official god

Chapter 503 High-profile Success

According to Han Guan, the industrialization of education is not Zhao Quanxin's fault. He can only do it. Not the decision maker. However, in the process of implementation, he overcorrected and indirectly played a greater driving role. It's just that everyone is a spray in the long river of history, but some people have a far-reaching influence on the progress of history, and some people can't provoke a ripple. Zhao Quanxin stirred up a wave that contributed to the flames.

There are only two main measures of the education industrialization policy. The first is the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, and the second is the increase in fees. It is the above two measures that have led to a decline in the quality of college students. At the same time, many excellent students from poor families have stopped at the gate of the university because of high tuition fees. Xiaxiang witnessed the praise of the national praise of the industrialization of education when it began to be promoted. Later, it led to the employment difficulties of college students, and after the college entrance examination candidates reached a peak, it began to decline year by year.

Another serious consequence of industrialization is academic**, which has spad a large number of "specialized fake beasts" that are beyond Cheng Xi's learning, which has changed the society from respect for professors and scholars to disdain. Even sneered. In the final analysis, it is the industrialization of education that has led that major colleges and universities no longer take teaching and educating people as the first priority. Instead, they are competing to compete with who is more profitable, who charges higher, and so on. For a while, the teacher's morality was lost, and the students no longer respected the teacher. They all tried to make money. As long as they had money to please their tutors and professors, it was easy to get the graduation certificate. As long as you have no money and can't afford to pay the tuition, you will be expelled from school.

In all university campuses and academia, there are very few people who can really do learning with peace of mind, so there will be a phenomenon of anti-counterfeiting in academia in the future. Some people spent money to buy diplomas from pheasant universities abroad, and became angry after being exposed. It's a murderous injury. And this person is actually the director of a research institute of a university, a professor, a chief physician, a doctoral supervisor, a scientist, etc. A series of honorary titles.

There is a word difference between fame and fame, but there is an abyss. Most people with a reputation. However, there is an unreachable distance from fame, which has to be said to be the sadness of society.

Xiaxiang also knew that he was biased and biased towards Zhao Jixin, but firstly, the industrialization of education led by him led to a sharp decline in education. Second, he helped Cheng Xixue today, which just touched Xia's memories of future generations, and Cheng Xixue is a pioneer in the academic world. Combined with the two, Xia There is a little generosity.

However, he also knows that even if his tone is a little stiff, the dignified vice premier will not pay attention to him as a department-level cadre. After all, the vice premier takes care of everything and forgets about him in a blink of an eye. Even if you don't forget, it's impossible for a deputy prime minister to have a manager. It's too **.

Vice Premier Zhao and his entourage were sent away. The courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee was calm on the surface, but the rumors about Xiaxiang's war with Professor Cheng have spread quietly.

There are different opinions, "Some people praise Xiaxiang for learning to fight with Cheng Xi face to face, while others disapprove of what Xiaxiang has done. They think that he is too high-inspiring and will definitely not leave a good impression on Vice Premier Zhao, and will also make Secretary Ye and Governor Fan not have

Xia thought had no interest in the rumors. He was neither proud after the victory, nor worried that Secretary Ye would be dissatisfied with him. At this time, he was sitting in Ye Shisheng's office and was deeply understanding the spirit of Secretary Ye's instructions.

Ye Shisheng was refreshed, and his smile was always on his face during the whole conversation.

Xiaoxia, today's debate is ten times more wonderful than the debate in the newspaper. It's good and very good. Not only does it refute that Cheng Xixue has nothing to say, but even Premier Zhao is not in the mood to give instructions on the industrial structure adjustment policy of Yan Province, so he hurried back, and today is equivalent to systematically reporting the I also exchanged views with Ruiheng just now, and our views are the same. That is, the achievements of the leading group are worthy of recognition. Comrade Xiaxiang's work is worthy of praise." As the secretary of the provincial party committee, it is very rare to praise in person, and Xiaxiang is also slightly excited.

