official god

Chapter 516 The dilemma

Duantai went to the Western Province to take office as the governor. He really made a big step. He was worried about the hurricane... The big case of the end of the era wrote a heavy note on his resume. It was commended by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It is a good thing to be promoted to the governor's side of the government, but if you are not careful, you will be implicated by endless mining disasters. Even if you don't lose your future because of this, you will lose a lot of points in politics.

Based on the relationship with the evil platform, it is not bad. Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment and said, "The Western Province is a large province that produces butterflies, but there are frequent mining disasters. In the era when there was no Internet, it was good to block news, but now the spread of the Internet is becoming more and more developed, and once something happens, it will be known to everyone overnight. After Secretary Xie became the governor, if he could vigorously rectify the safe production of coal mines, it would also be a good thing for the country and the people.

Song Chaodu heard Xia's meaning, nodded and said, "You accept emerging events faster than we are young. Will the Internet really have so much influence in the future?"

Xia wanted to nod and said affirmatively, "According to foreign predictions, the Internet will become the fourth largest media after TV, radio and newspapers. It has unparalleled speed and spread. In my opinion, in terms of the popularity of the Internet. China has been at the forefront of the world, and in the future, with the further popularization of computers and the promotion of broadband. Domestic netizens will grow exponentially. Governor Song can learn from the rapid growth of mobile phone users. Draw the same conclusion."

Song Yifan's voice sounded outside: "I said, Dad, you are too backward. Brother Xia and I are the same kind. I surf the Internet every day now. I also watch the news on the Internet. Humph, I dare to say that my hairy bear clothes don't look good. I really have no vision.

Song Chaodu shook his head and smiled: "The older the child is, the more difficult it is to manage. This girl is getting more and more out of line, and she always sings against me." Her mother can't come back before the New Year. I didn't come back until after the Spring Festival. I'm a full-time father now, hehe.

After laughing, Song Chaodu said, "Mr. Shi is not in good health recently. Take time to visit him."

Xia wanted to answer, and he really didn't visit Mr. Shi for a while. Old people like to get sick in winter when they are old.

I think of the problem of the successor after the evil platform left. He asked Shu Chaodu, "Where will the new Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection come from?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. It is said that it will be airborne from the capital. It is said that one will be transferred from the south. Anyway, the capital doesn't want to be promoted on the spot. Song Chaodu smiled indifferently and waved his hand and said,

"The departure and retention of the terminal has little impact on the situation in the province. What I'm worried about is the change of the situation in the city."

Xia wanted to eat and was shocked: "What will happen to Yanfu?"

"I also just heard the news. Maybe the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection intends to transfer Qin Tuofu to Beijing"

Xiaxiang was shocked again: "What is a good position for Secretary Qin to go to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Suddenly, the two-level Commission for Discipline Inspection Commissions of Yan Province and Yan City were asked to be dissatisfied or satisfied with the anti-corruption work of Yan Province and Yan City? Dissatisfied, Xing Duantai and Qin Tuofu obviously took a step up. Satisfied, and mobilizing the secretaries of the two-level discipline inspection committee at the same time will inevitably give people too many ideas and bad guesses.

The situation in Yan Province has calmed down for only a year, and some variables have been added.

Song Chaodu is also somewhat worried: "It is estimated that the secretaries of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the provincial and municipal levels and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may intervene and airborne people will come. Yan Province has a series of major corruption cases, which may not be relieved to face the system of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yan Province.

It is impossible for the upper-level decision to tell the real intention of Yan Province, which is to leave space for the imagination below. Only then can we show the above balance.

After a short silence, Xia wanted to take the opportunity to tell about Li Hongjiang. Song Chaodu listened to it. He just nodded and didn't say anything. Obviously, he knew it. The position of the head of a construction company under the construction committee system is just a phone call for Song Chaodu, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

After discussing the current situation, Cao Shuhui came in and asked where to have lunch. Song Chaodu pondered slightly and said, "Go out to eat. We haven't been together for a long time."

