official god

Chapter 402 Candidates

Xia wanted to move his feet and said, "If you ask others to do things, you should be polite. In a negotiable tone

When Xia wanted to bend over and get into the car, he was stunned.

He was not shocked by the spaciousness in the car. Instead, I was shocked by an unexpected acquaintance in the car. It was Lao Gu who had a childlike face in the car!

"Lao Gu". Xia wants to scream and gather.

"What? Gu Yu quietly opened his mouth in surprise, "Grandpa, he actually called you Lao Gu. It's so rude and annoying!"

Lao Gu stretched out his hand to stop Gu Yu from continuing to talk. Instead, he said to Xia with a smile, "Xiaoxia, I didn't expect that we would meet again. I remember you said that you wanted to meet me again. Why, I don't think you are happy at all after seeing me?

"Happy, happy Xia wanted to nod quickly. He smiled and said, "I was excited for a moment, and I was just surprised. The main reason is that I'm not prepared at all. I always thought you were from Yanshi and were in Yanshi. I didn't expect you to be in the capital?

"You said it was in the high-level ward, right?" Lao Gu's smile on his face did not diminish, "I went to Yan Province for inspection at that time, and my health occasionally got sick. As a result, my men insisted on arranging for me to take care of my health in the high-level ward for a few days. It was rare for them to have filial piety. I also lived for a few days

"Inspect?" Xia was shocked, "Are you still at work?"

Lao Gu waved his hand: "No, retreat. No official is light. It's called inspection. In fact, it's just looking around. I'm used to it. In fact, I'm not in any position now. It's not appropriate to say that inspection is no longer appropriate.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yu was silent for a long time, and finally said, "In Grandpa's prestige, where to go, military region, they don't respect you three points, call you chief?" That's like him. He called you Lao Gu. It's terrible.

"Lao Gu is good, so I will call me Lao Gu after Xiaoxia. Because the ancient name reminds me. I am now a useless old man. I have no official and no position, which can also make me feel much more relaxed and make me feel like an ordinary old man. Spend your old age in peace.

Xia wants to hear that Lao Gu is a senior leader in the army and has now abdicated. But the army is not as good as the local, and the older generation of leaders who have prestige in the army retreated. It still has the energy that affects the overall situation.

"Lao Gu, the jade you gave me is too precious. I'm ashamed of it." Xia wanted to take the opportunity to raise the matter of Shoushan Stone.

"I also know a little about the recent turmoil of the Yan Provincial Party Committee. I have a suggestion, Xiaoxia, you can think about it. Don't be in a hurry to reply to me. I have the patience to be old-fashioned. He waved his hand and didn't accept Xia's words about Shoushan Stone, with a majestic face. It's better to come to the capital and stay with me for a period of time, whether it's self-cultivation or energy. In short, avoid the political whirlpool

Is there any turbulence in the political situation in Yan Province? Xia wanted to be surprised, but if Lao Guzhen was as respected in the army as Gu Yu said, his words should not be groundless. However, the political bureau of Yan Province has just entered a stable stage, and there should be no major personnel changes. The capital does not want to see the instability of the political situation in Yan Province. "Yes, the political problems in the political situation are not all personnel issues. Since there will be no major changes in personnel, does it mean that Yan Province will adjust its economic structure?

Thinking of the grudge between the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and Yan Province, and the pending issue of transfering him to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Xia thought that he had faintly grasped a clue, that is, Vice Premier He may not be satisfied with the industrial structure of many provinces in China and wanted to take

The most normal move should be that Vice Premier He will find a suitable opportunity to inspect Yan Province!

At that time, under the pressure of Vice Premier He, Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng are facing the problem of standing in line. It's not too much to say that it's a whirlpool, but it's careless. It is possible that the future will be ruined. Is it to carry out the will of the Vice Premier, or to stick to the current situation? Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng will also face a dilemma.

Implement the spirit of Vice Premier He's instructions, promote reform, and make an arduous struggle with the conservative forces in Yan Province. The conservative force in Yan Province has always been huge and very stubborn, mainly related to the overall conservatism of the Yan people. It is possible to lose in the struggle with conservative forces and have the upper hand by conservative forces, and there are many conservatives in the capital who support Yan Province. It can be said that it is difficult to implement the adjustment of the industrial structure, which is a major choice related to political life.

