official god

Chapter 521 Solemnly entrusted

Then he thought of Wu Lianxia. Xia suddenly felt helplessly sad, he! He has one son and one daughter, but no one can just rightly call him his father. My son's surname is Wu and my daughter's surname is Mei. It's cheaper for the Wu family and the Mei family, but he doesn't get any benefits. Is it really hard for whom?

After self-deprecating, he regained his spirit. Invest in intense study.

Perhaps because Xia wants to have no chores recently, his studies have made rapid progress. Several assignments and papers have been praised by Mr. Gao. In the original words of the old department, according to the current progress. He is expected to get a postgraduate diploma within half a year.

The days in the capital are actually pleasant. Xia wants to pretend to work every day after studying. In fact, it's not that he refuses to work hard, but that he doesn't have much practical things to do. Usually, I get together with Lian Ruohan's mother and son from time to time, make out with my son, and then make out with Lian Ruohan once again.

Sometimes I live in Xiao Jia's place at night. In recent years, the current time in the capital is the longest time Xia wants to spend with Xiao Jia. Xiao Jia also shined with unprecedented brilliance. The rain was red and the branches were delicate, which made everyone who knew her marvel that her face was more charming than before. Many men who covet Xiao Jia can't help sighing. Xiao Jia must be with her beloved man every day, otherwise there will be no ruddy beauty.

Xia Xiang was also good to Xiao Jia, but when Xiao Jia proposed to have a child for Xia again, Xia Xiang was shocked and vetoed it as if she was frightened. Then Xia thought that he comforted Xiao Jia. After a while, he will definitely meet her wish. Since he has promised her before, he will definitely not let her down.

Xia wants to have another child born now. At present, with the un born child in Cao Shuhui's stomach, he is already the father of three children. It's really unpredictable. It's not a good thing to be someone else's father if you are not careful. Fortunately, the mother of his child is more able to raise the child without him.

Otherwise, if several children ask him for milk powder every day, they can also make him poor.

It has been three months since I came to the capital in a blink of an eye. During this period, Xiaxiang also returned to Yanshi several times, and basically returned to the capital after staying for a day. Cao Shuhui is doing well. He was taken care of by blue socks and hired another babysitter. It's thoughtful. The situation in Yan City has also calmed down for the time being. The district party committee and government buildings in Shimoma District are under construction step by step. Personnel issues are also under intensive preparation, and the forces of all parties have also entered a state of stalemate.

All the focus is on positions other than the secretary and the district chief. Many people are smart not to compete with the secretary and the district chief, because everyone knows that the secretary and the district chief, Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou have long been selected.

The weather is getting warmer. One day in June, Xiaxiang unexpectedly received a phone call from Gu Yu.

Gu Yu was in the capital and wanted to invite Xia to meet him. Of course, Lao Gu also wants to see him.

Lao Gu has an appointment. Xia can't miss him. Besides, he also wants to talk to Lao Gu.

The meeting place is in a secluded and mysterious compound. It is said that it is mysterious because Xia wants to make seven turns and eight turns under the guidance of ancient jade. After a while, I lost my way in the capital. I just felt that I kept going west and north. Finally, after passing through many closed-access areas, I entered an overall gray building.

Fortunately, Gu Yu had foresight and waited for Xiaxiang outside the Ministry of Commerce as early as possible. Sitting on the co-pilot. A look of commanding Ruo'an led Xiaxiang all the way to Lao Gu's residence in the capital. Otherwise, if you only rely on the telephone command, Xiaxiang will definitely not find a place.

In the early summer weather, Gu Yu casually wore a white top and gray jeans, which seemed to have both youthful vitality and a simple beauty. The beautiful jade she never left, but hid in her clothes. It is hidden in the snow-white pink neck and has another flavor. Xia thought just took a random look. He hurriedly withdrew his eyes.

