official god

Chapter 530 Difficult to make a decision

"I heard that the municipal party committee is going to promote a young man named Xiaxiang to serve as the subordinate district party committee. I don't care what your attitude is. What I need is that you should at least stay out of the matter. If you can't object, just give up."

Hu Zengzhou was shocked and wanted to ask why. Unexpectedly, the chief seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. Then he said, "Don't ask why. If you believe me, just do it.

If you don't do it, you will bear the consequences

With a "pop", the chief hung up the phone without hesitation.

Hu Zeng sat back in the chair on Monday, and his brain was in a mess!

The same thing as Hu Zengzhou's experience is that not long after he left, Chen Feng also received a call from the capital. The straightforward difference from Hu Zengzhou's backstage is that Chen Feng's backstage speaks slowly. It seems to be a casual chat.

"Chen Feng, don't worry about what Xia thinks. Let him go. Just let him go. Don't support him anymore. Someone asked me to call you, as long as you stay out of the matter, and you don't have to clarify the boundary with Xia. He also knows the relationship between you and Xia, and he doesn't force you to object. Since the Standing Committee has made a decision, why should you take the risk to suppress it? Raise your hand, it's not aimed at you. It's aimed at Xiaxiang!"

After answering the phone, Chen Feng sat for a long time and had no idea for the first time.

Yan City, the wind and clouds have surged.

Xia Xiang knew the result of the Standing Committee as soon as possible. After Li Dingshan's sipation, Li Xuan informed him of the shocking scene of the Standing Committee. After Xia Xiang heard it, he was very depressed. He immediately dialed Lian Ruohan's phone. But it was prompted to turn off the phone, and I couldn't contact Wei Xin again. He knew that it was the Wu family who took action.

Whether it is Wu Caiyang or the old man, Xia Xiangwei thought about it and came to a conclusion. Judging from the way he wanted to take him directly, it should be the old man's action, otherwise it would only rely on Wu Caiyang's influence. I'm afraid it's not enough to make more than half of the Standing Committee of Yan City dare to fight against the secretary and the mayor!

Only the old man has such a great influence, and only he can give a hint. Someone will operate everything for him immediately. He inquired about the backstage of more than half of the Standing Committee of Yan City and put pressure on them.

But the question is, how did the old man learn about the relationship between Lian Ruohan and him?

Xia wanted to sit alone in the office for more than an hour, but she didn't know what it was like. Although he knew that sooner or later he would be discovered by the Wu family, everyone had a fluke mentality. He was eager to wait for him to grow into a towering tree, even if the Wu family knew the truth of the matter. I can't do anything to him then. I don't want to. It turned out that when he was about to take a crucial step, the Wu family took action!

What a critical step from the front to the deputy hall, and what he will take is the actual deputy hall, which is the leader. The Wu family now takes him down. The blow to him is fatal, and it is absolutely unacceptable!

Xia wanted to be extremely depressed. He really couldn't figure out why it was so clever, but at this time, just as the Standing Committee was about to pass the appointment, the Wu family found out the truth and made a thunderous blow. How could it be such a coincidence?

Is it someone who deliberately did it and deliberately interfered with it?

Thinking of the Wu family's action, his nomination could not be passed, and Bai Zhanmo could naturally serve as the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee and become the largest dark horse. Bai Zhanmo is the person of Fu Xianfeng, and Fu Xianfeng will become the biggest beneficiary.

Thinking of what Yi Xiangshi said when he was in the capital, Xia Xiang could almost conclude that behind the sudden action of the Wu family, there must be the shadow of Fu Xianfeng. "The truth is almost ready to come out!

Xia Xiang was very annoyed and regretted that he did not accept Wu Caijiang's advice early, and beware of Fu Xianfeng's means of investigating him behind his back. If he had noticed it earlier, maybe he wouldn't be so passive now, but it's useless to regret, because the power of the Fu family is very large, even if he is on guard. I'm afraid I don't know when Fu Xianfeng will use his means. And the most critical point is that the relationship between him and Lian Ruohan is indeed a gunpowder barrel. Even if he knows that Fu Xianfeng knows the relationship between him and Lian Ruohan, what can he do? Can we not let Fu Xianfeng open his mouth?