But if you disobey Vice Premier He's instructions, continue to maintain the current conservative line of one step and stop. In case Vice Premier He really plays tricks on the next time, Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng are under the leadership of the new government under the leadership of the new government because of the conservative policy of Yan Province and the powerful He Dongchen. I'm afraid that I can't get the favor of national policies and the care of investment. The biggest hidden danger is that the political life of the two will end.

Going forward may be an abyss. If you step in place, you may suddenly hang under your feet and fall into a deep hole.

It is dangerous to move forward, and it is also dangerous not to move forward. Presumably Ye Shi and Fan Ruiheng will also be very painful in the face of major choices.

But the more dangerous it is, the more it is often accompanied by a huge harvest. Xia thought once again found a huge opportunity, and he made up his mind again. You can't leave Yan Province. In the upcoming whirlpool, you need to find a key point and have the space to deal with it, so as to seize the fleeting opportunity.

Once successful, there will be unimaginable huge returns.

"After the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch, you always sit aside leisurely and watch the mantis catch the cicada." Xia thought finally understood Lao Gu's thoughts, but he still asked puzzledly, "Lao Gu, with your position and you don't have to pull me to your body. You don't need to spend the New Year, it's just a small gift."

Before Lao Gu could speak, Gu Yu snatched the words again. He said, "Grandpa is childlike and idle. He said that every time he wants to chat with you, he feels comfortable, so he wants to make a joke with you. I always say that he is old and has become like a child. He was also worried that you didn't want to come over. In fact, he sent a message. The Yan Provincial Party Committee will definitely let people go, and then put your relationship with the State Organs Affairs Administration. If the level is not lowered, the salary can be raised, and you can live a very comfortable life. It's a good job to chat, walk and play chess with my grandfather every day.

is equivalent to the ancient secretary of Anhuo.

Xia doesn't want to be a life secretary for Lao Gu. He must have benefited a lot from being in contact with a senior figure like Lao Gu for a period of time. And his connections and networks can also bring enough benefits to himself. At that time, Wu Peiyong had a life secretary for an old general in the capital. Later, when he returned to Yan Province, it became his greatest political wealth. His photo with some upper levels in the capital was placed in his office by him, which created the illusion that he was tough


And Xiaxiang also believed that Lao Gu wanted to transfer him to his side and walked out of his good intentions. He understands the psychology of some old people very well, from Shi Lao to Gao Lao. He also came into contact with many people who had been popular for a while. No matter how high you were back then! When people are old, their mood will change a lot. They no longer pursue the scenery before and after others, but yearn for a casual and relaxed state of life.

Perhaps it was because he inadvertently met Lao Gu that he did not salute and respect him rigidly, but because he was a normal old man who could chat and talk to his heart, that he won his favor.

For Lao Gu, who lacks nothing, what he needs most is a life secretary who can talk to his heart. Not only can he take care of his life, but most importantly, he can have a common language with him and talk to him on an equal footing, rather than awe of both respect and fear.

Awe and respect can make people distance themselves. Old people all have a lonely heart. What they desire is dialogue and communication, not a salute and a sentence of "head"!

Lao Gu saw that Xia wanted to hesitate. Knowing that he was hesitating, he was not reluctant. He cut off Gu Yu's words and said, "For Xiao Xia, maybe he prefers a magnificent life. It's too boring to accompany me as an old man every day.

I don't force it. The twisted melon is not sweet. He doesn't want to come. I won't say a bad word.

Xia wanted to be slightly moved. He didn't dare to say how deep he had feelings for Lao Gu, but through his interaction with Mr. Shi and Mr. Gao, he also knew the loneliness in the old man's heart. Suddenly. Suddenly. He made a decision. He said, "Lao Gu, please allow me to call you Lao Gu all the time, because of the intimacy, which makes me always feel the same as when I met on our website. Please forgive me for not being able to accept your request. I don't think your life secretary is not good, but that I went to the Yan Provincial Party Committee online. When everything My character. It doesn't match my style of doing things. However, I also want to learn more from you. It happens that my work in the Information Office is not very busy. Why don't I spend a few days a month to accompany you in Mujing? It's all free, and I'm also responsible for inviting you to dinner.

