official god

Chapter 591 Battle End

"But how can we know what Secretary Bai really thinks?" Chen Tianyu was worried and couldn't raise his eyebrows.

"You still have to tie the bell to untie the bell!" He said calmly, "You tell Chen Jinming that the construction will be carried out as usual, and Secretary Bai will let him stop the work again, and he will put it off. Secretary Bai will be impatient all the time. If he is so angry, he will tell the truth." Chen Tianyu was skeptical: "Can Chen Jinming withstand the pressure?"

"A private enterprise has the strength to build the tallest building in Yan City. As a creator, he could not have the ability to deal with officials." Xia wants to study the growth history of Jinshu Group and knows that Chen Jinming is a very powerful person.

It's not that he doesn't want to stand up for Jinshu Group. In the current situation, he can only let Jinshu Group and Bai Zhanmo delay the time to make Bai Zhanmo lose his temper and blurt out the truth when he is angry.

The truth is always hidden behind the matter. Only when the truth is found can there be a solution. Otherwise, Bai Zhanmo is a leader. He really wants to decide the height of a building. Even Chen Feng can't force him to change his mind. What's more, as the district chief, even if he restrains the table and quarrels with Bai Zhanmo, it may not work. Let's wait and see, maybe it's an excellent opportunity.

Three days later, all the preliminary application and approval procedures of the hourly new building materials factory have been completed. The contractor is Li Hongjiang's second construction company, which has begun to enter the site and carry out the preliminary work. At the same time, Li Fei also strengthened the police force near Fangbei Village, but strangely, the evil gang of Wang Cannon, which had been active in Fangbei Village, suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

Huang Jianjun carried out an action to fight against the evil forces throughout the region. Although there was no big fanfare according to Xia's instructions, the movement was not small, but the effect was very small. Because somehow the wind was revealed in advance. Not only did the Wang cannon gang disappear, but also many ordinary gangsters also hid. Hide. When he got up, the big fish was gone, and the little shrimp was not found, which made Huang Jianjun depressed. He also knew that there must be something wrong in the bureau, and someone secretly reported the news.

Huang Jianjun wanted to report the situation to Xia in time. Xia didn't say anything and did not give new instructions on the next action. He secretly investigated in the bureau. He suspected that the deputy director Lu Community had exposed the news, but there was no real evidence, and he had no way to take him for the time being.

In a blink of an eye, at the beginning of November, Li Qin reported the trend of Changji Business to Xiaxiang in three days. The real estate price of Changfeng Real Estate has not risen too much for the time being, and the small increase is within a reasonable range.

Then, Changji Trading invested 100 million yuan to buy two high-rise buildings of Jicheng Real Estate, 5↑B invested 5 yuan to buy two real estates of Longping real estate, investors] 100 million yuan to buy a villa area, a luxury residential area and a low-end community of people's real estate, and invested 1.5 billion yuan to buy Shida The building and all the communities under construction have invested more than 100 million yuan in a short period of time, and have mastered nearly one-third of the real estate and land in the xiama area, which is equal to all the work done by the above real estate merchants in the early stage. Under the bombing of the huge capital of Changji Trade, no one was spared. What Changji Trading wants to manipulate is not the developer, but the market, which is the wallet of all home buyers in Yan City.

Moreover, Changji Trading has initially sent people to try to contact with Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate and Dacai Group, and slightly revealed the cooperation. Of course, they are in the name of another company, not in the name of Changji Business.

It is easy to register a few new companies in Yanshi or the capital. It doesn't matter what company it is, but a strong capital.

Li Qin said worriedly because she didn't know Xia's next plan, "It won't take long for Changji Trade to control more than half of the real estate resources in the Xiama District, they will have the pricing power, and they will play the whole real estate market in the Xia District... Xia District Chief, the macro-control party. What's your plan?

Li Qin finally couldn't help asking one more question. Her character is that Tusi doesn't talk much without explanation, but now the situation is urgent, and she is uneasy. After all, in the face of huge strength, capital is the key factor in determining success or failure.

