official god

Chapter 558 Review of the situation

Zhan Mo's face is boiling! Comrade Yuanqing has something to say, don't be a hero

Xie Yuanqing spread his hands as usual: "I'm just talking about the matter. Isn't that the case?" After saying that, he looked down at the document. Put on an attitude of being obedient.

Bai Zhanmo's face turned blue with anger, but he couldn't think of a powerful rebuttal.

Fortunately, Bian Xiuling came forward in time to help Bai Zhanmo relieve the siege. In fact, it could not be regarded as a special appearance for Bai Zhanmo, because her speech was still slightly biased towards Xiaxiang's position, but because it was much milder than Xie Yuanqing's words, the atmosphere eased a lot.

"According to the rules, the government has always focused on the economy. But the secretary is a leader who can point out government affairs in the name of guiding the work at any time. Moreover, the investment is also written by Secretary Bai, and the district party committee is responsible for it. Moreover, the head of Xia District is broad-minded and doesn't care too much. I still support the decision of the head of Xia.

After saying that, Bian Xiuling smiled at Bai Zhanmo and Xiaxiang respectively. Their attitude was so good that no one could say anything. Xiaxiang also smiled back, thinking that Bian Xiuling had been serving as the deputy director of the office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. She was indeed an exquisite person with a good commanding in speaking and doing things. She not only agreed with Bai Zhanmo's proposal, but also unabashedly made her position in favor of the government team.

Bai Zhanmo's face looked a little better, but he was still a little unhappy. He coughed and said, "Comrades, please continue to express your opinions. Please pay attention to the conciseness and don't waste everyone's time."

Huang Jianjun, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission and Director of the Public Security Bureau, responded to Bai Zhanmo's call in time. His speech was brief and powerful: "Two decisions of the District Party Committee. I agree with you."

Huang Jianjun also saw something and did not hesitate to follow Xia's position.

Guan Qiming, political commissar of the Ministry of Armed Forces, narrowed his eyes and spoke very slowly. He also agreed: "Secretary Bai's proposal is in line with the current situation, and I fully support it

Xia wants to take the opportunity of the Standing Committee to carefully observe the positions of the Standing Committee. He had already known the positions of several members of the Standing Committee who had just expressed his position. As soon as Guan Qiming made a speech, he returned him to the Bai Zhanmo department in his heart.

Li Yingyong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, also supported it without surprise, and also described Bai Zhan Mo Lalai's investment as a foundation for the strong foundation in the Xiama area. The merits are in today's and the benefits are in future generations.

Subsequently, the United Front Minister Qi Shengyong also spoke generously, praised Bai Zhanmo in a high-profile manner, and finally expressed his firm support for Secretary Bai's wise decision.

Xia wanted to observe with cold eyes, and he knew that Bai Zhanmo's funds were in place. At least two more members of the Standing Committee stood, one was Guan Qiming and the other was Qi Shengyong. So far, Bai Zhanmo has the strength of a famous member of the Standing Committee. What he knew better was that if he did not prepare for the rain in advance, he first pulled over Chen Tianyu and designed Fu Xiaobin to choose him. At the same time, because of the Niuqi incident and the influence of Sun Dingguo, the head of the municipal bureau, Huang Jianjun made Huang Jianjun express his position to him early, and then benefited from B He is really weak in the Standing Committee.

Xie Yuanqing can't be regarded as a force. He can only appear as a spoiler. Maybe he sometimes takes action carelessly, or he may mess up his own situation. So Xia Xiang only thought that he was slightly biased towards his middle force, but no matter what, Xia Xiang had never been discouraged by the unfavorable situation at the beginning. He always thought that as long as his attitude was sincere enough. The skill is shrewd enough, and the distribution of benefits is balanced. Some people standing in other people's team may return to his team at some point.

Only Mu Yunshan, Minister of Organization, and Teng Fei, Minister of Propaganda, did not take a statement. Their statement was very critical, marking which side they chose to take. Xia thought also knew that as soon as the billion yuan came, and under his posture of pretending to give in, he could best see everyone's choice.

What Xia wants is this effect, that is, when he lowers his posture, he is still firmly on his side. He must be a friend who can cooperate. The one that swings in the middle is the object that can be pulled in. The one who firmly supports Bai Zhanmo is the opponent who needs to beware for the time being.

Surprisingly, Mu Yunshan, the Minister of Organization, did not make a statement first, but said to Teng Fei, the Minister of Propaganda, with a smile, "Minister Teng said first, I will be the last."

