official god

Chapter 601 One light and one dark

It's okay if you don't look at it. As soon as you look at her tears, she can't stop flowing out, and she feels sad. He is her favorite man for the time being. He is the support of her life. The happiness of her life is the whole meaning of her life with her son. He was secretly harmed and almost killed. How can she swallow this evil breath? Lian Ruohan made a major decision in an instant.

What Lian Ruohan didn't know was that outside the ward, the old man looked in through the window and also saw a large area of black and purple on Xia Xiang's back. With a calm expression, he was also slightly angry and gloomy.

No matter how angry Xia wants to be, and then let him feel that the factory is disgled. He is also Lian Ruohan's man and Xiao Lianxia's biological father. The only person who can teach him a lesson can be the Wu family. If others touch him, it also depends on whether the Wu family is happy!

He knocked heavily on the crutch of the umbrella, turned around and said majestically to the guard and the driver, "Go home."

Yu Fanran looked at his face and knew that the old man was angry, and a trace of joy flashed in his heart. Xia wanted to be blessed by misfortune. The old man was angry because of his injury. In this way, it is equivalent to the door that the old man closed to Xia in his heart, and finally opened a gap that could accommodate one person to pass through.

As for what countermeasures the old man will take, Yu Fanran does not dare to test. He just knows that as long as the old man takes action, someone must be unlucky!

The old man's departure, Lian Ruohan did not know that she was concerned about how to use the power in her hand to deal with the vanguard.

"Wei Xin, you make a plan to let the famous fashion go bankrupt in the shortest time at all costs, even if it doesn't matter! I just want the result, and I don't care about the process and means. Lian Ruohan knew very well that famous fashion was Fu Xianfeng's first investment in Yan City. Whether it was successful or not was related to his face. The closure of famous fashion was equivalent to a direct slap in the face of Fu Xianfeng.

"Sister, I already have a countermeasure. The specific implementation is divided into three steps. First, dig the corners of famous fashion products and dig their middle layers. Then he made a big advertisement and surpassed them in fame. Finally, there will be a price war. With all three tricks, the famous fashion will definitely be defeated. From the moment Wei Xin learned that Xia wanted to have an accident, he was frightened. He said that he would beat the famous fashion to pieces, otherwise she would have trouble sleeping and eating.

Xiaxiang is the eternal pain in her heart, but no matter how painful it is, she can't tolerate others's want to do anything to Xia. She also knows that the mission of Zaochun International is to completely defeat famous fashion. Although the preliminary work was not ready now, Xia wanted to suddenly have an accident, and she was resentful, so she decided to start the destruction plan for famous fashion.

Lian Ruohan listened to Wei Xin's plan and praised: "Wei Xin, you are really mature. The plan is very detailed and safe. I support you."

Wei Xin's action was faster than Lian Ruohan imagined. That night, she made an appointment with several middle-level managers of famous fashion products and offered very favorable conditions for them to join Yanchun International. Of course, Wei Xin had studied their resumes before. Knowing their respective weaknesses, he offered different conditions for each of them. As a result, several middle-level management figures all defected.

After a few days, when Yanchun International opened grandly, two-thirds of the middle-level managers of famous fashion submitted their resignations on the same day. In the following days, several senior officials resigned one after another and transferred to Zhaoyi International as a senior official. Famous fashion products have greatly damaged their vitality.

Soon after, Yanchun International launched a series of activities, which was obviously a promotion plan for famous fashion. All famous fashion brands should be cheap in Zhaochun International, and all brands that are not in famous fashion are also greatly discounted. The slogan is "Reject huge profits, dedication!" At the same time, many sales girls of Yanqin International are the original team of famous fashion. While explaining to customers, they also have to insinuation that the supply of famous fashion goods is not correct and the price is high. Relying on the investment of the capital, in fact, the original intention is to come to Yanshi to fool consumers and treat consumers as fool Yanchun International is a local enterprise, putting consumers first, one, one, one, one, one

For a while, the image of famous fashion fell sharply in the minds of the citizens of Yan City. Half a month later, he was on the verge of closing the door.

