official god

Chapter 506 The heart is like a picturesque country

The status of Yan City in Yan Province is a little rough, but it has no history. It is a city developed from several small villages, but it has a history of several decades, and more than 80% of them are foreigners and have no local culture. It has not formed its own unique local characteristics, and even faces the embarrassment of being surpassed by other cities. Yan City, with the laurel of the provincial capital city, is a second-tier city with no outstanding economy, no cultural characteristics, and no overall bright spot.

Even in the eyes of some people, Yan City has a false reputation, and even sub-provincial cities are not qualified!

I'm afraid that in the eyes of Yanshi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Yanshi is also a lingering disease.

After Gao Chengsong fell from the horse, there was a time when the political atmosphere of the whole Yan Province was very tense. Even Yan City is a wind and crane, and at that time, a reporter in the capital wrote an article on a comprehensive analysis of Yan City, forming Yan City into a sad city and looking at Yan City with rational eyes, because of the urbanization process and the cultivation of the connotation of people as the main body are not synchronized, and the difficulties of urban dual structure adjustment. And the decline of economic vitality and the parallel position of provincial capitals are painfully suppressed by other cities. All this plagues this young city, affects the people living here, and makes them feel depressed and uneasy,

In fact, what makes people in Yan City depressed and uneasy is not only because of the unclear location of the city, but also because of the political ups and downs.

Because of the influence of Gao Chengsong's case, coupled with the fact that many senior officials in Yan City were demoted or transferred, the whole city was in pain. A series of discussions on the urban positioning of Yan City, which was once on the agenda, was also interrupted, and it was interrupted for more than a year.

Yan City once again missed a good opportunity for development.

Is it time now? At the end of the year, by next year, China will usher in another major change, not only the change of the highest level, but also the reform of the State Council and the comprehensive promotion of economic restructuring. Whether Yan Province and Yan Shu can take advantage of this opportunity to stand at the tide and complete a transformation will be related to the development and opportunities of Yan City in the next

In fact, Yanshi has realized its own problems. However, it will take seven or eight years to start the specific implementation, which is much later. Since Xia wants to have foresight, it is necessary and responsible to let Yanshi enter the fast lane in advance and seize the opportunity.

Because now Yanshi has this condition.

Chen Feng was not overthrew by Gao Chengsong, the political situation of Yan City was overbalanced, and Hu Zengzhou was appointed as mayor. Hu Zengzhou has a peaceful personality. Since he joined the municipal government, he has been at a steady pace. And now the political situation in Yan Province has also reached the best stable period, and it can be said that there is a political climate that has made great strides forward.

The next step to vigorously promote the industrial structure adjustment is the east wind that can be used. It would be a pity if Yanshi did not seize this opportunity. Moreover, Xia wants to think that he can talk to Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou, and Hu Zengzhou also has the ambition to show his ambition. Even if Chen Feng's attitude is more negative, I believe that under his strong promotion and the support of Hu Zengzhou, Chen Feng will also have a limited support attitude.

Xia wants to make Yan coins a sunny city.

The positioning of Sunshine City is sunshine, vitality and youth. Because of the sunshine, we have to work hard on both ecology and living. Because of his vitality, he broadened his thinking in attracting investment and got rid of the embarrassment of being called "left skill". Because of its youth, Yan City has potential and the possibility to develop into an influential metropolis.

Yan City has been called "Left City" for a long time.

Compared with southern cities and even cities in the province, the adjustment of the ownership structure of Yan City has slowed down at least half a beat, affecting the economic vitality of the city. Previously, the bosses of local private enterprises vividly referred to the system, concept and policy obstacles of Yan City's non-public economic development as "left city", which means conservative and backward, and left-left. This kind of policy impact is that the development of the non-public economy has missed the best growth period because there is no soil and little sunshine, resulting in the reality that there are many small local bosses, and there are only a few private enterprises with real scale and influence in China. There is even discrimination and pressure on foreign or local private owners. For example, the boss of Jiachengye was forced to flee, and the boss of Kaiyuan was detained for four days.

Fortunately, Chen Feng was not framed and imprisoned by Gao Chengsong. Compared with the successor mayor, Chen Feng is much more enlightened.

