official god

Chapter 637 Reminder

"... I feel sorry for the pain. What happened in this life not only made me feel my own shame. More importantly, I feel sorry for the leader's trust in me and ashamed of his concern for the leader. After giving birth to this, I know that no matter what, it is not enough to make up for my mistakes. Therefore, I can't ask the leader to forgive me. No matter how severely the leader punishes me, I will not have any objection. I hope my mistakes will sound the alarm for other cadres! Finally, I ask the leader to give me another chance. In the future work, I will express my awakening through my own actions and make positive contributions by doubling my efforts. Please believe me..." Bai Zhanmo burst into tears and cried in front of all the standing committees.

Politicians are also human beings, and they also have seven emotions and six desires. When they see a big man crying in pain, they are also moved by compassion. They are several members of the Standing Committee with a neutral position, and they obviously can't bear to look at it again.

Fu Xianfeng secretly praised Bai Zhanmo. OK, the person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. He will cry when he cries. It's not a shame. As long as he can keep his official position and power, he won't be afraid to cry a few more times. Liu Bei's country is still crying. As long as he can succeed, he doesn't care about any glorious or disgraceful means.

Chen Feng couldn't stand it anymore and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, don't cry. You can stabilize your mood first and wait outside for a spoon." Bai Zhanmo said "um" and bowed. Hu Zengzhou sighed: "Comrade Zhan Mo's attitude of admitting his mistakes is very sincere. I think it's better to remember the punishment." Record the punishment, #39; Lin's salary for half a year. Fu Xianfeng made a big gesture.

The cleverness of Fu Xianfeng is that at the level of the secretary of the district party committee, who will be the salary? But he offered to deduct wages, that is, to gag other people's mouths and take a high profile first. Anyway, he wants to seize the initiative.

"It doesn't make much sense to deduct wages, just record the punishment." Su Gongchen, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said slowly, "The main thing is to treat the sick and save people, so that Comrade Zhan Mo can remember a profound lesson." Li Dingshan and Gao Hai didn't say anything, just waiting for Chen Feng to make the final decision.

Chen Feng did not intend to remove Bai Zhanmo from office because of a recording incident. The reason was not sufficient, and the fault was not enough to avoid his position. He accepted it when he saw it was good, and the punishment basically achieved the effect he wanted. He nodded and said, "Well, Comrade Zhanmo is also a first offender. I don't I just made a big mistake. This matter also gives us a warning. In the future, you must be strict with yourself when you speak and do things. Before you open your mouth, you must think about what your identity is. Don't forget that you are a party member and cadre on impulse, which represents the image of the majority of party members and cadres. I hope everyone will take this as a warning and don't make the same mistake again.

In the end, the Standing Committee unanimously formed a resolution to punish Bai Zhanmo, the party secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, for a period of one year.

At noon, the news spread to the Xia Ma District. As soon as I went to work in the afternoon, the directors of the bureaus who came to Xia wanted to report their work were much more than usual. Even Zheng Guanqun, the director of the Education Bureau, who had always been most closely related to Bai Zhanmo, also came to report the work with a Withered yellow.

Xia thought didn't say anything. Zheng Guanqun finished reporting his work. When he left, he happened to meet Shi Changle at the door. Shi Changle was happy as soon as he saw Zheng Guanqun and smiled happily: "Lao Zheng, you also heard the news that Secretary Bai recited the punishment. OK, the reaction is very fast." Zheng Guanqun was most afraid of Shi Changle, because Shi Changle was the most good at punishing people, so he smiled awkwardly and answered, and wanted to slip away quickly.

How can Shi Changle let go of a good opportunity to laugh at Zheng Guanqun? He continued to laugh and said, "Next time I come back to the district governor of Xia to report my work, remember to buy two bags of soy sauce, because I have long known that you are at a good level of soy sauce... Hey, why did you go downstairs? Secretary Bai's office is suffocated upstairs. You said that if you don't go to see Secretary Bai when you come to the district committee, can't you say it?

