official god

Chapter 464 Turn Straight Down

Mo Feng will not think clearly for Zhong Yiping. If Chen Feng is a thist, Ren Yi and Zhong Yiping has to force the nomination, it will greatly reduce his prestige and credibility, and Xiaxiang is unwilling to do the difficult things for the strong. He regards Chen Feng as a leader as an elder, and will think of him everywhere. All he needs is that Chen Feng does not object.

"As long as you and Mayor Hu do not raise objections, I will find a way to solve all the difficulties." Xiaxiang smiled and explained, "Actually, I also know that Zhong Yiping's qualifications are a little shallow. It's a little reluctant to forcibly arrange to An County. But it would be a pity to let go of an excellent opportunity at present, and it was also in vain for Secretary Chen to teach me. Always remember to seize every opportunity. Many times, the opportunity will never come again.

Chen Feng pretended to be unhappy and said, "What nonsense. When did I say that? My original words are to boldly seize every opportunity, "

After a few jokes, Chen Feng didn't ask Xia what he wanted to do. Anyway, he didn't pay much attention to Zhong Yiping's matter, so he took a listening attitude.

Xia wanted to say goodbye to Chen Feng. He went upstairs to meet Li Dingshan, and then talked about the personnel arrangements of An County. Li Dingshan also knows it. In the evening, Mei Xiaolin was invited by Li Dingshan. Several people had a meal together, which was also regarded as a colleague, and then got together.

The next day, after the manuscript of An Yixing and Peng Mengfan was revised, Ge Shan finally finalized the manuscript and took the manuscript away and arranged for publication. Xia wanted to prepare the second batch of rebuttal manuscripts by herself. He is going to write two manuscripts, one for the media in Yan Province. An article was sent to the old man of the Beijing Support Department.

At the same time, Xia wanted to call Fan Zheng and asked him to write a rebuttal article. As Xia expected, Fan Zheng agreed and said that he could also organize several experts from the Academy of Social Sciences to participate in the debate. Xia wanted to be overjoyed, and also asked Fan Zheng to write two articles like him, one of which was left in the province. One article for the old man in order to support the old man.

The debate in the National Daily is much more intense than that in Yan Province. With the addition of more and more scholars from different camps, it has almost become a debate spreading to all national media. Almost all the well-known experts and scholars in the capital participated and wrote their own articles to express their different positions. The supporters of the industrial restructuring and the supporters are almost equally divided, so the debate is particularly wonderful and tragic. It is a complete war without smoke.

However, because industrial restructuring is a relatively general policy and far away from the people's lives, although the debate is fierce, it has not attracted much attention from the people. It is precisely because of this that the upper class has been silent and let the debate continue.

The upper level of supporting industrial restructuring is to see how many scholars support industrial restructuring. The upper level against industrial restructuring. I have the same idea. The debate began in the capital. With the earliest correspondence of Yan Province, other provinces and cities also showed signs of joining the debate.

At this stage, the two sides of the debate are almost evenly matched, and all parties have academic heavyweights to join the debate. If you simply look at the phenomenon of the debate from the academic community, it is a good thing to celebrate. Only when politics is clear can there be different voices, and then will there be a situation of blooming flowers.

There are elders in the capital, so you don't have to worry about summer. Although there was no leader in Yan Province, he knew in his heart that he was afraid that the heavy responsibility would still be on his shoulders. He is not an academic figure. However, because of his critical position, and because he is a disciple of Confucianism, he has become the best choice in Ye Shisheng's eyes.

It is not only necessary to guide the industrial restructuring of the single city and Bao City, but also to rise to the height of theory, organize and write articles and arguments. Xia still doesn't know whether he is lucky or unlucky. It is the leader who makes achievements, and the fault is his own.

But the good thing is that Xia also believes that with his wisdom, he will not do thankless things. He also believes that after this valuable experience of combining theory with practice, he will take a firm step forward again! Aoshan

On the third day, the manuscripts of An Yixing, Peng Mengfan and Yan Xiao were published in Yan Daily, marking the fact that the leading group in order to maintain its reputation, Ye Shisheng firmly continued to promote industrial restructuring, and marked the official beginning of the debate on industrial restructuring in Yan Province!

Xia Xiang wrote hard in the office and put forward the feasible suggestions he envisioned the day before yesterday on the next industrial structure adjustment direction of single city and treasure city.

