official god

Chapter 593 The water is deep and hot

The people do not fight with the officials, and the people have a deep-rooted fear of officials. "It's all villagers or workers. They are all scared by Wu Gang's momentum, and the anger that has just been aroused has subsided. In addition, the wind and rain are getting bigger and bigger, wet and cold, and they all have a feeling of retreat.

While waiting for the foreman, Xia wanted to see that Wu Gang had temporarily maintained the situation, and also nodded secretly.

When Chao Weidan saw that Xia wanted to be in the wind, his body was also wet, so he wanted to be Ning Yu. Xia wanted to wave his hand and said, "It's not a little wind and light rain, it doesn't matter. It won't make the climate." He looked at Kang Shaoye intentionally or unintentionally, "You take an umbrella for Secretary Kang. He is a little older than us young people and can withstand the wind and rain.

There is something in the twilight, how can Kang Shaoye not hear it? He was so angry that, indeed, this year! He is 10 years older than Xia, older than Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang. Although he has always thought that Xibai is young and does not accept old age, he feels that the bell is particularly harsh, as if he is full of sarcasm! Although Yun Ji is big, if you want to call a leader to a person who is much younger than him, it will make the biased heart particularly uncomfortable. I just think that Xia wants you not to be complacent. It is not easy to decide the matter of heaven. If you don't make you angry, if you don't burn you to death, it will also

When I sit in your seat, you will have no place to cry! Don't you think you are young? I broke my legs at a young age and sat in a wheelchair all my life, which made you in pain!

Although he was vicious in his heart, when Chao Weigang came over with an umbrella, he still did not refuse. He reached out and took the umbrella with a smile and said, "I'm... just as the mayor of Xia said

I'm old and can't stand the cold. It's really no better than you young people, hehe.

Xia thought, okay, Kang Shaoye is also quite patient, and he is also a heroic figure, which should not be underestimated.

At the construction site, the third young cat bent in the middle and trotted all the way to Xia Yu, nodded and said, "Jia District Chief, Rong Wei is just appeasing the workers, come late..." With that, he met a cigarette, \"Does the leader smoke? I have heard the leader's name for a long time, and I have always respected you very much. It is my honor to talk to you today.

Hua ~~\" Less↑! Brother is telling the truth. Beep is like thunderous to Xia Chou's husband's name. He knows the prestige of sending summer mackerel among the workers, and he has always been very curious about the young district chief of Shimoma District. Although the villagers made trouble and made him stand up, at first sight of Xia, he expressed his admiration.

Xia thought that he didn't have time to listen to his flattery. Sheng asked, "How many workers are there in total? At the critical moment, can you make them obedient?"

Hua San Shao_I knew that Xia wanted to do things very pragmatically. When he asked the point in one sentence, he put away his smiling face and said seriously, "123 workers, most of whom are fellow villagers of spring, and a small part of them are technicians in the south. They have been following the war for a long time. Usually it's okay They are all young people. I guess my words don't work.

Now is not the time to talk big. Hua San Shao is very honest about the truth and lack of it.

It is almost the same as Xia Yu's expectation. He has seen the workers get out of control in his previous life, which is really difficult to control. Once a person is furious, he loses his mind. As long as he does it, it will be difficult; it will end. In addition, there are +' people with ulterior motives hiding in it, which will definitely add fuel to the fire, so we must control the situation before it gets out of control, otherwise there is really a possibility of bloodshed.

There are old people and children in the villagers. As long as they do it, whether they hurt the old or the weak or the young, it is a vicious thing.

Xia wanted to look up at Mr. Lu's stubbornness on the roof, and then turned to look at the Xiama River not far away. I couldn't help laughing helplessly. I was invited to light a fire. On one side was the river, and now it was full of wind and rain. It was really unprecedented.

Suddenly, a siren sounded, and everyone looked back and saw that the fire engine was coming.

With a fire truck, Wu Gang had to immediately arrange the scene, separate the crowd, and set up the air cushion, which was a temporary relief of the crisis.

Xia wanted to take a look at Kang Shaoye, who didn't say a word. He knew in his heart that Kang Shaoye was just watching the hustle and bustle. He would not take the matter in charge, nor would he take the initiative to solve the problem. He had already made his position of standing by and watching with an umbrella. Yes, it is enough for Secretary Kang to hold an umbrella in person and come to the scene in person. It's better to let others do dangerous things.

