official god

Chapter 568 Hear of the News

In the past, the promotion of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee was better than that of the deputy governor. After all, the party affairs work was very important. But now with the gradual reform of the political system. Today, when everything is important to the economy, the government team focusing on economic affairs is becoming more and more important. The central government pays more and more attention to the candidates of the government team among young cadres, especially the executive vice governor and the vice governor who has entered the Standing Committee. The chance of promotion in the future is much greater than that of him, a full-time deputy secretary.

Specifically in Yan Province, that is to say, Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu are more likely to be promoted to governor than him.

Ma Wan is the executive vice governor and the successor of the governor in the first order. Except for being a little older, there are almost no other shortcomings. Cui Xiang has always believed that Ma Wan is his biggest competitor. Although the Song Dynasty occupied an age advantage, his seniority was shallow, and he served as a deputy province for a short time. He thought that his conditions were better than those of the Song Dynasty.

Even if the Song Dynasty had a political achievement in implementing the industrial structure adjustment policy, he wanted to form a pressure advantage for him in the battle for the governor's throne. It's impossible. Ma Wanzheng is not only at the top of the order, but also the oldest. Cui Xiang has been thinking that if Ma Wanzheng could be transferred from Yan Province,

But suddenly, he vaguely heard the wind, and Ma Wan happened to be transferred from Yan Province. After hearing the wind, Cui Xiang was very surprised and hurriedly inquired around the capital. As a result, he got an answer that there was no change in Yan Province for the time being.

There are some things that are more willing to believe than nothing. For the sake of safety, Cui Xiang asked Fu Xianfeng to help inquire about the wind. After receiving Cui Xiang's phone call, Fu Xianfeng smiled: "Secretary Cui. I was about to invite you to get together, and you just called. Shall we meet in the evening?

At night, it was the first time when the lanterns were on, and Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao took a car together. Rush to the place agreed by Fu Xianfeng, Hongxiu Qingxiang. Walking on the quiet bluestone board, Cui Xiangwei said in surprise, "I didn't expect that there was such a quiet place in Yanshi. It's really rare. I have a lot of years in Yanshi. I really don't know that there is a teahouse hidden in this alley

Ma Xiao smiled and said, "The pioneer usually likes to search for some snacks and elegant teahouses. Basically, there is only a little bit of characteristics. He can show up."

Cui Xiangxin thought that he was really from the princely Party. He must have done nothing when he was young, so he thought about eating and drinking every day and formed a habit. If it is the grassroots class, there is not enough time to be busy with promotion and doing practical things, and this leisure is elegant?

In the elegant room with red sleeves, Fu Xianfeng and Tan Long have been waiting for a long time. As soon as Cui Xiang saw Fu Xianfeng's face, he smiled and said, "The pioneer is really elegant. You can even find such a remote place. I have been recommending the market for many years, and I don't know that there is another hole here."

Chum Long smiled and said, "People who love tea. You can find it by smelling the tea. People who love beauty know women by smelling fragrance. Red sleeves add fragrance. There are both fragrant tea and beauty. The pioneer naturally smells the wind

Fu Xianfeng looked proud and waved his hand and smiled: "Don't talk nonsense. Smell the fragrance and know women is praise, not derogatory. How can I listen to you? It seems to reveal not too pure thoughts?

"Chu Tong is really beautiful and tasteful, but you said it to me personally, otherwise how would I know?" Zhu Long smiled. Now he is familiar with Fu Xianfeng, and his words are much more casual. He also figured out that Fu Xianfeng pretends that he actually has ** character in his heart, but Fu Xianfeng also has a different mood and doesn't like to use strong. He doesn't like to use power to suppress people. He also likes to approach the tone of moving little by little, which makes Tan Long laugh at the vanguard. At least he has a few people. Why do you still pay attention to mutual affection? They are all adults, and they all know what the other party needs. You can do her power convenience, and she will give you physical convenience and take what you need. It's enough to have sexes directly to please each other. Why do you have to go around the mood?