Shi Changle's voice was loud enough, and there were echoes everywhere in the corridor. Zheng Guanqun, who had already gone down a few steps down the stairs, thought it was wrong. Shi Changle shouted that Secretary Bai must have heard it upstairs. If he didn't go up, he seemed to be too bad at being a man. He had to return hatefully, stared at Shi Changle and went upstairs again. Shi Changle laughed and said, "Be careful, don't be scolded."

It really made Shi Changle right. Bai Zhanmo was not doing well. He heard Shi Changle's shouting downstairs, and then Zheng Guanqun really came up. Thinking of Zheng Guanqun shaking his head to Xia first, and then came to look at him, he was very angry. As soon as he saw Zheng Guanqun, he scolded Zheng Guanqun so much that he couldn't find the east, west, north and south, and finally ran away in dismay. Since then, Zheng Guanqun has been very happy with hatred and is eager to revenge.

When he got off work in the afternoon, Xia wanted to unexpectedly receive a phone call from Yu Fanran. Yu Fanran proposed to sit in the forest house. Xia wanted to hesitate a little and agreed.

Yu Fanran's invitation at this time is probably very meaningful. Sure enough, when Xia wanted to rush to the forest residence, he didn't expect that Yu Fanran had arrived one step ahead of schedule. Yu Fanran is the executive deputy mayor, who is one level bigger than Xia.

In the officialdom, it has always been subordinates and subordinates, and there is no reason for superiors and subordinates. Obviously, the style of waiting for Xia Xiang is obviously not just a posture.

Xia wanted to be polite and went upstairs with Yu Fanran.

It's true that he hasn't met Chu Zigao for a while. Chu Zigao heard that Xia wanted to come and hurried back from the suburbs and county, and specially came to the forest to wait for him to think about it.

Chu Zigao's business has been doing well recently. He is expanding to the suburbs and counties, and he is very busy. He also heard about Xiaxiang's injury, and also thought of a visit in the capital. He also called Xiaxiang, "It was gently rejected by Xiaxiang. Chu Zigao now has a feeling that he is getting farther and farther away from Xiaxiang. He knows that the core garden of Xiaxiang is full of some important figures. Although he is also the number one figure, compared with the people around Xiaxiang who often have hundreds of millions of funds, he is still far away, and his current total assets are only 100 million. Chu Zigao knew that his ability was limited, so he didn't think too much. As long as Xia wanted to have orders, he could do it at any time. Anyway, he was determined to follow Xia.

Therefore, Xia wanted to visit the Forest House again. Chu Zigao was overjoyed in his heart and rushed back from the suburb county hundreds of kilometers away. In order to see him again, he expressed his intention in person.

Xia Xiang and Yu Fanran sat down in the elegant room, so she introduced Chu Zigao to Yu Fanran. Yu Fanran shook hands with Chu Zigao politely and said, "I've heard of you, my concubine. I heard that your Chu Fenglou brought good luck to Xia? Ha ha."

It is his honor that the executive deputy mayor can understand the past between him and Xiaxiang. Chu Zigao took a look at Xiaxiang. Seeing Xiaxiang's smile, he dared to say, "The Xiuxibu Square designed by the mayor of Xia District is next to the Chufeng Building. At that time, Secretary Chen went to inspect it and appreciated the I remembered the name of the mayor of Xia. It should be said that it was the mayor of Xia who brought me good luck to Chu Fenglou. In a few words, Chu Zigao had a general evaluation of the complexity: he could speak, could do things, and was very steady.

Xia wanted to pat Chu Zi's high shoulder and said with a smile, "Lao Chu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you gained some weight recently? Ha ha. I'm in Xiama District now. It's inconvenient to come to your restaurant. It's a little far. Can't you open a branch in Xiama District or something, so that I can go there for free meals?

Chu Zigao was patted by Xia's intimate behavior, and then said by his words, his nose almost sore and burst into tears. The leader has been promoted now, and he is surrounded by the boss of a large group, but he has not forgotten him as a little man, which makes his heart full of emotion. If it hadn't been for Yu Jiran, he might have been able to squeeze out a few tears. He held back his tears, and Chu Zigao's face was full of smiles: "Ok, the leader said a word, Lao Chu immediately.