At the same time as Xia wanted to immerse himself in the battle, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Yan City, the personnel arrangement of An County has also entered the real competition stage.

As Chen Feng expected, after Fang Jinjiang put forward the list of candidates for An County, Fu Xianfeng made a brief discussion on the selection of the secretary and the county magistrate. He agreed with the nomination of Jiang Tian and Zhang Jian, but firmly opposed the nomination of Zhong Yiping, and reiterated his reasons for his opposition.

"Comrade Zhong Yiping is diligent and conscientious, and has also made outstanding contributions to two posts in the province and city. According to the theory, if you want to practice at the grass-roots level, it is the most appropriate arrangement to start with the head of the township. After a few years, he has work experience at the grass-roots level and Feng glanced at Chen Feng indifferently, "At the secretary's meeting, I expressed my attitude to Secretary Chen. In order to maintain the principle of fairness, openness and fairness in the promotion of cadres in the organization, I think it is better to promote Comrade Zhong Yiping."

Chen Feng didn't say anything, with a calm face and looked at Li Dingshan?

Li Dingshan smiled and said, "Secretary Wang, you pay attention to experience in everything. Have you made a mistake of empiricism? Capitalism and socialism have no experience. They are both new things. Isn't they in the same order now? Reform and opening up is still touching the stone to cross the river. Similarly, the industrial restructuring of Yan Province is also moving forward in exploration. In the same way, everyone has a growth. You can't go without it. If you have experience, you will hit a piece of experience. If you don't have Ji Quqiu, you will have experience. There are so many airborne mayors and secretaries across the country. Many people have never left the capital. Can't they go down to the local government because they don't have the experience of local politics?

Li Dingshan's words caused a burst of laughter.

Qin Tuofu didn't care about Fu Xianfeng's face at all. He said with a smile, "When cadres want to be experienced, no one wants to have experience when they marry a daughter-in-law, and the matter is treated in two ways."

The words were not rough, and everyone changed from laughing to laughing.

Fu Xianfeng comes from a big family. He has paid attention to all aspects of education since he was a child, and never swears. Li Dingshan's words have made him very unhappy. Qin Tuofu's words made him feel more faceless. He couldn't help but feel angry and said, "Secretary Qin, I'm in the Standing Committee now. I'm not talking about family, but to speak more civilized

Qin Tuofu did not come out of the purpose of maintaining Zhong Yiping, but because Xia wanted to remind him, he deliberately investigated who in the Commission for Discipline Inspection was behind his back to investigate Cao Shuhui's company. As a result, he found that a deputy secretary and two directors have been moving frequently with Fu Xianfeng recently. He usually seems to be embarrassful, but in fact, he grasps the power within the Commission for Discipline Inspection very tightly and does not allow others to interfere indiscriminately. It's okay for Chen Feng to say that he wants to install someone. After all, he is a leader. Fu Xianfeng ranks third, and he also put his hand into the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It's really asking for it


He has a big opinion about dealing with the vanguard.

"I speak rudely, but I don't do anything rudely. I am a cadre from the grassroots level. Doesn't Secretary Fu like to say that he has grassroots work experience? My grassroots work experience is richer than everyone here. Why is my official instead of the biggest? Qin Tuofu spoke bluntly, but his heart was not straight, and there were many, "Secretary Fu airborne from the capital to Yan City. It seems that I didn't have any local political experience before, let alone served as a deputy secretary. Why do I think Secretary Fu's work is also very good. Not like inexperienced people?

This question was so interesting that even Chen Feng couldn't help laughing. He complained about Qin Tuofu and said, "Tuofu. Be serious during the meeting

Qin Tuofu said disapprovingly: "A meeting is for everyone to discuss things and discuss things. When there are serious times, there are lively times. Otherwise, the chairman taught us to be united and tense, and the production should be lively. If you are serious, I will be lively.

Everyone laughed again.

Fu Xianfeng likes to be rigid when doing things. How does he know that the cadres who really come from the grassroots level are first-class, and many of the following things are determined in the laughter. He also thought that Qin Fufu was deliberately making trouble, just to embarrass him, so he said unhappily, "After a long time, what is Secretary Qin's attitude towards Zhong Yiping's nomination?"

"Zhong Yiping is a good man. He has education, ability and perseverance. It's not impossible for Qin Tuofu to see that Fu Xianfeng is angry. He thinks that he has a small child. He still wants to pretend to be big garlic in front of me. He is a little tender and plays with his wrists. If you .