Unlike Fu Xianfeng and Chen Long, he has long been in the initial stage of going to bed as soon as he sees the woman he like. Thinking that a noble person should hide the animal instincts. The matter of sleeping between a man and a woman is very simple, and the process of approaching is wonderful, he laughed and scolded the dragon: "People can be romantic. But don't be indescribable. Brother, not all women like the mayor's aura on you, and not all women fall under the money

"I don't believe it yet!" There are also many women who have experienced by the dragon. Some people are greedy for his power, and some people are greedy for his money. In short, as long as the women he like, none of them will not be got by him. And it is the transaction process that you are willing to do. In society, there are transactions everywhere. Body or power are means, and there is no difference in essence.

Seeing that Fu Xianfeng still insisted on his point of view, Yulong took advantage of today's happiness, and was also shocked by Chu Tong's beauty after a glance just now, and he became bold. Regardless of Cui Xiang's presence, he boldly said, "If I let Chu Tong follow me in a few words, you have to give it to me, and you can't turn against me."

Although Cui Xiang is worried, he is very interested to see everyone. It's not easy to spoil everyone's interest. He laughed without saying anything, indicating acquiescence.

Ma Xiao didn't say anything, but just looked at Fu Xianfeng with a smile.

Fu Xianfeng laughed and said, "If Chu Tong is a woman who can be moved with money or power, it is no different from a woman outside for me. You can take it, and I won't rob such goods with you

Although there was a derogatory meaning in Fu Xianfeng's words, Chunlong didn't think so. He laughed and shouted out, "Please come here, Mr. Chu

Not long, Chu Tong pushed the door and came in. She wears a long dress. He has a proud figure and a calm and indifferent face. Let Cui Xiang, who has seen countless women, take a look. I couldn't help cheering secretly, thinking that as expected, thousands of people and thousands of faces, Chu Tong's beauty is indeed extraordinary. It is clear that one of the guests today seems to be dead in the electricity. Her red sleeves add fragrance. Usually, few high-ranking officials come here. Most of the guests are elegant businessmen or some professors and scholars, because the red sleeves are too secluded, and many people don't like it.

Several high-ranking officials suddenly appeared today, which inevitably made her restless, because she also noticed that the eyes of the two of them were wrong and always stayed on her for a long time. Although Chu Tong saw all kinds of men's eyes, their eyes still made her feel uncomfortable. Because one person's vision is too playful, and the other person's vision is too malicious.

When she heard the guests calling, she didn't want to come forward to deal with it, but she also knew what happened on the scene sometimes. I had to make up the scene, so I had to come in with a lot of money. The smile of my profession piled up on my face and asked, "How many distinguished guests, what can I do for you?"

Fu Xianfeng first glanced at Chu Tong, and couldn't help but move his heart again, so he took another look at Tan Long. I regret what I just said.

Chulong didn't notice the strangeness of Fu Xianfeng, and his eyes stuck to Chu Tong. I can't move any more.

The evil fire in his heart was like adding fuel to the fire, and it burned. He stood up and smiled, "Mr. Chu, there is a sentence that I don't know if I should ask if you look like you are single?"

A trace of anger flashed in Chu Tong's eyes, and then he reluctantly smiled; "What kind of tea do you want to drink? Although my tea art is average, I can barely eat it. I will make a pot of Longjing for you with my own hands, okay?

Seeing that Chu Xing didn't answer his words, he felt ashamed and said unhappily, "I asked you if you were single and didn't let you make tea. Do you know who I am?

Curen Long regretted not bringing his secretary out. There is no secretary to introduce him. He has to introduce himself. He has no identity.

Fortunately, Ma Xiao was enough to give him face and said, "Mr. Chu, this is the mayor of Chunlong. He is a heavyweight in Yan City

Chu Tong understood a little in his heart and said with a polite smile, "It turned out to be the arrival of the mayor; disrespect, disrespect. Since the big leader came to the small store, I will take out the best tea I have treasured and presented it to several leaders. I don't know if the leader is satisfied?, Little

Chu Tong's eyes looked at Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao, because she saw that Cui Xiang was the oldest. The most important one should be the largest official. Since Ma Xiao took the initiative to introduce the dragon, he should also be a very important person among the four people. If you signal to both of them, you will ask for help.

Cui Xiang bowed his head to drink tea and ignored it. Ma Xiao avoided Ju Guang and just laughed.

Chu Tong's heart sank, knowing that they would not say a good word for him.

