official god

Chapter 398 Time to Scene

Friends waving their hands! No, I don't see it in the long run. Instead, I am thinking about the market, and I feel that in the future market tide, everything is still determined by the irresistible market law. Political interference in the market economy has become more and more until some non-state-owned economies have fully emerged. All state-owned enterprises must also put down their bodies. Go and compete with private enterprises for the market. He took a look at Shan Shiqi again. Seeing that his face was calm and his performance was normal, he continued to say, "The benefits of the current Shancheng Steel Factory are not bad, but with the interest in domestic real estate, the demand for steel is increasing, as well as the development of the automobile industry. It also has a beneficial impact on the steel market. However, it is precisely because of the market demand that more steel mills will join the competition, and they will do everything possible to reduce costs and improve competitiveness. In terms of cost reduction, Shancheng Steel Factory has no advantage

Wang Xiaomin's face also became solemn.

"There are more than 20,000 employees in Shancheng Steel Factory. However, a steel mill in a southern coastal city only has many employees, but the output value is comparable to that of a single-town steel mill. Why? Not only because they have technological advantages, but also because they have coastal advantages. They are located in port cities, and transportation is very developed.

In the depths of the mainland of Danchengping, we can only rely on railway transportation. Compared with sea transportation, although the speed is much faster, the transportation volume and freight is high. It is roughly estimated that the manufacturing cost of a ton of steel in a single-town steel mill is one or two hundred yuan higher than that of coastal steel mills! If large steel enterprises expand their bids to the whole country in the future, under the same quality, it will all depends on the price advantage. Price war. It's life and death, the battle!"

Xia wants to talk, and Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin are moved at the same time.

Because Xiaxiang said that the biggest problem faced by Shancheng Steel Works at present is that the cost is too high!

It is not only the transportation cost too high, but also the pension cost, the cost of retired employees, and the management cost. They are all amazingly high, and the ratio of input to output is seriously disproportionate. Combined with the current situation and Xiaxiang's analysis, Director Shan Shi and Wang Xiaomin were shocked.

"Xiaoxia, since you have found the problem, have you thought of a solution?" Shan Shiqi asked.

If he still felt that Xiaxiang's statement was a little sensational at the beginning, after listening to Xiaxiang's detailed analysis and listing the real data, he knew that Xiaxiang was not open-minded at all. The main person in charge of Shancheng Steel Factory also realized the cost problem and went to the cities along the south coast. After the inspection, I came to the conclusion that if a branch factory is to be built, time and funds are not allowed. The most important thing is that the technical strength of Shancheng Steel Factory is not enough at present, that is to say, there is no way to think about it for the time being.

Shan Shiqi looked at Xiaxiang expectantly.

To be honest, Xia Xiang also has a lot of feelings for her hometown, and she also hopes that her hometown can be richer and stronger. Since he said the disadvantages of Shancheng Steel Factory, looking at the expressions of the two leaders and sincerely consulting, he smiled and said, "I'm only responsible for saying what I think, good or bad, or whether it's feasible or not, I'm not responsible for explaining. Don't scold me, two leaders, or I won't dare to say it.

Shan Shiqi was anxious: "Say it quickly, don't sell it."

Wang Xiaomin's face sank: "It's a private chat. You said yours, and I'll listen to me."

Xia wanted to be relieved and said, "The nearest port to the single city is Huangjiao Port. Needless to say, the advantages of maritime transportation are not to mention. The two leaders are also clear that if a special railway is built from a single city to Huangzhu Port, it will take about 10 billion yuan, and the total length is about a kilometer. With the speed of railway, we should be able to maintain a certain advantage in the next ten years

Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin looked at each other again and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

To build a railway connected to the port, Xiaxiang's idea is not only ahead, but also extremely bold. The construction of the railway should first be submitted to the provincial government for approval. After the approval of the provincial government, it will be reported to the Ministry of Railways. In the end, if the Ministry of Railways approves, there will be a series of problems such as the division of the proportion of funds, involving many departments and a lot of work, which is not an easy task.