And Hu Zengzhou is also more effective than the original mayor in time and space, and his ability is much stronger.

Xia's idea is that before he is seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade in March next year, he should finalize the addition of a new area in Yan City and the construction of the water system around the city, so that he can use his blueprint.

Xia wanted to drive to the Municipal Party Committee. He first went upstairs to find Chen Feng and submitted the feasibility report to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was not polite. Chongxia wanted to nod: "Sit by yourself." After saying that, he looked down.

After looking at it for more than ten minutes, Chen Feng raised his head and smiled meaningfully: "Xia. I have to say that your thinking is very broad and your vision is also very bold. As far as I am concerned, I still hold a supportive attitude. But there are two things I don't understand. You have to tell me the truth."

Xia wanted to immediately smile respectfully and said, "In front of Secretary Chen, I have never lied."

"Don't say beautiful words to me. It's useless." Chen Feng laughed and scolded, "You mentioned to me last time about the Huancheng Water System. I also thought it was feasible at that time. There is a lack of flood channels in Yan City. Once there is a heavy rainstorm, it is prone to floods. The Huancheng water system can not only improve the environment of Yanshi, but also act as a flood channel in a critical time. In addition, it is also an initiative from the perspective of tourism. Although... the deletion is huge. But it's the same as Forest Park. Don't be afraid that there are no investors to invest. La... and has economic benefits."

"Yes, Secretary Chen is far-sighted and sees the key points of the matter, which hit the nail on the head." Xiaxiangli scissors gave a free flattery.

Chen Feng waved his hand, smoked a cigarette, and then said, "I have also discussed the construction of the Huancheng water system with Mayor Hu. Our views are relatively consistent, that is, it is feasible. It happens that Yan City has become the second batch of pilot cities. Mayor Hu is also preparing to put the Huancheng Water System on the agenda. I believe Pass, there is no resistance. But the step of adding a new area is a little too big. Zeng Zhou and I came forward to coordinate in the city, and the other members of the Standing Committee did not have much opposition. After all, it is a great benefit to Yan City. One of the biggest problems is that even if the province will approve it. The city began to promote the establishment and construction of new areas. However, it is easy to implement policies, but it is difficult to attract investment. Without the owner of the enterprise and the popularity, can a new disemerate zone be established by drawing a piece of land?

Although the questions raised by Chen Feng are sharp, they are indeed the real difficulty of building a new area. The new area in Gegezhong will accommodate tens of thousands of people in three or five years, and countless large-scale central buildings will be built. The municipal government will naturally make a part of the investment. However, most of the funds still need to be introduced. The key is for enterprises to settle in and investors to build various infrastructure. Otherwise, it is easy to form a policy. No one will support you, and only set up an empty shelf. It's still a joke.

It can be said that Chen Feng was very smart to give the biggest problem to Xiaxiang.

In front of Xiaxiang, Chen Feng did not pay attention to the skills of speaking, and said bluntly, "It is a good thing to add a new area. There will be a lot of resistance in Jiashi, and there will be a lot of arguments when it is submitted to the province. You don't have to worry about this. It's up to

Halfway through the words, what was not said later is actually the key point that Chen Feng wanted to express. It is also the biggest difficulty.

Xiaxiang naturally understood Chen Feng's unspoken meaning. It is not difficult for the city to suggest the establishment of a new area. It is not difficult in the province. Even if it is easy to go to the State Council for the record, the biggest difficulty of the problem is that it is easy to add a new area. If the new area has a false reputation in the future, it will become a face-saving project, and the city will lose face, and the province will have no face. If you only want to solve the investment problem after the completion of the new area, nothing will be a problem. If there is no investment, everything is empty talk.

Xia wants to know that he wants to achieve his dream. It is necessary to convince Chen Feng, and it must be convincing enough.

One of the biggest advantages of Xiaxiang is not to fight an unprepared battle. He proposed to add a new area, not just to ignite the fire without firing the cannon, but waiting for Chen Feng to ask this question. Chen Feng asked him the question he expected, which proved one point. Chen Feng really wants to promote the establishment of a new area.

