official god

Chapter 547 It's rude to come and go

Youxiang Huai is really insidious, and he can even sweat back! The trick, thinking of taking advantage of the situation of several families to make him eat and hold back, it is also to make Fu Xianfeng's fire. He also thought that the Wu family would definitely hate him after knowing the truth, but he did not expect that Mr. Wu would come forward in person. Even Mr. Qiu joined in the fun. What's the reason?

No wonder the old man is angry. Obviously, Mr. Qiu and the Fu family are still in-laws, but they came with Mr. Wu to plead guilty, which made the old man feel ashamed!

Fu Xianfeng hated Xiaxiang, believing that Xiaxiang was indeed abominable, the bad method, and the viciousness of the method, which he had only seen in his life.

The old man scolded Fu Xianfeng for more than ten minutes before he stopped. He still said very sternly, "You must explain the matter to me. Otherwise, you will stay at home for a week and think about it. Why does the Fu family want to marry the Qiu family? I'm afraid that the Qiu family and the Wu family will join hands in a big matter. Because of the placement of the Secretary of the District Party Committee of the Lower Horse District. I not only offended the Wu family, but also made the Qiu family dissatisfied. Standing with the Wu family, do you still have a political mind? Is the position of the secretary of a district party committee important, or are the consequences of the Wu family and the Qiu family venting with one nostrils serious consequences? Why do you think the older you get, the less you grow, and you can't tell the difference between the weight?

Fu Xianfeng was scolded useless by the old man. Dare to be angry and dare not say anything. Of course, his anger was also directed at Xiaxiang, and he did not dare to target the old man. The more the old man scolded, the more he hated Xia. Thinking that Xia thought that he might be hiding behind his back and laughing at this time, he hated it so much that his teeth hurt. He couldn't wait to tell Bai Zhanmo immediately, let Bai Zhanmo restrain Xia think everywhere in the disema area and not let Xia want to make a difference.

It's just that when he thought of Bai Zhanmo's phone call he received on the way to the capital, he couldn't help but have a headache.

If he made a mistake, he made a mistake. A wise man must have a mistake. A series of events happened too quickly. When He Jianghua fell from the horse, he only focused on the municipal party committee, but ignored the important role of Chen Tianyu. The result is good. He tried his best to make a wedding dress for Xiaxiang, and Chen Tianyu actually became Xiaxiang's person!

Fu Xianfeng gritted his teeth secretly, and Xiaxiang was really difficult to deal with. The means of counterattack are endless, which not only makes people unable to defend, but also can always hit people's pain, which is very uncomfortable.

However, for the great gain brought by Jinyi's funds, he put up with everything first, and he also knew that he took the risk of offending the Wu family. At the risk of being hostile to Chen Feng, he did not use the power of the Wu family to force Bai Zhanmo to take the upper position, or for the great interests of the Fu family, for the risk investment!

Fu Xianfeng is not a political novice, nor is he a young man who has just entered the officialdom. He is scheming, step by step, and refuses to take action without major interests.

It's just that Xia wanted to join hands with Chen Feng, which was extremely powerful. Fu Xianfeng lost one after another, and he was also depressed and very unhappy. It's just that he is not disappointed. The situation in Yanshi is now in chaos. Although his strength has weakened because of He Jianghua's fall, because Hu Zengzhou and Chen Feng have now gone against the opposite, Chen Feng has suffered the greatest loss. However, Hu Zengzhou's personality is not strong, and his background is not deep, so it is not a worry.

What just puzzled Fu Xianfeng after thinking is that Mr. Wu's action seems to be unconventional, and it is a little too popular. According to Mr. Wu's political wisdom, he can't make a big fight. He has other means to make Chen Feng or Hu Zengzhou give in. Has Mr. Wu already noticed that he is Pushing hands secretly and deliberately lending the opportunity to rethink and disturb the situation in Yan City?