"It's only 5.5 billion, and it's still less. Continue to release water and continue to let the funds come in." Xia wants to be full of confidence and doesn't seem to worry about the tail at all. "When Changji Commerce and Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate and Dacai Group reach an agreement, they should have entered the capital of about l billion yuan, and they can almost collect the first network."

Xia Xiang was just firm in Li Qin's letter', and did not say his final response. Li Qin was a little dissatisfied: "You have to let me have a bottom in my heart, don't you? I don't know how much land reserves there are in the disesure area yet?

The government's secrecy of land reserves and the fact that the amount and use of land reserves have never been announced in advance are the main reasons for the high domestic land prices. How much reserve land is left in the downtown area, how much is the transfer fee, and when it will be sold to the outside world is a mystery to the outside world. Even Bai Zhanmo only knows a general idea, and the specific numbers are in Xia's hands.

The government dominated the economy. Although it was not a defeat for Xia Shang to become a secretary, on the other hand, now he runs the government team like an iron barrel, and many core secrets are only in the hands of him and Chen Tianyu. Even Xie Yuanqing only knows one and does not know the other, which completely eliminates the possibility of external transmission. The biography includes both Bai Zhanmo and Yuan Mingliang.

So Xia wants to agree to let go of the investment in Changji Business, because he has the right to completely leverage the market and redistribute resources! It is true that the market economy is dominated by the market, but don't forget that the government also has macro-control. Of course, only one order from the government and the cooperation of real estate developers does not work. Xiaxiang's biggest reliance lies in the unparalleled influence of several major real estate developers in the horse area, whether it is Jiangshan real estate As far as the Dacai Group can prohibit his orders.

is also a point that Changji Business never dreamed of. Xia wants to have the control power of administrative resources, and also has an absolute influence on the market. What's more, the insight to know their intentions for a long time, the combination of the three forces can we achieve no disadvantage.

Regarding Li Qin's question, Xia Xiang still took a light answer: "Believe me, it can't be wrong. Some key data should not be disclosed now. I hope you can understand." If you don't say it, don't say it. You are the boss and you are the leader. Of course, it's up to you. Li Qin's curiosity was not satisfied, so she hung up the phone a little waywardly.

Xia wanted to shake her head and smiled, ignored her, and thought of the reason that the golf course of Changji Trading was too close to the wholesale market, so she suspended the development, so she couldn't help laughing secretly. Yuan Mingliang is really a smart person. He finally found a dignified reason to waste a large area of land with an excellent location. Whether it is idle or not, anyway, in the agreement, if there is no development within five years, there is a reason to recover the land and re-auction it, and the original land transfer fee will not be refunded.

It's really a mountain. The rain is coming and the wind is coming. It's almost the end of the year. I don't know if Wu Mingliang likes the dismounting area. Will he want to spend the New Year in the dismounting area? If he is also in the Spring Festival, Xia wants to invite him to drink a pot to explain the customs of Yanshi to him.

Anyway, Yuan Mingliang is always a friend who comes from afar. Isn't it a pleasure to have friends from afar? What's more, the friends who come from afar are still very kind and have a lot of money. They have to politely give him a big gift one by one, but they are disrespectful, but they can't just say that they are ashamed of it. It should be full of affectionate laughter.

After a few, Chen Jinming specially came to visit Xiaxiang, and euphemistically proposed that Jinshu Group would adhere to the principle and would not waver, and would withstand the pressure and not give up. Xia wanted to express his appreciation for his attitude, and encouraged him to stand in the diseping area, facing the whole province and the whole country, My colleagues are impartial in the tilt of the policy.

No one mentioned the height of the Fire Tree Building, but everyone knows that the height of a simple building has now risen to a political issue.

To Xia's surprise, the height of the Fire Tree Building not only evolved into a political problem, but also suddenly became the fuse of a group event, but also stimulated the intensification of a series of political events in the Lower Horse District and to Yan City and Yan Province.

On Saturday, Xia wanted to accompany Dai and her son at home to enjoy the joy of family. The girl recently spent the panic period of being a mother for the first time, and her mind was slightly separated from Xia Dong, and began to pay attention to Xiaxiang's work and life.