When Chen Long saw that the smile on Fu Xianfeng's face was a little sarcastic, he was inexplicably annoyed and said, "Mr. Chu, everyone is understanding. If you don't say confused words, I will tell the truth. Your teahouse is good. If I contract it. How much does it cost a month?

is a metaphor for a teahouse. Of course, Chu Tong understood what Chen Long was thinking, and he was even more angry. He said humbly, "I'm sorry, Mayor Chen. Although the profit of Hongxiu Tianxiang is meager, it is my place to settle down. I love like Xinbao, and no matter how much money I have, I won't transfer it."

Chu Tong's attitude is resolute, and there is no room for maneuver in and out of his words.

The smile on Fu Xianfeng's face became even stronger. Put on a posture of watching jokes.

Chunlong also flirted with Chu Tong with a joking attitude, but he carried out of his status as mayor. Chu Tong's attitude did not change at all, which made him feel very ashamed. Because he had something to say with Fu Xianfeng first, now he was looked at by Fu Xianfeng with contempt. In front of Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao, he felt that his face was lightless and couldn't help but be ashamed and angry.

Cunlong stretched out his hand to grab Chu Tong's hand: "If you don't eat the fine wine, do you know that I can close your teahouse with a word? How many pounds can the owner of a small teahouse have? You still want to be yourself. What's your identity?"

How could Chu Tong let the dragon's fat hand catch it? He dodged aside and said firmly, "Please show a little respect. I'm doing legitimate business and making legitimate profits, and I don't pay a small amount of tax."

The dragon sneered: "It's legal or illegal. It's not up to you, it's up to me. As soon as he turned around, Xianfu Xianfeng's face was a little unhappy, and he knew that he had gone a little too far. But now there are no steps to go down, so he said, "Today, in front of all the leaders, I won't embarrass you. You use tea instead of wine, give each leader a cup of tea, give me three cups, and say sorry three times, otherwise, I will close your shop!"

Chu Tong is not a person who has never seen the scene. When she was with Cheng Dacai in her early years, she also met many senior officials in provinces and cities. She had never seen a brazen person like a dragon, and she was also furious. I also saw the other three people sitting still, thinking that four big men bullied a woman, which was really not promising. He said stubbornly, "I'm sorry, dear Mayor, there is no tea service in this teahouse, and I'm the boss, not a waiter."

Chulong originally wanted to find a step down, but he didn't expect Chu Tong to be uninterested. Don't give him face in public. I couldn't help but be furious: "Damn it, a stinky woman is quite arrogant. If you open a teahouse, I can destroy you with one finger."

Fu Xianfeng wanted to stop him. When he thought about it, he felt that he had a ** share, and saw that Tan Long was a little angry. It's not easy to say anything more. He advised Chen Long to pay attention to the influence, as if he was jealous of him. He didn't persuade him, and he couldn't bear to see Chu Tong embarrassed, so he motioned to Ma Xiao with his eyes.

Ma Xiao understood what Fu Xianfeng meant and was about to open his mouth to persuade him. Unexpectedly, before he said anything, Chu Tong said to Chen Long, "Those who open a teahouse also have a respectful voice, and it's not that you can destroy it!"

Ma Xiao shut up again. Well, it's really up to the top. If there is a good show, no one will retreat. He can only continue to fight with the sharp scarf and be a little dissatisfied. Knowing that Chunlong is the mayor, he dares to be so tough, and he is indeed a little ignorant. It's just a small teahouse, although it looks a little beautiful. You should also tolerate it properly, otherwise you will dare to contradict the executive deputy mayor in the territory of Yan City. It's really arrogant

The executive vice mayor really wants to destroy a small teahouse. It's really not a thing! Ma Xiao took a look at Fu Xianfeng, which means that I don't care. Just make trouble, unless Cui Xiang speaks, he won't come forward anyway.

Fu Xianfeng also frowned slightly, and that's it. It's not easy for him to force the dragon to stop, otherwise not only will the dragon have no face, but also the faces of everyone here are pale.

Although Cui Xiang thinks that the dragon is a little too much. But Chu Tong did not give any face at all, and he was also a little angry. On the territory of Yan City, even if she had a backstage, she should know some etiquette. Even the executive deputy mayor didn't pay attention to it. Her eyes were too high. Who made her so confident?

Cui Xiang also made up his mind to stand by.