"After the advertisement of the Taiwanese winery is broadcast. Together with Baoshi's solar energy joint venture, the media in Yan Province should fully publicize and announce that the industrial structure adjustment policy has achieved the expected success, following is the problem of the second batch of pilot cities. It should also be put on the agenda, Xiaoxia. Don't be complacent because you get a little achievement. There is still a long way to go, and there are still many difficulties. We have just taken the first step, and there are greater achievements waiting for us to fight for, and there are greater difficulties for us to overcome. I also believe that there will be more important jobs that need you.

Xia wanted to sit on the sand and heard this. The cube stood up solemnly: "Yes, I will remember Secretary Ye's spirit of instructions. It's just the success of the two pilot cities, compared with the whole Yan Province. The cities also said that it is less than one-fifth, and further efforts are needed to promote the results to the whole province. I will definitely guard against arrogance and impatience, and complete every task assigned by the provincial party committee and the provincial government.

Ye Shisheng nodded with satisfaction and casually asked: Xiaoxia is only the age of the knife this year? Young, still too young. It's been less than a year since I mentioned it, right? The time is a little short. In this way, at the end of the year or next year, if the opportunity is right, you can go to the Central Party School for a period of time. Oh, I forgot that you are still an old student, but it will take you more than a year to get a postgraduate diploma at the earliest. Well, it's not too late

Ye Shisheng naturally won't say what's in time. Every woman should maintain the leader's words and skills, that is, give a leader to the subordinates, which can fully reflect the kindness and power of the person born in the upper position.

As soon as Xia wanted to return to the office, all the people in one and two places gathered together. As soon as he entered the door, there was an earth-shaking cheer!

The people in the leading group saw Cheng Xixue's insinuistic speech for the first time, and then they knew that it was rumored that Xia wanted to be in the limelight in the middle hall. It turned out that there were many crises, far more dangerous than the legendary scenery outside. Today, after seeing Cheng Xixue's old spiciness and bad intentions, everyone realized that if it were any of them, they would definitely be defeated in the face of Cheng Xixue's attack. Not to mention making a name for the leading group, thank God if they were not defeated and ashamed.

After this incident, Xiaxiang became a capable general in the eyes of Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng, and also became a hero in the minds of all the members of the leading group!

Xia wanted to make everyone go back to work half joking and half serious. He went back to his office and sat down, and the phone rang.

Fan Zheng called and said in the first sentence, "It's a pity that I'm not at the scene, or I'll look up to the sky and laugh. Does Cheng Xixue also have today? I'm angry when I think of him. A professor doesn't teach and educate people well, but he has to get into politics. If it is mixed up, it must be against the adjustment of the industrial structure of Yan Province. Doesn't he know that there are three swordsmen in Yan Province? I don't know if I, Fan Zheng, can't allow him to be wild? Cough, of course, I usually don't have to do it. My younger brother Xia wants to go out to do it, which is enough to deal with him."

Xia wanted to laugh and scold him a few words, so he hung up the phone.

Then the phone kept ringing, Gao Lao, Gao Lao, Gao Jin Zhou, and so on, which made Xia want to be overwhelmed. Then Mei Shengping, Song Chaodu, Qian Jinsong and Chen Feng called. While expressing congratulations, they said a few jokes. For a moment, Xiaxiang's office became the hottest hotline in Yan Province. If someone does a statistic, they will be surprised. Almost all the influential heavyweights in Yan Province have called Xia Xiang's office in a short time!

Of course, there are also many busy calls between the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, and there are other hotlines transmitting messages. Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao are talking to Fu Xianfeng and Tan Long to discuss countermeasures.