But what he still didn't understand was how Fu Xianfeng found out all kinds of things between him and Lian Ruohan. How can the Wu family believe that he is the biological father of the child? With the cleverness of the vanguard, he will never explain to the Wu family, otherwise the Wu family's anger will also involve him and will not give him a good look. The power of the Fu family is still not comparable to that of the Wu family. Fu Xianfeng is self-akoned.

Xia couldn't figure it out, and he didn't bother to guess anything else. He knew that it was very difficult to resolve the anger of the Wu family, and it was necessary to tie the bell to untie the bell. If he could get in touch with Lian Ruohan, everything would be easy to do. If he couldn't get in touch,

He was not sure whether Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou could withstand the pressure, but he knew that the Wu family was too powerful. Since more than half of the members of the Standing Committee can speak out to oppose his appointment, there are also channels for people to put pressure on Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou. As long as Chen Feng compromises, he will get off the position of secretary of the district party committee. It will fly away completely.

It's terrible. It's really a terrible time right. If Fu Xianfeng is really the driving force behind the scenes, then what Yi Xiangshi said that Fu Xianfeng is the most potential politician of the Fu family, which is really accurate. Xia's understanding of dealing with the vanguard has deepened another level. At the same time, it is more thorough to deal with the hatred of the vanguard.

If it was really the old man of the Wu family to take action in person, Xia Xiang would not have escaped as calmly as the last time Wu Caijiang took action. When Ye Shisheng faced the No. 4 figure in the past, he was afraid that he could not withstand the pressure. Xia wanted to know that the position of the secretary of the District Party Committee of Just know the future of the four careers!

Xia thought it was good. In the office of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Ye Shisheng frowned and was about to pake around the room.

Ma Qiu, who heard the constant footsteps outside, knew that Secretary Ye had encountered troubles, and it was not an ordinary embarrassment. Because once Ye Shisheng encounters something difficult to decide, his favorite thing to do is to walk.

The sound in the room rang for more than half an hour without stopping.

Ye Shisheng also thought about it for more than half an hour until he felt that his legs were numb before he sat down reluctantly. After sitting down, he shook his head helplessly, and he was still uncertain.

Thinking of the phone call from the capital received more than half an hour ago, Ye Shisheng was still very puzzled. He didn't understand what Xia thought had done to offend such a powerful person, which actually shocked the Wu family to destroy Xia Xiang's future before giving up. Ye Shisheng's mood today was stirring. When he was about to go down to inspect the work, he heard the out-of-control scene of the Standing Committee of Yan City. He was immediately shocked and immediately cancelled the inspection. Before he could call Chen Feng in person to ask what was going on, he received a call from the capital.

The call was made by Lan Cheng, his good friend and the current Minister of Civil Affairs. Lan Cheng first politely said a few gossips, and then turned around and pointed directly at the Xiaxiang incident: "Shi Sheng heard about the affairs of the Standing Committee of Yan City? Political things are really changeable. And there is never a shortage of dark horses, right? There is a saying that I want you to listen to. As for how to deal with it after hearing it, I don't ask. Just tell you the priority of the matter, and you decide whether to go left or right

Ye Shisheng knew Lan Cheng's temper and liked to speak implicitly. He smiled and said, "You and I have been old friends for many years. We are close friends. If you have something to say, just said, "I also just learned about the Yan Municipal Party Committee. Before I had time to deal with it, you called."