Chunlong's eyes swept, and he saw that several people did not mean to stop him. Even Ma Xiao put on a posture of watching jokes, which made him feel very ashamed. If more than ten years ago, he could have kicked Chu Tong to the ground, and now it is due to his identity. He suppressed his impulse to do it, pointed to the chair with his hand and said, "Sit down honestly and give tea to everyone obediently, and I will let you go for the time being. Otherwise, you can't leave this room today, and I will block your teahouse with a phone call!"

Chu Tong doesn't want to carry out Cheng Dacai. She also knows that Cheng Dacai is a business tycoon in Yan Province, but in the anger of the dragon, the name may not work. After all, the entrepreneur is not an official, and the relationship between her and Cheng Dacai is not so open and upright. It doesn't sound good. But her character has always been unwilling to bow her head. It was precisely because she didn't want to be Dacai's back, regardless of Cheng Dacai's retention and forced her to leave him, which caused Cheng Dacai to ignore her for a long time, and she didn't care.

Chu Tong has a great personality. She has always been uncompromising, so she straightened her chest and said, "Mayor Tan, you just bullied people with the power. A big man, the deputy mayor, bullied me as a weak woman. Don't you feel ashamed? If you have a large number of people, you should apologize to me. I run a teahouse, not a restaurant. What is done is a legitimate business, neither tax evasion nor cheating.

The dragon laughed angrily: "Haha, it's really short of insight. You and a few of us ** law. It's a big joke. In Yan City, our words are the law, that is to say, one is the same. Chu Tong, you really don't give any face today, do you?

Chu Tong finally hesitated. Did she adhere to the principle and not give in, or did she sacrifice her dignity for survival? She also knew that she was afraid that she would not be able to pass if she didn't bow her head today, but she really wanted Zhou Tanlong to bow her head for no reason, and she was unwilling.

How can you be unwilling? In the face of power, how many people can adhere to the principle? Chu Tong's eyes were full of tears. When he was about to soften, suddenly there was a knock outside the door.

The dragon was on the fire and said angrily, "Who knocked on the door?! Get out of here!" A faint and slightly mocking voice sounded: "The mayor's temper is not very loud, and he is not afraid to be heard by the whole teahouse? Anyway, I can hear it clearly on the first floor."

As soon as the sound sounded, the dragon's face immediately changed greatly. He looked at each other with Fu Xianfeng, Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao. There is surprise in the eyes of several people. How can it be him?

Even Chu Tong was puzzled: Why is it him?

He is not someone else, it's just Xiaxiang!

Xia wanted to push the door open a crack, dodged in, and said hello to everyone: "Several leaders are here. It's rare to see a few leaders get together. It's really a pleasure!"

Somehow, Chen Long always felt that behind Xia's indifferent and harmless smile, there was a shocking murder. He was in a panic in his heart and didn't stand still. He sat back on the chair and asked, "Xia Think, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come? Hongxiu Tianxiang has both fragrant tea and fragrant wind. Naturally, when I heard the wind, Xia Xiang still smiled. I couldn't see any emotion from his face, as if he turned a blind eye to the situation in front of him. "Hongxiu Tianxiang is a teahouse. Open the door to welcome guests. I am a guest. Drinking tea with my friends naturally comes Could it be that you opened the red sleeves and added fragrance? Don't you welcome me?"

The dragon was choked by the refutation of Xiaxiang's hidden needle, staring and speechless.

Xia Xiang ignored the dragon, and then greeted Cui Xiang, Ma Xiao and Fu Xianfeng in turn, and said with a smile, "Hongxiu Tianxiang was not famous. It's difficult. There are so many big leaders here today, and I have a lot of light on my face.

Fu Xianfeng listened to the meaning of Xia's words, as if Hongxiu Tianxiang had something to do with him, so he asked with a smile, "Why, Hongxiu Tianxiang also has something to do with you?"

than: the third one, 15,000 words will be delivered as promised. Finally, I took a breath and burst into tears to ask for votes. Lao He rarely asks for votes with tears, because he has always believed that men shed blood and sweat without tears, but. When he is really sad or moved, the man also sheds tears. Today is just a matter of grief and indignation. When I feel it, I force my tears to hold back my tears and ask for votes for the unstalgic belief in my heart and indignation. One is to keep the ranking, and the other is the hard work and hard work of the new week, please give me a reason to persevere! Later, a long single chapter will come out, which is a thank-you letter. Brothers must take a look inside. It is Lao He's mental journey. "F