Xia wants to work hard**. Suddenly suggested, "Why don't you call Mr. Shi? If it's convenient, let's ask Mr. Shi to sit down together?" Song Chaodu nodded and agreed, "You call. In front of Mr. Shi, you are more faceless than me."

Xia wanted to make a phone call. A few minutes later, he put down the phone and said excitedly, "Mr. Shi invited us to go straight home."

There are five of the two families. People, just one car sat down and went straight to Shi's hometown.

On the way, Song Yifan suddenly thought of Lao Gu and asked Xia. The ancient winter has always been in the capital. Xia wanted to take time to visit him during the New Year. Thinking of many things during the Spring Festival this year. I gave up the idea for the time being. Anyway, I will stay in the capital for a period of time after the Spring Festival, and then there will be plenty of time and time to get together.

Gu Yu also returned to the capital and left in a hurry. Xia wanted to see her off, but she didn't have time. Just as Song Yifan asked, he said a few more words.

When Song Yifan heard that Xia wanted to go to the capital for a period of time next year, he said enviously, "As a married man, I enjoy unmarried treatment again. Brother Xia, you are so happy.

Xia can't help sweating. Nowadays, high school students are too powerful. They not only know everything, but also dare to say everything. It's really precocious. He couldn't help staring at Song Yifan and said fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense about children's families. What do you know!"

"What kind of child's family? I'm going to be an adult. What else do you say I know? What don't I know?" Song Yifan replied unconvincedly, "I also know white roses and red roses. I also know that first-class men have homes outside their homes, second-class men have flowers outside their homes, third-class" "first-class

Song Chaodu said angrily, "What nonsense!"

Song Yifan said aggrievedly, "What's wrong with you? Social reality is like this. I'm just telling the truth, not exaggerating!"

One sentence made Song Chaodu speechless. Cao Shuhui was busy: "Sister Yifan. Don't speak ill of men. We girls should have our own principles. It should be said that first-class bad men have homes outside their homes, and second-class bad men have flowers outside their homes. First-class good man, go home from work

The speaker also took a look at Xia inadvertently.

Xia thought that he wanted to say something else, so he hurriedly shut up and drove more ambitiously.

When he arrived at Shi's hometown, Shi Jie came out to greet him enthusiastically. Song Yifan's hairy bear dress made Shi Jie look at it again and again, curiously and interestingly. Li Dingshan also stood happily at the door waiting for everyone.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Mr. Shi sitting in the living room reading the newspaper. Next to him was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy, white and thin, and his eyebrows looked like Li Dingshan. Needless to say, he was Li Dingrang's son Li Net.

Li Wangwen was quiet and shy. Seeing everyone coming in, he just looked up and smiled, and buried himself in reading. I read a few books on the Internet. As if he had just noticed Song Yifan, he couldn't help looking up at Song Yifan a few more eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Song Yifan didn't even look at Li Net. But he was very interested in Mr. Shi's walking stick, so he picked it up and looked at it endlessly. Mr. Shi is not cold or hot to the Song Dynasty. He likes Song Yifan very much and answers Song Yifan's strange questions tirelessly.

Watching the old and the young get along well with each other, Li Dingshan also smiled: "Six out for a walk? Mr. Shi didn't want to go out for dinner, so he let Shi Jie cook.

The three of them arrived in the backyard.

In winter, there is no scenery in the courtyard. In addition to the withered yellow, it is a decline. Only a few pots of flowers kept indoors are still in full bloom, and the weather is very cold. Even the holly is so cold that it loses its color. Fortunately, none of the three had a leisurely and elegant view, and did not care about the withered grass under their feet, but talked about the current situation and the next direction of Xia Xiang.