Lan Cheng said slowly, "Xia wants to cause a big disaster. Some people want to take him down. Not only do they don't want him to be the secretary of the district party committee, but they also want him not to protect the position of the director. The road in Yan City has been blocked, and it depends on whether there is still a road in Yan

"What on earth did Xia want to do? Is it worth so popular?" Ye Shisheng was shocked. After all, he knew in his heart that he could make more than half of the Standing Committee of Yanshi speak in the same voice, even he did not have the ability to do it. In this way, it must be a pivotal figure. Xia thought that this young man is not a rash person. Even if he is young and impulsive for a moment, he will not make the characters angry, and the bigwigs are self-recommitating. How can he always be so angry with the younger generation?

Ye Shisheng is puzzled and knows that there are some things. The big man only tells you the result, not the reason, and doesn't make your own decision. If you do it, he will remember your kindness. If you don't do it, he won't force you, but don't blame others when you suddenly get stuck in a link one day.

So after asking, Ye Shimang realized that he had lost his tongue. He quickly withdrew what he had just said and asked, "Why, there is no room for relief?"

Lan Cheng's tone of voice seemed to be unchanged, and his emotions could not be heard from his voice at all. He said indifferently, "No more. If there is still room, there will not be a two-pronged approach, first Yan City and then Yan Province. Shi Sheng, I also heard that you love Xia very much. Whether it's out of love or for other reasons, it's a key time to stand in line. Maybe if you take the right step, your way will be wider." Ha ha, it's also a casual chat between our old friends. I won't say more, and you understand that although the old man He retired, but the second brother entered the Politburo, in the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the third brother was in the Central Committee of the League

Ye Shisheng's heart thumped, and finally knew that what Xia wanted to offended was the Wu family in the capital!

The old man of the Wu family was once the No. 4 figure. After retreating, Yu Wei was still there, and the Wu family had deep roots, like a towering tree. The crown of the tree covers the sky and the sun, and the roots of the trees are intertwined. Not only are there a lot of power in the capital, but also in all parts of the country, there are many direct lines, known as the first family in the capital. Although the domestic political climate has never promoted any family power, who in the real officialdom does not know who is who is? Who doesn't know which family has the power, which family has the oil, and where the military industry is? Wait, behind every monopoly industry, there is a huge family force. Corresponding to the family power is the political voice and decision-making power.

Politics and economics have always been inseparable!

I'm afraid only the Wu family can make it clear about how powerful the Wu family is. The huge power of a family does not depend on whether someone is in the Standing Committee of the Politburo, but on the size of the industry behind it, how broad the power in the country is, and how much voice there is in the Politburo!

Politics sometimes depends on strength, power, and economy. A rootless person is considered to have entered the Standing Committee. No one took his words seriously. But then again. Without strength, you can't enter the standing committee. On the surface, some members of the Standing Committee are not born in the family and have no strength, but in fact, there must be a huge interest class behind it.

The strength of the interest group you represent is the weight of your words.

Ye Shisheng admitted that he did not have the capital to make friends with the Wu family. The Wu family has also never paid much attention to Yan Province. Perhaps they think that whether it is geopolitics or economy, the Yan Province is not in line with the development plan of the Wu family. Therefore, the Wu family has not arranged much power in Yan Province. It is also after the sudden Xia Xiang incident that Yi Xunshu will post a different body clam

Yes, it is not difficult for a provincial party secretary to take down the director. Suppress and suppress again, and distribute and distribute again. After a few months, Xia wants to be embarrassed and difficult to turn over again.

But the problem is. Ye Shisheng is not a strong and decisive person. Besides, he has a lot of feelings for Xiaxiang, and he has always regarded it as his department. In the whole provincial party committee compound, who doesn't know that Xiaxiang is the red man in front of Secretary Ye? If you suppress Xia, what will others think of him? What does he think of him? Even his closest trusted person has to do everything. Who will be loyal to him in the future? Who will get closer to him?

In public and private, Ye Shisheng can't do it.

But if he really does this and pleases the Wu family, he will take a small step forward. Even if you can't enter the Politburo, it's not a big problem to enjoy the deputy national-level treatment. After all, there are many spare positions at the deputy-national level. Based on his political achievements alone, he may make a small step forward between the two. If there are political achievements and the Wu family's words, it will be a certainty.