But the problem is. The Wu family has never paid much attention to Yanfu and even Yan Province. Li Yanhong, the secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, who just parachuted, was promoted by the Wu family, but that's all. Not to mention Gao Jinzhou, the deputy governor who has stayed in Yan Province for two or three years, is almost forgotten now. For Yan City,

Does Mr. Wu's move mean that the focus of the Wu family in the future is also intended to focus on Yan Province and Yan City? This idea only flashed through Fu Xianfeng's mind, and was diluted by many trivial things, and then completely forgotten.

It was not until today that I was urgently summoned home by the old man and scolded by the old man that I had a flash of inspiration and remembered Mr. Wu's abnormal action again.

Fu Xianfeng thought about it again and again, and saw that the old man was gradually half angry, so he dared to say boldly, "Grandpa, listen to me, don't worry."

The old man snorted coldly: "Don't worry? I've been in a hurry for a long time. What's the use of this nonsense?

Fu Xianfeng had to smile awkwardly: "Regardless of the anger of the Wu family and the Qiu family, their anger is their business, because they are jealous that our Fu family has gained great benefits in this incident, and they are just psychologically unbalanced. I would like to ask you, why did Mr. Wu make more than half of the Standing Committee of Yan City oppose the nomination of Xia Xiang with great fanfare? If he just takes Xiaxiang's future, he has other means to use. Is there another meaning to do so?

Mr. Fu was immediately distracted by Fu Xianfeng. Oh," he thought thoughtfully: "Let me guess, if the old Wu family wants to disturb the situation in Yan City, they must want to arrange their own people in Yan City. Chen Feng is too strong. We must first weaken Chen Feng's influence, break the cooperation between Hu Zengzhou and Chen Feng, and take the opportunity to suppress Xiaxiang. After the power of Yanshi is dispersed, so that it can be re-integrated, Mr. Wu is still as resourceful as before!"

Fu Xianfeng was secretly happy and successfully diverted the old man's attention. The pressure on his body

Unexpectedly, after the old man finished speaking, he asked Fu Xianfeng angrily, "What about the Wu family is the Wu family's business? I just ask you, what is your plan to help Bai Zhanmo take office? Tell me about it. If you are satisfied, I won't scold you. If you are not satisfied, you can spend a week at home, Yanshi Municipal Party Committee, and I will ask someone to ask for leave for you.

Wenzhou's Jinyi's funds were written by Fu Xianfeng himself, and he did not tell anyone of the Fu family. Fu Xianfeng's idea is that he is now the deputy secretary of Yan City and the actual office. It may not take long for him to serve as the leader. He should have his own governing philosophy and governance. He can no longer be restricted by the family and can't listen to the advice of his family. Jinyi's capital is entirely his own operation. No family's strength was used.

And his plan is to let the family know after it is done, which will definitely make his position in the family more stable and make everyone look up at him. He is not like Qiu Xufeng. He has been in An County for so long and has no reputation. It's too shameful.

However, the situation can't keep up with the changes. Now I have to make it to the old man, otherwise the old man can't get through this. It's a bad thing to keep him at home for a few days.

"Bai Zhanmo's upper position is just a small cover. In fact, I like the real estate market in the lower horse area. Hundreds of millions of funds have been prepared. It is expected that with the cooperation of Bai Zhanmo, hundreds of millions of funds will be used to sweep the real estate in the sub-horse area. According to conservative estimates, at least it can make more than 100 million yuan. Fu Xianfeng looked at the old man firmly.

Mr. Fu was stunned and said with a slight movement, "The profit of 400 million yuan is made by 100 million yuan, pioneer. Are you lying to me or to yourself?

"Grandpa, don't worry. If I don't embezzle and take bribes, and I don't have the right to trade money, I will definitely make money completely under legal and reasonable circumstances. I will not let people catch any control, but also in the name of attracting investment for the diseping area. Think about it, for the sake of Ming Yi's profit, even if you offend the Wu family and the Qiu family, is it worth it?

The old man is moved. No matter how big the Fu family is, it is definitely not a small amount. It is easy to get Gangyi. It doesn't matter how angry the Wu family and the Qiu family are. In contrast, how important is the face? What's more, it's still a huge amount of money!