Yu Fanran looked on coldly and sighed in his heart that Xiaxiang is really a young man who can win people's hearts. He is deeply trusted and supported. By the way, I have been deeply respected and loved. As Wu Caijiang said, he is an official born today.

Chu Zigao stayed for a while and took the initiative to leave.

Yu Fanran did not get to the point first, but talked about the environment of the forest park: "The forest park does have unique ingenuity. It has achieved good results in both social and economic benefits. I heard that you also participated in the design work at that time? Forest Park is the first successful project of Vision Group to enter Yan City. On the basis of the success of Forest Park, it has the current collection. The success of Yuanhe Treasure House...

Common. Garden and collection. The existing house has been sold out. Xiaxiang also bought two sets. It has been hardcovered, but it hasn't moved in yet. I plan to move in again next spring. Yan Xiao, Gu Yu, Sun Xianwei and others also have one or two houses in the collection garden.

Xiao Wu also bought a set, which is not far from Xiaxiang's new house and plans to get married.

The great success of the two communities has brought rich profits to Vision Group. Subsequently, the second phase and the third phase of the real estate started almost at the same time. Now the second phase of the real estate is also sold out, and the third phase of the real estate has also been pre-sold 60%. The funds of the two communities have returned quickly, which makes all the businessmen in Yan City stunned.

But everyone knows that the success of the two communities is based on the success of the forest park, which is non-reproducible. Because when the construction of the forest park started at that time, many people were not optimistic and thought it was definitely a failed investment. Even if you don't fail, you can't recover the funds in a short time. No matter from which perspective, it is not a cost-effective business. As a result, Forest Park was unexpectedly a great success.

So despite the collection. Garden and collection. It is extremely successful and the profit is amazing. The key is the rapid return, which is amazing. But other businessmen, other businesses, other than envy, did not expect to replicate the success of Vision Group. I can't help it. Some successes can't be copied. There is only a forest park in Yan City, and there is a steel factory and a pharmaceutical factory next to the forest park. I want to find such business opportunities in the city in the future, unless Yan City has another comprehensive plan in a few decades.

is also the foresight of Vision Group, which has won the great success of the Forest Park and two communities. Now the cash flow is sufficient and the capital chain is perfect. Whether it is the construction of Xiama River or the investment to open a new real estate in the Xiama District, it is not a problem. Yu Fanran started with the Forest Park, and Xia thought that he was playing friendship cards.

Sure enough, the next topic turned around, Yu Fanran said, "I have a good relationship with Jin Zhou. He often mentioned you when he returned to Beijing. However, it seems that Mr. Gao appreciates you more. Mr. Gao often says that Xiaoxia is a talent and a design genius...

He raised the father and son of the Gao family again, and the meaning of the trap was even more obvious. Xia wanted to smile modestly: "No, Gao Lao is flattered. Mr. Gao likes to praise people, especially young people who have a good relationship with him. He always likes to praise endlessly. Ha ha, as you know, he is highly respected and likes to help him advance. If Mr. Gao is a professor, he must be a professor who is deeply loved by students. Ha ha, it must be, I also respect the tall man very much. Yu Fanran laughed and changed the topic in time. "Goverter Wu just called me and complained about you. Mo, you always don't call him. Isn't it good?"

Xia Xiang really hasn't had much contact with Wu Caijiang recently. The main reason is that he is too busy to take care of it. At the same time, he also feels that there is no need to disturb Wu Caijiang. Now that Wu Caijiang is the governor, he can take care of everything every day. Is it possible for him to make a phone call and ask about his health?

Xia Xiang shook his head and smiled: "Gang Wu's criticism is right, and I accept the criticism. It's also a lot of things recently, one after another. As you know, first, Deputy Secretary Kang Shaoye died of illness, and now Secretary Bai is worried about the recording incident. The dismounting area is now chaotic... When the situation calms down, I will definitely report the work to Governor Wu.

Xia wanted not to report his work or call Wu Caijiang. Yu Fanran didn't really care about it. What he really cared about was the situation in the disema zone: "Bai Zhanmo recited a punishment, and it's not easy to live in the future, but he will still be a leader. The things in the scene still have Four."

