official god

Chapter 396 Opportunity is Coming

There is no shortage of capable people in the family. They know how to divide and use the power of the economy to connect the old situation with the economy. It is an extremely smart means, much better than simple political confrontation. Political interests, economy first, today's more and more attention is paid to economic benefits. The influence of a provincial party secretary in Lingnan Province. It can be comparable to several provinces in remote areas such as the northwest.

There's nothing we can do about it. Who has a huge investment in their hands!

When the political struggle rises to a certain stage. When anyone has no choice but to rely on political resources, the key to deciding whether to win or lose is who has more economic resources.

Generally speaking, it depends on who has more money.

Domestic politics, like international politics, is always the richest country in the world. Force is not a decisive force. The country that is begging for a nuclear bomb looks scary, but in fact, it is strong outside the middle, and it is almost hungry. Waving a big stick to beg for food, in fact, like begging for food in a low voice, has no dignity.

However, it seems that suddenly, the grudge between the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province disappeared. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade has not mentioned any more business, and Yan Province has not proposed a new policy on industrial structure reform. It seemed that the wind suddenly calmed down. However, Xia thought was not optimistic. He seemed to be a breath before the mountain rain was about to come, and he always felt that something was brewing behind the incident.

Because he asked Lian Ruohan if Wu Caijiang had stopped. Lian Ruohan said that Wu Caijiang had been out of the way, but Yi Xiangshi did not stop. It may be instructed by the upper class to continue to put forward new suggestions on the industrial structure of Yan Province. Now it is not a matter of adjusting summer thoughts, but some people in the upper class are dissatisfied with the policy of Yan Province, or they are dissatisfied with Ye Shisheng or Fan Ruiheng.

Xia was speechless, and he once again became the trigger for the incident. But this matter, on the surface, is a challenge and an event. In fact, in his opinion, opportunity is also a good thing.

Wu Caijiang's position is not high. Now he has just been promoted to the vice minister of the Ministry of Education, but he is currently the spokesperson of the Wu family, which is basically equivalent to the successor of the Wu family. His words have considerable weight. Xia Xiang also had reason to believe that Lian Ruohan first asked Wu Caijiang to transfer him to Beijing, and Wu Caijiang agreed no matter what he thought. At that time, there was definitely no intention to challenge Yan Province. Later, Yi Xiangshi deliberately chose his first day of work and sent a business transfer letter. Maybe he wanted to embarrass Ye Shisheng, or maybe it was a joke. He believed that the possibility of coincidence was the most, but Ye Shisheng didn't give face at all. On the contrary, it aroused Yi Xiangshi's old resentment against Ye Shisheng.

As for the subsequent euphemistic criticism of the industrial structure of Yan Province and reported to the Vice Premier in charge, I'm afraid it was not just a personal grudge. Ye Shisheng's attitude should have angered Yi Xiangshi, which made his dissatisfaction with Yan Province and his dissatisfaction with Ye Shisheng, and he also knew that the upper class had People's dissatisfaction with the lag and conservatism of Yan Province had a long history, so they took the opportunity to bring it up, and then there was the incident of Vice Premier He.

Vice Premier He's appearance is not necessarily the Premier or the tip of the State Council. It is likely to be his personal attitude. Of course, Xia can't guess the deeper reason. The above is just his superficial analysis. If it weren't for his vital interests, he would have been too lazy to think about Yan's image in the upper mind. I don't know what major things will happen after the Spring Festival? Xia wanted to smile helplessly. Forget it. If you don't want to, you'd better do what's in front of you.

It's the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the holiday, Xia wanted to go to Shancheng with Cao Shuhui and go home in advance to arrange Xia An's wedding. I planned to pick up my parents for the Spring Festival. Unexpectedly, Xia An, who was originally scheduled to get married on May Day, was suddenly brought forward to the New Year. Xia wanted to understand Xu Ning's mood of getting married, and didn't say much.

Lian Ruohan still wants to go back with Xia, but Xia wants to not allow it. Now even Ruohan is inconvenient and is a first-class protected animal, so he can't run around. He invited two nannies to take care of Lian Ruohan, and Wei Xin was also by Lian Ruohan's side. We agreed not to go back for the Spring Festival, and we should also take care of her. Xia thought that he was much more relieved.

Back to Shancheng, the new house and all the utensils have been bought. Xia wanted to help with some chores. Cao Shuhui is not idle, and he is busy for a moment. Zhang Lan kept letting her rest. She didn't listen either.