Chen Feng's attitude is also in line with Xia's speculation, because promoting the establishment of new areas is a great innovation, and at the same time, it is also an unattainable political achievement. Of course, the premise is that sustainable development can be guaranteed.

Generally speaking, it requires a huge investment.

Xia wanted to ponder slightly and boldly said, "Is it enough to invest 400 million yuan?"

Chen Feng was sitting in a chair and looking at Xiaxiang with a smile. Hearing this, he immediately stood up with a serious face and said cautiously, "Xiaoxia, don't joke." Ka Yi, not Zhou Yiliyi! I always talk to you casually, but in business, there are some jokes that can't be made.

Xiaxiang also looked solemn: "Secretary Chen. You have known me for many years, and I just talk casually, but in front of you, I never dare to say anything. I just want to ask you, if there are 400 million, is it a big deal?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You have to have more than 100 million. I'll give you a district party secretary who won't be unyielding! As long as you can really attract tens of billions of funds and add all the political resistance and difficulties in the new district, it is up to me to overcome the difficulties, and I will also make suggestions for you to serve as the first district party secretary of the new district," he said with a proud smile, "I think this is also your selfish intention to vigorously promote the establishment of

Xia wanted to be told by Chen Feng, but he was not embarrassed at all. He also said righteously, "I'm single-minded for the public, just for a better tomorrow in Yan City.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "I am the secretary of the municipal party committee. Should I say it for a better tomorrow in Yanshi? But then again. For people in the officialdom, it's not bad to take care of both public and private. Many people are self-interested. In addition to selfish thoughts, they will consider doing something practical for the country and the people.

After saying that, Chen Feng looked at Xia Xiang deeply, stood up and came to Xia Xiang. He patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder and said, "Do it well, Xiaoxia. I'm not wrong with you. Whether it's a debate with Cheng Xi or with Cui Xiang, you have adhered to your own principles. It's really difficult." After praising Xia, he changed his words again. As the saying goes, those who can do more work, give me the bottom. Where did your 400 million come from?

Chen Feng's face changed quickly, which is amazing. Fortunately, Xiaxiang has long adapted to his true and false style. He didn't hide it and said his plan: "Four hundred million yuan is definitely not a one-time investment, play batch investment, but according to my optimistic estimate," 400 million yuan is just a conservative figure. In three or five years, the investment should definitely exceed Ka Yi. The key is that in the early stage of its establishment, a large-scale set with vision, courage Only by investing at least 100 million yuan at a time can we fully boost the economy of the new district. At present, there are many companies with such strength in Yan Province, but with such vision and courage, only one is the Dacai Group!"

Xiaxiang's statement is not just a mouthful, but the reason why Jiexia thought, which is based on the experience of his two generations, is certain that the Dacai Group will be moved by the new district and will make a huge investment of at least 100 million yuan is based on his understanding of Cheng Dacai. It can be said that the development direction of the whole Dacai Group. The idea of becoming a talent is the only way of thinking. Because Cheng Dacai is so smart and has so much commercial talent that it hides the light of all the think tanks of Dacai Group.

Xia wants to know enough about Cheng Dacai, which is also the premise that he is confident to impress Cheng Dacai. The construction of the new area is fully in line with the idea of Chengdacai industrial real estate. Cheng Dacai will definitely be moved. Xia thought that he didn't even have to find a way to persuade Cheng Dacai. As long as the opportunity is put in front of him, Cheng Dacai will reach out to grab it.

Because Cheng Dacai wants to use his grand plan of industrial real estate in Yan City first.

Cheng Dacai in later generations also had the dream of promoting industrial real estate in Yan City first. He wanted to take advantage of the rise of Sunshine City to implement his industrial real estate in the southeast of Yan City. It's just that the time is unlucky, and Sunshine City is relatively successful. However, after the new provincial government came to power, it overturned the original idea of Yan's development to the southeast. Instead, he put forward the strategy of Yanshi's development to the northwest, which made Cheng Dacai's dream go to the end.