When Chi Yi got it, the overall strength of the Fu family could take a small step forward, and there was even a tendency to faintly rush to the Wu family, which made the Qiu family even more out of reach. No wonder the two old men pulled their old faces to him to ask him for guilt. It turned out that they all found something wrong. After a long After the benefits, the two old men were psychologically unbalanced.

Mr. Fu thought for a moment, but still asked in disbelief, "Are you fully sure?"

"Of course, the capital is coming from very well, and the operation method is absolutely not to make anyone at fault. In the end, the timely withdrawal of funds is also a normal business behavior. I have been planning this matter for a long time, and there will be no mistake. Is Grandpa not relieved enough about me?" Fu Xianfeng was still a little proud, because he did find the business opportunities keenly from the beginning of the establishment of the project in the disembarkment area, and began to prepare for investment. Fu Xianfeng is really smart enough. He has been paying attention to the real estate market in Yanshi for nearly a year, from the booming sales volume and the continuous rise in prices. Huge business opportunities have been found to hype business opportunities. If you have enough funds, buy all the good floors and good apartments of the newly developed real estate in batches. There is no need to do anything. If the price rises naturally after half a year, it will be enough to make a lot of money. Such an easy way to make money. Why not do it?

Of course, the premise is that you must have strong funds and keen vision to find out which real estate has the greatest appreciation potential!

The current real estate market is in a vigorous period. Only in terms of appreciation, there is no possibility of depreciation, and the Xiama area is an emerging urban area. It advocates humanities and living. In addition, because of the Xiama River, the real estate in the Xiama area will be a huge treasure basin in Yan City for a long time!

The 400 million funds have been raised. It is led by a local person in Wenzhou to raise hot money from the private sector. Fu Xianfeng has reached an agreement with him and has fully negotiated how to operate and divide it. It is expected to come to Yanshi in the name of investment in a few days. With funds and a stable profit-making market, there must be a careful person to serve as a leader in the disemaqu, otherwise the secretary of the disemas area will not cooperate with the work, and he will not be able to achieve the effect of maximizing the profit that Fu Xianfeng wants.

Suppressing Xiaxiang is only part of his huge goal. Fubai Zhanmo only serves his economic interests. Who is Fu Xianfeng? He grew up in the family and witnessed you competing for the supremacy of interests. Although he didn't like Xia, he would not suppress him with great fanfare just to prevent Xia from coming to power. Suppressing Xia is only a by-product of his economic plan. Of course, if Xia wants to take office and serves as the secretary of the Xia Ma District Party Committee, his plan may be difficult to implement.

Fu Xianfeng would not think that Xia's economic mind would be good enough to see his intentions, because although there was already floating capital intervention in the real estate market at this time, because the national real estate market is showing a deformed inflationary development, the intervention and withdrawal of floating capital in one place is not obvious. It can't even attract anyone's attention. Even if someone with intentions or some economists find something unusual, they will be submerged in a wave of rising house prices. No matter how smart he is, his eyes are also limited to Ganyan City and the capital. Do you know how powerful the floating capital in the south will be and how exquisite the capital operation will be in the capital market? Xia Think is not a real economist. Even if he is an economist, he is often a hindsight. When he really realizes the role of floating capital in the rise of house prices, real floating capital has already made enough profits like a vampire. Turn around and speculate on other markets.

So Fu Xianfeng was at the last minute because of Chen Feng's strong support, and because Hu Zengzhou proposed that Xia wanted to be the district head, and there were also several members of the Standing Committee who were in favor of Xia wanted to be the district head, so he voted for it. He doesn't think that Xia, who is the second-in-command, will be able to hinder his investment in the shadow of Bai Zhanmo. At this stage, all the work in the disemerating area is mainly focused on attracting investment. Xia wants to invest as much as possible. How can she think of the tricks behind Jinyi Investment?

And the investment is pulled in the name of Bai Zhanmo; Bai Zhanmo should be responsible for it. The head of the main fund project. Xia wanted to be even more afraid to intervene justly, otherwise he would be said to be ignorant and disorderly.