Xia thought made up his mind in an instant. He is the district chief. Who will come forward if he doesn't come forward? Who is responsible if he is not responsible? Once on the Great Hall of the People's Republic of China, in the face of thousands of students, in the face of Cheng Xixue's public doubts, he quoted Lin Zexu's famous saying: "For the benefit of the country's life and death, how can we avoid it because of misfortune and fortune?" Although there is a little sadistic spirit, although a little hot-blooded and small impulse, although in the eyes of the worldly people, it is a little not smooth and not rational enough, Xiaxiang is Xiaxiang, facing difficulties or taking the initiative to attack. In the depths of his heart, he has never destroyed the leak of victory* points and the heart of I don't hesitate to be misunderstood and hurt!

"I'm going to negotiate with Mr. Lu, Hongxin and Wei Gang. You are responsible for protecting the safety of Secretary Kang and Mr. Chen. In addition, tell Wu Gangde that no matter what method you use, you will definitely control the situation. He looked firm, as if he had made the greatest determination. "Hua San Shao, you also want to do everything you can to control the emotions of the workers. Don't lead to a bloody incident. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Hua San rarely saw Xia's face without hesitation, and he was also a little impulsive in his heart. For many years, I have never seen a hot-blooded and energetic official. The leaders, large and small, have he has met, either full of fat brains, or old-fashioned. When in danger, let alone rush to the front line in person; they all hide in the car and can't get down, or try to shirk their responsibilities and let others

Only Xiaxiang, the light and energetic district chief, did not hesitate to rush to the most dangerous place. Who!: He knew that the old man was good and was full of gasoline. There was still a large barrel beside him, which was full of gasoline. Once he hesitated, it was bound to cause an explosion.

The head of Xia District went to negotiate alone regardless of his body. He is the most responsible and responsible cadre that Hua San has ever seen in his life.

Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang are anxious: "No, the leader can't go up. It's too dangerous.

The two of them were sincerely worried about Xia's safety, because they heard that the old man was very stubborn. They were old and had a terrible temper. Like a stubborn donkey, they didn't listen to anyone when they had an attack. Among other things, the only thing that he poured gasoline on the wind and rain and refused to come down with cold on the roof proved his donkey's temper.

Kang Shaoye also knew that he had to make a show, and also pretended to be concerned and said, "It's enough to send a representative up. The head of Xia District is the head of a district, so you can't take risks.

"A leading cadre, I only know how to lead by example, and I don't know what it is to take risks! Xia wanted to throw down a cold sentence and said seriously to Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang, "Prepare a cotton-padded coat immediately. It's windy and heavy on the roof. The old man is old, and he can't stand it for a while. It can't be delayed anymore. Hurry up.

Jin Hongxin was helpless, so she had to wave her hand feebly to Chao Weigang. Chao Weigang gritted her teeth

The workers found a set of cotton-padded clothes and handed them over to Xia Yu's hands. He pleaded and said, "Leader, let me go up with you so that I can take care of you.

"I'll go!" Jin Hongxin also made a statement in time.

"I'd better go." Chen Jinming is not willing to show weakness. After all, Xia Yu is the head of the district. If there is any mistake, he should also bear the responsibility. At the same time, he was moved by Xiaxiang's firm expression. For a long time, a cadre has an uncle to bear the responsibility of self-ident.

"I'll go!" Hua San Shao said unquestionably, "It's full of scaffolding. I'm familiar with how

Let's go. I'll lead the way for the mayor of Xia District.

Xia wants to argue: "You are all below, and the situation below is more critical. I can go up alone. Mr. Lu is a stubborn person. When he sees a lot of people, he may do stupid things... Don't argue anymore, go to work immediately.

Jin Hongxin and Chao Wei Gang both looked at Kang Shaoye with a slight complaint, thinking that a deputy secretary didn't do anything after he came, and he had to let the reducers serve you specially. I'm sorry, I won't accompany you!

Xia thought that he didn't have time to pay attention to Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang's attitude towards Kang Shaoye. He picked up his cotton-padded clothes and quickly entered the building. The building under construction is full of tools. Although the stairs are cast and formed, there are no handrails. It is still dangerous to carry them upstairs. At the same time, there are still brackets on the head that have not been cleaned up, and they will meet without leaving a manuscript.

