official god

Chapter 408 Passive is not as good as active

You want to crept. Try to make it as light as possible, just want to give it to Xiaoya Jingxi. He gently closed the door, raised his feet high, and walked gently. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took the first step, he heard a crisp sound from his feet, and he was so scared that he jumped to one side. I thought something inexplicable had happened.

"Gig, I'm scared you, let you lie to me!" The little girl jumped out of it and laughed back and down.

Xia wanted to look down at his feet. It was a piece of foam, which broke when he stepped on the bubble. Naturally, it will make a crack. A sound. Xia Xiang now looks like holding a bunch of roses in one hand, holding the key in the other hand, raising one foot high, with a stunned face, and looking at the little girl with wide eyes.

The little girl teased Xia to succeed and was so happy that she was so happy.

Xia wanted to wake up, pretended to be furious, rushed over, picked her up and threw her to **. He said viciously, "Wing to murder your own husband? Don't dare to see how I deal with you!"

The roses were scattered on the benevolent land, and she didn't care about it. Xia wanted to pounce on it, but she was set on the spot by the little girl's words: "Forgive me! Stop it. It's time. I seem to have it"

Really? Xia wanted to stand still and looked at the girl's stomach without blinking. After looking at it for half a minute, she remembered where there was any movement now, and then hurriedly asked, "Really? Don't lie to me. I'm brave"

"What are you afraid of? The little girl pouted and said a little aggrievedly. You don't get tired and don't have a big belly. It's all my fault in the future. Anyway, you don't care after doing bad things. No matter how uncomfortable you feel, I can't suffer alone?

Is it reasonable for a woman to be pregnant? The girl seldom bowed to him. Xia wanted to go over and hug her: "Have you tested it? Are you sure you have it?"

"Not yet. It's been postponed. Dantian didn't have a period. I suspect it is."

"There are some things that can't be speculated. There should be a scientific basis. Come on, try it with early pregnancy test paper."

"Strange thing, why do you seem to have more experience than me? Is there any secret?" The little girl looked at Xiaxiang with slanted eyes, with a strange smile on her face.

Xia wanted to wipe his sweat in a hurry: "Look, it's off topic again, isn't it? You don't know that men have learned a lot of things from childhood to their own, and they can also learn a lot of knowledge from many movies and TVs. I guess you have also seen a video similar to gender knowledge

The little girl knew what Xia wanted to say, and suddenly blushed: "No, I don't look at the messy things. Whoever is like you knows everything. No wonder you are so good at tossing people in **. It turns out that you are all learning from the video. What a shame.

Xia thought and smiled: "Adolescence. It's all the hormones, not the fault. Understandable. Men are like this. It is also because of men's hormones that there is beautiful and innocent love in the world

"Boh, is it still beautiful and innocent? You are full of bad water. The little girl punched Xia in front of her head a few times, and then said timidly, "Tell me. What if I'm really pregnant?

"What should I do? Of course, I didn't hesitate to give birth to a child. Xia wanted to know that she was weak and under psychological pressure, so he comforted her and said, "Once you give birth to a child twice. Of course, you have no experience in giving birth to a child for the first time. I got used to it after giving birth twice. In the past, my neighbor gave birth to seven daughters in order to have a boy, and when they gave birth to the eighth child. She was cooking in the kitchen, and she gave birth to the baby while cooking. She didn't even stir-fry the dishes. Isn't it great? "Go away and say it like the truth. It's not so easy for a woman to have a baby. I heard that it's almost the same as life and death. The little girl put her arms around Xia's waist and said, "You men just stand and talk without back pain. It's really unfair for you to get the benefits, and the sins are all suffered by women.

Xia wanted to comfort her patiently. Then I went downstairs to the pharmacy to buy test paper. I bought it back soon. When I tried it, it turned out to be a false alarm.

Xia wanted to tease her: "If in ancient times, you lied that the military situation was to be dealt with by the military law, do you know?

The little girl looked willing to accept it: "Can't I do it if I'm wrong? I also want to give birth to a baby for you in case you get pregnant.