"Has the factory of the hour and Gu Yu started construction?" The girl hugged Xia Dong and tilted her head and smiled. She has recovered. Although her body is a little plump, she is still as small as a girl, and her childlike face has not changed.

"The construction has started, and now the workers have entered the site and completed three links and one level. It is the time when the equipment and village departments enter the market. They will not stop working this winter, and it is expected to be completed next spring. Xia thought it was a little strange why the girl suddenly cared about his work. She seldom asked about her work.

Three links and one level refer to the prerequisites for the daily start of the construction of the capital construction project, specifically: water, electricity, road and site leveling. That is to say, you and Xiao and Gu Yu will meet often in the future? The girl bit her lips, and her face seemed to smile.

Xia thought immediately understood her thoughts and smiled, "That's right. I guess we meet every three days, talk every five days, and eat every seven days. What's the matter? What's wrong with you?"

"I don't dare to have a problem. I'm afraid that even my sister will be worried if she knows it." The girl was very smart and carried out Lian Ruohan. "I can't see anything, but it's not like Lian's sister's eyes, which can best see your thoughts. But I always feel that Xiao and Gu Yu have a good impression of you that can't be concealed.

Xia thought and smiled: "All their good impressions have a strong purpose. Gu Yu thought I was my brother, and Yan Xiao thought I was the god of wealth who could make her rich..."

"Okay, I won't talk about it." Girl Dai sang in time. She stuffed Xia Dong into Xia's arms. "Work hard. You have a son now. For the sake of your son, you should also grasp the future."

If you say it or not, in fact, it's better to use your son as the reason to hint at him. Don't make mistakes in style. Xia wants to understand the girl's worries, and also knows that she has always been a bright-eyed woman. If she doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean that she doesn't

There are three kinds of women in the world, one is a girl, one is a woman, and the other is a woman. In the face of a man's affair or betrayal, there are three completely different attitudes... When a man says to a woman, "I'm sorry, I'm in love with someone else."

After that, he said with a grievance and a soft face, "Why? How can I be worse than her? Can you give me a chance?" She is a female.

After that, he asked with a calm but flash of eyes, "You have your choice, I have my choice, and I won't give up easily." She is a woman.

After that, he was first surprised, then cried and made noise in anger, and scolded: "You are an ungrateful son of a bitch. I'm going to kill you, and you will return my youth and give me everything... She is a woman. Girls and women may save men's hearts, while women will definitely lose everything. Cao Shu told that she is smarter than a girl and more reserved than a woman. She is a woman who combines elegance and wisdom. Her reminders and hints will never bring psychological pressure to people. All she needs to do is to pay with her heart.

The best skill to collect a man's heart is all in Cao Shuyan's free collection. What many women don't know is that there is no man in the world who defected for no reason. Maybe she inadvertently pushed her man into the arms of other women little by little countless times.

Xia wanted to pick up his son and kissed him with his strength: "Son, father wants to tell you a truth. The wife who has hair does not come down, and the wife who has a bad hair can't be abandoned...

Cao Shuyu smiled attentively and wanted to raise a trace of sweetness in his heart. Unexpectedly, Xia thought another sentence: "A good dog doesn't think his family is poor, and a good son doesn't think his mother is ugly. Although his mother is not as handsome as his father and not as his father is white, but you can't dislike her. Cao Shuyan was annoyed and stretched out his hand to hit Xia and thought, "Agging you to chore me, I'm more beautiful than you) Humph ▲r, ten■■

Xia Dong didn't care about the jokes between his parents. He didn't know why he took his mobile phone from Xia Xiang's body. His little hand touched it curiously. He only looked at it twice, reached out and sent it to his mouth. When it came to his mouth, the ringtone of the mobile phone rang quickly.

Xia Dong was not timid. As soon as his mobile phone rang, he didn't cry or make any noise. He just stopped for a moment and continued his mobile phone eating. Xia Xiang grabbed it from his hand and laughed and scolded, "Bad boy, eat everything. How can you know how to eat every day?" As soon as he saw that the call was from Jin Hongxin, he knew that unless something important had happened, Jin Hongxin would not disturb him on weekends, so he hurriedly answered the phone. Leader, it's not good. Something big has happened!" Although Jin $L's heart is not as steady as a mountain, it is not easy to shout. Xia thought that something big must have happened. He hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Someone wanted to set themselves on fire in the Fire Tree Building, and it also triggered a group incident. Many demolition households surrounded the scene and clashed with the workers. Now the scene is in chaos..." Jin Hongxin was out of breath.