Lao Gu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Take retreat as progress, good Xiaoxia, your brain is fast enough. You also know that I have to transfer you to my side, and you can't stop it. It's better to take a step back first, so that I can't bear to force you. Am I right?"

Xia Xiang smiled and said, "I think you are a soldier and won't do anything behind your back. One is one. If something happens, you must say it in person.

"Akay, I agree." Lao Gu suddenly stiffened his face again and said with a serious face, "But there is a little Xiaoxia, that is, you can't affect your work in order to take care of my emotions. Normal work must be done well so that you can come to the capital to see me after work." "Yes, I wrote it down." Xia thought that he was taught with an open mind, "In normal times, you can also live in Yanshi. There is a sanatorium in the forest of Yanshi. The environment is good and the conditions are good. If you go, I can chat with you from time to time.

Xia thought about knocking the agreement between him and Lao Gu to death. There is no need to save other complications.

"Grandpa, why do you admire him?" Gu Yu saw that Xia wanted to pay attention and said unhappily. I think he has a lot of ideas and quick ideas. He speaks without omission, and he is not sincere at all. Anyway, I don't like him!"

Xiaxiang did not refute, and waved his hand to Gu Yu: "I'm very much praised."

Gu Yu was so angry that he raised his fist at him: "What a thick-skinned!"

Lao Gu laughed and said, "You know, I just like his sudden sense of humor. Xiaoyu, if you can't beat him, don't embarrass Xiaoxia."

Gu Yu. He said, "A good woman doesn't fight with a man!"

"It seems that there is another sentence?" Xia wanted to pretend to think hard, "I can't remember. What is it?"

"Stupid, it's a good dog who doesn't fight with chickens!" Gu Yu was fooled and blurted out.

"That's so smart." Xia wants to be happy.

Gu Yu woke up. Xia wanted to take the opportunity to scold her. She was so angry that she thought about it. Xia wanted to say quickly, "Girls are better to be more elegant. Don't do it."

Gu Yu stopped obediently, blinked his eyes with embarrassment, and said, "I'm sorry, on impulse, I'm actually a lady."

Old Gu Le opened his mind and said repeatedly, "Okay. Well, it seems that it is really necessary for me to live in Yanshi for a period of time. Anyway, nothing has happened recently. It's also a strange thing. My old subordinates beg me to live in Yanshi every day. I'm too lazy to read the fine concave and say that the body of Xunshan is different. As soon as you say it. I was moved. I will start after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, son "

Suddenly, I remembered something. The old topic changed and asked again: Xiaoxia, I always think it's better for you to jump out of the Yan Provincial Party Committee. The action of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade is quite large, and Yi Xiangshi has a skill. He made full use of the opportunity to transfer you to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and If I have a good guess, He Dongchen will have an important inspection of Yan Province.

Sure enough, Lao Gu's speculation was the same as Xia Shang's idea. Xia Shang also understood that Lao Gu came out of his love for him, so he said gratefully, "Thank you for your care and love. I think sometimes it is difficult to find an opportunity that can't happen normally under complicated circumstances."

"Adventure opportunist." Gu Ran scoffed at Xia's statement.

Xia wanted to ignore her and just waited for Lao Gu to speak.

Lao Gu closed his eyes slightly and repeated the film. He said with a bad face, "Adventureism is not desirable, and opportunism is not the right way, but I have studied your resume and found that your road to officialdom is always like God's help at the critical moment, Xiaoxia. Tell me the truth, are you hiding some huge secrets? Xia wanted to shake her head in a hurry: "No, I'm from a clear background. What's the secret? Maybe you think too much, many thrilling times. I also gritted my teeth to survive, and I also overcame the difficulties with the incomparable sincerity to the cause of communism.

Lao Gu nodded slightly, but Gu Yu once again showed contempt for Xia Shen's statement.