Generally speaking, the ranking of the Minister of Publicity is after the Minister of Organization. Although it is not necessary to speak according to the ranking in the Standing Committee, Mu Yunshan deliberately gave Teng Fei a word, which is a little intriguing.

What's more puzzling is that Teng Fei is not polite. He just nod his head and said, "The government is mainly focused on economic construction. Although the investment is brought by Secretary Bai, it is still inseparable from the specific work of the government. It is not in line with the rules and unnecessary to exclude the government. I think that even if Secretary Bai focuses on the implementation of the billion yuan investment, the government should send special personnel to be responsible for the counterpart work. Otherwise, when it comes to the government's affairs, will Secretary Bai communicate with District Chief Xia? Isn't it a waste of human and material resources? At the same time, I also think that District Chief Xia is a little too negative to take over hundreds of millions of funds at all. Secretary Bai's idea is also based on the convenience of managing funds. But after the investment is in place, it is not a matter of one person. It is a matter of the whole disbandment area. You can't abolish the public for private reasons!"

Teng Fei's words were greatly surprised by everyone, because at first glance, he seemed to be an impartial and neutral position, but it was not an attitude of left and right. Especially in the end, they played 50 boards each!

That is to say, Teng Fei not only stands on the side of Bai Zhanmo, but also wants to keep a distance from Xia, but is self-contained!

Is it true that the Standing Committee is divided into three factions?

After Xia was slightly surprised, he smiled again. He has always felt that Huzhou Chuanran should be divided into the world between the municipal party committee and Chen Feng and Shijingfeng, so the district party committee often needs only the state, and there should also be Hu Zengzhou's direct line. He had never figured out who relied on Hu Zengzhou. Today, when Bai Zhanmo took all the credit of Jinyi's investment for himself, he ignored it to see if anyone jumped out and raised objections.

The result is really good.

Hu Zengzhou didn't want to see his family dominant, let alone let Bai Zhanmo sit up. Xia thought that he wanted to show that the enemy was weak at the Standing Committee, and it was up to see if Hu Zeng's Monday faction could calm down. Sure enough, Teng Fei was very dissatisfied with Bai Zhanmo's eating appearance, and was also deeply uneasy about his retreat, so he couldn't help playing fifty boards each.

Xia wanted to stand up in his heart, did not refute, did not nod, but waited for Mu Yunshan to speak as if nothing had happened.

Mu Yunshan did not let Xia want to be disappointed. He said, "I think Minister Teng's words are very reasonable. I hope that District Chief Xia will seriously consider the feasibility of the district government's supervision funds. The intervention of the district government is still very necessary. Of course, in the specific way, you can negotiate with Secretary Bai. Secretary Bai should also consider the problem in an all-round way. My opinion is that the municipal party committee and the municipal government should not think that the district party committee and the district government are not working in accordance with the norms.

Mu Yunshan's speech caused a whisper.

In the discussion, the loudest voice was Xie Yuanqing's laughter. Xie Yuanqing seemed to have finally found a pathogene and said, "Who is the most wonderful and the most insightful among the members of the Standing Committee? It's still Minister Teng and Minister Mu. The typical style of Xie Yuanqing is half of the words. You don't know whether his words are sarcastic or praise. Anyway, he just ignited the fire and let others guess.

However, Xia wanted to feel at ease. Most of Xie Yuanqing's words were sneering, and the sneering was Bai Zhanmo. The irony is that Teng Fei and Mu Yunshan. Xia wanted to change his mind a little about Xie Yuanqing. For the first time, he felt that although Xie Yuanqing likes to stir up trouble and speaks regardless of the occasion, he also has a certain political wisdom when looking at the problem.

So far. As for the specific jurisdiction of Party B's funds, Xia thought basically figured out the positions of the members of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, and Hu Zengzhou's power also surfaced. Basically, in the comparison of the strength of the Standing Committee, he is the strongest, with six people.


Bai Zhanmo is the second, and Hu Zeng is the weakest in the Monday series, with only two people.

However, Bai Zhanmo is the secretary because of the authority and aura of the leader. It can completely solve his advantage of one more person. Although there are only two people in Hu Zeng's Monday department, Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei. However, Mu Yunshan is in charge of the organization department, and the personnel power is in hand. Teng Fei, as the Minister of Propaganda, is also the mouthpiece department. It can be said that although the two people seem weak on the surface. It is also a force that cannot be ignored, especially as a new district, there should be a lot of internal personnel adjustments in the future, and external publicity work is also the top priority. If Bai Zhanmo can't control the organization department and the propaganda department, his secretary's power will also be greatly reduced.

