official god

Chapter 556 Many things start at the same time

The curtain Cao Shuyu was arranged to live in a single room, and when he was young, Xiao Guyu was busy buying flowers in the building. Talking with Cao Shuhui, even Qiu Xia couldn't help buying a lot of fruit. Zhang Lan couldn't put it down and couldn't bear to give it to the nurse. But the hospital has a rule that in the end, the nurse took the baby away to bathe the baby.

Several people were busy together, but Xia wanted to get in with the blue socks. Xia thought it was okay. He just stood aside and smiled. The blue socks sat on the other **. After a while, he fell on the ** and fell asleep.

Blue socks are also too tired, worried and worried. Xia wants to cover her with a quilt. Looking at her quiet face, she thinks that the square is blessed. After several months of experience with Cao Shuhui, the blue socks are not only mature, but also know a lot about parenting.

Not long after, Xia Cheng and Xia An arrived. They wanted to enter the room, but they were blocked by Zhang Lan. Don't let them in say anything, just let them wait outside.

Xia Cheng and Xia An were so happy that they didn't know what to say. Especially Xia An whispered to Xia, "Brother, I'm relieved that you have a son.

Dad said that one of our brothers must have a grandson for him, otherwise he will never end with us. Fortunately, you have completed the task. It doesn't matter to me have children in the future, and there will be no psychological pressure. Xia wanted to laugh and said, "How's your work recently?"

Xia An briefly talked about the work situation, and everything went well. He is also expected to mention the deputy department before the end of the year. However, it is said that Shan Shiqi is about to be transferred and may have to work in other provinces. As soon as Shan Shiqi left, Wang Xiaomin could successfully take over as secretary. For Xia An's future, it is also very good, and Xia An's identity will also rise with the water.

While talking, Cao Yongguo also called.

Cao Yongguo came back two days later. Wang Yufen was already on her way back to Yan City. After all, she was his daughter. Don't worry. Cao Yongguo just said a few words and hung up the phone.

Then Xiaxiang took another time and called Lian Ruohan to inform him of the situation.

Lian Ruohan was very happy and said, "I'm looking for an opportunity to lie to the old man and come to Yanshi to see Dai girl

When Lian Ruohan came to Yanshi, Xia wanted to welcome him. Before he said anything, Lian Ruohan said again, "Let me see if my son is handsome or the girl's son. Dad is alone, but mom is different. Whoever is more handsome is whose mother is more beautiful. Also, I'll ask your mother to compare it. Let's see if Lian Xia and Xia Dong stand together, do they look like brothers?

Xia thought about sweating: "Don't make trouble, okay? It's not easy for me to settle down. When I'm working hard to serve the motherland, don't make trouble for me, okay?

"Well, you can't say a few words. It's really stingy. A big man is still narrow-minded and has no level. Even Ruohan still has a little taste. I'm always worried that Xia will neglect their mother and son after having a son. Although I also know that Xia is not a person who thinks differently, it is also a little dissatisfied to think that he and Xia Dong get along day and night. He said again, "Oin, don't be angry with the vanguard. Just come back to him slowly. Let's talk about it. I also helped you vent your anger."

"What's wrong?" Xia was shocked, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, don't make a fuss." Lian Ruohan said lazily, in a very understated tone, "I just let Wei Xin go back to Yan City. There is another noble famous department store opposite Fu's famous fashion. I have figured out the name. It is called Yanchun International, specializing in European and American high-end goods. The price is lower than that of famous products, and the service is better than that of famous products. Brands are better than famous products. In a word, let famous products go bankrupt.

Fu Xianfeng's famous fashion was built in the golden location in the middle of Yan City. Since its opening, the business has been deserted, but because of the amazing profits, even if the sales are very small, it can be maintained, so it has been lukewarm.

Fu Xianfeng is not to mention on the surface, but in fact, he is also at fault for the failure of his investment in famous fashion. That's why he was willing to risk offending the Wu family. After playing secretly crossing the Chencang, he was ready to make a lot of money in the Xiama District, but he raised his eyebrows again in front of the family.

Although Lian Ruohan's plan is feasible, it is also to kill a thousand enemies and hurt eight hundred. Xia wanted to persuade her: "Don't fight, the market in Yan City is not big. It's not easy for your famous department store to make money.