After a pause, Qin Tuofu saw that the expression on Fu Xianfeng's face was a little strange, so he smiled again and said, "I listened to Minister Fang's nomination opinion, and also listened to Secretary Fu's objection. I felt that Minister Fang's nomination opinion was more thorough and convincing, and Secretary Fu's words were a little empty Decide, wait to make a statement, and then listen to Secretary Fu's high theory before making a decision.

Fu Xianfeng understood that Qin Tuofu made fun of him. Waiting to see his joke, he couldn't help saying angrily, "Secretary Qin, all the leaders of the Standing Committee are here. Please take care of yourself

Qin Tuofu was not angry. He was slapped face to face by a person less than the age of Fu Xianfeng, and his face suddenly turned cold. He slapped the case and said, "Fu Xianfeng. Why is Lao Qin not self-respecting? You have to say that you have no grass-roots work experience. Why don't you talk about yourself?"

It is not uncommon to slap the table at the Standing Committee. There are even scolding things that happen, and they are all human beings. It's not that I changed my temper when I became an official. So everyone looked at each other, although they were all surprised. But no one was too stunned.

After Qin Tuofu slapped the table and said something, he sat down by himself, looked at the crowd with big eyes, and smiled again: "What's wrong? Haven't you ever seen Lao Qin pat the table? In those years, I had a meeting below, and I cursed and beat people! Revolutionary work. It's inevitable to show the truth, right? By the way, Taizu was still scolding at the meeting. I, Lao Qin, didn't have the spirit of Taizu, and it was nothing to slap the table, was it?

Compared with Fu Xianfeng, most of the people here have been with Qin Tuofu for a long time. They know that he has a thick and delicate personality, and also know that his behavior today must be based on the topic. I guess which aspect of Fu Xianfeng offended him. Who will be serious about this kind of thing that is not big or small? Even Chen Feng laughed and scolded, "Ok, Lao Qin. Put away your rough style and have a civilized meeting. The concave said to be dumped

"It's better than civilization. My old Qin is no worse than anyone else." Qin Tuofu sat down, regained his calm face, and said very politely, "Please continue to speak. Thank you."

Fu Xianfeng was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Qin Tuofu was treacherous and slippery, and his face changed as soon as he said it. He could not only be serious, but also messed around. Only then did he understand that compared with the officials who had been at the grassroots level for many years, he was far behind in terms of dexterity and changeability.

It is also a rare ability to laugh if you want to laugh and make trouble. It can also make others confused between true and false. As soon as you faint, he will win.

Fu Xianfeng couldn't get angry. He only took a look at Tan Long and said slowly, "My opinion is still that Zhong Yiping's nomination is not suitable. Please express your opinions

Tan Long's eyes were a little dodged, and he did not look at Fu Xianfeng's eyes, which made Fu Xianfeng suddenly have a trace of doubt in his heart, and then remembered that before the Standing Committee, he and Tan Er were "Jiang Hua's wine poisoning. Speaking of asking them to cooperate with him against Zhong Yiping's proposal. Erba looked at each other and nodded slightly without saying anything.

Fu Xianfeng thought that they were in the same position, and there must have enough tacit understanding, so he didn't think much about it. When he wanted to emphasize again, Tan Long and He Jianghua left first on the pretext of something. At that time, he was still a little puzzled. Why did the two of them seem to have something behind his back?

Neither Tan Long nor He Jianghua spoke first, but asked other members of the Standing Committee to express their opinions first. Chen Yulong, Secretary of the Political Party Committee, and Hui Yongyi, Minister of Propaganda, spoke one after another in favor of the nomination of Jiang Tian and Zhang Jian, and opposed the nomination of Zhong Yiping. As Chen Feng expected, but to Chen Feng's surprise, Bo Houfa, the minister of the United Front, was not neutral, but also objected to Zhong Yiping.

The situation is very serious. Chen Feng has even concluded that Zhong Yiping's nomination must not pass the Standing Committee, and Xia thought was in vain. Just as Chen Feng was thinking about how to put it aside in the end, the sound of Tan Long's speech suddenly sounded in his ear.

As soon as Tan Long opened his mouth, Chen Feng was shocked.