There is a good show. Xia wants to be very interested in the current situation. Hu Zengzhou also had a way. At that time, it was clear that only one Zhou Libo was nominated as the district governor. After Comrade Zhou Libo became a foil, he didn't know what measures he had taken. Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei actually leaned on him, which more or less surprised Xia.

However, for a long time, there will always be people who take the initiative to get closer. It's also reasonable. Xia thought about it. No wonder there was no Mu Yunshan at the last meeting. It turned out that Bai Zhanmo did it on purpose.

He looked calm and didn't take Mu Yunxiao's words. He did not take the initiative to make further explanations to the Standing Committee. He knew that Bai Zhanmo would jump out to relieve the siege, because the cause of the matter was Bai Zhanmo. Not him.

Many members of the Standing Committee were shocked by the speeches of Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei. They all thought that they were Bai Zhanmo people, but they didn't expect to be. However, the standing committee was also very clear about the situation in the city. With a little thought, he understood why, and the discussion slowly disappeared, and then his eyes turned to Bai Zhanmo.

Basically, the speech of Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei. Although it means to play fifty boards each, on the whole, it is still unwilling to let Bai Zhanmo monopolize the power. I want the government team led by Xia Xiang to share a share. Of course, they are not out of good intentions, but out of a balanced perspective.

Bai Zhanmo was slightly stunned, reluctantly smiled and said, "The proposal of Minister Mu and Minister Teng. I have also thought about it, but because of the insistence of investors, I have to give in. Xiama District Network was established every month, and everything should be made to economic construction. In order to invest, make some necessary concessions. It is also necessary to meet some unreasonable but reasonable requirements of investors. If everyone here can also attract investment, don't do too much, if you have more than a heart, I can give him great autonomy. I believe that the mayor of Xia District will also agree with me.

Bai Zhanmo wants Laxia to be a shield, but Xia can't be fooled. He smiled and said, "Specific analysis of specific problems."

Bai Zhanmo did not get a positive response from Xiaxiang. He coughed a little awkwardly and vented his dissatisfaction on Teng Fei and Mu Yunshan. On the surface, he said seriously, "Since most of the Standing Committees agree with the proposal, today's topic is officially approved."

Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei looked at each other, and both of them said solemnly, "We respect the collective decision, but we still insist that the district government must intervene."

The words are euphemistic, but with the same conclusion as the reservation, Bai Zhanmo's face is not very good-looking.

Xia wanted to have an indifferent attitude and never made a statement, which made everyone puzzled. Because if Xia wants to fight back at this time, he can turn the situation around and share a piece of the political achievements of billions of investment, but he doesn't seem to take advantage of Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei's objections at all. His attitude is intriguing, which not only puzzles Bai Zhanmo's supporters, but also Fu

The most depressing ones are Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei. They think that with them, Xia should be able to take advantage of the opportunity to fight in time to make a wonderful defeat into victory. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he was not energetic at all, as if he had not found the opportunity in front of him at all, and he didn't even say a word, which made the two of them puzzled and extremely depressed at the same time.

They agreed that Xia was also forced to accept Bai Zhanmo's proposal. It was also out of a balanced perspective and did not want Bai Zhanmo's family to be dominant. If Xia wants to help, if Xia wants to intervene in the fierce Yi's investment, he will definitely have a conflict with Bai Zhanmo. At this time, they seem to help Xia Xiang, but in fact, they still want Xia Xiang to fight with Bai Zhanmo. When they can sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and finally sit down and reap the profit.

Even if Xia thinks clearly about his purpose, why don't he want the immediate interests? Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei expressed deep doubts about Xiaxiang's political wisdom.

Thanks to Mayor Hu, he also praised how Xia wants to be talented and how he has a vision. See you today, but that's all.

Xia Shangcai ignored the speculation of Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei. He has his steps and plans, and can't change his strategy because of their opinions.

But now that I know their position. We need to think more about it in the future.