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent." Xia wanted to hold her up again, "Since I didn't succeed last time. Let's try again today. I have perseverance and patience, and I will not give up until I reach my goal.

"You don't want it, right?" The little girl also learned to tease Xia, "If you just want to have a child, you should wait for half a month, because now is my safe period, and it's useless for you to work hard

"It takes a thousand days to raise soldiers. Now it is the stage of training. You need to practice often. When you carry a gun and get on the horse, you can be familiar with the road and take the lead. Isn't it?" Xia wants to be pure and seductive.

"Oh, what are you talking about? I don't understand. The little girl simply became an ostrich and covered her ears.

Xia wants to like the little girl's real and fake little mood. Anyway, there is no one at home, which is so interesting. I can't take much care of it,,

The little girl lay in Xiaxiang's arms, using two fingers as walking legs, jumping around on his chest. Still asking, "Why does it hurt when a woman gives birth to a child?" Are you talking about having a baby in the kitchen a lie?

As for the profound problem of women having children, Xia, as a man, is naturally not very clear. But having a baby in the kitchen is really true. It happened in his neighbor's home when he was a child. Perhaps with the progress of society. Women are also slowly degenerating. According to the current proportion of infertility without caesarean section, China has perished in ancient times!

The more advanced the science and technology is, the more degraded it will be. I don't know if it's a kind of sadness? The next day. Before Xia thought he could take the initiative to find Song Chaodu, Song Chaodu called him. Offer to go fishing.

The warm and cold spring is also drizzling weather, which adds a few gloomy atmosphere. Xia wanted to drive to Song Chaodu, drove all the way along the mountain road to the northwest, and went straight to the last pond.

The small pond has no name. It is a pond formed by a farmer digging in his own farmland. After pouring water, sprinkle fish fry, pressurized ammonia, and then operate it externally. It charges according to the amount of fish caught, and provides fish rods and fish food for free. Many people love to fish here on weekends. It's not a real hobby either. It's just a kind of leisure and relaxation.

Because of the bad weather today, there are few people fishing. Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu found a secluded place, sat under the umbrella, and began to fish.

Song Chaodu's mood didn't seem to be very good. He didn't say a few words along the way. After fishing, he also stared intently at the water and didn't say anything for a long time.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a while, but he still asked, "Gun Governor Song, what's wrong?"

Song Chaodu smiled and said, "No" is not bad, but hesitant."

Xia thought he guessed: "Is it about Vice Premier He's inspection?"

Song Chaodu nodded: "The opinions of the province are not unified, and there are as many opponents who support industrial restructuring

Xia Xiang asked, "You seem to be one of the opponents?"

Song Chaodu suddenly smiled and said, "I heard that you are strongly in favor of industrial restructuring. Do you still have close dealings with Secretary-General Qian? His voice was faint, there were no ups and downs, and he could not hear his emotions.

Xia was not afraid that Song Chaodu blamed him for approaching Qian Jinsong. In fact, he and Qian Jinsong only approached because of a common goal for a while. Without any other ideas, he smiled: "Secretary-General Qian has a good relationship with Shan Shiqi, Secretary of the Shancheng Art Committee, and Shan Shiqi and my father-in-law have some friendship. With this relationship, we have a chance to sit together. I happened to have the same views on some things, so I exchanged opinions.

"Try to talk about your views on the adjustment of the industrial structure of Yan Province." As expected, Song Chaodu no longer mentioned that Xia wanted to have a relationship with Qian Jinsong.

"In terms of the economic situation of the province, it is not optimistic. In China, although the economy of Yan Province is insufficient and more than the lower, there are indeed many problems that hinder the further development of the economy. The industrial structure is unreasonable, the state-owned enterprises are bloated but not profitable, etc. If there is no restructuring, it will not be able to keep up with the next wave of rapid economic development.