In desperation, Cheng Dacai led the team to travel east and west and inspected Hainan and many coastal cities. Finally, it was decided to realize his dream of industrial real estate in a small coastal county-level city in Qi Province. Finally, he approved a strong four mu of wasteland in the local area and built the center of the new residential resort, with a total investment of up to RMB.

In fact, if he can realize his grand plan of industrial real estate in Yan City, why should he go to other provinces? After all, there are local advantages in the local area, and there are a lot of ready-made resources to use. Although Sunshine City's investment is not only compared with the huge Dacai Group, it can't satisfy Cheng Dacai's real ambition. Only on a new area, a blueprint of dozens of square kilometers, can Cheng Da play the big plan in his heart.

Xia wanted to lay a canvas for Cheng Dacai and hand him a brush, just waiting for him to splash ink. Draw a picturesque country in your heart.

is also the picturesque country in Xiaxiang's heart.

Xiaxiang's self-confidence is not blind self-confidence. It comes from the fact that he based on the development ideas of the Dacai Group in later generations and the synthesis of his current understanding of Cheng Dacai. Cheng Dacai is a businessman with a humanistic spirit and an idealistic entrepreneur. He has a literati temperament, a courage to be the first in the world, and a Datong ideal.

Although Xia wants to have a lot of relationships with Cheng Dacai, sometimes he doesn't need to talk too much in person. He can also deeply understand Cheng Dacai's heart, because Cheng Dacai has published several fantasies and truly recorded his heart. In the past, Xia wanted to be a junk text published by an entrepreneur who spent money to make a false name. Later, after he met Cheng Dacai. I felt that he had a very real side, so I read his book carefully, and also learned more truly what a person thought as a literati thought.

Of course, Xiaxiang is not a person who takes it for granted. He will not dare to make a fierce investment commitment to Chen Feng just by his judgment, but when he contacted Shen Lichun a few days ago, he euphemistically proposed that if there was a new city in Yan City for Mr. Cheng to realize his dream of industrial real estate, how much money will Mr. Cheng spend to pay for his dream?

Shen Lichun did not hesitate to say a number "four hundred million!"

Sunshine City is limited by the environment and is located between urban areas and suburban counties, although it is also the prototype of industrial real estate. But for Cheng Dacai's ambition, it is still too limited and there is no room to show his hands and feet.

Xia wants to know that Cheng Dacai must be willing to pay for the new area, provided that he should be given enough preferential policies.

Before coming to visit Chen Feng, Xia thought had called Cheng Dacai to make an appointment for an interview. Of course, he didn't mention the new area. It is only said that there are important things to discuss. Cheng Dacai didn't ask much. He readily agreed.

Xiaxiang is also a little proud. Now Chengda is the number one figure in the business world of Yan Province. It is not something that anyone wants to see, but a deputy mayor who wants to see Cheng Dacai, and may not be able to make an appointment for a meeting time by phone call. And as soon as he opened his mouth, Cheng Dacai did not hesitate to say the time, which was also a sign that he attached great importance to him.

That's why he confidently told Chen Feng about Dacai Group.

"Dacai Group?" After listening to Xia Shen's words, Chen Feng was speechless. After a long time, he said, "Only Dacai Group has such courage and strength. But the question is, are you sure about the Nuofu Dacai Group?

"Yes." Xia said categorically. Chen Feng does not know the development ideas of Dacai Group, let alone Cheng Dacai's enthusiasm for industrial real estate. I don't understand the concept of industrial real estate, but Xia Xiang doesn't have to rush to explain it to Chen Feng now. As long as he tells Chen Feng that he can let Dacai Group invest, "I promise to convince Cheng Dacai

PS: Xia wants to approach his dream step by step. He wants to sprinkle the picturesque country in his mind, which is both a dream and an ideal. Lao He's dream and ideal is for all the friends who like the official god. Write a wonderful story of a picturesque country. Therefore, we need the enthusiastic encouragement and help of brothers. On Monday, ask for all kinds of tickets, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, tickets are needed. Many friends don't like to vote for recommendation. In fact, the recommendation is free for the official god. Let the data of the official god take a big step forward. You can increase your points again, why not? Monthly tickets can be supported. Please support the recommended tickets. Thank you.

(To be continued)H