Shortly after going to work in the afternoon, Xia Xiang was talking about work with Chen Tianyu and Xie Yuanqing in the office. Secretary Na Weegang reported that Shi Changle, the director of the Finance Bureau, came to report the work. It came very quickly. Xia wanted to smile. Yesterday, he reported his work to Bai Zhanmo. Today, as soon as the Standing Committee opened, he reported his work to him again, which was clear. And the arrangement is in an orderly manner, which shows that Comrade Shi Changle is also a kind-hearted person. I guess he also heard some news from the Standing Committee, so he thought to himself. It's good to be a person with intentions, and I'm afraid that I'm a person who doesn't know the depth.

Xie Yuanqing was in charge of finance and stayed. Chen Tianyu avoided it and went back to the office.

Shi Changle's age is slightly fat and his hair is sparse. There is always a light smile on the face, which makes people feel unreal. As soon as he came in, he shouted respectfully, "Chang Xia!" Then he nodded to Xie Yuan, "Xie District Chief

Xia wanted to nod his head, but Xie Yuanqing just looked at Shi Changle coldly and did not respond at all.

Shi Changle was swept away by Xie Yuanqing's cold eyes, his heart jumped, and his mind immediately turned quickly.

Shi Changle reported his work to Bai Zhanmo on the Internet yesterday, and heard the news as soon as he went to work this afternoon. It is said that under the concession of Secretary Bai of the Xia District Chief at the Standing Committee, he was also questioned by Minister Teng and Minister Mu, which made him immediately smell an unusual breath. Shi Changle originally thought that Bai Zhanmo, as a secretary, could control everything. District Chief Xia was not only young, but also a second-in-command, so he took the initiative to show his closeness to Bai Zhanmo.

Unexpectedly, yesterday, the Internet said that today I heard that the Minister of Organization and the Minister of Propaganda had joined hands to oppose Bai Zhanmo. Shi Changle was worried. After thinking about it carefully, he still felt that it was better to meet the source. In case Secretary Bai lost power and he had no place in front of the head of Xia District, the

Xia wanted to guess Shi Changle's thoughts, but didn't say anything, just to see what he could say.

Shi Changle hesitated for a moment and said the truth cleverly: "Yesterday, I reported my work to Secretary Bai. At that time, I wanted to report to Chief Xia in time. Unfortunately, something happened to the situation. I hurried back. I was busy all morning to deal with it, so I hurried to explain to the mayor of Xia District, so as to save the leader criticizing me for my poor work. However, if you should criticize, please ask the leader to criticize. I know that the report is a little late. I also realized my mistake.

He made self-criticism first, and Xia thought made a preliminary conclusion about Shi Changle, who could stretch and bend. He is a talent. However, there are also positive talents and crooked talents. When he saw Shi Changle speak, his eyes flashed, and his smile also revealed falsehood and pompousness, and he knew that Shi Changle was not a very reliable person.

belongs to the type of wall grass, which is a political speculator who sees the wind and tries to control the source.

Xia wanted to wave his hand and said, "Your job is the first priority. Only when you do your job well can you come to the district party committee and district government to report your work, right? First of all, it is right to report the work to Secretary Bai, and some rules must be followed," let's get back to the point and talk about the current situation of the Finance Bureau.

Xia's words were lukewarm, so that Shi Changle could not hear his real thoughts.

Shi Changle swallowed his saliva and looked at Xie Yuanqing again. Seeing that Xie Yuanqing didn't pay attention to him at all. With a little peace of mind, he smiled again. As soon as he came up, he had difficulties: "The finance bureau is carrying out its work smoothly now, but there are many capital gaps, and only part of the financial allocation promised by the city has been allocated. Many places are waiting for money, but the bureau can't afford it. I am also very embarrassed. In addition, the road at the gate of the Finance Bureau has not been repaired. I heard that Dacai Group is responsible for that section of the road. District Chief Xia has a good relationship with Dacai Group. Can you say hello to them and fix the road in front of the Finance Bureau first? It is also conducive to traffic, so as to better report to the leader in a timely manner.

Prevention: Lao He worked very hard, but he still had no choice but to catch a cold and was very depressed. He was writing to save some manuscripts for his brothers to break out once, but he was dragged down by his airless nose. When I catch a cold, I'm most afraid of dizziness and bad thinking. Please understand Lao He and try to get better as soon as possible. Recovery speed. But please rest assured that there will be no shortage of tens of thousands of words a day, but the outbreak may be delayed. Don't complain about Lao He, okay? Just give him a little encouragement. He is really attentive. Yi Xun's book shows off the fine concave and says that Xunshan has a different body clam D