"Have you notified Secretary Bai, Secretary Kang, District Chief Chen and the Director of the Commission?" The height problem of the Fire Tree Building has not been solved, but there was an accidental self-immolation incident. Xia thought intuitively that there must be an inside story. Secretary Bai went to the capital for something. Director Huang is on a business trip. District Chief Chen can't be contacted for the time being. Secretary Kang has gone to the scene!"

It's chaotic. It's really chaotic. Xia thought that Bai Zhanmo was originally from the capital, and he had already decided to return to the capital this week. Huang Jianjun also went to the capital to attend a meeting of the public security system. Chen Tianyu may not be able to contact for the time being. Fortunately, Kang Shaoye went to the scene in time, and finally there was a person who could bear it.

Putting down the phone, Xia wanted to leave home in a hurry after saying "I have something to do", and even didn't have time to have a bite of lunch.

As soon as I went out in the summer, I found that it was cloudy. The north wind was strong, the temperature dropped sharply, and the first autumn cold was coming! Xia Xiang couldn't care about the change of the weather and drove all the way to the Fire Tree Building.

On the way, I have been thinking that there seems to be no connection between Bai Zhanmo's return to Beijing and Huang Jianjun's business trip, but when I think about it deeply, there are artificial traces. Huang Jianjun's business trip is true, and Bai Zhanmo's return to Beijing may have done it on purpose.

Thinking of the confrontation between Bai Zhanmo and the Golden Tree Group, the sudden self-immolation incident in the Fire Tree Building has to make people suspect that it is too coincidental. If there is no way to interfere with it, Xia will not believe what she wants to say.

The reason why he chose Huang Jianjun to have an accident when he was on a business trip was to adjust his strength. He chose to set himself on fire when Bai Zhanmo was in Yan City. It was Bai Zhanmo who took the opportunity to stay out of the matter. No matter what was a big mistake, it had nothing to do with him, because he was far away in the capital. The choice to have an accident in the Fire Tree Building is to force Chen Jinming to submit, hit Chen Jinming in the face, and then make Xia want to be embarrassed.

What a powerful plan to kill...

Xia thought too much and almost drove distracted. He couldn't help thinking about today's emergency. The first time was in Fangbei Village. Wu Gang had to remind him that someone might be secretly observing them. The second time, Fu Xianxian specially invited him to dinner. He didn't eat, but he learned that Fu Xianfeng misunderstood and went to bed with Fu Xianxian. On the surface, the two things are not related, but Xia is a meticulous person. He has been reminded twice. Coupled with today's ingenious layout, he has to doubt whether there will be a vanguard behind the incident?

Misunderstanding becomes a disaster. How can Fu Xianfeng really recognize what happened to him and Fu Xianxian? With his insidiousness and means, he will deal with him secretly. Between the flash of thoughts, an idea flashed in his mind and hurriedly dialed Li Fei's phone: "Li Fei, where are you?" Leader, I'm stationed in Fangbei Village. What's the matter? Li Fei said very eagerly. Xia wanted to be polite to him and immediately ordered, "Speak to the workers on the construction site and ask them to pay attention to safety. You immediately lead all the people and horses to the Fire Tree Building as soon as possible!"

Li Fei heard the unusual tone in Xiaxiang's tone, and immediately realized that there was a serious situation. Without asking more questions, he immediately said, "Yes, Ma Tu's action!"

Then Xia Xiang dialed Wu Gangde's phone number again: "Gang De, you come to the Fire Tree Building immediately. There is a sudden ** situation."

P: Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know what do I want? Just like a brother's message, no dispute is also a dispute, and the dispute is also a dispute... Without further words, look at the action, thank the brothers for their enthusiasm and warmth, the third update, send it in the evening! ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, Rending holds the author, support genuine reading!) F