After several people heard the news of Cheng Xixue, Fu Xianfeng was shocked and Tan Long was anxious. However, Cui Xiang is much calmer than before. He no longer looks impatient, but patiently listens to Fu Xianfeng's opinions

Unlike Ma Xiao's anxiety, Fu Xianfeng was not in a hurry to break the matter between Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan at all, but still said that he had to wait for the first time. Fu Xianfeng said, "According to reliable information, Lian Ruohan is about to return to China. When she comes back, she will look for the most appropriate opportunity. Let Xia want to have a good time now. And the achievements he has made now also have a positive side.

Ma Xiao didn't understand his meaning. Cui Xiang understood what Fu Xianfeng said and said, "The pioneer is also right. In the next step, Yan City will enter the second batch of pilot cities. At that time, it can get double support in terms of policy and funds. Yan City's economy is moving forward. As a deputy secretary, Pioneer also has a political achievement

Cui Xiang is out of all aspects of comprehensive consideration, and also knows that the industrial structure adjustment policy of Yan Province is the general trend, and also expressed his support for Yan City to become a pilot city.

In a blink of an eye, when it came to the month occupied the sun, in the advertisement of the golden section of CCTV, an amazing change suddenly appeared. The original water washing advertisement was accidentally removed and replaced with the advertising list of an unknown winery. It is the first time for many people to hear the name of the wine, but for some old wine worms. The unexpected appearance of Taiwan wine on CCTV reawakened their long-term memories, seduced the wine worm in their stomachs, and hurried out of the house. I bought two bottles of brand-new packaging from the general Tai winery to taste.

At the same time, the polemical articles in the Yan Provincial Daily, which had almost dissipated, were again overnight; the swordsman's article list. The three people's article discusses in detail the benefits of industrial restructuring policies and the great changes they have brought to single cities and treasure cities since their implementation. At the same time, it listed the cultural tourism project and the examples of the successful restructuring of the Taiwan winery, and promoted the current situation and future of the cultural tourism project and the Taiwan winery in detail and focus,

Xiaxiang's article mainly introduces the results. When it comes to the debate some time ago, I said a paragraph at the end of the article, which is equivalent to covering the conclusion of the debate on the industrial structure adjustment policy: "No matter for what the purpose is, the doubts about the industrial structure adjustment policy of Yan Province and the doubts about the ability of the leading group, if in the spirit of academic discussion There is also a respectable side. If you ignore the voice of the people, ignore the market law of fair competition, and only blindly oppose and attack, it is not only contrary to the real academic spirit. It also damages the fair image of experts and scholars, and is not conducive to maintaining the spirit of academic independence and academic justice. The indisputable facts now show that the industrial structure adjustment in Yan Province is in line with historical laws and the interests of the broad masses of the people

Yan Xiao's statement is lower in comparison: "The success of single cities and treasure cities illustrates a truth. Facts are better than eloquence. Any unfounded speculation and unfounded conclusions are untenable and are all on paper. Experts and scholars should walk among the people, take a look, and understand what the people are thinking. Only in this way can we better learn and learn

If Yan Xiao's slap in the face is more gentle, Fan Zheng's words are a direct and loud slap in the face: "Some experts are ashamed of the title of scholars, turn a blind eye to the achievements made in the adjustment of the industrial structure, deliberately make trouble, and talk about the policies that are beneficial to the majority of the people I would like to ask these experts in person, between the interests of a few of you and the interests of the majority of the people, is it wrong for the provincial party committee and the provincial government to choose the interests of the people? The industrial structure adjustment touches the interests of you and the interest groups behind you. You can't wait to jump out and stifle the policy of industrial structure adjustment. Ask yourself, as a scholar, are you eager for quick success? Are you ashamed of the title of expert? "

The three people's articles attacked at the same time, which once again caused a sensation in Yan Province, and once again attracted the effect of Luoyang's expensive paper. Not only did he scold a group of experts and scholars. Everyone has no place to be ashamed. And because of Xiaxiang's deliberate guidance, the cultural tourism project in a single city and the Jiangtai winery have entered the sight of the people at the same time. With the east wind of the joint action of the swordsman, the Taiwan winery and cultural tourism have become famous in Yan Province!