In the most difficult period of famous fashion, Fu Xianfeng hid in the capital and could not go out. When he took care of the market again, the trend of famous fashion had gone, which made him angry. But there is no way to regenerate gas. The shopping mall is originally a battlefield, and the battlefield is ruthless.

Fu Xianfeng also knew that Xia wanted to take action behind his back, but just as Xia wanted couldn't find his evidence, he couldn't find Xia wanted's evidence, so he had to break his teeth and swallow his stomach. Famous fashion finally closed down and liquidated. His first investment in Yan City ended in a fiasco and became a laughing stock in the family. This is a later story, not to mention for the time being.

Lian Ruohan put down the phone and asked Cao Shuying about the situation. She went through Cao Shu$ in front of Xiaxiang! The phone number.

When Xia wanted to go out, he didn't even eat lunch, so Cao Shuqi felt a little sorry for him. After he left, somehow she had been uneasy all the time. She didn't even sleep at noon and only guarded Xia Dong in a daze. When his mind was in a mess, an idea suddenly popped up. In case he had a good or bad, what should she do with the child?

When the bad ideas came together, she couldn't help but care about it any longer. She took out the phone and called Xiaxiang, but the prompt was that she couldn't get through. She relaxed a little, thinking that Xia was dealing with things, and it was inconvenient to answer the phone, and she didn't think much about it.

Cao Shuyu looked at the sleeping Xia Dong, gently patted his body, and hummed the nameless lullaby, but he was in a trance. For a moment, he remembered the scene when she and Xia wanted to know each other for the first time, for a while, he remembered the relationship with Lian Ruohan, and always involunt .

Yan Xiao and Gu Yu are charming and charming, fresh and lovely. Although Cao Shuyu knows that Xia is not the same as other men. He has determination. Even if he likes beautiful women, he is not a man who chases women without scruples. He has a sense of responsibility and a sense of responsibility, but no matter how persistent he insists, he can't stand the woman taking the initiative to throw herself into his arms. Men's immunity to women's ** is very low. Xia wants to have determination. He is also a man of prime. He is only ∑ years old!

Cao Shuqi is a smart woman. She also knows that it is neither realistic nor impossible for her to be an excellent man like Xia. So when she knew the relationship between Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan, she adopted the ostrich policy, turned a blind eye to the other, and let the two develop. If there is a longer-term consideration, she knows that her sexual boxing is weak, she can't control Xiaxiang, and she can't be cruel. Lian Ruohan is different. She dares to love and hate, and has a wayward side. She can get together with Xiaxiang, although she shares her lover. From another perspective, why doesn't she have another alliance. With the help of Lian Ruohan, Xia wants to be firmly tied between her and Lian Ruohan? With two truth companions, Xiaxiang should be satisfied. Who says no?

It's just that Yan Xiao and Gu Yu and Xia want to have frequent contact recently, which makes her a little worried. Gu Yu is easy to say, simple and simple, with little thought. When she was young, she was very feminine, both charming and seductive. Can Xia resist her power? She is clear in her heart.

She gently tapped Xiaxiang for a few words on the grounds of her son. Xiaxiang still reassured her as usual, so she temporarily turned off her mind. She also knew that men socialize outside a lot, which was uncontrollable. People's hearts are changeable. If you want to keep people's hearts, you can only change them with Just as she was drowsy, the phone rang. Cao Shuqi jumped up like a frightened bird, hurriedly ran out of the room and answered the phone.

The familiar voice of Lian Ruohan came from the phone: "j! Girl, if Xia wants to be in the capital, you can rest assured that he will be well taken care of. He...what's wrong with him?" Although Lian Ruohan said lightly, Cao Shuyun still heard a trace of strangeness and asked nervously, "Is he in trouble again?"

Is it more than hairy hands and feet? Lian Ruohan smiled bitterly and looked at Xiaxiang. Xiaxiang was holding Xiao Lianxia in her arms and made a gesture to her, meaning, don't let $! The girl was worried... She said, "It's okay. He is a hero to save the beauty. He fell into the river and caught a cold. Because of something else at the same time, he took him to live in the capital for a few days... It's a political matter. I didn't ask carefully. I know you're not interested, right? Is Xia Dong all right? Don't worry, he's in my hands and can't run away.