The sky is big, and the benefits are the greatest. It is precisely because he took a fancy to the huge economic value contained in the xia horse area that Fu Xianfeng has been forbearingly. At the critical moment, he finally achieved his goal of careful planning for half a year.

Economic interests, politics first, and Fu Xianfeng's means once again verified the inseparable Li Sheng relationship between politics and the economy.

Mr. Fu listened to Fu Xianfeng's detailed report on the cause and inside story of the matter, and pondered for a long time. He looked up out of the window and saw a bright color outside. He smiled and said, "It's dawn. Unconsciously, the night has passed. "Good. OK, Pioneer, if you are sleepy, sleep for a while. If you are not sleepy, you can go back to Yanshi immediately!" Fu Xianfeng smiled knowingly and knew that he had touched the old man and passed.

Xia can also guess that in fact, his strategy does not bring any substantial damage to the vanguard. The family affairs of the Fu family will only be raised high and gently put down. What he wants is not to be scolded by Fu Xianfeng, but to create a rift between the Fu family, the Wu family and the Qiu family, or mainly to let the Fu family and the Qiu family not really join hands because of the marriage.

From this perspective, he believes that his day has arrived. Because if he hadn't felt the pressure of the Qiu family and the Wu family, Mr. Fu would not have urgently summoned Fu Xianfeng back to Beijing as soon as possible.

Well, it's impolite to come and go, and secretly return Fu Guangfeng's hand. Next, it should be an open and upright plan.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Xiaxiang held an executive meeting of the government to discuss the division of labor of the deputy district chief. Among the three deputy district chiefs, only Qi Xinhua is a woman, and she is mainly responsible for the work of the Women's Federation. Liu Dalai and Feng Antao, the two deputy district chiefs, also have their own division of labor. Basically, they have no opinions and they listened to Xiaxiang's arrangement.

Qi Xinhua and Qu Yaxin have similar personalities. He is more capable. Liu Dalai has a careless personality and speaks directly. Feng Antao is like a white-faced scholar. He doesn't talk much and speaks softly, not even as loud as Qi Xinhua's voice.

Xia wanted to have a good impression of the three deputy district chiefs. All three of them were very cooperative and had no difficulty in making demands. As for the future, I can only watch it while walking.

In the afternoon, Xiaxiang heard the news of Fu Xianfeng's return to Yan City. He laughed it and ignored it. He was not in a hurry to decide on a secretary, so he let Fu Xiaobin worry no more.

When he got off work, Fu Xiaobin couldn't help it. He came to the door and asked to invite Xia to dinner.

"Although it's a little presumptuous, I feel that District Chief Xia is very kind, like an old friend, and I just want to sit with you. Do you have time?" Fu Xiaobin still has an unchanging smile. His smile is warm in his kindness, which makes it easy for people to have a good impression at first sight.

Xia Xiang waved his hand indifferently: "Director Fu, you're welcome. If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do. I have to go out to work in a hurry. As for eating, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and I can treat you then.

Xia Xiang's words made Fu Xiaobin irrefutable. I had to laugh and say, "Well, well, District Chief Xia, you're busy. I'll go first."

When Fu Xiaobin got to the door. Xia wanted to pretend to remember and said, "That's right. Both secretaries are good. I haven't made up my mind yet. I'll ask Director Fu to recommend it to me when I have time. Another sentence mentioned the flame of hope in Fu Xiaobin's heart. He quickly smiled and answered, "No problem!"

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiang then said, "It seems that Secretary Kang also inadvertently asked about this matter today. I didn't listen carefully. I just heard that he seemed to focus on Tang Wenju's name. Ah, it's time. Let's not talk about it. Goodbye, Director Fu."

Xia Xiang deliberately wanted to leave Fu Xiaobin a suspense. He picked up his briefcase, nod slightly at Fu Xiaozhan, turned around and left.

Xia wanted to leave for a long time. Fu Xiaobin was still standing still. His face changed a few times, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xia didn't go home directly behind the scenes. Instead, he drove straight to Yuanjing Avenue in Xiama District. "He has other important things to do! C