I'm afraid it will take more than a year to pass the approval of the provincial government. The provincial government reported to the Ministry of Railways again, which may be delayed for another year and a half. It's been three years since the real project was established and then started.

Three years? Shan Shiqi finally understood Xia's intention. Now the disadvantages of Shancheng Steel Works are initially exposed. After three years, the advantages of other steel mills will be highlighted. At that time, if the railway is just repaired, it will give Shancheng Steel Works a sufficient buffer period. And if the application starts after the other problems have completely occurred, even if the sheep is lost, the sheep have been lost.

Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin looked at each other again. The two nodded slightly at the same time, and he knew that Wang Xiaomin was also moved.

Look at Xiaxiang again. It's like nothing to do. He took the wine jug and poured the two of them with wine. He said, "A toast to the two leaders. Thank you for the presence of the two leaders, which made me flattered.

Wang Xiaomin smiled. Xia thought that although his vision was first-class, he was also good at playing sloppy eyes. He immediately put the topic just now behind. The meaning was obvious. Whether it was implemented or not depends on the courage of the two leaders. What he just said. Forget what you say.

In fact, Xia wants to find it from the bottom of his heart, and he still hopes that Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin can work together to manage the single city, so that the single city steel mill can get out of the future predicament in advance. Xiaxiang also has a hunch that in the confrontation between the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province, he faintly revealed an expected inside story. Whether it is the unanimous opinion of the upper class or the will of individual leaders, in short, he is not satisfied with the work of Yan Province, especially the industrial structure of Yan Province It's a little stronger.

Does it also implicitly explain that someone is against Ye Shisheng or Fan Rui

Of course, it is not realistic to change the secretary or governor in a short time, but some people in the upper class are dissatisfied with Ye Shisheng or Fan Ruiheng, which will also force them to stand in line again, re-evaluate the form of Yan Province, and re-implement policies that are conducive to the economic development of Yan Province.

As a result, Xiaxiang saw many opportunities.

Think about it again, there have been many problems that I didn't think of or paid little attention to before since I came to the provincial party committee. Slowly, you will think more and more. Is it because of standing in astonishment and looking far away? Xia wanted to smile secretly. Whoever said that the information office was assigned, and there were opportunities anywhere. The key is. It depends on whether you are always enriching yourself and pressurize yourself!

Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin didn't say anything. Obviously, they were digesting what he just said. Just now, Xia wanted to put forward an idea, which lasted for six or seven years compared with the time of later generations. He couldn't remember the specific time clearly. He only vaguely remembered the last time he came home in his later generations. When chatting with his family, his family inadvertently said that the construction of the railway from Shancheng to Huangyu had officially started. As a result, Xia thought that he checked the news on the Internet and learned the context of the construction of a special

As for whether Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin have a forward-looking vision and whether they can promote the construction of the railway in advance, Xiaxiang does not force it. First, he is not in his position and does not seek his own government. Second, sometimes history is intertwined by countless forces. He will not forcibly change anything, because if there is no pusher from all sides to work together, his power alone is very small, and it will not affect anything at all.

After a while, Wang Xiaomin picked up the glass. He said, "Come to Xiaoxia, let's have a drink for our reunion today."

The leader had to drink the toast. Xia wanted to drink it all in a hurry and respectfully.

Shan Shiqi also picked up the glass and said with a smile, "Come on, I wish Xia'an and his wife harmony and a white-headed old man."

Xia thought that it's better to obey than to be respectful. If you say a few words politely, you should do it first.

After drinking, Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin looked at each other and smiled. They got up and said, "Since you're here. What's it like to hide in it? Let's go out to toast and get to know everyone.

Another gift? Xia wants to laugh secretly. It seems that the two of them still have expectations for themselves. I'm afraid they will sell their face first, and then make new demands.

You can't take the leader's face, but if you want to return it, you have to pay more in return. Of. Xia An is the one who is shining on his face, and he is the one who must come up with an idea when being chased. He is his eldest brother is competent enough.

As soon as Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin appeared, it caused a huge sensation.

There were greetings one after another at the scene. There is also the sound of bringing down the chair because of tension and excitement, not to mention the sprinkling of wine, touching the tea and other countless small events.

Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin did not shake hands one by one, but waved hello to everyone first. Then Shan Shiqi introduced to everyone that Wang Xiaomin was the incoming next mayor, which caused everyone to exclaim.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to Xia An.

Xia An blushed with excitement and could hardly speak, but kept thanking Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin in incoherently. Seeing that he had done enough, Wang Xiaomin picked up the wine and said a few toasts with Shan Shiqi. Then I had a drink with everyone and returned to Yajian.

Xia An also entered Yajian together and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the two leaders.

Wang Xiaomin looked at Xia An a few times, with a rare smile on her face: "Xia An wants to be much more honest than Xia, and she is also sincere. I like sincere comrades. Shiqi, I don't have a competent secretary around me. How about asking Xia An to follow me? Shan Shiqi understood what Wang Xiaomin meant and looked at Xia with a smile: "What do you mean? Xiaoxia?"

Several people went around, and Wang Xiaomin asked Shan Shiqi. Shan Shiqi asked the county, but no one asked the person concerned what Xia An meant. However, looking at Xia An's excitement and expectations, it is actually meaningless to ask him without asking.

The key is Xiaxiang.

Xia figured out that Wang Xiaomin asked Xia An to be his secretary, half true and half false. Maybe I really like Xia'an's honesty and reliability, but I hope to put Xia'an by his side in this way. For the sake of Xia'an's future, I have to help Xia'an make suggestions for the single city. So. His thoughts naturally spread to Wang Xiaomin's ears.

Xia An became Wang Xiaomin's secretary, which is equivalent to being half of Wang Xiaomin's secretary. Everyone in the officialdom is good at calculating. Xia wants to shake his head and smile helplessly: "Xia'an can follow Minister Wang, no, it is his creation to be with Mayor Wang. Of course, I can't ask for it, but Xia An is honest and sometimes doesn't have enough ideas. I also ask the two leaders to be more responsible and criticize.

The implication is that Xia wants to accept the conditions of the two leaders, but his request is that he hopes that they will take more care of Xia An and not expect too much from him.

"People learn and make progress little by little. No one is a genius. I believe that Xia An will gradually mature by my side." Wang Xiaomin looked at Xia An earnestly and said, and deliberately nodded to Xia An and comforted him, "Don't be nervous. Xia An, don't look at me as very serious. In fact, I also have an approachable side.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Mayor Wang is cold-hearted. I've learned it."

Wang Xiaomin knew that what Xia wanted said meant that he talked about Xia An. Although he really wanted Xia An to be his secretary, it was also half of the reason to win over Xia. He couldn't help laughing: "Okay, Xiaoxia, stop complaining. Come on, sit down and have a good chat. Xia An, you are the groom today, so don't accompany us, just go with everyone.

As soon as Xia An left, Xia wanted to smile helplessly: "What else do the two leaders have to tell you? Please say it now, save


Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin laughed together and said, "Okay, Xiaoxia, you can't save some face for us. Do you have to be so straightforward? It's like we tied Xia'an up with you?"

"No, absolutely not. The two leaders promoted Xia An and looked up to him." Xia wanted to pretend to be serious and said, "As his brother, I must thank the two leaders for their love. But I don't have any other ability. Just humming an idea may bring a little inspiration to the two leaders to delete"

"If you have any other good ideas, don't hide them. Everyone is not an outsider now, are they?" Shan Shiqi smiled with satisfaction and secretly stretched out his thumb at Wang Xiaomin.

Wang Xiaomin also smiled implicitly: Xiaoxia is a little bad, but she is a little afraid of wolves and tigers. She likes to hesitate when talking, which is not straightforward enough.

It must be Chen Feng's original words, and Wang Xiaomin also learned it vividly. Xia wanted to be helpless. He spoke lightly and talked loudly in front of the leader. If he said it lightly, he didn't know the depth of heaven and earth, and if he said it lightly, he would talk nonsense! With thousands of leaders, Xia wants to know Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin very well, and he doesn't know their real thoughts. How dare he talk casually?