Lian Ruohan came forward, which really works. Although Cao Shuyu was skeptical, he still believed a little of Lian Ruohan's words, so he chatted with Lian Ruohan and hung up the phone.

Xia thought that he actually knew that he could not hide it from Dai for a long time, because Qiu Xufeng would definitely know. As soon as Zhi Xufeng knew it, Cao Yongguo would know it, so Cao Shuyu also knew it. But it's better to hide it from her now. I don't want her to worry too much. His injury may be fine in two days. When she sees it, he will be alive again.

Yu Fanran gently knocked on the door and came in. With a concerned smile, he reached out and handed over a box: "I heard that Xiaoxia's mobile phone was soaked in the water? I happened to have one in my car, so I took it and asked him to use it first. Without a mobile phone, it's too inconvenient to contact.

Xia wanted to express his gratitude, thinking that it was really careful to be in the complicated way. He even kept in mind the details of his mobile phone being damaged by blisters. He was a kind-hearted person.

Even Ruohan's attitude towards the complexity was neither lukewarm nor hot, and he didn't talk to him. Yu Fanran just gave a slight nod to Lian Ruohan, and then sat down and talked about the situation in Yanshi.

Yu Fanran said that Xia wanted to hear it without interfering. The executive vice mayor was very low in front of Xia Xiang, as if he were reporting his work to Xia Xiang.

From the complicated narrative, Xia Xiang came to the conclusion that the situation in Yan City is now developing in the established direction, which is basically similar to his preparatory course. Now, he just needs to stay out of the matter. There will always be a day when things come to light. And he has reason to believe that many people will seize this opportunity to expand their power justly. Because someone is going to step down and be down.

Xia Xiang was thinking about the situation in Yan City. Unexpectedly, the topic suddenly changed and talked about the recent trend in the province: "Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng have a tendency to approach. Ye Shisheng has been estranged a lot from Mo r Ruiheng recently, and it is estimated that there is also the shadow of Fu Xianfeng...

As soon as these words came out, Xia Xiang immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Fu Xianfeng is not a reckless person. He hides behind the scenes and instructs others to secretly deal with himself, not only to revenge on himself and Fu Xian in his misunderstanding, but also related to his series of major actions. That is to say, nothing is isolated, cutting off his future, and at the same time it is equivalent to the end. The bridge between Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng was completely broken.

In this way, Fu Xianfeng can calmly carry out the layout, manage his power in Yan Province and Yan City, and achieve his goal.

Xia wanted to say hello secretly. Fu Xianfeng is not simple. He has a wrist and a scheming. He is reckless, but in fact, he hides a murderous move. When others thought he was shallow, he completed another layout, and the means were always "right and dark, which made people unable to guard against it. Fortunately, with Yu Fanran's timely reminder, Xia wanted to be on guard against the vanguard

Although he did not know what conditions Fu Xianfeng used to impress Ye Shisheng, he knew in his heart that what Fu Xianfeng was trying to do was not only limited to Yanshi, but also Yan. After controlling Ye Shisheng, Cui Xiang echoed, and Ma Xiao responded. Fu Xianfeng could even pry the situation in Yan City and break the balance of Yan City.

I'm afraid that what Fu Xianfeng Jianfeng refers to will be a series of situations from Xiama District to Yan City and then to Yan Province. Ye Shisheng, as the secretary of the provincial party committee, is of course the key.

Xia thought roughly clarified his mind. Xinye's strong sense of revenge against the vanguard calmed down a lot. It's not that he didn't want to ask for a statement from the vanguard, but that he had a clearer idea in his heart. Wei Xin did the matter of dealing with the vanguard behind his back. The good thing of Only when you do it can you relieve your anger.

Didn't Fu Xianfeng want to attract Ye Shisheng? Well, he also came forward openly to save Ye Shisheng's heart and let Fu Xianfeng's plan fail. Presumably, when Fu Xianfeng saw Ye Shisheng gradually moving away from him, the feeling of power and nowhere would be very painful.