Park the car, and Xia Xiang walked in along the green brick path with the ancient jade. Xia wanted to notice that the whole gray complex of buildings was hidden in countless trees, which seemed particularly quiet. Where you can see, there are no high-rise buildings. The highest is a two-story small building, most of which are bungalows and a single courtyard. In addition to the tall sycamore trees, there are many straight poplar trees fluttering in the wind, which gives Xiaxiang the feeling that there is the tranquility of isolation. There is also a distant paradise.

And he also knew in his heart that this place was also in Beijing, not in the suburbs. It can be seen that there are usually many places that ordinary people can't get involved in. They don't know that in the prosperous capital, there is also a very ancient and quiet and harmonious deep house courtyard.

The deep house compound can only be the privilege and enjoyment of a few people. In the capital with an inch of land and an inch of gold, there is such a large courtyard of about 100 mu, which is worth more than billions? However, it is full of people living in it with deep backgrounds. Whoever wants to relocate violently may not have so much energy!

Xia thought slightly sighed that whether in the United States or China, the real rich and powerful people live in houses, and only the poor live in high-rise houses. Gu Yu looked at Xia and thought for a moment and asked playfully, "Did you look at your eyes randomly just now?"

Xia was stunned. After thinking about it, she understood what she said and smiled, "No, not at all. You are just like my sister. How can I look at you randomly? It's just that your jade is not exposed outside. I'm just curious.

As soon as Gu Yu did an indecent operation, she reached out to her chest, pulled the jade out from the inside, raised it in her hand and said, "Actually, thank you for reminding me. I didn't notice that I put the jade outside before, swaying around, and always let people's eyes on my chest. It's not good. So I decided to hide the jade in it. Don't show any more astonishment.

"That's right, jade is a very personal item, just like your **, it's better to wear it close to your body. It's good to raise jade when you go on a blind date with your skin. Xia wanted to say casually and then asked, "How is the leading group doing recently?"

Today is Saturday. Gu Yu deliberately returned to the capital on Friday night. Last time she said she would be transferred back to the capital. It's just a moment of anger, and she still works in the leading group honestly, and her work has been recognized by Song Chaodu.

"Everything is in order. All the work is going well, but without you, sometimes Gu Yu, who feels strange and boring, speaks very casually, and often blurt out without thinking. Compared with Lian Ruohan and Cao Shuhui, her mind is much simpler. "I don't think you are so good when you are here. When you leave, I always feel empty in my heart. I miss you very much. "Isn't it a little promising?"

Xia wanted to cough twice: "Yes, you are also an adult. Don't always want to rely on others and then change the topic. "Summer is coming, is Lao Gu going to live in Yan City for a period of time?"

The first phase of the collection garden and collection house built by Vision Group near the Forest Park has been completed. Xiaxiang also chose a concave-square-meter room in the Treasure Garden. Gu Yu also liked the apartment type of the Treasure Garden and also bought one. In addition, Fang Ge, Wang Linjie, Xiao Wu, Li Hongjiang, Sun Xianwei and others have all taken action one after another and selected satisfactory apartments.

Even Feng Xuguang and Chu Zigao have bought two or three sets, which are suitable for self-use or gifts. Because the house type of the collection garden is not only good, but also the location and environment are unique. The most important thing is that the low-rise residential area with the same large spacing as the collection garden and the collection house will not be approved by the city in the future. The new regulations of Yan City will be built in the future. It must be matched with high-level officials, otherwise it will not be approved. Xia wants to remember that a few years later, because of the tight land, the new community must be all high-rise.

There are still many people who don't like high-rise houses. It's too depressing and there is no sunshine.

The sales of Treasure Garden and Collection House are surprisingly good. Not only the rich people in Yan City flocked in, but also many large and small officials in many provinces and cities. Indeed, in Yan City, this is the only place with fresh air and quiet environment, although the house price is not low. Many people are also flocking to it for fear of falling behind.

The first phase of the project has already been sold out, and the second phase of the house is almost all booked. The Treasure Garden and the Collection House have been a great success, bringing no less than a billion profits to Vision Group!

Among them, Xiaxiang's creativity is the first achievement, of course. Cao Shuhui's excellent design also adds a lot of color to the collection garden and the collection house. Gu Yu did not answer Xia's question. He trotted all the way in front with a smile, and the sun fell on her through the leaves. The golden color that fell to the ground. Her laughter echoed in the air. A lot of light has been added to such an early summer morning.