"It doesn't matter. I've already raised it. Yanchun International's supply of goods is all purchased from Europe and the United States. Taking advantage of American network companies, it can definitely achieve the lowest price, which has an advantage in price with famous fashion. In addition, it is believed that after a series of commercial operations in Weixin, it can also open the market in Yanshi and improve the consumer taste of Yanshi people. Of course, I have another idea. Wei Xin has helped us so much. I'm going to give it to Yanchun International as her dowry. Even Ruohan has never had any concept of money. Vision Group now has at least a market value of billions. The network company located in the United States has accumulated amazing wealth. I'm afraid she has more than tens of billions of dollars now.

As soon as you take action, you will be sent to a commercial building in Weixin. From the land to the completion, and then to the source of goods, you will never get 100 million yuan. Lian Ruohan's sincerity to others can be seen. As long as you really treat her well, her kindness to you is also rich that you can't imagine.

Xia thought that he had no objection, so he said, "Okay. It's up to you."

Lian Ruohan finally revealed a message to Xia Xiang: "I faintly heard a little news. It seems that the situation in Yan City will change. I don't know what the inside story is. Anyway, you just pay more attention to it."

Lian Ruohan said a few more words, and Yanshi hung up the phone three or two days later.

Seeing the hospital, I can't stay. Xia wanted Xia An to lead the old tea well home. Many people are useful. Qiu Xia also left when she had something to do, but Gu Yu and Yan Shi refused to leave and insisted on staying. Xia thought that she had to leave them alone.

Xia wanted to call Huang Weigang again and asked Chen Tianyu to be temporarily in charge of the work of the district government. He may go to work in two days. After thinking about it, I was still worried, so I called Chen Tianyu in person.

Chen Tianyu naturally had no objection. Xiang Xia wanted to ensure that he would do a good job. At the same time, Chen Tianyu also said that Yuan Mingliang and Bai Zhanmo had signed an investment agreement and put forward an additional clause that in order to ensure that the investment was treated fairly, he hoped that the district committee would send someone to supervise the funds of

It can be said that the terms proposed by Yuan Mingliang are very unreasonable, even if the investment is pulled by Bai Zhanmo. However, after the specific implementation is in place, every move in the Shimoma area must be under the supervision of the government. After all, the government is the focus of the economy.

Yuan Mingliang directly put Zhenghui aside and did not allow the government to interfere in the capital supervision of Changji commerce, which was obviously ulterior motives.

And Bai Zhanmo agreed as expected.

Xiaxiang also knows that in the process of attracting investment, many local governments have signed many non-public agreements in order to attract investment. Some agreements even give investors great power, so there are many regulatory loopholes, and the only government has been cheated by investors and the scandal of being cheated by fake foreign businessmen. However, the national conditions in China have always been the same. If you can cover it, you can cover it. If you can hide it, you can hide it. I don't know how many local governments have been fooled by swindlers and investors as monkeys, and they have announced great success in the media.

It's not just ordinary people to make a fat man with a swollen face. There are more officials.

Chen Tianyu said angrily and indignantly, "Mr. Xia. Yuan Mingliang means that as long as the district party committee nod. The government's industrial and commercial, tax and normal financial supervision. None of them can have any restrictions on Changji trade. It's simply an unequal treaty! Unexpectedly, Secretary Bai agreed. You said that in order to attract investment, you can't do without the principle,,

Chen Tianyu is really angry. As a major in economics, he naturally knows what Changji's business practice means, which means that Changji's source and flow of funds are not in the sight of the district government. It can even be said that the investment of Changji Trading cannot be regarded as an investment, but should be floating capital in the name of investment!

Chen Tianyu also has a little research on floating capital and knows the harm of floating capital. Although I am not sure that the investment in Changji trade is floating capital, it is basically a state of freedom without the supervision of the district government, which is equivalent to reaching out to the government for policies. But it is really shameless to not give the government management power, only taking advantage of it and being irresponsible.

