the net went downstairs, everyone was stunned.

I don't know when the county party committee yard was full of people, and all of them were covered with black mud. Although everyone was dirty, they all stood upright in the courtyard and motionless. It seems that the soldiers who are subject to inspection, although they are different in height and untidy clothes, they have a momentum of thunder.

is the leader. It's the bear ocean.

Xiong Haiyang received the news that the county magistrate Xia was going to say goodbye to An County today, and immediately told all the workers. The workers immediately put down their work and got on the truck and ran all the way to the county party committee compound to see Xia.

Finally arrived in time.

Xiaxiang was also moved by the deep affection of the workers. He just raised his hand to save someone once. But the workers always put him first in their minds and regarded him as an eternal hero, so that Ran was always unwilling to face their excessive enthusiasm and sincerity.

Unexpectedly, they still came after hearing the news. You don't have to count to know. It must be not bad, and they are all here.

Xia wanted to pretend to be stiff-faced and criticized them: "Old bear, what's wrong with you? How can I put down the project and go to the county party committee compound? Is it important to do the project or to see me off?

Xiong Haiyang wants to move forward and hold Xia Xiang's hand. But he found that his hands were so dirty that he shrank back again and said stubbornly, "If you don't come to see the county magistrate Xia in person, all the workers don't agree. If I don't bring them here, I'm a great sinner!"

"County Chief Xia, don't walk, okay?"

"Chang Xia, will you stay? We need you.

"Count Minister Xia, my mother-in-law said that you like to eat her baked cakes. She was about to bake a few more cakes for you. Why did you leave?"

"County magistrate Xia, my son also asked me, when can the county magistrate's uncle visit them at school again? They said that they were looking forward to the county magistrate visiting them, because the county magistrate went. They have new desks and chairs

"County Chief Xia,"

Xia Xiang's eyes were moist. He and the workers shared joys and sorrows for almost two months. He not only went deep into them, but also learned about their family, visited the families of many fellow villagers, talked almost everything with them, and became a bosom friend,

Qiu Xufeng's eyes were wet, as the county secretary. The parents of a county, watching the people sincerely love a county magistrate, also made him feel the heavy weight of the three words "parents" for the first time.

Mei Xiaolin's eyes are wet. Although she can't feel a simple emotion between a man and a man, similar to the deep affection and righteousness between her comrades-in-arms, the true feelings in the world are connected. She can feel the strong gratitude of the group of people in front of her for Xia Xiang and the love from the bottom of her

To be an official and benefit one party, it is not just talk. If you really want to convince the people, you must get along with them, sincerely think for them, and exchange sincerity for sincerity, which is the winning people's respect without impurities.

Xia wanted to go to the crowd, shake hands with them one by one, call out their names one by one, and say their strengths and weaknesses. Many people cried. Because Xia wants to remember the difficulties of their families, care about their difficulties, solve many practical difficulties for them, and even pay his own money to help many people improve their living conditions. Although the county magistrate Xia is young, he is a competent "parent official" in their minds

They also have parents and siblings. Their deeds of the county magistrate have been passed down by word of mouth, which can have the most far-reaching impact. Xia wanted to squeeze out the crowd. As soon as I got out of the county party committee compound, I found that it was also a sea of people. They were all relatives and friends of the workers, and I knew that Zigao Park was built by the county magistrate for the people. They all came to the county party committee compound to see off the magistrate Xia.

Xia Xiang was really moved. He waved to the people vigorously: "Fathers and fellow villagers, thank you for your affection. When I was the deputy county magistrate, I failed to make greater achievements to repay you. I'm sorry for your kindness.

There was a strange cheer in the crowd, and many people shouted, "The county magistrate Xia is a good man and can't leave."

"The county magistrate Xia is a good county magistrate to do practical things."

"The county magistrate Xia is a handsome man. It's not easy to have a handsome county magistrate who can't leave."

"The head of Xia County has done a lot of good things for An County. It is the lucky star of the people of An County, the head of Xia County. Don't leave us alone."

Xia wanted to keep waving to the crowd until he really had no strength and could not wave his arms, and then squeezed into the car with the help of Xiong Haiyang.

Xia wanted to start the car, opened the window and waved to the crowd again. She waved goodbye to Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiao, Lin and others, turned her head and looked at the county party committee compound in Anxian County, stepped on the accelerator and ran forward.

The sun went down, Xia Xiang went all the way to the east, and the shadow of the car was pulled long. I'm leaving An County. Today's sunset is really good, but I don't know. What kind of tomorrow will it be to welcome him?"

Bibi: Xia wants to leave An County and usher in a brand-new tomorrow. We are also about to say goodbye to August. Welcome to the oral month. Brothers, in the last two days, can you help Lao He's monthly ticket fly up again, so that Lao He can feel the taste of a thousand monthly tickets for the first time in August! The masters all went to the headquarters as guests, so let's code well, read books and vote well, so we still affectionately call for the monthly ticket.