Xia wanted to shake her head with a smile. In his eyes, although Gu Yu had a bad background and her parents died early, she always maintained a child's heart and had a simple but simple happiness, which was rare.

He stepped into a single courtyard of about one mu with the ancient jade, "

The yard is surrounded by gray brick walls, and there are several bungalows. At first glance, it looks a bit like a quadrangle courtyard, which is no longer common in the capital, but it is larger than the quadrangle courtyard. Relatively speaking, there are fewer rooms, so it looks much more open. But because there is a concession in the hospital. Because of the trees and flowers and plants, it does not seem empty at all, but alive.

It's really a good place, and Xiaxiang is extremely envious. You can have such a house in the capital. It's not just that you can do it with money. There must be power, and it is also a great power. A billionaire can't live in such a house. It's not that he can't afford it, but that he can't!

If you have money, it is difficult to buy or sell things. There are still many things in the world, and money can never solve them.

Lao Gu was bending down to water the flowers with a watering can. Seeing that Xia wanted to come in with Gu Yu, he smiled, put down the watering can and said, "Isn't it happy to have friends coming from afar? Little friend, long time no see. I heard that you are going to be promoted?

Xia was stunned, then figured out something and smiled: "It should be said that the responsibility is greater."

Lao Gu waved his hand and said to Gu Yu, "Go and make a pot of good tea."

Gu Yu answered obediently and turned around and entered the room. Lao Gu pointed to the rockery not far away with his hand. He said, "Let's go and enjoy the beautiful scenery in our yard."

Xia wanted to accompany Lao Gu and talk while walking.

"Lao Wu and I are old friends. We have known each other for decades. We have the wrong temper. As long as we meet, we like to quarrel a few words, but after the quarrel. I want to convince the other party, so I want to meet. As a result, we quarrel when we meet. I get angry after the quarrel. Forget it when you are angry. Then meet again and quarrel again. Life is almost over in the noisy. In a blink of an eye, he and I are about to meet Marx.

Lao Gu came straight to the point and talked about the old man of the Wu family as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xia wanted to smile and nod, with a look of listening attentively.

"I have known about you and the Wu family for a long time. If it had been before, I would have scolded you. But after my son and daughter-in-law had an accident, I also took it off. There are many things in a person's life that can't be predicted. It's nothing to have a few women around a man. In the revolutionary era, many old comrades-in-arms I know, who doesn't love each other? They are all people. No matter how loud the reputation outside is, no matter how high the seat is, he is also an ordinary person who eats and drinks." Lao Gu sighed with emotion. As soon as he saw Xia, he said endlessly

And I also heard that you are also very kind to the Wu girl. A good man has a few women with tight claws. The important thing is that if they follow you, you must be good from the beginning to the end, and don't let every woman be disappointed and sad!"

It's rare that Lao Gu was so enlightened that Xia wanted to be taught with an open mind: "Yes, I wrote it down."

"Ha ha," Lao Gu smiled happily, came to a rockery, pointed to the goldfish in the pond under the rockery, and said, "There is a good saying, Zifei fish, Anzhi fish's pleasure? Summer. Lao Wu's health recovered very well, thanks to Wu Lianxia to make him happy. In the final analysis, although he must have opposed the matter between you and the Wu girl, he also benefited from you. Therefore, things in the world must be analyzed from both positive and negative aspects to be considered objective

Xia wanted to know that Lao Gu must have something to say. He took the old man of the Wu family as an introduction, which was obviously a foreshadowing for his request, so he said respectfully, "Lao Gu, if you have any instructions, just say it. I will do my best."