Starting from four to the next generation. It is the golden period of the development of domestic real estate, automobile, high-tech and Internet. In Xiaxiang's memory, in addition to slightly keeping up with the domestic pace in basic industries such as real estate, Yan Province has lagged far behind in other aspects. Not to mention the Internet, because it is too close to the capital, many Internet companies prefer to start a business in the capital. The automobile industry is not outstanding, except for the low-cost off-road vehicles produced by a car manufacturer in Baoshi, which were once dumped into the capital market. There is no automobile industry worth mentioning. The high-tech industry has no brands to show off. It can be said that Daiyan Province is like a pool of stagnant water. In addition to the advantages of surrounding Beijing and Tianjin, there are few highlights.

Xia wants to make the most of his advantages. Affecting the people who can be affected, setting the tone for the development of Yan Province can help Yan Province realize the painful teaching of falling behind step by step as soon as possible. Xia wanted to be much more casual in front of Song Chaodu. In terms of what he knows about the future development direction, the wealth myth of the Internet, the rapid development of the automobile industry, and the endless emergence of emerging industries, implicitly and vaguely outlined a fascinating economic tide for the Song Dynasty!

Song Chaodu obviously did not expect Xia to have such an advanced vision. He looked directly at the surface of the water, was silent for a long time without saying anything, and his heart was strongly touched. He does not support industrial restructuring, believing that it will inevitably bring turbulence to the political situation in Yan Province, and may even trigger a series of chain reactions. In his opinion, Vice Premier He's views are sometimes too radical. In the domestic political climate, it is best to seek stability first and then move forward. Yan Province is a conservative province. Under the eyes of the capital, it is enough to maintain the economic scale of medium-sized provinces, and there is no need to strive for the upper reaches.

Song Chaodu's view is that the economy serves politics, and politics comes first. Only when political problems are solved first can economic policies be implemented.

But Xia's words obviously disagreed with him. It is a political issue, and the economy comes first. In the future, the role of the economy will become more and more obvious, which can not only affect the political process, but may even become the decisive force for political success or failure! This is the same situation as being a leader in a state-owned enterprise, and trying to improve the benefits of the enterprise. Or do you want to maintain the status quo, just have a good relationship with your superiors, and be able to survive and get promoted?

According to Xia Sang, won't everything in the future with the economy as the standard of promotion become a business for all people? Even the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor have to give in to investment. Isn't the official ideology seriously impacted?

Song Chaodu is understandable, but it is not acceptable for a while.

"After working in the Information Department, you have made a lot of progress in your theoretical knowledge. Say goodbye for three days. It's impressive." The words just now have looked at the height of the country. Hehe, Song Chaodu smiled and said, "The attitude of Secretary Ye and Governor Fan is unclear, but in contrast, Secretary Ye still tends to be conservative. Governor Fan seems to have the determination to take a small step forward. ... In Xiaoxia, what kind of situation is Vice Premier He inspecting the household? Xia thought and smiled modestly: "You have almost told me the answer. I can't say it anymore. I'm too t politically intelligent. According to the current situation in the province, although Secretary Ye is conservative, he does not have the confidence to clearly oppose Vice Premier He. Since Governor Fan supported it, it was a compromise in the end. That is, the capital of Yan Province implements industrial restructuring, but it is not the province-wide, but to find a pilot city first.

Although it had been expected for a long time, Song Chaodu was still slightly surprised when he heard Xia think of the provincial decision and said, "Yes, your vision is very accurate. Basically, it is the last one. The situation of compromise. The key is that it is not easy to find the pilot city, and the province takes the lead in charge of the standing committee of the pilot city, and it is not easy to designate it. Although Secretary-General Qian supports the industrial restructuring, he is not a member of the government team. In the end, the person in charge of the lead also came out of the government team.

Xia figured out that the fundamental reason why he is worried about Zhongzhong in the morning is that he does not want to be arrogant to take the lead, but in general, it is the most likely that he will take the lead!

In Song Chaodu's view, it is a thankless thing. Maybe his upcoming rise will be burdened by the pilot cities and eventually involve the political future. However, if you want to see it in summer, it is a good thing worth trying and doing a lot.