"It is not a big problem for Xia to serve as the secretary of the lower horse district. I have also communicated with Secretary Chen in private. At that time, even if Fu Xianfeng and others objected, there will be no nomination from the Organization Department, and the secretary and the mayor nodded and agreed. The Standing Committee can also forcibly pass it. Li Dingshan is also looking forward to the day when Xia wants to go to the ruling side. "It's rare, rare. It's a happy thing to finally see Xiaoxia's day. It is quite a critical step to get to the deputy hall. I have worked for one term in the position of secretary, and after I have enough qualifications, I will be promoted to the main hall. In the future, Xiaoxia can really stand alone"

Li Dingshan is somewhat emotional. He has never stayed in the position of the deputy hall. Although the exceptional promotion is good, it will be very difficult for him to raise the deputy department in the future. At that time, someone will definitely talk about his experience of not having no deputy hall, saying that he is not qualified enough, not solid steps, and so on.

The best way for Li Dingshan is for any subsequent mayor and another secretary to reach the threshold of the deputy province. Although he has not experienced the deputy hall, he must stay in the main hall for a few more years to be convincing. Xiaoxia wants to take the place of the secretary of the district party committee. Although there are many supporters, there is also a lot of resistance. I can't relax." Song Chaodu took a cautious and optimistic attitude, "After all, he has not been in office for a long time, and he has not had the qualifications of county magistrate and county party secretary, so he will be taken as a matter. However, this is not the key, the key is that he is not optimistic after taking office. The disema area is new. Many people only see that it is easy to make political achievements, but they don't realize that another serious problem is that it is easier to make trouble.

Xia figured out what was said in the words of the Song Dynasty, and he actually thought of the shortcomings of the disema zone. For example, at the beginning of the establishment of the new district, there were many chaotic and complicated problems, and the public security problem was also relatively prominent. Because it was the urban-rural integration, it suddenly returned to the urban area, which would also involve a series of household registration changes. Others such as land acquisition issues. Demolition disputes and resettlement of farmers. Wait, it can be said to be a mess.

The throne of the secretary of the lower horse district is not so easy to sit on, and it is not easy to sit safely. As a new district, it will inevitably become the focus of all parties, and will inevitably be paid attention to by provinces and cities, and even the capital will pay attention to it. Well done, it is the strong support of the superior leaders and the good policy. If you don't do it well, your personal ability is not good. If you have a good policy and a huge amount of money, and you can't control the situation, the general will lose points seriously.

So, if you succeed, you will have a heavy achievement, but the evaluation may not be very high. Because there are too many policies and financial support. If he doesn't succeed, he will attack him without mentioning that the political enemy will attack him. I'm afraid that those who are optimistic about him will also look down on him because of this.

The disema area is a touchstone, which is related to whether the door of the future career can really be opened. If you can preside over the work of the disema area, you will undoubtedly write a key note on your resume, which is the foundation at the departmental and provincial and ministerial levels in the future. If not, it is basically equivalent to closing the door at the provincial and ministerial level.

The more likely it is to make major political achievements, the more double-edged the sword is. As the saying goes, success is also Xiao He's failure. Song Chaodu's worries are not unreasonable. And he has much more experience in political struggle than Li Dingshan. The chaos in public security is easy to solve, but if there is a sudden **, in case of a large-scale conflict, once something goes wrong, it is a major mistake, and you can't take it lightly.

If you have achievements, your superiors may not praise you, and if you are at fault, your superiors will definitely severely criticize you. Xiama District is a mirror, which is related to the face of Yan City and Yan Province. Maybe many brothers, provinces and cities are staring at Yan

The situation of several settings in the district. If they all want to learn from it, they will treat it as thunder and learn with Jiangjian. If you fail. They will be avoided as negative textbooks.

Whoever makes Xiama District a joke of Yan City and Yan Province is the sinner of Yan City and Yan Province. Anyone will be wiped out of the political future by Yan City and Yan Province. Xiaxiang also said seriously, "I also thought of a lot of disadvantages. There are advantages and disadvantages for a few things. As long as the superiors appoint me to preside over the work in the disembarkment zone, I can only be conscientious and diligent at all times, and I dare not relax at all.