Fortunately, Xiaxiang himself also stayed on the construction site and worked as a technician. He was familiar with the doorway inside and touched the roof all the way.

Only one layer of concrete has been poured on the roof of the seven- or eight-storey Fire Tree Building. Although it is surrounded by scaffolding, it is different from the normal roof. There are messy steel bars and silk everywhere, and it is easy to trip over. And looking around, there is no daughter wall or bar on the roof. It's more dangerous.

People who are afraid of heights are more afraid of the unfinished roof.

The key is that the wind is still heavy, the wind is not small, and the rain is also increasing. Xia thought that when he came to the roof, he felt that the salary was cold. With his young body and firepower, he still felt too cold, not to mention the Lu Lao insult who poured a body of gasoline?

Mr. Lu's stubborn hair is gray, wearing a gray single dress, not tall, not fat or thin, his hands are strong, deep and wet, I don't know whether it's oil or water, and there is also a full oil bucket beside him. There is at least half of the gasoline in the transparent gasoline barrel. God knows how he got to the roof.

As soon as Xia wanted to appear, Mr. Lu immediately found that someone had come upstairs. He quickly turned around, put his hand on the lighter, and said word by word, "Who are you? If you take one more step, Rong will fire.

There was no hoarseness and no crazy expression. Although he trembled with cold, he stood straight and refused to bend his waist. Xia Yushi knew that he was a very difficult person to deal with, and he was very stubborn, independent, and could not compromise easily.

"Uncle Lu, I'm Xia Yu. I'm here to talk to you. Why do you fight to the death?" Xia Yu did not reveal his identity. He was afraid that Mr. Lu would be stubborn and resistant. He said kindly, "I'm not even afraid of death. What else can't I pass? Is there anything else that can't be discussed?

Maybe Xia's clear eyes and mixed attitude touched Mr. Lu's stubbornness, or Xia Yu's words touched his heart. His restraint a little, but he still grasped the lighter tightly and asked again, "Who the hell are you? Who are you talking to?"

"I'm Xia Yu, an ordinary young man. Dance won't talk to either side. I just want to know the truth of the matter and chat with Uncle Zong... I'm busy and cold, and I'll give you another cotton-padded board. No matter what difficulties there are, no matter what difficulties there are, you can't freeze your body. If the body collapses, even if you have money, it's useless, isn't it?

Xia wants to not call the condescending "old man" in officialdom, but is direct and kind. If he is Uncle Lu, it is easy to break through the psychological defense line, so that he can't afford to be on guard

Lu Yu was really cold, Bi Wei; "A ten-year-old man, when he saw the Li Yi in Xia's hand, he couldn't help but be moved. After thinking about it, he said, "Then throw the stick coat over."

Xia wanted to throw over the cotton-padded clothes. He simply sat on a template, crossed his legs, and said in a posture of pulling his family: Uncle is old this year? I see that you are a few years younger than your father. My father is 55 years old.

Mr. Ben was stunned. First, he put on a cotton-padded coat, and then sailed: "I'm strong, and I also have a son who is about the same as yours, but my son..." His eyes turned red and he shed tears. "His wife is as lively as you. I, I, I, and I don' Is he sick so fast...\"

Xia wants to sigh slightly. There is always a tragic story behind every poor person. There are too many misfortunes in life that will be added to a family. He can basically find the truth of Lu Lao's stubbornness and self-immolation today.

"What's the disease of Little Rude?" Knowing that he should not ask, Xia thought he couldn't help asking, "I know the doctor of the second hospital, and I may be able to help.

The nose shook his head stubbornly: "It can't help. It's useless. He has uremia. The doctor said it takes 300,000 yuan to cure it. I smashed the old bone and sold it all, and it's not worth 390,000...

Xia thought was a little more firm in his guess, and asked, "The Golden Tree Group owes you a small; the money of I Village?"