"I'm old, I haven't been alive for a few years, and I don't have any ideas. It's just that I've been a horse for the rest of my life. There was only one son, but the son died in front of me. The white-haired man gave the black-haired man, and life was so great. I think you also guessed that after I died, the only thing I couldn't rest assured was Gu Yu. Lao Gu looked up at the blue sky. The sky was as blue as a wash, and there were no clouds, which was particularly refreshing. He said with infinite emotion, "It's too late to meet you. If I had known you earlier, I would have refused What I want to say now is that if I am not here one day, if you want to love and protect Gu Yu like your own sister, can you do it? Can you promise me?"

For Lao Gu, Xia didn't have much idea. I just feel that he has the same temper, and I also feel that he is alone, accompanied by Gu Yu, which is also pitiful. And he hasn't had a grandfather since he was a child, and he also feels that Lao Gu is particularly kind. When Lao Gu sent him precious jade and arranged Gu Yu to join the leading group, he guessed that Lao Gu intended to do it. While approaching him, he might have other plans. It's just that there is nothing to worry about. Compared with Lao Gu, he is too weak and has no capital that Lao Gu likes at all, and he has nothing to be calculated by Lao Gu. In addition to his business acumen, he is himself. Later, he also slowly felt that Lao Gu intended to let Gu Yu. Approach him.

Gu Yu is simple in nature and gentle in personality. To be honest, she is a very good girl. But it is precisely because he is too simple and gentle, and has hundreds of millions of family property. It is good to say that once Lao Gu is alive, once he passes away, there will definitely be many people who want to collect both wealth and color to fight against Gu Yu. Gu Yu doesn't have much defense, and it's easy to be deceived by people with ulterior motives. Of course, if you really like Gu Yu, it's okay to say that. If you are afraid, you will be afraid. If you meet someone who is not good, in case you are cheated by a bad-hearted person, Gu Yu's billionaires wealth is not happiness, but the source of disaster.

From the perspective of a grandfather, Lao Gu is not at ease with Ran Yu, and he is also a bone-to-bone injury of an old man who lost his son in his later years.

"I have regarded Gu Yu as my sister from the beginning. It happens that I don't have a sister. It's also my blessing to have such a smart and gentle little sister as Gu Yu." Xia Shang said with a firm face. He didn't understand why all of a sudden, the old words had the meaning of telling the future, and he was a little worried. "You are still in good health now, and you can live for a few more decades. At that time, Gu Yu will also have a family. If you have a support, you can rest assured. Why did you suddenly talk about this now?

"I've been a man for a while, and I'm the one who will leave at any time." Lao Gu caught a handful of fish food. He threw it into the water and provoked the goldfish to rob him. "Lao Wu almost died of a serious illness. He and I are the same age. He is sick, has a group of children, and a little guy who specializes in making him happy. What do I have? A few days ago, a comrade-in-arms who went to the battlefield together passed away. I knew it, and I was almost there. As long as I get sick. I'm afraid I won't be able to get up again."

Xia's mood is a little heavy. When he is old, he will inevitably care about life and death. He comforted Lao Gu: "You have Gu Yu, me, and a group of loyal subordinates. If others don't say it, even if I and Gu Yu are here, you won't have no one to take care of you."

Lao Gu waved his hand indifferently: "I'm old. Life and death are all open, but don't let go of the jade girl. I will feel at ease with you. I'm busy introducing a partner to her now. If it's reliable, I'll choose one. I really can't choose it, and there's nothing I can do. When I'm not here, if she has something she likes again. It's up to you to check for me. If you really can't find a suitable one, or if she doesn't like it, don't force it. Just take care of her for me like my own sister for the rest of my life

Xia wanted to see that the topic was a little heavy, so he deliberately said easily, "Gu Yu is docile and a good girl. It's no problem to take care of her, but aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to cheat all her property?"

Lao Gu laughed and said, "After my all-round investigation of you, you are a trustworthy young man. The Wu girl has more money than Gu Yu. Your lover is also very good at making money, and you are also talented in doing business. It is not difficult for you to make money, but you are not a greedy young man. In terms of money, you can withstand **. The only thing I'm worried about you is that I let you take care of Gu Yu. I'm afraid that you will guard and steal yourself.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, Wanwang brothers strongly support, give Lao He a good start. Let's. The moon is still moving forward bravely. There will be "H