However, Bai Zhanmo agreed, which made Chen Tianyu extremely depressed. Only then did Chen Tianyu understand how wise it is for him and Xia to stand in the same camp. Even if He Jianghua does not fall, he and Bai Zhanmo will be very dissatisfied with Bai Zhanmo's practice out of principle. Xia Xiang can't reveal too much to Chen Tianyu at this time. He just said, "Since it's Secretary Bai's decision, we can't say anything. Just do our job well. I should go to work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the latest. Let's talk about it then."

To Xia's surprise, he put down Chen Tianyu's phone on the Internet and received a phone call from Song Chaodu. Song Chaodu accidentally heard the square saying Xia's family affairs, so he took the initiative to call to congratulate him.

"You have to be mentally prepared. After Xiao Fan knows it, he will definitely go home to bother you." Song Chaodu smiled and said, "You are a father now. It is also another important step in life, and the responsibility on the shoulders is even heavier.

Xia wanted to be polite, but he thought in fact that he was already the father of three children, but he didn't feel any different from before. Was it because he was heartless, or because the child's mother was too capable?

In the evening, Yan Xiao and Gu Yu left. Xia wanted to let the blue socks go home, and he stayed in bed. The blue socks have been working hard enough. You have to let her have a good rest. The blue socks refused to say anything. Not to mention her relationship with Cao Shuhui as a sister, even in the recent months, she has also had feelings for Xia Dong. She is as close as her own child and is reluctant to leave.

Although Cao Shuhui's single room not only has three beds, as a husband, Xia wants to accompany the bed. Finally, I had to let my mother go home to live. Mom is not willing to give up her grandson, but after thinking about it, she may think that it is still a young man who has something to say together, so she reluctantly leaves.

Blue socks bought food, and Xia wanted to sit in front of the bed to feed Cao Shuhui. Cao Shuhui accepted Xiaxiang's service, took a bite, smiled, and then looked at her son again. The blue socks held his cheeks beside him and said enviously, "What does it mean to respect each other like a guest? You are! What does it mean to love each other, you are! I want to find my husband in the future, and I must go to him according to the standards of the head of Xia District.

Xia wanted to be happy: "Looking for a husband in the future? Isn't Fang Ge your future husband, and you still need to look for it again?

"The square is just a boyfriend. I haven't thought about whether I can become a regular." The blue socks said helplessly, "I always feel that the square is too unmotivated. I sway around all day long, and I don't know how to worry about my future. I have persuaded him many times, but he didn't listen. It is always said that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. I said, you drive to the west of Taihang Mountain to see if there is any way? If the car goes anywhere, there will be an automatic road, and you still need to repair the road? What a daydream!"

Cao Shuhui also smiled: "Don't force the square too much. After all, he is still young and has a good family. Now it's also the deputy department, and it's a smooth sailing.

After a few jokes, the blue socks were sleepy, so they stared at Xia... and? Don't look back. I changed my pajamas and went to bed. I warn you not to peek. Act decently in front of you and set a good example for him!"

Xia can't laugh or cry: "A simple thing has to make you complicated and carry my son out," he shook his head and laughed to tease his son. "Son, don't believe others speak ill of your father. Dad is the best father in the best father. When you grow up, your father will take you to the cinema. The name is "The World's Greatest Father"

Xiaxiang didn't casually say that "The World's Greatest Father" is Robin? He has indeed seen a comedy film starring Williams.

Cao Shuhui didn't dare to laugh, but the blue socks laughed forward and backward and fell on **.

The little guy ignored a few people and just crawled in his mother's arms to breastfeed. In order to avoid the contamination of the enemy's son, Xia wanted to persuade Cao Shuhui to insist on breastfeeding. The best milk powder in the world is also milk. It is not specially produced for human beings, but also the most suitable for human babies. Milk is a food for cow babies.

Late at night, Cao Shuhui and her son fell into a deep sleep. The blue socks are also in a dream. Xia wanted to marry for a while, but he was really sleepy, so he lay down with his clothes. Before going to bed, he warned himself to sleep lighter so that he could wake up in time to take care of Cao Shuhui's mother and son. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, it was already dawn, and Blue Sock and Cao Shuhui were laughing at him.

Xia thought embarrassedly and said, "I slept too much. I'm sure I'll be tired of the blue socks again in the middle of the night.