Xia thought clearly about Yu Fanran's meaning. He was worried that he would be proud and do something that would make people criticized. It was not only practical, but also easy to be attacked. Xia thought nodded and said, "Thank you Mayor Yu for reminding me. I will pay attention to it."

Yu Fanran reminded Xia that it was not a day. His real purpose was to use the opportunity to cover Xia's words: "The timing of the recording event is very good, and the means are very high. Who will operate behind the scenes, cut?

Xia wanted to say anything about Yu Fanran's temptation: "It's very simple. It must be Chen Jinming. His fire tree building was stopped by Bai Zhanmo for no reason. I guess he was also unconvinced, so he secretly recorded the sound and then put it on the Internet... It was also a helpless approach. If it weren' Isn't it?"

Yu Fanran saw that Xia wanted to avoid the heavy weight, refused to admit his role in it, and did not force it. He said, "You are right. There should be no one else except Chen Jinming, but this matter can only be guessing. Without evidence, it is not easy to blame Chen Jinming. I heard that Has the tree building resumed? OK, that's how it should be." After a pause, he looked at Xia meaningfully and thought, "The People's Congress will be held soon. Do you have any ideas?"

Xia thought that his heart was inexplicably moved. Yu Fanran had something to say, which seemed to remind him of something, so he asked, "According to the normal procedure, Bai Zhanmo will be elected as the director of the National People's Congress, and I will be elected as the district chief... Will there be any more accidents?"

"Fu Xianfeng has a side of conspiracy, as well as the means of conspiracy." Yu Fanran raised his glass to Xia Xiang and said, "Although domestic politics rarely has the only example of the district mayor's candidate's defeat, it is not absolute. There are precedents for the mayor's defeat, but no media dares to report it. If you lose the district governor's election, even if you are nominated by the municipal party committee, re-elected, and re-elected, even if you pass, it will be a great blow to your prestige, and your district mayor's authority will be swept away. And maybe there will be a second time to lose the election..."

Xia thought was shocked, and he also felt that the complicated reminder was not unfounded. There were many precedents of losing the deputy mayor in China, and there were even incidents where the deputy governor was not elected. Of course, it is not ruled out that the unsucinated candidate does have serious problems, but who dares to say, "Isn't someone who manipulated the election?"

Not to mention the disadvantages of domestic elections or the advantages of foreign elections, any kind of election may be man-made, even a referendum. It's good that public opinion can't be violated. "But public opinion can also be manipulated. Ordinary people, affected by the news media, listen to what they see are all screened news, and how much truth can they really know? When the truth of the matter is hidden behind the words, the truth that the people think is just a shadow reflected under a halo. Since the truth is far away, the truth cannot be connected, and the so-called public opinion is actually fooled.

All democracies are relative and have very serious limitations. The United States holds high the banner of democracy and tries to conquer some so-called undemocratic bones with the slogan of democracy and autonomy. It has indeed overthrowed Saddam, but what can it do? Today's Iraq is still a devastated country. The people live under the double pressure of local bureaucrats and the United States. The democracy and freedom promised by the United States are just a joke. The United States does not care about the freedom of the Iraqi people. All they need is oil and geopolitics.

In a small way, there are few local election accidents in China, but they are not absolute. If all voters do not support the only candidate, the candidate can only lose the election in the end. Even if they move a place to get back, at least the political future will be cut off in the place where the election is lost.

If Fu Xianfeng really intends to manipulate the election, it may also cause him to be unable to obtain the legal status of district governor. If he loses the second re-election, he will only have two ways. One is to serve as a nominal deputy secretary in the Lower Horse District, and the other is to start again in another place. No matter what the situation is, he will be disgraced and lose face.

ps: According to reliable information, the double monthly ticket has been postponed to the beginning of 2q... Please wait patiently for another two days. Just in time, Lao He is trying to save the manuscript. Finally, the monthly ticket, if you want to vote, you can vote. Anyway, as long as you vote for Lao He, Lao He is a happy person.! H