Song Chaodu and Li Dingshan nodded together: "Politics is the interest, and it has always been the interests of the minority. Officials are looking for a balance between the interests of the minority and the interests of the majority. The way to be an official is like walking a tightrope, like walking on thin ice. It is really not easy to satisfy the superiors and the benefits of the people.

While talking, the three returned to the room. Song Chaodu said with deep emotion, "When Dingshan goes down to be the mayor, you will understand that sometimes it will be a dilemma between satisfying the superior leaders and benefiting the people. Many people used to have lofty aspirations, but at the critical moment, they are stuck in whether they are officials or the people. "Xiaoxia, I dare to say that you will also face such a dilemma in the future!"

Xia wants to remember Song Chaodu's kind reminder. The motto believed in the officialdom is to be a person first, then an official. Generally speaking, it is to be a person first and then do things. But there are also many officials who only do things, not to mention doing good deeds and doing practical things. And he is also sure that in the face of pleasing superior leaders or benefiting the people, 80%, no, even 90% of officials will choose the former. Because only when superior leaders are happy can they be promoted. Basically, all those who enter the officialdom regard the promotion as the first priority of becoming an official.

The dissatisfaction of the people does not hinder the promotion. This is also the biggest drawback of the current domestic system. Will the officials who are only up to the top and down be single-minded to do practical things and do good deeds? Everyone has a bad nature, and officials are also human beings, and they can't escape the selfish side. Therefore, it is not to say that strengthening has no effect on the moral construction of officials, but while strengthening the moral construction, we must first standardize the loopholes in the system.

People are precisely because of moral self-discipline. This is the biggest difference from animals. But all people are faced with absolute interests. Greed often defeats morality. It is basically a joke to morally discipline officials. Any moral binding ability is not as good as religion, but among the three major religions, the two religions often launch wars in the name of freedom and missionary. Can you go to heaven after killing others? Do others rule first and then tell others that their rule is freedom? Throughout the Crusades and the current behavior of the United States, it is a kind of ** naked irony in itself!

Unfortunately, many people are not sober and think that Americans are more noble than others. Everyone is born equal. This sentence means that everyone is equal in the face of life and death, and everyone is the same in the face of greed and selfishness.

Law is the lowest line of morality. Only a fair system can ensure true fairness.

Xia thought a lot for a while.

When I was eating, I made an interesting thing. Li Wang insisted on sitting next to Song Yifan. Song Yifan refused and finally hid between Xia Xiang and Cao Shuhui, which made everyone laugh. Li Wang is a few years younger than Song Yifan, and he looks weak. No wonder Song Yifan likes him. During the conversation, Xia also learned that the two of them often played together when they were young. When I grew up, I became estranged. The main reason is that Song Yifan thinks that Li Gang is too little to pay attention to him.

Mr. Shi's spirit is not bad, but after all, he looks older, and his words are no longer as energetic as before. Perhaps the reason why his wishes have been fulfilled is that Li Dingshan and Shi Jie remarried and became a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General. His last favor has also been used up, and he may also feel that there is no last reliance.

People live in the world, all they live in spirit. When the anger is gone, the spirit will fade. Xia thought that Mr. Shi was actually idle. If he could really retreat completely and no longer care about politics, he would not grow old so quickly. In the end. In the past, his spirit and momentum still felt that he still had enough voice and influence. Now there is no psychological support.

Power really has great magic. Once you buy it, you don't want to let go until you die.

For Shi Lao, Xiaxiang has always been grateful. Just try to tell as many jokes as possible to make him happy. The words also revealed some comfort words such as putting down and opening up, and also wanted to ask Mr. Shi to live in the sanatorium in the forest park to experience the benefits of quiet in the noise.

Mr. Shi heard Xia's intention and looked at Xia's mind. He thought that Xiao Xia was really a person with a heart, so he agreed: "Okay. When the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, I will also go to the forest park to relax. I heard that the scenery is good?

"Yes, it is a rare good place in Yan City. If Mr. Shi has a heart, I can tell them to let Mr. Shi find a place in it and plant some flowers and plants to raise by himself," Xia said with a smile. C