It is the leader's tolerance that the leader does not hold you accountable. If you are held accountable, the leader is also responsible to you for fear that you will take a detour. Xia can't dare to say that he is exquisite on all sides, but at least he has to know it in his heart before he dares to speak more. After all, he is facing one or two leaders in a single city!

Now when he saw the two of them singing and sum up, he made it clear that he had to eat his own posture with a Broom, so he had to admit defeat. The key is. He also saw that the two leaders were really not making a show. Instead, he showed enough sincerity.

Xia wanted to ask, "Have Secretary Shan and Mayor Wang heard about the points and comments of the Ministry of Economy and Trade on the industrial structure of Yan Province?"

Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin said, "I heard about it. Secretary Ye did not give any instructions or express any opinions. It seems that he does not accept the opinions of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade.

"Vice Premier He called Secretary Ye. Did you hear it too?" Xia thought again.

Shan Shiqi shook his head: "I haven't heard of this. What's the inside story?"

"There is no inside story, but Vice Premier He's opinion is the same as that of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade!" After Xia wanted to finish speaking, he couldn't take his eyes off Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin.

Both of them are also old officials. They immediately came to the unusual information and said at the same time, "Is it true that some people above are not satisfied with the industrial structure of Yan Province?"

Xia wanted to nod: "I don't know exactly what happened behind me, but one thing is certain. At least Vice Premier He himself is dissatisfied with Yan Province. Vice Premier He is the backbone of the State Council

Xia thought that it's better to talk less about things in the officialdom, especially the upper class. Shan Shiqi didn't think much and said directly, "It is said that Vice Premier He is expected to take over as the next prime minister. If he is slightly dissatisfied with Yan Province, after he takes office, the industrial structure of Yan Province will definitely have a new adjustment."

"Yes, it's better to take the initiative than to be passive. If we start the adjustment of the industrial structure in advance and take a big step forward, in case we are lucky enough to be appreciated by Vice Premier He and get the key projects of the country, the development of the single city will be ahead of other brother cities!" Wang Xiaomin keenly found an opportunity to take advantage of. Turn your head and ask Xia, Xiaoxia, tell me your idea that the railway of a single-city steel mill is a long-term plan. No water can quench your thirst. Let's talk about your views on the current situation of single cities.

Xia Xiang had to say bravely, "In fact, there are many advantages in a single city, not like Yan City, which is an emerging city with little cultural heritage. Shancheng was once the capital of the State of Zhao, with thousands of years of history and touching legends, and Shancheng is still the hometown of idioms.

According to research, there are many idioms and allusions that come directly from Shancheng, such as "Hufu riding and shooting hair, self-recommendation on paper" and so on. Each idiom allusion has a touching historical story or legend. There are also countless "perfect return to Zhao Yizhen Huang sorghum's guilt" and so on.

As one of the most cultural ancient cities in Yan Province. The tourism advantages of a single city are very obvious. However, due to the influence of braided dramas in China, single cities with splendid cultural traditions have not developed corresponding historical tourism and cultural tourism. Instead, the tombs of some Qing emperors are full of people. Compared with visiting the tomb of the Emperor of the Manchu Dynasty, it is far better to experience the strength of the Chinese nation in the Zhao Dynasty and the excitement of riding and shooting in Hufu, which can make the country's life patriotic and national pride.

"There should be a lot to do to develop cultural tourism in a single city." Xia wanted to throw it and said loudly. In our single city, there is a platform where King Zhao Wuling inspects the army and the place to watch singing and dancing, and there is a walking bridge. With the ruins of the Zhao Palace, a huge Zhao Palace can be developed on the basis of the original. The historical stories and legends of many idioms from a single city will be in the form of painting or sculpture. One by one, it is displayed in front of people, so that people can once again reflect the charm of the ancient city and experience the former demeanor of the State of Zhao, one of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period!

Xia's words are impassioned and infectious. Hearing that Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin were also moved.

Comparison: It's better to ask for a monthly ticket. Brothers, let's have a few more pictures. Why don't you be greedy? At least you can have an old one today. In addition, there will be an outbreak from time to time next week to thank the brothers for their support. In addition, the idea of cultural tourism in the above content. Lao He's exclusive copyright, piracy must be investigated, hey hey!