Xiaxiang naturally has a secret that no one knows, which is also the foundation of his life. It must not be passed on, otherwise he may be arrested by the security department as the object of research.

After talking with Lao Gu for about ten minutes, his mobile phone rang. At a glance, Qiu Xufeng called and knew that he thought he was missing. Xia Xiang smiled apologetically at Lao Gu. Lao Gu waved his hand generously: "You are a guest invited by the Qiu family. It's important to take care of the Qiu family's mood first."

Xia wanted to wave goodbye to Lao Gu. After getting off the bus, Lao Gu asked the driver to drive.

Gu Yu asked puzzledly, "Grandpa, he doesn't want him to be a life secretary. Isn't he too arrogant? You obviously told him that there would be turmoil in Yan Province, and he still relied on the Yan Provincial Party Committee. Do you think he is promising or has no ability?

Xiaoyu, haven't you noticed how much the Qiu family attaches importance to him? In addition, he also has a good relationship with the Mei family. I heard that he also has dealings with the Wu family. Why don't you think deeply about why a rootless person has such a wide range of contacts and so many people appreciate him? He himself has an easily accepted affinity!" Lao Gu thought thoughtfully, "I think he has the vision and courage to take advantage of the chaos."

"Then leave him alone. I don't think it's necessary to fool him." Gu Yu played with the jade pendant on his neck and said.

"No, I feel more and more now. He is the most suitable candidate. Lao Gu smiled, and there was a sudden burst of self-confidence and momentum in his smile.

Besides, Xia wants to go back to the door of the hotel. Seeing Qiu Xufeng looking around anxiously, he walked forward and said, "Xufeng, don't look for it. I'm here before I sent someone away."

Qiu Xufeng complained with a little panic, "Let me find Xiaoxia. You're not interesting enough. Isn't it a little bad to get close to others on my happy day?

Xia wanted to see him slightly drunk, so he smiled and said, "Oced, you're almost drunk. Accompany the bride into the bridal chamber. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'll go back tomorrow afternoon. There is still time." In fact, Xia wants to know it too. Di Xufeng doesn't have any feelings. He gets married again during the Spring Festival. How can he care about talking about other things with him? It is estimated that Qiu Xufeng's greatest joy is to make a small step forward as he wishes. He has become a member of the Standing Committee and deputy mayor of the city of Baoshi, and he can also raise his eyebrows slightly in front of his family. Although he is not as bullish as the deputy secretary of the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee of Fu Xianfeng, at least

Qiu Xufeng is indeed very happy today. First, Xia wants to make a special trip to support him, proving that he recognized this. Friends. Second, my father has a good impression of Xiaxiang, so that Qiu Xufeng can have a good relationship with Xiaxiang. It's best for the Qiu family, even if not. We should also maintain a good cooperative relationship. Third, he will be appointed as the deputy mayor of Bao City after the New Year, and years of efforts have not been in vain. As a result, he was praised by the family, praising him for knowing how to take advantage of the opportunity. When he was happy, he drank a few more drinks.

Compared with the above happy events, the joy of the wedding has diluted a lot.

To be fair, Qiu Renli actually didn't value Xiaxiang at the beginning. After all, he did not have direct contact with Xiaxiang. He thought that Xiaxiang was just a little smart person. Qiu Xufeng and Xia wanted to go from confrontation to cooperation, which was also because Xia thought of the right time and place.

But after Xia Xiang appeared, he saw Wu Caijiang and Mei Shengping's enthusiasm for Xia Xiang, and Mei Xiaolin's attitude towards Xia Xiang with his own eyes. Only then did he realize that Xia Xiang was really not simple and extraordinary, otherwise the Wu family and the Mei family would not be interested in him at the same time.

Defense: It should be said that from the beginning of this month to now, the brothers' support for the official god is not bad. It moved Lao He's heart. As long as the support of the brothers is not reduced, Lao He's update will be awesome. A quarter of the month has passed, and we have always been in the name of the front blade. We thank our brothers for their affection and kindness. Please continue to support Lao He as always. Lao He's promise is to break out at least once a week. I hope today's monthly ticket can reach the concave ticket"