"I owe, I owe more, I still owe more than 40,000, and each person is more. The village secretary told me that as long as I could pay back the debt to the Jinshu Group, he made the decision to deduct hundreds of yuan from each person to make up enough:! Don't treat my son (2)" said tax: Yes, Mr. Lu is in tears, sobbing, "No chin;; Shang, Jinshu Group can afford to build the tallest building of the enterprise, but owes our village more than 10,000 yuan. More than 40,000 yuan is just a piece of hair. A little more in the hair is my son's life-saving money, something with no conscience. If you owe money, you will become an old man, and you have to drive us away. I, I, anyway, my son is dead, and I have no hope. At worst, I will die on their roof. Let's see if their tallest building can live at ease!

The wind is more fierce, the rain is getting bigger, Xia thought, but it sank little by little.

Jinshu Group owes Xiao; he didn't believe the village's money, because he knew the operating procedures at that time, and Jinshu Group did not deal with Xiaodou Village directly. Jinshu Group is one of the first enterprises to settle in the Xiama-district, and it is Gaohai.

If it was not Gao Hai who kept the land requisition money of Jinshu Group and embezzled it into his umbilical bag, it was the secretary of Xiaodou Village - he tampered with it and took part of the money for himself, Xia Hairpin's mood was very heavy. No matter what the situation is, in the history of land acquisition and demolition, in fact, it is the villagers who do not get the most benefits.

not to mention the deduction of land requisition funds layer by layer, it is often delayed for a year and a half without distribution. What is the reason for pushing the king to block four for various reasons? The purpose is to make more money in the bank for a period of time, and you can earn a little difference in interest. Only earn; it is good to avoid interest. What's more unscrupulous is that it is clear that a mu of land transferred 40,000 yuan, but the squatting villagers only had 20,000 yuan, with a difference of 20,000 yuan; it was divided up by an interest gang. The most hateful thing is that even the most qualitative 20,000 yuan can't reach the villagers, and they are planted with all kinds of ingenious expenses or deposits. They want to save the handcuffs - it is far away, and it is more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Mr. Lu's stubborn experience is just a microcosm of the tragic world in the process of countless demolitions.

Xia wanted to stand up, walked into the distance and said, "Uncle Lu, sit down first. I'll find a phone and ask about the specific situation..." He was worried that the mobile phone would produce electric sparks and inadvertently ignite Mr. Lu's stubborn gasoline.

Xia wanted to go far enough to stop, took out the phone and called Gao Hai: "Uncle Gao. Do you still remember that when you led the demolition of Xiaodou Village in Xiama District of the municipal government, Jinshu Group invested in the purchase of Xiaodou Village; ↑ How much is the transfer fee for the land of the village?

"Xiaodou Village?" Gao Hai was taking a nap and was accidentally woken up by Xia. He was a little confused. He still thought that he was usually very polite. Why is the tax↑j a little cold today? However, he didn't have many hairpins. He recalled it nakedly and said, "The location of Xiaopu Village is good, and the price of the land site transfer is quite high, which is more than 53 million mu. At that time, Jinshu Group purchased about ID mu, a total of more than ED 10,000.

Xia wanted to hear that Gao Hai's voice was a little vague, and then realized that he might be taking a lunch break,

said quickly, "I forgot Uncle Gao's lunch break. I'm sorry to bother you.

Gao Hai heard the wrong thing in Xia's voice, and didn't care about being polite to Xia: "What's wrong, Xiaoxia, what's wrong?"

Xia thought it was small; "When the villagers came to the Huoshu Building to make trouble, he specially emphasized: "The land acquisition money has been deducted, and the amount is not small..." He also intended to test Gao Hai. As the leader, the deputy mayor at that time, Gao Hai had great power, and it was easy to embezzle.

One end of the phone was silent for a moment. Xia wanted to know that Gao Hai's hands and feet were not very clean. Although it was expected for a long time, it was still a little disappointed. Although he can also understand that Gao Hai is not the same as him. He is not short of money and has enough ways to make money. As the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, Gao Hai is also very difficult to live on his salary alone, and he will definitely have some gray income. But in summer, it's normal to take some money at all, but some money can't be contaminated at all.

For example, the hard-earned money of migrant workers, such as compensation for demolition households, such as pension funds, such as social security funds. In the big case of social security fund in a certain place, the amount involved is tens of billion yuan. In Xiaxiang's eyes, the pension of the people is no different from the life-saving money of millions of old people. It is not enough for civilians to be angry without shooting!