When we had dinner together in the evening, Cao Shuhui took out the old 10,000 yuan and gave it to Xia Cheng. He said, "Xia wants to be a son. He has been outside all these years and has not often been filial to his parents. He was very upset and asked me to give some money to his parents. Not much money is also our intention. It happens that Xia An is getting married, and the family spends a lot of money. If it's not enough, there will be more.

Xia Cheng hurriedly declined: "Xia An is getting married. Where is the reason why Xia wants to make money? I'm still here, so I don't have to pay for it. When you get married online, you spend a lot of money. Keep it for yourself. There is no shortage of money at home.

Xia An also said hurriedly, "Sister-in-law, don't take the money anymore. If you give money to your parents, I won't see anyone. The car is given by my brother, and the work is found by my brother. I have enough to enjoy it, and I can't even take good care of my parents. What's the use of me? Put away the money quickly."

Cao Shuhui said with a smile, "You want to take care of your parents for Xia. Filial piety is priceless, and he should leave some money to his parents. Hurry up and take it. Don't push the family. It's more common. You can save the money first. Just take care of it for me."

Zhang Lan looked at Cao Shuliang lovingly and felt that Xia's daughter-in-law was really good. Although she was older than Xia'an but had the demeanor of her sister-in-law, she put away the money: "I'll think I want to save money for Xia, so that he won't spend money indiscri Shuhui, you should take care of him a little in the future. Don't let him be lavish. Now he is young and makes money, and he can't make money when he is old. Only when you have a deposit can you be guaranteed.

Cao Shuhui looked at Xiaxiang with a smile: "It's hard to say what other advantages are, but the advantages of not to spend money are the best. He never takes the initiative to buy clothes, and he doesn't like to eat and drink, and smoke less,"

It's rare for Cao Shuhui to praise him head-on. Xia thought was still a little embarrassed: "You found this advantage, and I don't have too much privacy." But he thought that he seldom bought clothes, and even Ruohan bought them, and he didn't have a chance to buy them by himself.

Among the three women, including Xiao Jia. Lian Ruohan likes to buy him clothes, and Xiao Jia likes to give him a belt, but Cao Shuhui doesn't seem to have any preference, but when she thinks about it carefully, she buys everything.

A man who is loved is a happy man. Xia wants to be satisfied with this.

Xia An's wedding is scheduled for the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month. The point is in the single city's best hotel, single city hotel. More than 100 people, including relatives, friends and colleagues, were invited, which was an unprecedented event. Originally, many friends in Yan City really heard that Xia's brothers were getting married, and they all wanted to attend the wedding in a single city, but Xia thought did not answer Fang Liu, considering that everyone had a lot of things to do during the Spring Festival. Moreover, if Li Hongjiang, Feng Xuguang and others came to the wedding, they would definitely give gifts. Xia Xiang didn't want to accept their favors anymore, so he declined their kindness.

Xia An's wedding was quite successful, and there were a lot of guests. Xia An's colleagues alone came a lot, which showed that Xia An's popularity was not bad. Xu Ning's family surrounded Xiaxiang with a flattering smile. After talking non-stop, Xia thought that he would deal with it one by one.

In the middle, Xia An blushed and said to Xia, "I also invited Mayor Shan. He hasn't appeared yet. I don't think he will come."

Xia wanted to know that Xia An was looking forward to Mayor Shan's appearance to support him, but he didn't have much contact with Mayor Shan, and he was embarrassed to call Mayor Shan directly, so he comforted Xia An: "Maybe Mayor Shan may go home for the Spring Festival, so don't worry about it. It's normal for leaders to come or not. Don't be dissatisfied with leaders.

The voice was on the net, and Xia Xiang's mobile phone rang. As soon as he saw that it was an unknown number, Xia Xiang was busy, so she didn't want to answer it. Xia An's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly screamed, "Brother, answer it quickly, answer it quickly. It's Mayor Shan's phone."

Xia wanted to answer the phone and heard Shan Shiqi's enthusiastic voice coming from the microphone: "Mr. Xia. Today is Xia An's happy day. I was supposed to go there, but unfortunately, one came from other places today. My friend, I can't get out of it for the time being. I'm sorry.

"The mayor is polite, and the leader is busy with official duties. Of course, everything should be put work first. Xia wanted to say a few words, and secretly sighed that Shan Shiqi can be a man. As a mayor, he also kept enough care, and it was not easy, so he said, "I've heard that after the Spring Festival, the mayor will become a single secretary?" Congratulations on the promotion in advance.

Shan Shiqi smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, the old friend I received today is the next leader of Shancheng Shufu. By the way, his name is Wang Xiaomin, the former head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee of the Constitution. Maybe you have heard of him,"

Wang Xiaomin and Chen Feng have a good relationship. When Xia wanted to be in Ba County, he was once entrusted by Chen Feng. I almost thought of the constitution of the municipal party committee, and now I have taken a step forward and came to Shancheng as the mayor.