Cao Shuhui said, "It's okay. You sleep better with the blue socks. Fortunately, your son gave you face. He woke up once at night and slept again after a few mouthfuls of milk. The little guy can sleep too well

In a short time, Wang Yufen arrived and made a lot of beggars for Cao Shuhui. Soon, my mother also came. Xia wanted to see that he really couldn't get involved, and it was also a mess, so he simply went to work.

On the way, I received something from Mei Xiaolin.

"Congratulations, I finally became a real father. Mei Xiaolin's voice has no ups and downs, and I can't hear her emotions, but there is still a little taste in the words. "Do you feel very different?"

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "What real father and fake father? Dad is dad, and there is a difference between true and false?" You and your daughter, how have you been recently?

"Okay, very good, very good, don't worry about it." Xiaomei Xiaolin immediately changed the topic, "I want to ask you a favor. Last time you saw my brother Mei Xiaomu, I originally wanted him to go abroad for development. Unexpectedly, after staying abroad for a while, he came back. I heard that Yan City has set up a new disembar zone, and I also thought of investing in the disembar zone. Can you take care of him for me?

Xia was speechless. Mei Xiaomu gave him a bad impression last time, arrogant and rude. There is no city government, which is completely the least popular among the princes, far less than Qiu Xufeng and Fu Xianfeng. What is the future of his development when he comes down from the horse area? Mei Xiaolin also let herself take care of him. It's strange that he can listen to his own words. Even if he listens, he may not be able to have any climate based on his ability.

Xia wanted to hesitate. Mei Xiaolin knew Xia's attitude and said quickly, "It's okay to know that you don't like him and don't want to help him."

Then I hung up the phone.

Xia wants to shake her head and smile. What kind of relationship is the relationship between Mei Xiaolin and him? It's like a friend but not a friend. It's a little reluctant to say that there is emotion, and there is no emotion. There is also a dictionary involved. In short, it is unclear, which is a headache.

If you have a headache, you will get better. There will always be a clear day.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Wu Gang had to report his work as soon as possible.

Because of the experience of the transformation team in the urban village, Wu Gangde is responsible for land acquisition and demolition work, and is handy. Only two days after he took office, he solved many long-standing problems in the past, and immediately won the favor of many people in the district government, and they all took a high look at Wu Gang. Because land acquisition and demolition work have always been the most difficult to do, the most difficult to make political achievements, and the easiest to make trouble.

Wu Gang had to report the work to Xia in detail and put forward some feasible suggestions. Xia wanted to listen to it and felt that Wu Gang was indeed much more down-to-earth than before, and the suggestions put forward were not only practical. It was still the result of misplaced thinking, which made him more satisfied, so he praised Wu Gang for a few words.

Wu Gang had to be praised by Xia Xiang. He was very excited to know that his work had been recognized by Xia Xiang.

I dealt with a lot of things in the morning. As soon as I went to work in the afternoon, I received a call from Bai Zhanmo. What should I do? Meet at the meeting. Xia wants to know that he must be discussing the investment of Changji Trading.

A total of 4 people attended the meeting, including Bai Zhanmo, Xia Xiang, Kang Shaoye and Fu Xiaobin. The meeting was held in Bai Zhanmo's office, so the meeting was also known as the secretary's office meeting.

Bai Zhanmo looked happy and in excellent mental state. As soon as he saw Xia Xiang, he first congratulated Xia: "Congratulations to Comrade Xia Xiang for becoming a father. It marks that there is a successor to the party's cause.

Although Kang Shaoye thought that he had done it seamlessly because of the secretarial incident, he still did not get what he wanted, so he had a prejudice against Xiaxiang. Because he took the middle route between Hu Zengzhou and Fu Xianfeng, he felt much more estranged from Xiaxiang. But on the surface, we still need to be peaceful and maintain a stable and united political situation, so I congratulated with a smile.

Fu Xiaobin is a smart man. He knows when to get close to Xia and when to keep a proper distance. In front of Bai Zhanmo and Kang Shaoye, he didn't say much, but he was calculating in his heart. He planned to find a suitable opportunity for his wife to visit him and walk away. The route of human diplomacy

Bibi: Sorry, I had a lot of things to do this morning, and my hands trembled. The copy is wrong, just refresh it. Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused to my brothers. D