Especially that night, the promotional video of the single city government was broadcast on the Yan provincial TV station at the same time, which bundled the publicity of the Taiwan winery with the cultural tourism project, which once again deepened people's impression of the cultural tourism project and the Taiwanese wine.

The next day, the National Daily published an article by Gao Lao and Gao Jinzhou, made a detailed analysis of the expected success of Hui Province's industrial structure adjustment policy, and came to the conclusion that Yan Province, as the six provinces, although there is no convenience of coastal provinces, it has also achieved the expected success. It is clear that as long as the policy is in place, as long as the government's determination is strong enough, as long as the right implementer is selected, as long as the implementer is committed to the public and down-to-earth, all six provinces like Yan Province have the possibility of success.

On the same day, the Ministry of Confucianism was also in the youth report article, and the articles of Gao Lao and Gao Jin Zhou echoed the original high-level article that was not allowed to express arguments, but after Gao Lao came forward. The article is still as scheduled!

The next day, Yan Province held a press conference to announce the expected success of the second stage of the structural adjustment of the industry. On the third day, Dancheng and Baoshi held a press conference in the local area at the same time. It was also a high-profile announcement as the first batch of pilot cities in Yan Province. On the guidance of the policy of industrial restructuring, the economic structure of Shancheng and Baoshi has undergone a benign adjustment. At the same time, great achievements have been made in attracting investment .

At the news conference in a single city, Mayor Wang Xiaomin focused on the success of cultural tourism projects. As well as a large number of orders received after the restructuring of the Taiwan winery, the popularity has soared in a short period of time. It is expected to become a well-known brand in a single city, and a single city has the confidence and ability to build its own well-known liquor enterprise in a single city.

The news conference of the single city coin not only invited a lot of media in Yan Province, but also a lot of media in the capital, which was unprecedented.

Similarly, the news conference held by Baocoin. Mayor Ren Qingzhi focused on the good news brought by the industrial structure adjustment policy. Because of the strong guidance of the leading group, in just half a year, Baoshi has introduced Kodak Prison B US dollars and the most solar company to attract more than 100 million US dollars of foreign investment. Kodak's investment has additional technology investment and will be in A digital camera production line will be built in Baoshi next year. The solar energy products invested by the most solar company are not only technologically advanced, but also clean energy, which is the future energy exhibition trend. Baoshi has reached the forefront of the country in terms of protecting the environment, caring for human beings and making full use of clean energy.

At the same time, Ren Qingzhi also solemnly announced to the outside world. Baoshi is absolutely unambiguous in protecting state-owned brands. Whether it is Kodak's investment or the investment of the most solar company, it is an agreement signed on the premise of maximizing the protection of state-owned brands from annexation!

Slap in the face, **Slap someone's face naked in the capital!

The media flashed and asked questions constantly. Ren Qingzhi enjoyed his success and gained a lot. He did not have many political achievements in his life, but he was best at political struggle and empty words. He made a hidden speech to the media, in response to some people's accusations and ulterior motives for the industrial structure of Yan Province, he gave Reless criticism and cynicism,

After that, he did not forget to focus on publicizing the current situation of Wanli Automobile Factory and Pickle Factory. In short, whether it is a single-city news conference or Baoshi's press conference, it is a successful meeting. It set the tone for the success of the first two pilot cities in Yan Province.

Soon after that, He Dongchen called in person to congratulate Ye Shisheng.

After Yan Province announced the expected success of the production structure adjustment in a high-profile way, with the all-round publicity of the media in Beijing and Yan Province, Cheng Xixue was quiet. There was no response. Even the experts and professors in Yan Province have stopped fighting. Yes, the achievements of Yan Province are obvious to all. The facts are better than eloquence. No matter how messy it is, other people's achievements are in front of them. What else can they say?

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