Yu Ranran saw that the effect of meeting Xia wanted to be achieved, so he said goodbye in time. He believed that after this incident, Xia wanted to change his impression of him.

Xia wanted to get out of bed and subconsciously said, "Ruohan is late to the mayor for me...

Yu Fanran didn't dare to do it. He hurriedly said, "No, no!"

If Lian Ruohan would not be polite to Yu Fanran, Xia wanted to order, so she nodded and said, "Mayor Yu, go slowly."

Yu Fanran sighed in his heart that no matter how arrogant a woman is, there are times when she lowers her eyebrows. Although he has little contact with Lian Ruohan, he has always been clear about Lian Ruohan's temper and has rarely pretended to be a color to outsiders. He is not a core figure in the Wu family. It is normal for even Ruohan to ignore him. He is an ordinary core figure. He is a senior official at the provincial and ministerial level. It is nothing even if Ruohan doesn't say anything. As soon as Xia wants to speak, she is immediately polite to him, and she can't help lamenting

In the evening, someone from the Wu family picked up Xiao Lianxia, which was equivalent to allowing Lian Ruohan to stay and serve Xia Xiang. Gu Yu left a little sullenly. When he left, he also said to Lao Gu, "Grandpa, Xiaxiang, we arranged for the General Administration Hospital. Why did we change someone else? It's none of our business?"

Lao Gu was open-minded: "Lian Ruohan is the mother of Xia's child. She is justified. Who are you?" Well, really, at worst, I'll give him a baby. Gu Yu is not only angry, but also can't rest assured.

Lao Gu's face was stiff: "Nonsense! He already has two women. If you dare to join in the fun again, I will break your leg." It's done. Anyway, someone wants to break Xia's leg, but he didn't. If you want to break my leg, I won't resist. Gu Yu is sincere and angry with the old man.

As soon as Gu Yu said, Lao Gu remembered the behind-the-scenes pusher of Xia's injury. He pondered for a moment and said, "I heard that the main murderer didn't catch it? This matter is a little strange. It seems to be a well-planned good play 11th ▲r "Grandpa, you have to help Xia want to catch the murderer!"

"No hurry, it's not time for me to take action. I believe that Yan City and Yan Province should at least make a gesture. When they have no choice, I will come forward and have more weight. Lao Gu looked sure and said calmly, "Now Xiaoxia is busy. When he is sick, he has touched the nerves of too many people." Lao Gu guessed right. As soon as Xia thought of his mobile phone at night, he received calls from countless people! The first person to call turned out to be Ye Shisheng!

Ye Shisheng, the largest in Yan Province, was a little excited: "Comrade Fuxiang, on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, I would like to express my condolences to you. What you have done represents the integrity of a party member and cadre, and has set an example for all the cadres in Yan Province!"

Ye Shisheng's words set the nature of Xiaxiang's event, affirmation and appreciation, support and recognition, and Xiaxiang immediately expressed his gratitude.

"The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to this matter and have instructed the provincial public security department to try its best to catch the murderer. Comrade Xiaxiang, please rest assured that the provincial party committee will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Your blood cannot be in vain!" Ye Shisheng's words were sonorous and powerful, which sounded very inspiring, but Xia wanted to hear that there was a taste of business. He knew that the situation mastered by Yu Fanran was not only true, but also could be concluded that Ye Shisheng had tilted towards Cui.

Because Ye Shisheng did not have a word of comfort, what he said was all based on the position of a provincial party secretary, not as an old leader. From this, it can be speculated that Ye Shisheng is not as intimate with him as before.

After Ye Shisheng's call, the second call was from Song Chaodu. Song Chaodu had woken up from the initial anger. When he learned that Xia thought that there was no big deal, he was relieved a lot. He neither criticized Xiaxiang nor praised his behavior. After simply asking about the injury, he talked about the progress of the case...

P: The recent chapters are very difficult to write and very slow, because after all, Xia wants to affect the nerves of all parties, and the reactions of all parties are different, which need to be carefully considered. However, there will be a movement in the next chapter... Come on, let's help Lao He get through the difficulties in front of us. The difficulties Next month's ticket and recommendation ticket are ready. Thank you. Thank you. ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F