Hanging up the phone, Xia wanted to explain a few words to Xia An. Xia An's face eased a lot and no longer thought that the mayor deliberately ignored him.

Not long after, Shan Shiqi called again: "Director Xia, I met Minister Wang. When he heard that your brother was holding a wedding, he asked if it was convenient for him to come and join in the fun. By the way, I also want to meet you."

The future secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor's joint visit. It's convenient to be uneasy. Xia wanted to rush to meet the two leaders, but Shan Shiqi declined: "If you're busy, Minister Wang and I will be there in a minute. Don't say anything. It's best for anyone to be alarmed."

Xia wanted to tell Xia An about the situation, but he almost scared Xia An to sit on the ground and calmed down. Xia An was overjoyed. The secretary and the mayor visited at the same time, which was too faceful. His face was so bright that he hurriedly asked the hotel manager to arrange the best room for him.

The manager of the store is still reluctant, saying that it can't be arranged temporarily. Xia An directly carried out the single mayor, which scared the hotel manager and immediately became nervous. Without saying a word, the room was quickly arranged and the wine and dishes had been prepared.

Shan Shiqi came very quickly and arrived in more than ten minutes. As soon as he appeared at the door, Xia wanted to rush forward.

Shan Shiqi wanted to shake hands with Xia affectionately, and then pointed to Wang Xiaomin next to him: "See your old friend. When Minister Wang said that you were also in Dancheng, he was in an urgent mood and insisted on seeing you.

I haven't seen you for a few years, and Wang Xiaomin hasn't changed much. He is still pale and expressionless. If you don't know someone, I'm afraid you won't have a good impression of Wang Xiaomin when you meet him for the first time. Xia wants to know Wang Xiaomin's person and knows that under his serious appearance, it is actually easy to deal with.

Wang Xiaomin held Xia Xiang's hand tightly, with a faint smile on his face: "I met my hometown. Xiaoxia has grown up so fast in two or three years, which is amazing. I just heard from Secretary Chen that you are also very popular in the provincial party committee now.

Xia wanted to smile humbly: "Secretary Chen is teasing me." I'm now in the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. He is the director of the Information Department. After finishing his work every day, he still has a lot of time to learn theoretical knowledge. Recently, my self-feeling has improved a lot in terms of thinking. It means that he is very idle.

"Learning theory is a good thing to lay a good theoretical foundation. If you combine it with practice in the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort. Wang Xiaomin obviously also knew some trends and rumors in the provincial party committee, and expressed satisfaction that Xia wanted to be able to deal with it calmly. "I always work at the grassroots level, and it is inevitable that there are theoretical shortcomings. The biggest advantage of working in the Information Office is. It can collect information from all aspects and synthesize countless theoretical knowledge for my use, which is also of great help for future growth.

There is a sense of encouragement in and out of the words. Xia wants to see Wang Xiaomin and himself. I know that his relationship with Chen Feng is still close. There is not too much politeness. You can directly list Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin.

When Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin walked through the hall, they deliberately avoided the crowd, but some sharp-eyed people found Shan Shiqi. Fortunately, everyone has a wink. Knowing that Mayor Shan deliberately avoids everyone's own reasons, and the leader does not take the initiative to show up, who will come forward to say hello? So everyone just communicated in private and learned that Mayor Shan came to Xia An's wedding in person, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

There is also speculation about the people next to the mayor.

Finally, a person who knew the mayor's arrangement today revealed the sky: the person next to him is the next mayor Wang Xiaomin.

Everyone was stunned when they learned that the future secretary and the mayor were on Xia An's wedding at the same time.

In the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, Xu Ning's self-esteem was greatly satisfied after hearing that Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin were in the elegant room upstairs.

Xia wants to accompany Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin to sit down. After a while of gossip, I learned that Wang Xiaomin himself was from Qu County, Dancheng City. When he went home for the Spring Festival, he passed by Dancheng City and happened to receive a phone call from Shan Shiqi. The two had known each other before, so they met immediately. Then when he heard that Xia was also in Dancheng, Wang Xiaomin proposed that he wanted to meet Xia, because he wanted to find Xia,

than: three consecutive more, 12,000 words. Because yesterday's monthly ticket was too weak. Today's monthly ticket doesn't rise at all. Lao He's code is weak. It can't be finished with 15,000 words, so I have to start with 12,000 words. But it also exceeds the usual daily update of 10,000 words! Do you want to give me the monthly ticket or not? It's up to you. Lao He doesn't want to say more.