"To tell you the truth, I have found a pilot city for the province and almost convinced the main party and government leaders in the two cities without any accident. They will take the initiative to apply to the province. Xia wanted to look at Song Chaodu with a smile. He didn't sell it and said directly, "One is a treasure city, and the other is a single city."

Song Chaodu was very moved. His hand trembled, and a hooked fish was unhooked again. He simply put down the fishing rod: "Xiaoxia, you are so confident in the adjustment of the industrial knot. Are you sure that there must be a prospect? You should understand that in case the pilot fails. The main leaders of the two cities may become political victims!"

Of course, Song Chaodu knew who was the secretary of the municipal party committee of the treasure coin. He also knows Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin in Shancheng, but it is not clear how deep the relationship between them and Xiaxiang is.

Listening to Xia thought, they can persuade them to take the initiative to apply to become a pilot city, and guess that Xia wants to win their trust.

"With the leadership of Vice Premier He, there is the support of relevant national policies and the preferential policies of the provinces. Coupled with the trend of the times, how can it not succeed? Governor Song, Shan Shiqi, secretary of Shancheng, has a good relationship with my father-in-law. He is also a member of Secretary-General Qian. Mayor Wang Xiaomin and Secretary Chen also have friendships, not to mention Baoshi. In addition to my father-in-law, Qiu Xufeng is also there. They are all close to me. I persuade them Because I firmly believe that if single cities and treasure cities break the stereotypes. You must be able to make a big difference. Pilot cities can not only achieve great success, but also become a rare leap forward in political life.

The reason why Xiaxiang said it firmly is that he wants to successfully impress the Song Dynasty and let him take the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of the provincial leader, once he succeeds. He can also take this opportunity to get political bonus points.

The machine is not lost.

In the Song Dynasty, he saw too many successful precedents in business, but he could not let go of it. He always felt that it was impossible for politics to accommodate the economy in the future. All the economy was the first. Is it the world of the rich? Of course, he does not completely ignore the power of the economy, and his achievements also depend on the economy. It's just in the blueprint that Xia wants to describe. The economy has become a decisive force, which makes him unable to accept it for a while.

Xia Shang is indeed not alarmist. In later times, in an era of increasing emphasis on political achievements and depression, not to mention the county party secretary, even the municipal party secretary will accompany foreign businessmen to talk carefully. There have also been many mayors who have been cheated by fake foreign businessmen, which also indirectly shows that the magic of money is indeed huge and has affected To the political judgment of many officials.

It's better to be active than passive, and Xiaxiang also knows it. According to the analysis of the situation in the province, Ma Wanzheng is the executive vice governor and will definitely not lead the two pilot cities. Among the other deputy governors, only Song Chaodu is a member of the Standing Committee. If an ordinary deputy governor takes the lead, it seems that the province does not pay enough attention to it. Obviously, Song Chaodu has become the only most suitable candidate.

If Song Chaodu took the initiative, he would add a lot of impression points in front of Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng. There is no doubt that it will also reach Vice Premier He's ears. After the pilot cities have achieved results, Vice Premier He will definitely take a look at Song Chaodu's enterprising spirit, which will also be of great benefit to Song Chaodu's career. Active, far more benefits can be obtained than passive.

Although it seems that you have no benefits from beginning to end, most of the time, the benefits do not have to be put on the surface, and the benefits obtained in the dark are absolutely rich. Not to mention that Shan Shiqi and Wang Xiaomin will be grateful to themselves, they are very likely to take a big step forward in politics. In the future, they will be in a high position and show their help. Cao Yongguo won't say it, and his family doesn't talk about two families. Even Qiu Xufeng will benefit a lot from this, and the tacit understanding with himself will be further advanced. As a result, it is equivalent to a step forward in the relationship with the Qiu family.

And after Song Chaodu benefited, the beneficial impact on himself was also obvious. It is not obvious in the short term, but in the long run. Song Chaodu is definitely a strong competitor for the next governor.

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