It's a lie to say that you can't move your mind. You have struggled all your life. At the critical moment, the Xuanka is on the point, and everyone wants to overcome the hurdle in front of you. But if he really wanted Ye Shisheng to step on Xia's body, he thought that the great changes brought by the adjustment of the industrial structure to Yan Province and his dazzling political achievements were all promoted by Xia, and he couldn't bear it.

Politics should not be warm, but people are not vegetation. How can be ruthless?

Ye Shisheng did not immediately reply to Lan Cheng. After putting down the phone, he didn't have time to call Chen Feng for details. Instead, he thought about it over and over in the room, and he was still at a loss. It's hard to make up your mind. After a while, Ye Shisheng thought about it. Let's talk to Chen Feng and listen to the situation of the Yan Municipal Party Committee. The appointment of the Secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee is not only related to the future development of the Xiama District, but also linked to the 10 billion investment of Dacai Group, which is also a headache that is difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, before he picked up the phone, he heard Ma Qiu asking for instructions outside: "Secretary Ye, Xia wants to come

Xia wanted to walk into Ye Shisheng's office, and he looked calm. Without the panic and tension as Ye Shisheng imagined, he still said to him with a slight smile and respect, "Secretary Ye, I have two things to report to you. Do you have time?"

Ye Shisheng was secretly surprised. It was when he was promoted from the middle to the deputy hall, but there were a little twists and turns in the middle. At that time, he didn't have good tea and dinner for three days and three nights. It was not until the dust settled that he slept a lot and calmed down. Xiaxiang is not only facing the leap from the main office to the deputy hall, but also the practical deputy hall, which is a veritable leader, far from comparable to the general deputy hall. It is not only about the future of a lifetime. You may even face the test of life and death!

Whether Xia wants to pretend to be calm or really so calm, it is not easy to be able to do so on the surface. At his age, it is not easy.

Ye Shisheng pointed to the sofa: "Sit down, if you have time, just say something."

Xia wanted to take a deep breath and thought about the sentence. After about a dozen seconds of silence, he said, "Secretary Ye, I have committed the problem of life style, and I deliberately admit my mistake to you. I accept any criticism and punishment from you."

Ye Shisheng looked directly into Xiaxiang's eyes and thought that Xiaxiang suddenly put on a self-criticism posture at this time and took the initiative to admit the problem of life style. Do you still think that the current situation is not chaotic enough and still want to add fuel to the fire? What's the idea? He was stunned. He was stunned. Just say, "As long as you have the courage to admit your mistakes. Let's talk about it and see what's going on.

Xia thought didn't sit down. He clasped his hands on his chest and said sincerely, "Secretary Ye, I'm not rigorous enough in my life style. I had an extramarital affair with a woman and gave birth to a boy. I want to admit my mistake to Secretary Ye. Whether it was criticizing education or removing me from public office, I didn't complain at all and accepted any punishment from the organization.

Xia's words did not cause any waves in Ye Shisheng's heart.

Ye Shisheng, as the secretary of the provincial party committee, is very clear about the officials in Yan Province, who has an extramarital affair and who has a lover. The world is like this. He can only pretend not to know. There is no perfect person, and he can't ask mortals according to the standards of saints. What he understands better is. Sometimes officials are not as good as mortals, at least there are not as many curves of mortals. Because mortals don't have the opportunity to figure out how to calculate others.

Xia wants to say that he has one. The lover also has an illegitimate child. For Ye Shisheng, it is a big or small thing, or even a small thing that is not worth mentioning. Not to mention that Xia wants to take the initiative to admit it, even if others find Xia's extramarital affair behind his back and report it to him, he will ignore it. It's not the same thing.

But if Xia wants to put it forward in person, it has to be another matter. He had to show the majesty of the provincial party secretary. He criticized Xiaxiang with a fierce voice. In the future, we should cut off contact with women outside the marriage. We should be responsible for the Party, the country and the people. We should be strict with ourselves and not smear the ** members' faces! C