"Comrade Zhong Yiping worked conscientiously as early as the Chengzhong Village Transformation Group, was honest and reliable, and was a trustworthy comrade. Although he has no experience of working at the grassroots level, he has academic qualifications and insight, and has a lot of dealing with ordinary people in his work. Have experience in dealing with various grassroots situations. I think the organization department's nomination for him is appropriate. After a careful assessment, Tan Long, who seconded the nomination of the Organization Department, finished speaking, took a quick look at Fu Xianfeng, and then fell on He Jianghua.

Not only Chen Feng can't believe his ears. He looked at Tan Long in surprise, and Fu Xianfeng was even more surprised. He stared straight at Tan Long.

How is that possible? Who doesn't know the relationship between Tan Long and him? Now Tan Long is openly singing against him at the Standing Committee. What's going on? Fu Xianfeng was doubtful and looked at He Jianghua again.

A trace of Yaonai flashed in He Jianghua's eyes, and then said, "I also agree with all the nominations of the Organization Department."

Just say one word, just shut up and never say a word again.

Fu Xianfeng was almost crazy. He thought that with his righteous views and sonorous and powerful speeches, he would definitely impress the centrists and definitely prevent Zhong Yiping's nomination from being approved. Moreover, he also decided that Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou would not stand out, which was the best opportunity to crack down on Xia's arrogance. Who would have expected that the centrists agreed with him, and finally they were demolished by their own people!

Fu Xianfeng got angry for the second time today.

It's just that this time he is angry with himself. What a Tan Long came to draw his salary from the bottom of the pot. Why was he so stupid at that time that he didn't notice Tan Long's abnormality? He is still overconfident and thinks that Tan Long must agree with himself. Think about it. Tan Long should not support Zhong Yiping's nomination. Zhong Yiping is Xiaxiang's person. He will not know that the relationship between Tan Long and Xiaxiang is not in a day or two. Why does Tan Long suddenly support Xiaxiang's people to hold important positions in An County?

There must be something wrong! Fu Xianfeng thought about it for a moment, and then thought about the current situation. Fang Jinjiang, Li Dingshan, Tan Long and He Jianghua all expressed their support. Although he and Chen Yulong, Hui Yongyi and Bo Houfa's opposition, it is now a four-four deadlock, but don't forget that although Qin Tuofu's attitude is He doesn't have hope. The most rustic thing is. Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou did not make a statement on the ground. It is true that they will not stand out, but at present, the situation is very good. How can there be no reason not to accept the profits?

Fu Xianfeng sighed in his heart, the situation turned sharply, and the good situation was ruined, which made him sad. It's just that he never understood. Which link is the problem? Is there any way for Xia to think about it?

Qin Tuofu looked at the depressed face of Fu Xianfeng. Instead of taking out the scoundrel who fell into the water, he said thoughtfully, "I'll abstain and leave the decision to Secretary Chen."

Chen Feng secretly scolded the old slick. He just played crazy, and now he pretends to be a good person. He can't be offended on both sides. This Qin Tuofu, whoever wants to underestimate his uneducated will suffer losses. However, as a secretary, when it is time to finally preside over the overall situation, he must show the spirit of a leader. However, because Hu Zengzhou has not yet spoken, Chen Feng asked, "Zengzhou said."

Hu Zengzhou also wondered why the situation suddenly changed greatly. He was curious and curious. At the critical moment, he still had to take a firm stand, and Xia's face must be given. What's more, it's a matter of kindness now, so he said, "Comrade Zhong Yiping is still qualified for the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of Danbao Township. I think young people should be given a chance to grow up

Chen Feng gave a concluding speech when he saw it was good: "This Standing Committee is a democratic meeting. Everyone's discussion was very heated and the speech was wonderful. Finally, the nomination of the Organization Department for the personnel of Anxian County was approved.

In the midst of warm applause, a major personnel arrangement came to an end.

Defense: It has been more than two days, and the time to decide the winner has come. On the National Day, Lao He has updated 60,000 words, and the next outbreak is brewing. In everyone's leisure and happy time. Lao He wrote hard and never stopped for a while, so he continued to plead for the strong support of the monthly ticket to his brothers and sisters with a smile. Thank you, thank you very much. Thanks to the dead fish for being promoted to the head of the official god. So far, when the official god is full of words, he finally has an alliance leader, an elder and two master. Thank four or five sisters and brothers who have voted for more than two monthly votes for the official god this month. 2 Tian Wanzi is a milestone. Lao He should continue to work hard and move towards the journey of ten thousand words. The monthly ticket is urgent now. Shout out, I want a monthly ticket!